Movie villains and legitimate hatred


Has Returned.
We've probably all had the villain in a movie that because of being young, or just because of the character in general, you've grown some legitimate hatred towards the guy.

There's been many great villains in movie series, or one time movies without a sequel, or without the character reappearing in the sequel.

But which one is your most hated villain? the one that you grew the most hatred for during a movie or a series of movies?

I have to admit my choice might have to be Ivan Drago in Rocky 4, killing Apollo Creed and just being very brutal, being a kid back then and watching Rocky 4 for the first time, I sat glued to the screen hoping for the love of god that Stallone would knock his ass to the mat, growing some legitimate hatred for him then, probably because of my age, cause having watched it tonight again, I must admit I didn't have the same hatred for him.

Anyway, what's your most legitimately hated movie villain?
I have to admit my choice might have to be Ivan Drago in Rocky 4, killing Apollo Creed and just being very brutal, being a kid back then and watching Rocky 4 for the first time, I sat glued to the screen hoping for the love of god that Stallone would knock his ass to the mat, growing some legitimate hatred for him then, probably because of my age, cause having watched it tonight again, I must admit I didn't have the same hatred for him.

Anyway, what's your most legitimately hated movie villain?

I to hate Ivan Drago but then I find it funny watching Dolph Lundgren (the actor) in Showdown In Little Tokyo and I forgive him.

The villian I have legitimate hate for is General Grevious from Star Wars Episode III, mainly because he was such a crappy villain who couldn't do anything right and then gets himself killed because he's to dumb to protect his chest.
I sort of have two. Scar from The Lion King and The Terminator. SBoth are from my childhood.

Scar I sort of have a respect for because I UNDERSTAND what he did. I get that he wanted to be king and he would do anything to get what he wanted, even killing his brother. I respect that but I still disliked him to the point of hatred. I felt so sorry for Simba, so sorry for all the characters whom he affected for his hatred, EVEN the Hyenas. I have this weird respect for him but I still hated it.

The Terminator is completely different. I legitimately was terrified of this guy. As a child I had NIGHTMARES about him. I didn't see the movie but had gone to a sci-fi convention as a kid and there was a room full of props including a room dedicated to that franchise and I was terrified. I watched the movie around about the age of 8 and I was even more terrified. Arnold scared the crap out of me. I saw the second movie the following night and I just couldn't shake the feeling that this guy was going to kill me. I've grown out of it since but I still hate that character for scaring me TO TEARS as a child. It's also the reason I feel that the first Terminator movie is better than the second.
I don't know if you could call her a true villain, but Sharon Stone's character in Casino always manages to anger me. I forget the name of her character in the movie, and this always drives me crazy because I've seen this movie at least 20 times or more. Robert Deniro tried to help her. He gives her money and jewelery, but she still manages to screw him over every chance she gets. She also goes physco at one point in the film. She ties up their daughter, and then plays it off like it was no big deal. Now she was drunk and high throughout most of the movie, but she was still evil even when she wasn't intoxicated.

Stone put on one hell of a performance in this movie, but her character pisses me off because she was one of the people who played a major part in screwing Deniro over at the end.
Jaws......that fucker ruined my childhood and the water. I have a ridiculous fear of sharks ever since I saw Jaws, but can't overcome it for some reason, probably because I have piss poor will power. I seriously haven't been able to go in the ocean since I saw this movie when I was like 6 or 8, somewhere in between those ages. I also have a fear of lakes and ponds, I used to not be able to go in those either, I have since recovered from that. On the bright side sharks now interest me and I love studying them but that's no good when you refuse to get in the water with them.
There are two movie villains that come to mind when I think of characters I just could not wait to see get their just due. The first would be:

1. Warden Norton from Shawshank Redemption

A crooked prison warden who abuses his power over the inmates and prison for financial gain. The protagonist is a smart man who is simply trying to make the best of his stint in prison, but is blackmailed and abused by Bob Gunton's Warden character at every turn. One of cinema's most satisfying moment is when the Warden gets what has been building against him for the duration of the film. My personal favourite movie by the way ;-).

2. Percy Wetmore from The Green Mile

Much like Warden Norton, Percy abuses the power he has on the prisoners of death row, how ever it isn't for monetary gain, it's to fill his own sadistic pleasure. Through out the film (and novel more in depth) that Percy is not even deserving of his tenure on the green mile, and that the position was given to him because of his connections. Another cinematic satisfying moment is when that inexperience and ineptness turns out to be the downfall for Percy.
Ferbs, this is an awesome thread idea.

Lt. Jonathan Kendrick (as played by Kiefer Sutherland). Holy hell did I hate this guy. He was so arrogant, so condescending, such a weasel. Somehow, here was a guy who was strong and a "good soldier," but managed to be such a heel.

Lt. Kendrick said:
I have two books at my bedside, Lieutenant, the Marine Corps Code of Conduct and the King James Bible. The only proper authorities I am aware of are my commanding officer Colonel Nathan R. Jessup and the Lord our God.

Fernand Mondego (as played by Guy Pearce). In one of the greatest literary and cinematic tales of vengeance, Mondego was the treacherous worm who stabbed his friend in the back, married his woman, poorly fathered his child, and basically became an all around jackass. Seeing him fall and be torn apart was so wonderfully satisfying, and Guy Pearce made it happen as the bad guy.

Fernand Mondego said:
Well, I'm afraid it is true. You are the walking proof that your mother was as much of a ****e in her younger years as she is today.
Ferbs, this is an awesome thread idea.

Why thank you very much, and I like all the posts you guys have been throwing out!

Boy, better make it a non spam thread.

I watched Iron Man 2 a few days ago, although it wasn't shining through of "AAARGH DIE!!" hatred, it was more in the direction of "Holy shit you're just too damn dumb for me to like you" and that character was: Justin Hammer.

Sure I had some times I laughed over him, but in the end, I really found him to be absolutely idiotic and I couldn't help but slowly start to hate him.
I don't know if you could call her a true villain, but Sharon Stone's character in Casino always manages to anger me. I forget the name of her character in the movie, and this always drives me crazy because I've seen this movie at least 20 times or more. Robert Deniro tried to help her. He gives her money and jewelery, but she still manages to screw him over every chance she gets. She also goes physco at one point in the film. She ties up their daughter, and then plays it off like it was no big deal. Now she was drunk and high throughout most of the movie, but she was still evil even when she wasn't intoxicated.

Stone put on one hell of a performance in this movie, but her character pisses me off because she was one of the people who played a major part in screwing Deniro over at the end.

Oh, dude, Ginger McKenna!

Stone was brilliant, and she has said on many occassions that playing Ginger McKenna was her favorite role because of the range she got to play. Such a bitch, and her descent into absolute madness and rage was so well done. Classic character, a massive antagonist who was never actually an antagonist.
Alan Rickman's character from Sweeney Todd was the only villain I ever really felt legitimate hate towards. The character was so slimy, so despicable, and represented everything I hate. The way he moved, the way he talked (though I love me some Alan Rickman, his voice made me despise the Judge), and all the things he did filled me with rage. The most satisfying part of the whole movie was when Sweeney Todd gets his revenge and stabs the judge to death. I actually pumped my fist in the air.
Mrs. Carmody from The Mist

This woman is probably the only woman who I actually wanted to get killed. She was taking the tragedy of people's untimely deaths and used it to preach how everyone brought that Hell on Earth upon themselves for their sins. She was the one person in that movie who could make my skin crawl just by the sight of her face or the sound of her voice. I almost gave a standing ovation in my living room when she was killed.
Oh, dude, Ginger McKenna!

Stone was brilliant, and she has said on many occassions that playing Ginger McKenna was her favorite role because of the range she got to play. Such a bitch, and her descent into absolute madness and rage was so well done. Classic character, a massive antagonist who was never actually an antagonist.

Thanks IC! I'll try to remember the name this time. There have been plenty of movie characters I can't stand, but none of them managed to get under my skin the way Ginger did. She was a massive pain in the ass in Casino. Although, I will admit, it was kind of messed up what happened to her at the end of the movie.

Mrs.Carmody from The Mist was also another character I couldn't stand. I love this movie, but she was annoying as hell. She brainwashed almost everyone in the supermarket, and there were people who were willing to kill for her. I can still remember everyone clapping in the theater when she was killed.
I think when I was a kid, I hated the Cobra Kai dojo team more than any other villain(s) in any movie ever. Today I actually come to love them, but man... as a child, I hated ALL of their fucking guts, especially the sensei, John Kreese. Johnny and Bobby by the end of the movie you like since they show some decent qualities within them, but Kreese stays a true fucking asshole all the way up to the end of the movie, to the start of #2, and all throughout #3. The guy was just a true piece of shit. Also, the short blonde hair guy Dutch), and Jimmy, ala the asshole who yells, "Get him a body bag! Yeah!" in the final fight, were both despicable fucking human beings as well and I HATED them.

So yeah... they'll always be first and foremost. I love them today, but as a kid nothing lit my fuse more than watching those guys on my screen.
I'm surprised this guy hasn't been brought up yet:

Biff from Back To The Future

Old-school hatred for this jerk. He was the classic high-school bully turned would-be rapist. Everytime he talked, it was demeaning and rude as hell. He picked on the weak, and frisked women. An appalling human being who finally had his ass handed to him by McFly. That's the power of love...

The Comedian from The Watchmen

There was no way I could like him. I don't care that he was a parody of the sick shit in life or that in the end, he showed a human side because of the things Ozmandius (wtvr his name is) was planning. He killed a pregnant woman. He raped a fellow superhero. He went "hunting" season on human beings. The man is as despicable as you can get. I didn't feel bad in the end that he died either. His character was one of the most repulsive things I have seen. And the clincher is the he wasn't exactly a villain.
The nazis from every movie involving nazis. Whether its saving private ryan or indiana jones nazis are assholes and they are always trying to ruin things and take over the world and Im just not cool with that
Scotty thank you I forgot about miss carmody! I seriously spent half of the mist yelling at my tv because I couldnt take anymore of her bullshit. Everytime I think about her Im filled with a deep horrible rage!

Lets just say after seeing this movie I never looked at a clown the same. His way of being able to manipulate your mind with using your fears to break you down and kill you is crazy. I think what makes IT even scarier was the fact that the clown was just a form the evil took, when it was actually a shapeshifting monster, which makes it that more freakier. Im looking forward to the remake of the movie, it will be intresting to see if Curry will reprise the role of Pennywise again, although I highly doubt it.
I want to bump this thread a bit because of how great I think it is.

Last weekend I was watching "The Unforgiven," a classic film with an absolute all-star cast. Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, Gene Hackman, and Richard Harris. Awesome.

As great as Eastwood is, Gene Hackman really helps to make the film as one of the most dark and hatable villains of all time. He even won the Academy Award for "Best Actor in a Supporting Role" for his work as Sherrif Little Bill Daggett.

The scene when Daggett beats and whips Morgan Freeman's character, who was only trying to return home to his wife at the time, was chilling. The end of the film has it's feeling os justice, but after all of the violence and the lack of fulfillment, it's bittersweet. The film accomplishes not glorifying Western violence, rather condemming it. Hackman was brilliant, and I despised his character.
Thank you IC, I'm actually gonna include a little bit myself.

I remember being around 9-10 watching The Green Mile for the first time (I was covering my eyes through the most of the brutal scenes, but I watched it) and there was two people that really stood out to me, one being.

William "Wild Bill" Wharton: The crazy bastard that gets thrown in there, we meet him first where he's all drugged up and sedated if that helps, he really pissed me off the way he was being mean towards Eduard "Del" Delacroix, who I really grew to like, I got sad over the horrible way that his execution went.

The second one is Percy Wetmore, the annoying prison guard that pissed everybody off, he was an overall prick and I couldn't help but being happy when he was thrown into the isolation, I really hated him for being so mean, like pretty much any normal kid would be.
It's funny, because I was just thinking about this last week when I was watching an action movie that many people have forgotten about... Air Force One.

The character I hated was Ivan Korshunov, played to perfection by Gary Oldman. This guy was the EPITOME of an evil Russian terrorist. Honestly, he scared me. The scene where he made "Melanie Mitchell" speak over the loudspeaker as her life was being threatened was so compelling to me. It was the first time I had seen something like that occur in a movie and really made me think about how truly evil Korshunov was.
I don't usually tend to hate Movie Villains as much, but there's a few that stand out for me. About two/three months ago, I watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest for the first time and which character did I despise from that film? Nurse Ratched played by the wonderful Louise Fletcher, jeez she was an evil bitch, granted McMurphy (Nicholson was a cool jackass, but she was literally The Joker to his Batman. Changing schedules, enforcing the rules, emotional blackmail. While I understand she was doing her job she was just pure evil, I think the moment that did it for me was when Billy (Brad Dourif again on fine form) was just an innocent vicitm of McMurphy's fun and ends up losing his virginity (against his will) and the next day she threatens to call his mother which ends up with a sad moment (won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it) but that's what did it for me. Seriously, where I never support any harm to women, I felt McMurphy had justice to attack her at the end. Evil woman, superb performance by Fletcher.
I know this is a bit stupid, but I hated all the Stormtroopers on Endor in Star Wars 6.
Throughout 4 and 5, I thought they were awesome, but after seeing 6 I'm glad they all died. Mostly due to the fact that they killed a lot of Ewoks. I mean, HOW THE HELL CAN YOU KILL AN EWOK!!!! They are aborable, they're like little bears, I guess I don't hate them in the way others do in the thread, but I hated them never the less.
Another one I hated was Charles Bromley from Daybreakers, the guy just seemed like a total dick in the whole movie and when he sentenced his daughter to death, that pushed me over the edge, I was smiling and laughing when he was getting torn apart by the vampires.
And finally, I couldn't stand Joaquins Phoenix's character in Gladiator. He was just a total douche and couldn't even beat Russell Crowe after he stabbed him in the ribs.
The villains for me had to be in this order:

Biff- Back To The Future series
What a jagoff that guy was!! I was always amazed that his jerkiness never died down from generation to generation no matter what era McFly went to. I was always glad to see anything happen to him. In the 50's, I couldn't have been HAPPIER to see his nice car get covered in horse crap. You would think that even his elderly future self would have a moment of clarity meeting his teen self in the 50's, but oh no, it was a 'meeting of the minds' I'm surprised the car didn't burst into flames with the two being in the same car at the same time. Of course, you had to have the attitudes going back and forth. :p Was is that bad I hoped for something to happen to the elderly Biff? Nah...his youth more than made him deserve everything he got.

Ike Turner-What's Love Got To Do With It
Oh Man...where do I begin with this? The sad part is this is a movie based on real life. In a way, I was wishing that Tina would've just grabbed a tire iron and struck back or just beat a boy down or had some backwoods justice on him. But this dude was just such a douche, and he just made it so hard for me to listen to the old school Ike & Tina songs on the radio. I even heard a local radio station interviewing Ike Turner not long before his death, and it was just creepy to listen to, that he had new girlfriends singing Tina songs. This dude was just a big time mess, I was so glad to see Tina serve him karmic justice in the end of the movie.

Dale Massie-Cole Creek Manor
This guy just creeped the hell outta me, the way he first presented himself as a helpful handyman to the new people in the house. Then after he realizes he can't get what he wants from that house they're in, strange things happen. The family's prized horse gets killed after being led to the street for them to hit with their car, and snakes getting dropped on them. Who would do that to a pony?! That's just wrong. I was SOO wanting him to get his in the end. I was achin for someone to find out why he was so insistent on getting in that house, then you find out, and boy does the dad, Dennis Quaid, let loose.

John Doe- Seven
Quite possibly, the most methodical way this person ever let loose to spread a message. I was wondering "What kind of freak would do something like this?" I was practically screaming at the screen for Brad Pitt and the other guy to find this man. Then you see the man that is tied to do the bed and the pics taken of him as he deteriorates for months and months, and the dude is still alive...OH MAN...I was ready for some action. Then quite possibly the criminal's best way to carry out his final sin, being taken by police escort to a field for questions, and then you have the grand finale. All leading up to my ideal way for an evil man like that to get his in the end, although, I much would've preferred him to be beaten within an inch of his life.
Man I cannot stand the Christoff from "The Truman Show". He was pretty much a villain. I liked the performance by Ed Harris to the point where I respected the character as a great movie villain. There was just something about him that made me hate him. I was litterally on teh edge of my seat hoping that Truman would win the "battle". It was a great movie because the main character was so likeable and the villain was so hatable.
I know it's not a well known movie, but Casey Affleck's character Sheriff Lou Ford in "The Killer Inside Me" was the most despicable character Ive ever seen. Affleck was brilliant in garnering hatred toward his character for me. He beats to death Jessica Alba(who plays a prostitute) while repeating "I love you sweetheart" to her over and over as he caves in her face. He later kills his fiancee(Kate Hudson) in a similar fashion right before they were about to elope, showing utter contempt toward her by spitting on, kicking, and punching her to death. Maybe it's due to my hatred for violence against women, or the fact that he got away with it in a manner of speaking, or even that he came of as so likeable in the first half-hour of the movie, but his character, and his transformation into a monster, is easily the one Ive hated the most.

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