Motorcity Machine Guns Getting Pushed?

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Well, with MMG leading the charge against the X Division-hating Team 3D are TNA getting a new tag team into the spotlight? Or will their TV time be over as suddenly as it began?

Personally, I hope this is the beginning of a genuine and big push for MMG. Their in-ring skills are amazing, especially when they work in tandem. Their mic skills still need developing, sure, but I'd say they're at least on par with Team 3D's crapfests. And at least they've got something new to say.

I believe that their match with 3D at Genesis is just a sign of things to come. If TNA are smart, they'll be in the tag title scene soon. They could be the tag division's saving grace. LAX could use a bit of a rest and AJ and Tomko are good and all, but they're hardly suited to each other.

What do you guys think?
I agree. Their comedic mic skills are absolutely classic and their double team moves are genius. Think about it...Ultimate X for the Tag Titles with LAX, A.J. and Tomko and MMG...showstopper. Shelley and Sabin have a chance to shine here against 3D. Here's to hoping TNA doesn't screw it up.
yes they are getting pushed, how could any1 who watched BFG not see that? team 3D will put them over, and its times like these its good to have big names in the company, MCMG beating team 3D is a BIG step for them to enter the ''main event'' scene of the tag team if u get what i mean

they are amazing in ring and they deserve it, mic skills still need a lot of work, but no problem, they have a lot of time to improve

though team 3D even though they suck in ring they are incredible on the mic, i doubt MCMG will ever get to that level on mic IMHO.. but theres still many years ahead of them... lets see what they got

things are looking up in TNA, LAX, aj & tomko, triple XXX, MCMG, all great tag teams that i hope to see going for and winning the title down the line.. imagine an ultimate X for the tag belts and those 4 teams goin at it, it would be awsome!

though TNA really has to focus on the x division belt right now, they dont know what to do with jay lethat, put him in a damn feud already, why did then end his feud with daniels??
they ended the feud with daniels because him, ron killings, rhino and senshi are gonna be doing a show in japan the day of genesis. And just incase i get marked for not saying my opinion on the topic i am so excited to see the machine guns get a push and i hope a feud with XXX is coming.
though team 3D even though they suck in ring they are incredible on the mic, i doubt MCMG will ever get to that level on mic IMHO.. but theres still many years ahead of them... lets see what they got

Going slightly off-topic, I don't think Team 3D are incredible on the mic. When they were faces, their (or Ray's) "passionate" promos were so forced and repetitive that it hurt. Now they're still nothing special at all, just spouting some obvious, predictable heel drivel. They're average at best, definitely no Rock, not even an Edge or a Christian.

Shelley seems to be slightly more confident than Sabin on the mic right now, but neither were awful. Seeing as most of the promo time is taken up by Angle anyway, I don't see their lack of mic skills being a problem. They have natural charisma anyway and, as they aren't heavyweights, it'll be their wrestling ability and not the fact that they've another company's rejects that'll put them over. Hell, they're already pretty damn over.
Going slightly off-topic, I don't think Team 3D are incredible on the mic. When they were faces, their (or Ray's) "passionate" promos were so forced and repetitive that it hurt. Now they're still nothing special at all, just spouting some obvious, predictable heel drivel. They're average at best, definitely no Rock, not even an Edge or a Christian.

Shelley seems to be slightly more confident than Sabin on the mic right now, but neither were awful. Seeing as most of the promo time is taken up by Angle anyway, I don't see their lack of mic skills being a problem. They have natural charisma anyway and, as they aren't heavyweights, it'll be their wrestling ability and not the fact that they've another company's rejects that'll put them over. Hell, they're already pretty damn over.

well i didnt say their (team 3D) mic skills were at rock's level, i just think its really good, not so much when faces, but i think they work well when heels, sure what they say may be obvious at times, but i mean the emotion and how natural they sound is impressive IMO

its like with john cena, hes really good on mic, but what he says is lame, theres a difference

on MCMG, i agree that them not having big mic skills will hold them back, they are great and mic skills or not i dont see why they shouldnt get the belt, and even though they werent awful they seemed kinda nervous on the mic, just the impression i had, though at the end of the segment it seemed like they got more confident on the mic

but anyway, like i said b4, its not something that should hold them back from getting the belt, in TNA if u have ring skills u actually get places, look at aj and tomko, neither are awsome on mic either but they got the belts right?

the truth is most of the x division really needs to improve on mic, except for guys like daniels or ron killings... and aj is getting pretty good...
First let me say thank you for making this thread for the MCMG cuz its about time people start talking about this team. Now true Bubba and Dvon arent what they used to be, having a good feud wit them (if they dont get squashed) will be a hugh push for there career and hopefully the start of tag title opportunities. What defines good mic skills??? going out in front of the crowd and saying "Im gonna beat up So and So"??..thats what always gets me thinking when i hear "bad mic skills"..They both have had great backstage promos that were witty and very funny shelly more so with the whole Paparazzi thing with nash. Plus there Faces now so its kinda different as far as what they can say. I hope they get pushed there shirt is pretty cool.
I think TNA made the right choice in chosing the MCMG to lead the X division against Team 3D. The guns are probably the best team TNA has along with Styles and Tomko (I like that combonation), but they need something to make them look a little better on TV.

The Guns are over with the crowd (they had the highest selling T-shirt at Bound For Glory) but for some reason have been made to look extremely week when going against Team 3D and VKM. Remember the Impact where the Guns laid out an open challenge and VKM squashed them in 2 min? That set them back in the eyes of some.

Having a PPV match against an established team will be a great thing for them if it is a competitive match, which I'm sure it will be. Its time that VKM and Team 3D move over for the future of the TNA Tag Team division.
Yes, MMG are getting a push, or at least it looks that way, and I beleive one of the reasons why is because they bring in money, at fanfest they had the top selling shirt, and I'm sure TNA takes that as an indication that the fans want to see Shelley and Sabin, which I beleive is right, I know I do, I'm a fan of both these guys and think they make up one of the best tag teams in wrestling today, and I'm talking about all of professional wrestling, I think their promos are pretty good, Sabin could use a little work, but Shelley is great on the mic IMO, and their matches are always great, I would love to see them go up against Triple X, and LAX before getting a shot at Styles & Tomko though, I think it would solidify their spot with the fans, cause you know those would be great matches/feuds
The Guns are over with the crowd (they had the highest selling T-shirt at Bound For Glory) but for some reason have been made to look extremely week when going against Team 3D and VKM. Remember the Impact where the Guns laid out an open challenge and VKM squashed them in 2 min? That set them back in the eyes of some.

That was an absolute crime. Maybe it would have been more acceptable if VKM were going somewhere with it but instead it was just like a slap in the face. An inferior, heel team beating a superior face/tweener team, it was just ridiculous and, if it hadn't been quite low profile, would have set MMG back a step.

It seems as if they're recovering well though. Team 3D are the most decorated tag team ever, even though I think they suck it's just a fact. A PPV match with these guys will put MMG up a notch. Not in my eyes (they're miles above 3D in my eyes already) but in the eyes of history. Unfortunately, I doubt booking (or Ray) have the testicular fortitude to have Team 3D put them over with a clean win, which they should do, considering the amount of TV time they're hogging from up-and-comers when they've been on their way out since, well, before they even joined.
Well I forgot to mention this but the way you can tell that they are both over lies in the fight for your right "match" they had. During the match when the was chanting "LETS GO SABIN" "LETS GO SHELLYEY" the crowd was seriously undecided on who to chant so then all of a sudden it turning into one loud "MOTOR CITY" chant and that's when i knew they're seriously gonna go places big i just hope Shelley get an X-title though.
Well I forgot to mention this but the way you can tell that they are both over lies in the fight for your right "match" they had. During the match when the was chanting "LETS GO SABIN" "LETS GO SHELLYEY" the crowd was seriously undecided on who to chant so then all of a sudden it turning into one loud "MOTOR CITY" chant and that's when i knew they're seriously gonna go places big i just hope Shelley get an X-title though.

So you're saying that pushing Shelley and Sabin is like a spur of the moment thing for management? I think that you could be right, but then again TNA have been listening less and less to the fans. On the other hand, they'd be stupid not to push MMG if they are in fact some of the company's hotest property.

I also don't see Shelley getting the X Division title any time soon. Not because he's not deserving and not because he wouldn't make a good X Division champion but simply because he's going to be doing tag stuff for the forseeable future, which isn't a bad thing. Seriously though, it's like these guys were born to be a tag team.

EDIT: I've just watched TNA Today and it features a match between the Guns and VKM. They got a victory, albeit not a particularly clean one, so I think this is definitely the beginning of a legitimate push for the two.
I wasn't saying it was a spur of the moment thing it was just that that moment showed me exactly how over this tag team is, and the main reason i think Shelley should get a title reign because he has always been over with the fans and he's good on both the mic and in the ring to be x-division champ but obviously that should happen when the GUns break up...which right now i don't want to happen.
I wasn't saying it was a spur of the moment thing it was just that that moment showed me exactly how over this tag team is, and the main reason i think Shelley should get a title reign because he has always been over with the fans and he's good on both the mic and in the ring to be x-division champ but obviously that should happen when the GUns break up...which right now i don't want to happen.

I agree Shelley should get a title reign, in fact I think that both him and Sabin should be Tag Champs, as far as the X-Division goes I think they have plenty of talent that can keep that belt alive and strong, they just need to do something with it, and I don't just mean throw some random X-Division free for all on a PPV like they usually do, though they are entertaining, I would like to see TNA showcase the X- Division on Impact more, and build up storylines in the X-Division, they have plenty of guys, why not a Genesis have a #1 Contenders match with say six X- division guys, then have the winner of that match going on to feud with Machismo, and for the love of god give the X-Division some fucking heels, right now they only have three, and all of them are in Triple-X, I'm not counting AJ Styles cause he's in the tag division right now and hasn't focused on the X-Division in ages

As far as MMG breaking up I honastly hope they don't go that road for a very long time, I hate how TNA and all wrestling pretty much, likes to build a team up for a couple of months, then break them up and act as if the guys had been friends for ever, it's just stupid and annoying, and as I said already the X-Division really doesn't need either one of these guys right now, but the Tag division does, as it is lacking good young tag teams
I completely agree with you, and the Guns were supposed to be a heel team.....that lasted long. But yeah the main problem is that the x-division has no heels except XXX which isn't good and 2 of there best are in the heavyweight division in Styles and Kazarian(i can't call him kaz cause his real last name is just so sweet). I think if they were to have Dutt turn heel on Lethal could be a good feud or maybe turning Petey heel but the one thing hey need to do is have Lethal develop his own personality. I love the Black Machismo gimmick but he needs to have his own gimmick because it's hard for people just getting into TNA to take him completely serious until they see him in the ring.
i love jay's gimmick idn why i just kind of do i think the idea of sanji dutt going heel would be a good idea but keep petie face for a wile longer hell he was hell with his stable for what 2 3 years jesus thats long most people last as a heel for like what a year at the most i like mmg personally cause i can say im about 2 hours away from detroit and have family around detroit and i go there all the time when they come out i allways point up the glove
Well I forgot to mention this but the way you can tell that they are both over lies in the fight for your right "match" they had. During the match when the was chanting "LETS GO SABIN" "LETS GO SHELLYEY" the crowd was seriously undecided on who to chant so then all of a sudden it turning into one loud "MOTOR CITY" chant and that's when i knew they're seriously gonna go places big i just hope Shelley get an X-title though.

I don't really think that you can believe the crowd to much. It's a very small amount of people and pretty much the same people each week. But I do believe that if suddenly TNA somehow stepped up to arenas, that MCMG would indeed be over. Just keep in mind that you can't put too much faith in the impact zone.
I definitely hope MMG are in line a push, but you can never really tell with TNA. Shelley and Sabin are two of my favorite guys and as a team they're just awesome. The potential is incredible.
I don't really think that you can believe the crowd to much. It's a very small amount of people and pretty much the same people each week. But I do believe that if suddenly TNA somehow stepped up to arenas, that MCMG would indeed be over. Just keep in mind that you can't put too much faith in the impact zone.

I actually do think the Impact Zone is what to go by because of the fact that they are there every show, its the same thing with the real ECW who would you rather use to judge the show the people at every show or people who catch it ever once in awhile? Personally I'll choose the people there every week to judge the show by but I think it'll be awhile until they are in arenas full time so we can't go by that just yet. Also the reaction for them at BFG was good also and that is also in a different venue besides the impact zone.
I wasn't sure what to think with this team but I gotta admit that they've grown on me. Shelley has talent and Sabin always did but after his heel turn, he seemed to fall under the radar. But since the formation of the Motor City Machineguns, it seems we're seeing the old Chris Sabin back. Let's face it, TNA has lacked signature tag teams as of late. Yeah they have 3-D but you need more than that. I mean back then we had Triple X, America's Most Wanted, The Naturals. And the teams they do have aren't getting pushed. Example: LAX. We all know they're a good team but they've fallen under the grid since losing the belts. Then there's VKM but then again, nobody can figure out whats going on with them including myself. We have Triple X reunited but what's happened since then. Some tuning up is needed severely for TNA's tag division. And pushing Sabin and Shelley is a good start.
I for some reason believe this team would get pushed very hard maybe a feud with Styles and Tomko for the belts and then break all of your hearts and Shelley TURNS on Sabin. Its just a gut feeling.
All in all the MCMG's are crazy over as evident by them having the top selling t-shirt at BFG. They could easily become a main event tag team. If I was TNA I would be developing a hell tag team to feud with them because they could be big.

Remember a while back there were rumours that TNA was talking about creating an X-Division tag title I was wondering if the MCMG's might actually be gearing up to be the first champions of that previously rumoured division.

Finally as far as the singles X-Division goes TNA is in need of an overhaul. Like someone mentioned they have like 3 heels and they are all in XXX. I think maybe a few indy signings could solve this problem though. Imagine TNA signing someone like Rocky Romero or even bringing back Kid Kash as a heel.
Shelley and Sabin make and great team and work well together. theyll continue this fued for a little while and then get the belts. maybe even move to wwe.
I'll be honest, I think this is going to build into an LAX vs. MCMG program for the tag titles. I can just feel it. I did consider the prospect of Tomko & Styles/MCMG but I just don't see there being any chemistry there and I think TNA would be stupid to book it. I think a feud with LAX would be good to clarify the positions of both teams - hopefully LAX would be the heels and the Guns would be the faces/tweeners, the way it should be - and it would also bring back my faith that TNA can still deliver great tag wrestling. My bet would be that the Guns solidify their place amongst the greatest tag teams of the past half-decade by beating LAX and gaining the gold, being the first tag team to win the TNA gold that makes me say "oh, that makes perfect sense". Wait, that would actually be LAX. Damn it, I just confused myself!
Actually tomko/styles vs. mocmg was done at the end of that tag battle royal for the number one contenders spot and it was good despite being short so i'm looking forward to hopefullly seeing that match again.
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