Motor City Machine Guns the next Styles/Daniels?

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Hear me out before you comment. I am not saying that these two guys are as talented as A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels. I'm wondering if they will be the next X-division stars that truly remake and transcend the tag team division. When Styles-Daniels won the tag team titles the Naturals were being de-pushed and there were plans in the works of AMW being split up and going into singles competition, although it didn't happen right away, and Team 3-D wasn't in the tag title mix at the time. When Styles-Daniels won the titles there was alot of uncertainty in the tag division:

1.) When and how would AMW be split up and would they get another title reign?

2.) Would Team 3-D or the James Brothers going to be involved in the tag title scene?

3.) How soon would L.A.X. win the tag titles?

4.) Were the Naturals going to stick around in the tag-team title picture?

Now we are at a time in TNA where there is again a lot of uncertainty at the top of the tag division. Some examples:

1.) The Naturals are currently released from the company and had trouble getting over with the fans even if they did come back at some point.

2.) It has been reported that Team 3-D has considered going back to the WWE once their contracts are up. Does TNA really want the titles on some guys they don't know whether they can trust or not? Also now that they have lived out their legacy, how much more can Team 3-D do with the tag titles, besides putting over the next tag team champs.

3.) L.A.X. is tied up in this go-nowhere angle with Hector Guererro and Rhino/Chris Harris?!? I know it's rediculous but how long are they going to be tied up in this angle.

4.) Scott Steiner got injured last week and has put the tag team title match in serious jeopardy. Will he be able to make it back to the states to compete? Even if he does will he be cleared to wrestle?

5.) For VKM see #2 and multiply it by about 10. Honestly does TNA want to put these guys in a tag title match with their outspokeness about the company as of late?

6.) The Bashams have not been in TNA long enough and have not really gotten the crowd behind them yet. They need more time in the tag team division before they can be in the title picture.

So now this brings us to the most exciting tag team I've seen in TNA, since L.A.X. and Styles/Daniels....the Motor City Machine Guns! I think this is the perfect time for Sabin to drop the X-Division title and concentrate on a feud with Team 3-D. I think that the four could have some great matches and eventually take the straps from 3-D by hook or crook. I think this would jumpstart a stale tag team division as well as a stale X-division. It is perfect timing and I cannot imagine TNA not pulling the trigger on this one, no pun intended. Whats everyone's thoughts on this team?
They are the Dream team....Plain and simple, Shelley and Sabin work so well together, it would be a crime to waste this chance, they need to get the titles on either MCMG or LAX asap and have the two teams feud... because believe me it wouldn't disappoint in the slightest and it wouldn't end with a shitting electric cage match.

Shelley IMO is one of the best workers on the roster and Sabin is not far behind, If Cornettes "injecting some youth into the TNA title scene" Speech was a mere reflection of the writing teams vision then hopefully faith will be put in the two young stars.
I have been a fan of Shelley for a while now, and this tag-team is getting me excited. There have been rumors of an X-Division tag-title belt, but I don't think it will happen. With Scott Steiner out indefinatley, they are the only one's I can see challenging for the title right now. But they wouldn't be able to wrestle at Slammiversary because of Sabin facing Jay Lethal. The only way I think it could play out in this current sitution is that Sabin loses to Lethal early in the night. Then later on Team 3D comes out and Jim Cornette says that they have to defend their titles against whoever comes out and the MCMG come out. Man, this is gonna be an amazing tag-team.
i dont care wha anybody says but i really think that shelley and sabin could be better than styles and daniels. once i saw that lockdown match, i loved them. they have this chemistry tht ive never seen a team have. they have that cocky attitude that you love in a heel, theyre talented, highflyers, technical, have a variety of moves, they are great. Sabin right now is my 2nd favorite behind Styles but i have got to say that sabin will be #1 in my book pretty shortly. Shelly is my 3rd but these guys are talented and got the attitude to be sucessful
Do I think that Sabin and Shelley are the next Styles and Daniels? No. But don't get me wrong. Sabin and Shelley have tremendous skill. I have no misconceptions about that. They could be the next good tag team to have come out of the X-Division. But you're trying to compare them to two wrestlers that are way better in skill. So while they'll be awesome for the tag division, I can't see them them being better than AJ and Daniels were as a team.
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