Most Overrated Match


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What in your opinion is the most overrated match of all time? I have 3.

Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels - Iron Man Match at WWE Wrestlemania 12 for the WWE Title

Blood Generation vs Do Fixer - 6 Man Dragon Gate match at ROH Supercard of Honor

Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker - Grudge Match at WWE Wrestlemania 25
The second two don't even rank. The first is actually a pretty good choice.
Steve Austin vs. The Rock from WrestleMania X7. It was good, but not as great as a lot of people make it out to be. It was however way better than their match at WrestleMania XV.
I'd go with HBK vs Hart from WM 12 as well. It gets way overrated because of the guys involved. IMO, the match at Survivor Series was better but it will always be remembered for the screwjob.

For some reason I feel Benoit vs Angle at Royal Rumble 2003 to be overrated as well. But maybe that is because I never connected with Benoit much.
For shits and giggles I'll say Angle-Michaels from WrestleMania, any Edge-Taker match ever, and any Rock-Foley match other than the I Quit match.
The first ten minutes of that match was good and then it sucked.

Michaels being in the Ankle Lock for three minutes didn't help either.

Not for me, HBK showin' off his mat-wrestling 'prowess' was just not believable. Then the pace quickened and it got more watchable. Also, Micheals being in the Ankle Lock for 5 minutes didn't bother me, as much as it did you, the match told a great story, and so did the end.
I found both the Taker vs HBK match at 25 and 26 overrated. Although, the second one more then the first one. They were both annoying. So what, they kept kicking out of each others pins after finishers, over and over and over. That is why the match seemed so great. The second one was the same as the first one, except the tried too hard, and did it 2x worse then the first one. Both of them are great superstars, but that match was extremely overrated.
John Cena vs. Batista @ Wrestlemania 26

HBK vs. Undertaker, Wrestlemania 26. Really good match, but it overshadows the great matches they had in 1997/early 1998.
Any "classic" involving Undertaker, except for the WrestleMania 14 beatdown between him and Kane.

It was good but not earth-shattering

I mentioned in KB's question thread that the constant suggestion from Cole and Tazz that neither man had ever tapped before was a pain in the arse, especially when it was Anlge himself who made Taker tap.

Also there was Taker's frankly ridiculous comment at the end - claiming that he had Angle's number despite Angle having just spent the majority of the match beating the shit out of him and then pinned the Deadman clean in the middle of the ring
Undertaker vs. Edge WM24: The best moment of that match was Edge's entire entrance.

Kurt Angle vs. Undertaker No Way Out '06: Good match, but quite slow in places, and not worth the hype's it's given.

The Rock vs. Triple H vs. Kurt Angle SummerSlam '00: Great match, but can you imagine the in-ring insanity that would have taken place if Angle hasn't got skull-fucked on the announce table 3 minutes in?
Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels from WrestleMania 12.
Stone Cold vs. The Rock from WrestleMania X7.
The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan from WrestleMania X8.
Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit from WrestleMania XX.
Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar from No Mercy 2002.
The Rock vs. Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle from Vengeance 2002.
John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels from WrestleMania 23.
Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton vs. Kurt Angle from WrestleMania 22.

There's a few that stick out as being completely overrated in my mind.

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