Most insulting angle in WWE history

Hands down it would have to be any of the storylines involving Eddy after his passing. It's been a fucking disgrace to the industry, and to that man. I've lost a lot of personal respect for those involved, namely his wife. Speaking personally, if my wife did this to me, I'd spend the remaining stint of my afterlife haunting the skag. I sincerely hope Eddy does the same. I remember the respect that Eddy's passing was treated with initially. That vanished as soon as the ******s in creative ran out of intelligent ideas for Rey.
giantz4eva said:
How about when Undertaker buried Paul Bearer in the concrete thing after he lost the match to the Dudley Boyz.
It wasn't really concrete it was just something else..(i forgot)
^Well yeah man, they wouldn't pour actual concrete on him. I didn't really think it was the most offensive one either, I just said it cuz nobody else did.
The Katie Vick was very insulting. First of all the story didn't make since. If anyone remember when Kane arrived in WWE/F, Paul Bearer said he hasn't been out since he was a kid. How could Kane meet Katie? Also when Triple H called himself having sex with the dummy in the casket made me change the channel because it was a disgrace and distasteful moment.
Am I the only one who finds the Katie Vick angle humorous? It's dark and demented, sure, but I just laughed at it at the time. It's not as offensive in my opinion since Katie Vick's not a real person whose death was being exploited by WWE (ala Eddie).

Swimfan's right though, the storyline made no sense at all. Supposedly Kane had been in hiding his whole life due to his disfigurations and scars from the fire. And also remember, he couldn't even talk without that microphone thing until X-Pac taught him how. Then Kane reveals he used to go to "parties" with Katie Vick... could you imagine Kane showing up to a frat party wearing the big red suit and mask?
None cause there fucking story lines. There for entertainment. Some people take things way to seriously.
G-Money said:
None cause there fucking story lines. There for entertainment. Some people take things way to seriously.

Limit your use of swearing, there is no use for that type of language here and try to remember that people go onto this site at school. Find another way of expressing your feelings.
I think the most embarassing for a person to endure was when Vince threw Eric Bischoff in the trash and all that crap. I really felt like that was a low blow to what Eric has done in WWE. This leads me to believe that someday Bischoff will be in TNA>
DeathIsARight said:
Limit your use of swearing, there is no use for that type of language here and try to remember that people go onto this site at school. Find another way of expressing your feelings.
Not to stir stuff up, and even though I disagree with G-Money on a fundamental level, in his defense, I've sworn in numerous posts and if it's a case of a no-swearing policy, there are a lot of us to govern. I'll try to keep my usage of Fancy French to a minimum from now on if that's what it take to keep the peace, Death.
Anything to do with kiss my ass club is insulting, also pretty much anything to do with divas. But the number 1 has to be the katie vick storyline
i dont remember when this was but when mark henry was dating someone and they were about to get it on and he found out it was a dude was pretty gross, or when the were telling everybody kane manhood was burnt and stuff comeon
What gets me is that people willingly go along with this stuff. I mean it happens to regal all the time, if I was him I would say enough is enough
When Vince told Linda he wanted a divorce. That was disturbing to me. But, when she said she wanted a divorce, I felt liberated.

And don't forget when Triple H degrated Mankind (Mick Foley) by having an imposter. I was deeply disturbed by that (even when some of the stuff was funny).
Gotta be that wierd Katie vick stuff or the Vince against god stuff which was just WAY over the top.
Also agree that sum of the eddie angles have gone to far
What about the Dawn Marie Al Wilson story line where he ended up dead on his honey moon from a heart attack. But I guess controversy creates cash
There are two things. The day after Bret Hart was screwed and bring in the midgit in. But the god thing was the worst. I know you want to become hated, but there are a few things that you should never do.
slikrik84 said:
I think the most embarassing for a person to endure was when Vince threw Eric Bischoff in the trash and all that crap. I really felt like that was a low blow to what Eric has done in WWE. This leads me to believe that someday Bischoff will be in TNA>

If you read Eric Bischoff's book Controversy Creates Cash, you'll see that throwing him into a garbage truck was partly his idea
Mr.SmackDown said:
Can anyone fill me in on this katie vick storyline? Never heard of it.
at No Mercy 2002 triple H defended his title agaisnt Kane, leading into that match Triple H discovered that Kane had a friend before joining the WWE named Katie Vick, she and Kane went to a party one night, Katie got drunk, and Kane had to drive her home, on the way "an animal ran out in front of the car" according to Kane, and the got into a wreck, Katie died, triple H goes onto inform everybody that Kanes seeman was found at the scene, then procedes to ask Kane the question, Did you make whoopy with her before or after she was dead, as the storyline goes on he accuses Kane of killing Katie Vick and then rapeing her dead body, at one point Triple H puts on a Kane mask and goes into a funeral home and has sex with a blow-up doll that is suppose to be Katie, it was pretty bad shit, and the angle kind of over shadowed their match(which was actully pretty danm good)

hope that answers your question
justinsayne said:
at No Mercy 2002 triple H defended his title agaisnt Kane, leading into that match Triple H discovered that Kane had a friend before joining the WWE named Katie Vick, she and Kane went to a party one night, Katie got drunk, and Kane had to drive her home, on the way "an animal ran out in front of the car" according to Kane, and the got into a wreck, Katie died, triple H goes onto inform everybody that Kanes seeman was found at the scene, then procedes to ask Kane the question, Did you make whoopy with her before or after she was dead, as the storyline goes on he accuses Kane of killing Katie Vick and then rapeing her dead body, at one point Triple H puts on a Kane mask and goes into a funeral home and has sex with a blow-up doll that is suppose to be Katie, it was pretty bad shit, and the angle kind of over shadowed their match(which was actully pretty danm good)

hope that answers your question

Thanks a lot. It did but that is just gross.
giantz4eva said:
How about when Undertaker buried Paul Bearer in the concrete thing after he lost the match to the Dudley Boyz.

From wikipedia

Undertaker won the match but proceeded afterwards to pull the lever that sent cement into the crypt, completely burying Paul Bearer and, in kayfabe terms, suffocating him. (Pringle was in the crypt throughout the event but was replaced with a stunt double for the burial.(Who when having huge plants on him , it appears that isn't Bearer because he appears younger.) This shot ended the PPV and caused numerous complaints toward WWE, as in essence they had shown a (kayfabe) murder. However, the live audience saw an extended ending in which Bearer surfaced for air and was carried from the arena on a stretcher.
Yea that Katie Vick storyline was deffinitly one of grossest things that they have ever done. Another angle that sticks out to me, which is not gross but kind of extreme for that time, was with Val Venis and I believe that it was Kienti. With the whole Choppy Choppy your Pee Pee thing. I mean it was a Raw show and it ended with them holding Val and a big sword in one of their hands and then the screen goes black and that girl screams. I mean for that time I thought that was kind of crazy, and also insulting for Val to possibly get your thing chopped off. I would think that would be every guys fear lol

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