Most insulting angle in WWE history


Dark Match Winner
I would say Vince making Trish get on all fours,bark and behave like a "bitch".
At the time I was shocked and couldn't believe what I was seeing on a wrestling show cuz that was so degrading and he really demoralized Trish there even though it was only an angle..

Second I would give to William Regal willingly kissing Vince's ass. Again although it was only an angle , he on his on his knees and will kisses Mcmahons bare ass after he pus on chapstick.

Sometimes I wonder how do some of these ppl go through with some of thses angles.. C'mon..
How about the angle where Orton came out and told Rey, Eddie was in hell? Or maybe the angle where Vince McMahon mocks God? Or, back in the day when the original DX, had a migit Bret Hart come out and have HBK do a sharpshooter on him.. Now that was funny but insulting at the same time.. I dont classify the things you just said as "insulting" simply because they would of had to agree to the angle.. But did Eddie and God agree to there angles? I dont think so.. Those 2 were probably the most disgusting things the WWE has ever done.. Whats horrible about that was Vickie, Rey, and Chavo probably said yes they can do it, and HBK "A born again Christian" had to agree with the God angle as well... The ones you listed, I would just call stupid angles.
I actually wanted to put disgusting or degrading but i had already posted so the name stuck, But yea what you said should actually be the name..
All this stuff with Eddie is just ridiculous. It's disturbing. I'm surprised that Chavo, Benoit, and Rey have agreed to do the things that they've done. I wouldn't be surprised if they were forced into it. Using Eddie to spark and maintain a feud is extremely cold hearted.

I do not like the fact that The Nation and LAX (I know they're TNA, but the angle is still pretty insulting) are/were heel stables...the color of one's skin should not be a reason to make them face or heel. It gives minorities a bad name...
I think Orton spitting in the faces of great Legends he don't do it anymore but that was just insulting to them and everything they did aswell.
The Katie Vick storyline with Kane went too far for me. Shelton's one at the moment isn't great either but I can't help cracking up at his Ali G impression. "Is it 'cause I is Black?"
Brilliance In Supremacy said:
All this stuff with Eddie is just ridiculous. It's disturbing. I'm surprised that Chavo, Benoit, and Rey have agreed to do the things that they've done. I wouldn't be surprised if they were forced into it. Using Eddie to spark and maintain a feud is extremely cold hearted.

I do not like the fact that The Nation and LAX (I know they're TNA, but the angle is still pretty insulting) are/were heel stables...the color of one's skin should not be a reason to make them face or heel. It gives minorities a bad name...

What about when Muhummad Hassan and Daivari first came to WWE? Did the American audience, or for that matter any audience, demand a tag team of Muslims to hate? I don't think so. Maybe an angle where they were portrayed as faces would put the Muslim community in a positive light. But oh no, that's not controversial bullshit so it can't appear on WWE programming.
Brilliance In Supremacy said:
All this stuff with Eddie is just ridiculous. It's disturbing. I'm surprised that Chavo, Benoit, and Rey have agreed to do the things that they've done. I wouldn't be surprised if they were forced into it. Using Eddie to spark and maintain a feud is extremely cold hearted.

You forgot the most important person in this storyline, Eddie's wife. How she can be a part of this is beyond me, she must really need the money.
Every Angle uncluding Eddie Guerrero is IMO insulting because they keep using somebody dead to promote their show and create rivalry and i don't think Eddie would have wanted it that way
Do your remember when DX put up all kinds of racial stuff on the Nation of Domination's lockerroom wall and then framed the Hart Foundation? That was nasty, too. I can probably remember a lot more, and I bet you guys can, too. Vince has done some ILL shit in the past!
When Booker was feuding with Angle last year. The whole angle was about Kurt wanting Sharmell and in one episode of Smackdown he tried to rape her.
Definately the Kane-Katie Vick necrophilia storyline. That was degrading rape and god/death. It was awful i refused to watch until the angle had finished.

Racial stuff can be gotten away with as it's not so much morals more opinion.

Keeping Eddie's memory alive is ok, but i dont agree with having his legacy involved in storylines especially the one with Orton.
The angle with Hassan where they came out and had executioners was probably the worst ever since that was literally right after Americans had been beheaded. His whole image kind of annoyed me though, because it was all about how people treat muslims or anyone of middle eastern descent badly based on how they look -- so technically he was really correct.

Eddie's stuff is up there but people chose to be in on it. And the spitting in peoples faces? I think that's just gross and should never happen.
I think some of thee most insulting angle would be the one's that insult the fan's intelligence by just dropping a certain angle and thinking we would forget about it.
Back in the late 90s when Val Venis got castrated by these asians. That was disgusting. When Mae Young and Moolah flashed at a PPV that was pretty bad too!
most insulting angle had to be using eddies name and legacy in storylines thats horrible...he's passed away and doesnt deserve to b brought up every week..but making money is money and thats how the business work....the kane and Katie Vick storyline isnt that bad seeing as it was fake and cleary it was a made up angle
IMO, when Mae Young and Mark Henry were going out was completly disgusting and somewhat disturbing, then giving birth to a hand. That's, by far, worse than Katie Vic!
You have to remember people only do angles if they are comfortable with doing them. I think the whole Kane as a necrophiliac was insulting to the credibility of the WWE. When Rey got told that Eddie was in hell and that, he and Eddie's family were most likely comfortable with it as most know it was only to build heat.
I'd say the bizzare video from the upcoming Smackdown vs Raw 07 game on Youtube. Where Candace Michelle turns Kurt Angle into a girl with her magic wand. I guess thats what the WWE does to Kurt Angle for screwing them over and going to TNA.
The Kane storyline was not that bad,because all the heat fell entirely on HHH as being an asshole as did Orton with the whole Eddie thing.I think the worst was HBK being booked in a match with God at Backlash.And I think just about all their Diva storylines are degrading to women(Extreme Strip Poker/H.L.A etc) You cant watch that kinda stuff with your parents,little brothers/sisters or girlfriends.
i do reckon both the eddie stuff and the katie vick stuff was bad cant be worse though than what stephanie said vince had been planning to do for a pregnancy storyline with her, where he was the father, incest is another thing like necrophillia that you should just avoid, thank god steph said no.

Its annoying to think though though that these wrestlers feel the need to agree to these storylines just to stay in work, i cant imagine big vito really wanting to wear a dress, or perry saturn loving the idea of been in love with a mop (he must have felt well insulted with that).
you really want to know the most INSULTING stpryline as far as insulting to the fans was when Hall & Nash jumped to WCW back in the day, and the WWF thought to themselves we dont need those guys anyways, we own thier characters, and they told everyone that Diesel and Razor Ramon would be on Raw, but it was NEW fake versions posing as the real thing and they tried to get them over...the New Diesel and the New that was insulting
What about the Big Boss Man Dragging Big Shows Dad through the parkinglot in a casket...all a work but damn, or when they killed Al Snows Dog...
How about when Undertaker buried Paul Bearer in the concrete thing after he lost the match to the Dudley Boyz.
giantz4eva said:
How about when Undertaker buried Paul Bearer in the concrete thing after he lost the match to the Dudley Boyz.
I don't know if I would consider that the most insulting angle in WWE history, maybe one of the most shocking, I would really like to know how they pulled that of without actully killing Paul Bearer

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