Most Idiotic Wrestling Rumors


Pre-Show Stalwart
There are a lot of dumb rumors that spread around in all industries but I've noticed wrestling is up there near the top. I figured it'd be fun to hear some that you guys have heard. So, what are the dumbest rumors that you've heard involving the world of wrestling.

I started this because I was on Youtube, the bastion of genius that it is, and somehow wound up at The Hardy's theme song. In the comments were people talking about Jeff going to TNA when I saw that apparently Chuck Palumbo will be coming back to the WWE to kick Punk's ass for ending Jeff's career. Wow.
If not the dumbest, well certainly the most unrealistic rumour I've heard in recent times is the rumour many people on this site were saying a few weeks ago, that they thought John Cena was going to go to TNA.

As I recall it, this rumour started because Bischoff made some comment about someone needing their attitude adjusted, and this off-handed, IWC-playing remark, combined with Cena's absence on 01/04 due to the Fiesta bowl, was construed into Cena going to TNA.

Imagine, leaving the highest position in the top wrestling organization, with all of the fame and fortune you could ever want, to leave to go to the iMPACT Zone with the "B" organization.

Career suicide, comparable to a Jeff Hardy move.

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