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Most frustrating moment in a Video Game

911 JP

Love the sig!
Not sure if this has been done before, but we'll give it a go.

When I say frustrating it can be for any reason, from not being able to pass a level, to a glitch that happened in a game... Whatever comes to mind.

My most frustrating moment in a Video Game would have to be in GTA: San Andreas. I havent played it for a long time so bare with me as I explain. I was on the last island, and I got up to one of the missions towards the end of the game. It was the mission where a guy was jumping off of a building and you had to catch him in a straw filled truck. But my game had a glitch that caused him to jump as soon as the cut scene ended which prevented me from continuing on with the game. FRUSTRATING. But someone came over and finished the mission, I dont know how, but he managed.

Other than that it was last year, early. My year old PS3 gave me the YLOD, but that wasnt the worst of it, the worst part was I was about to level up to... level 70, which means I could prestige... The Horror!

What is your most out right frustrating moment in a Video Game?
It would have been Twisted Metal 4 when you fight the final boss, Sweet Tooth. His special attack was fucking unavoidable and a One Hit Kill. And being 12-14 years old at the time made it more and more difficult. When I finally beat him I quickly took the game to GameStop to get my money back so I could afford anger management classes after playing that god forsaken boss battle.
Most of my frustrating moments in relation to video games mostly deal with Pokemon video games. It usually occurs when I battle the Elite Four (the final Pokemon trainers you battle in order to beat the game). I would come oh so close to fainting an opponent Pokemon and it would live my hit with a single sliver of HP. Just as I prepare to deliver the final blow, my opponent uses a healing item on it. Pokemon video games would know what I mean. Another frustrating Pokemon video game moment is when I battle a trainer and they have their Pokemon continuously use the move Protect which gives it full immunity to my attacks. It makes me want to rip my hair out.

I also got frustrated fighting Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2 because of how much damage he could inflict on me in such a short amount of time.
I Totally Agree Notorious Bluddy full Restore!
I was Playing Red Dead and i had to do 5 gang Hideouts in 24 hours in game time (20-30 minutes Real time) and i was On Gaptooth Breach at the end opening the Chest. The game Fucking Freezes and i almost Cried! That was my last .5% for 100% completion.
I also got frustrated fighting Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2 because of how much damage he could inflict on me in such a short amount of time.

That battle was a cakewalk considering the hell I went through to beat him in the first game.

Anyways, i'll go with a recent game that I just finished which had me frustrated on a few parts. That game would be Assassin's Creed one. The gameplay was very good, but as expected there were some terribly annoying moments in the game. With it's parkour style, I was sure there would be some trouble jumping from building to building and I was right. A few times, i'd attempt to jump off a view point into the hay, but would miss and splat onto the ground. Also, there wasn't much indication on what you could and couldn't grab onto, so i'd run full speed into the wall, run up and fall right back down. The combat also frustrated me when my opponents countered me. I may have missed something because there would be no way for me to reverse the counter. I'd be knocked down and take my sweet old time getting back up only to get countered again. The game itself wasn't very frustrating as a whole, but there were some parts that made me angry.
Im suprised no one has mentioned this but the water temple in Zelda Ocarina of time.

I remember this being the only thing i hated about an otherwise 10/10 game. I was around 12 at the time and it took me days to get past the damm water temple. You had to drain the water out of some rooms and fill other rooms with water to keep advancing. It got really complicated after a while especially since you had to use lead boots to weigh yourself down in some of the water filled rooms while having to take them off to foat in other water filled rooms. It really was the dungeon to end all dungeons.

A close second would have to be trying to understand the plot to Metal Gear solid 2. The gameplay was great but the story was a realy clusterfuck ive gone through it about 6 times now and i only have a small grasp of whats going on in the game. Im not going to risk ruining it for anyone that hasent played it yet by talking about it but you really have to play the game to understand how crazy the last hour of the game is. I would love to know what Hideo Kojima was smoking when he came up with the plot to that game.
This is the most recent one I can remember.

I was playing Fallout: New Vegas and I choose the NCR storyline and I was just about to finish the game when all of a sudden, Boone starts running away from me massacring all NCR people he can find at Hoover Dam. I just had to run away as my NCR standing went flying down as I walked over to my Xbox and turned it off.

Fuck Boone.
One that really sticks out for me was in Final Fantasy 6 the first time I played through it back in 1994 and got to the part where Locke and Celes take a party into the empire. At first I thought you would be playing as two separate parties so I put guys who would be good for defending Narshe (Edgar, Sabin, Cyan) together then took Gau with Locke and Celes. Nope, turns out you only played the empire party. Then you get stuck there after the airship lands. I had 3 people in my party and Gau was my weakest at the time. Setzer will not join you yet at that time, even if you have room in your party. He just sat there at the airship saying he would help if I needed any help. I remember being SO frustrated about that. I was stuck with a party of 3 and thought I would be able to get Setzer to fill that empty 4th slot, when the game had wanted you to pick 4 before the event began. I would have just brought Sabin and Edgar if I knew you were only playing as the one party.

Fast forward 15+ years and an endless number of playthroughs later, I still remember my frustration from that day many years ago each time I play and reach the part where the party splits up to go to the empire. Sabin and Edgar have pretty much always been selected to go. I'll rarely throw in Cyan or Gau instead of Sabin to that event, but never a party of 3. I like to have my party lineup full in each battle. Let alone be stuck with a group of 3 and my weakest character being in it. Easily one of my most frustrating gaming moments.
This is the most recent one I can remember.

I was playing Fallout: New Vegas and I choose the NCR storyline and I was just about to finish the game when all of a sudden, Boone starts running away from me massacring all NCR people he can find at Hoover Dam. I just had to run away as my NCR standing went flying down as I walked over to my Xbox and turned it off.

Fuck Boone.

I can relate as far as Fallout: New Vegas goes, but here's my most frustrating moment from that game. It was this fucking glitch from this mission "I put a spell on you". I was suppose to spy on someone who was leaking NCR info to The Legion but that person NEVER showed up at the time he was supposed to in order to continue the mission. I kept re-loading my save file to try and fix it, but it was a mess and I got it after many, many times. There's was just ALOT of frustrating and glitchy things in that game...
That battle was a cakewalk considering the hell I went through to beat him in the first game.

Really? It was the other way around for me. The Sephiroth battle in KH1 for me was easier. The Dodge Roll ability saved my ass throughout the battle. I couldn't beat Sephiroth in KH2 without the Glide ability which I hoped I wouldn't need to do considering the fact that I never used the Forms in the game.
Im suprised no one has mentioned this but the water temple in Zelda Ocarina of time.

I remember this being the only thing i hated about an otherwise 10/10 game. I was around 12 at the time and it took me days to get past the damm water temple. You had to drain the water out of some rooms and fill other rooms with water to keep advancing. It got really complicated after a while especially since you had to use lead boots to weigh yourself down in some of the water filled rooms while having to take them off to foat in other water filled rooms. It really was the dungeon to end all dungeons.

Man that game is, in my mind the greatest game ever made, but as a young teen that Water Temple caused me countless hours of frustration, I mean, you wade through an evil chamber with tons of rooms to fight through in order to raise and lower the water level to get to...

Dark Link. The toughest straight up fight in the game. Damn fun, and not so bad once you get the knack, but damn, first time round who didn't die a hundred times here?
Did you live through the moments where you want to make sure to save the awesome progress you made over the entire day and after selecting the slot to overwrite you notice that you accidently LOADED THE OLD SAVEGAME?

Yeah, that happened a lot to me (in Gothic games for example) and it's always crushing.
Once you got his attack pattern down in the second one he was very predictable. If you were a high enough level, had Glide, and had Ultima he was a fairly simple fight. In the first one I found that no matter what level I was or which keyblade I had, he was still incredibly difficult. There were more cheap ways to beat him in the first one, but for a straight up battle I found it to be much more difficult.
Im suprised no one has mentioned this but the water temple in Zelda Ocarina of time.

I remember this being the only thing i hated about an otherwise 10/10 game. I was around 12 at the time and it took me days to get past the damm water temple. You had to drain the water out of some rooms and fill other rooms with water to keep advancing. It got really complicated after a while especially since you had to use lead boots to weigh yourself down in some of the water filled rooms while having to take them off to foat in other water filled rooms. It really was the dungeon to end all dungeons.

Holy hell, I was going through this thread trying to conjure up every video game experience I ever had and tried to cut down some of those really aggravating moments. Then I read your post and it all became very clear,oh the horrible memories that temple brings back. I think I literally spent an entire week scratching my head and ripping out my hair at that forsaken temple. There were times when I just got so fed up I just wanted to stop playing the game and never touch it again. The sad thing was I had a guide book and more often than none it really wasn't much help. I must have totaled 2 controllers on that damn temple alone. I had some friends come over to give them a crack at it and see if they could find something I may have overlooked, but to no avail, they just got as frustrated as me. Towards the ending days of the week I swear my head was about to implode at any time. Then another one of my friends came over, showed me what to do and after that one complication it was smooth sailing from there. You couldn't imagine how relived I was when I finally conquered the temple and its boss . I must have stopped playing that game for a good week just to gather myself again as I was just burnt out. As challenging as that temple was, I felt I had accomplished something major and often felt that beating that one temple was a bigger accomplishment that actually beating the game itself, I felt a massive surge of pride when I finished, I would do it all again to damn it, and I have, and with much less of a hindrance.

You know, I wouldn't mind another temple like that(not another water temple albeit),something that can be just as baffling and difficult. That way when you do finally triumph over it, you will feel much more satisfied and proud. To me, facing dark link was like battling a living breathing entity of the temple itself and symbolized all those frustrations and obstacle and struggled to overcome. Dark link was the living embodiment of the temple taunting and humiliating me, so I did what I felt must needed to be done. I took that son of a bitch out! But to sum this up, one of my darker days in my video game pilgrimage and yet one of my proudest victories!
Niño Vega;3200555 said:
Did you live through the moments where you want to make sure to save the awesome progress you made over the entire day and after selecting the slot to overwrite you notice that you accidently LOADED THE OLD SAVEGAME?

Yeah, that happened a lot to me (in Gothic games for example) and it's always crushing.

Myself and a friend spent two straight days building a gorgeous track for Trials HD, only for me to go all Johnny Dickfingers™ and overwrite it with a blank track. Absolutely gutted, seriously my heart sank, I felt sick.
Fighting Motaro (the boss) in Mortal Kombat 3. I've been playing MK since the first wave of arcade systems hit my area, and loved MK1 and 2, and thought the boss fights were great. Goro and Kintaro were tough, but not IMPOSSIBLE. Motaro was a spammy bitch, and it took forever to beat him. When I finally did, i vowed to never play the arcade mode in that game again. When it's released for Live later this year, I'll try it, and probably get just as pissed.
Pokemon Crystal.I was like 4 when I got it.I had no concept of what to do.Also first game I ever played.Beat the second gym and had no fucking clue what to do.Restarted a lot till I got through and beat the 3rd gym.Then still had no fucking clue what to do.Eventually after a month found out how and beat the pokemon league.Which was when I learnt I didnt have Fly.So I restarted the entire game just going through untill I got Fly.Then I beat the entire game.

And Bionic Commando for the 360.I just bought it to fuck shit up with the arm.You dont even start with the arm.You have to find it and you only have a pistol.Even on Easy I couldnt get past the first level.I took it back almost straight away and got my money back.

And my first time playing SvR2011 I thought it would be easy and played on Legend vs Rey with My CAW thinking it would a breeze.I did a lot of stupid things that ended up working.I got rey pretty badly hurt nad i was alright.Then I go for the pin.He Kicks out at two.I get mad so i grabbed the bell(it was no dq) and run straight at him and he gets me in a leverage pin and pins me.I never looked at rey the same way again.So much for putting people over.
My cousin and I were doing a franchise with the Green Bay Packers on Madden, you know, for the healing process. Well just our luck, we end up having to play Pittsburgh in the Superbowl.

It was a fantastic back and fourth game. Down by two possessions, we get the ball in the endzone. There's about 50 seconds left, are only chance is to kick the onside kick, and what do you know, we get it. We score with no time left on the clock, and we win the superbowl.

After talking about how amazing that was, we got to leave the game, and it freezes. It was pretty disappointing knowing how amazing of a game we had, and that it actually never happened. Damn Madden...
Fighting Motaro (the boss) in Mortal Kombat 3. I've been playing MK since the first wave of arcade systems hit my area, and loved MK1 and 2, and thought the boss fights were great. Goro and Kintaro were tough, but not IMPOSSIBLE. Motaro was a spammy bitch, and it took forever to beat him. When I finally did, i vowed to never play the arcade mode in that game again. When it's released for Live later this year, I'll try it, and probably get just as pissed.

Motaro is a fucking pain in the ass, and once you get passed him, Shau Kahn almost seems like a walk in the park.

But my frustrating moments in gaming come from Dragon Ball Z games. I don't care which game you play, or which game you've beaten, the next game in that series will ALWAYS trample your ass a few thousand times with Frieza. The guy does nothing but spam the fucking Death Beam, and in RB2, he spams the damn volleyball move and it pisses me off.

Also, in RB2, they give you this fucked up side mission where you have to face Full Power Frieza and Metal Frieza with a one hit you're dead Nail... yeah, talk about screwed.

Oh and another one that I see nobody mentioned is that giant fucking hand in the first Super Smash Brothers... You know, the one that pimp slaps the fuck out of you every single time you get close to it? Yeah that boss.
This is probably just going to be a small one compared the epic struggles you guys have gone through, but in ANY game that has a CREATE mode, and you have spent hours making the perfect character.....and then it freezes.....or you save something over it by mistake.

The crushing feeling you get is just awful, its like "fuck...I have just wasted X hours of my life.....shit". I have had that several times on Smackdown games, or on Pro Evo where I have created an entire team from scratch (a team of me and my friends, or the Harchester Utd team from Sky 1's "Dream Team" show). It is such a feeling of disapointment and FML.

Anytime you spend hours on something then lose your work is such a horrible feeling.

Oh, and Shao Khan was a motherf*cker to beat on MK Trilogy, that hammer of his just beat the crap out of me over and over and over. I cannot even remember if I ever beat him....
Another moment I had would be with NCAA's Teambuilder. I wanted to build a replica Steeler team. I spent hours creating the uniforms, the stadium, the roster took me nearly half a day. I finally was able to get it done, and when I go to try and play, it freezes. I restart, play again. It freezes. After the 6th try I give up and cry in the corner.

Turns out if you make a team with all freshmen, it does that. Now NCAA teambuilder doesn't even work anymore, I found that out after I tried to create a team, a team that took me a good 3 hours to make.

Hopefully I have better luck next year with Teambuilder.
Oh, and Shao Khan was a motherf*cker to beat on MK Trilogy, that hammer of his just beat the crap out of me over and over and over. I cannot even remember if I ever beat him....

If you think the hammer was bad before, you need to fight him in the newest game. It's extremely annoying, impossible to block, and even if you avoid it properly, he's got 5 other moves to punish you with.

It was actually what I wanted to post, until I remembered that four-legged asshole Motaro...
Man that game is, in my mind the greatest game ever made, but as a young teen that Water Temple caused me countless hours of frustration, I mean, you wade through an evil chamber with tons of rooms to fight through in order to raise and lower the water level to get to...

Dark Link. The toughest straight up fight in the game. Damn fun, and not so bad once you get the knack, but damn, first time round who didn't die a hundred times here?

I can one up this one.
Water Temple.
Zelda: Ocarina of time. Master Quest.

Take what you knew about the water temple. Flip the whole thing on its head and it makes you wish you was never born. The fire temple is a total bitch in Master Quest too. Just got me SO lost and confused.
I can one up this one.
Water Temple.
Zelda: Ocarina of time. Master Quest.

Take what you knew about the water temple. Flip the whole thing on its head and it makes you wish you was never born. The fire temple is a total bitch in Master Quest too. Just got me SO lost and confused.

Damn! I've bitch-slapped Ocarina soooooooo many times, but I've yet to attempt the Master Quest, I think I've got that special edition disc knocking around somewhere for the GameCube, One day I'll do it.

Actually I always had a habit of getting slightly lost at the same point the first few times I did the original fire temple. Annoying weakness, it was.
The most frusterating thing happened to me not to long ago actually. I want and bought an X-Box, and almost as soon as I had it hooked up I downloaded Banjo Kazooie, my favorite game ever. I was playing through it, collecting every single thing I came too. I get to the last level, and I'm 4 notes short. Turns out the X-Box version has a glitch in it, and if you complete all the 3D puzzles BEFORE collecting all the notes, there will be 4 notes missing, which means I can't get the 100% achievement. I was fuming!

OoT Water Temple is a cake walk for me. Now. My first time, it was infuriating.

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