Most Badass president of the US of A

Mr. Steve

Everybody calls me Ruxin, Rupert.
ChiHawks got me going on this. I don't know if this goes here or in the cigar lounge, so let me know.

Rules are simple: Pick a president, and explain how badass he was.

My pick is Teddy Roosevelt. and all because of this quote: "Death had to take him sleeping, for if Roosevelt had been awake there would have been a fight." That and he delivered a speech while campaining for a term whilst shot.

Close second: Andrew Jackson. This guy beat a fucker to almost death with his cane, while the other guy had a gun on him.
Abraham Lincoln. He almost got assassinated a few times but he still continued being president and never gave up on this country. Too bad John Booth killed him. That asshole.
Awesomeness Steven. :thumbsup:

Teddy was just really cool in my opinion. He won the presidency when he wasn't even supposed to. Hell, he gave a speech after he was freaking shot in the chest. During the speech blood was seeping out onto his suit. He kept that bullet in him the rest of his life.

Also as it is known, Andrew Jackson beat the hell out of his own assassin with his cane, in broad day light. Both were some really badass Presidents.
Sure Teddy Roosevelt was cool, especially if you're a big fan of imperialism.
and of course, we can't forget washington....who made a fucking country and got a capital, a state and god knows what else, and his face on a dollar bill.

that, and some say that the guy had insane temper tantrums.
Sure Teddy Roosevelt was cool, especially if you're a big fan of imperialism.

So, then it is Teddy Roosevelt, awesome.

Actually, I would go with George Washington. That whole crossing the Delaware and winning our independence thing kinda gets me.
George W. Bush

Here's man with INCREDIBLE ability to not give a fuck what anyone thinks. He didn't care what the world thought of him, didn't care what people in other countries thought of him, didn't care what his own voters thought of him, he didn't even care what the Constitution and our founding fathers thought of him. He did what he wanted to do, and the hell with everyone else. Not only that, he managed to take a country booming economically, and turn it completely upside down.

Now that's badass. Way to go Mr. Bush.
Plus Washington grew cannabis, in part for medicinal purposes. Thus, he rocked.

If George fucking Washington said it was okay to use cannabis for medical purposes, why the FUCK can't our current government agree? He's George Washington, don't argue motherfucker.
Have to go with Bill Clinton on this one.

The man actually received a blowjob in the oval office with an intern, regardless of if you thought she was hot or not.

Then we all know the whole cigar and blue dress story...

Plus, he had the audacity to stare America in the face and claim he never had sexual relations with that woman.

For some reason, I have a feeling I could smoke a joint with Bill and shoot the shit for hours at a time.

George W. Bush would be a close second. Shitty President, but I have a strange feeling he's the guy you'd want to take in an alley fight with you. Bush simply carries himself as a badass !!!
Lincoln. He held a wrestling championship that became part of the NWA World Title, or at least that's something I read somewhere.
Lincoln. He held a wrestling championship that became part of the NWA World Title, or at least that's something I read somewhere.

did he? most i found out about him was a match that he had once. but thats as much as you get about that subject, i think.
William Henry Harrison

Caught pneumonia and died on his 32nd day of office which was the shortest presidental reign in history.

Game over.
William Henry Harrison

Caught pneumonia and died on his 32nd day of office which was the shortest presidental reign in history.

Game over.

He caught that because he was a jackass and gave a speech in the rain for hours and hours. He'd win most boring. Not "Most Badass."
He caught that because he was a jackass and gave a speech in the rain for hours and hours. He'd win most boring. Not "Most Badass."

I beg to differ. He could have done his inauguration speech inside but he was a badass and did it outside. He looked Mother Nature right in her face and spit in her eye.

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