???? Monty Brown ??????

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wp2 4 life

Does any one miss Monty Brown I know he jumped ship and all but I kind of miss him hell He Fit better in TNA then he does in ECW.
he only has himself to blame for it. He jumped ship and look what's happened. WWE won't let him use his name. Instead he gets this ******ed one in Marcus Cor Von. And they won't even let him use the name of his trademark move The Pounce. And he's not happy with it so it's his own damn fault.
YEA I Know it's just that he will never be a great wrestler but he was the power house in TNA and could work a mic to now we have Scotty Now I like him but he's old and all f-ed up and can't work a great show any more. so we need Monty back if you ask me. Tna need some good power house's in there ring. Now some my say abyss is a powre house or joe,tomko well no abyss is the monster of the show and joe is the unstopabel shooter ,and tomko kind of but still stuck as the side kick of cage like nash was 4 hbk in time tomko could be a bad ass we will see but we need a powerhouse .

Monty come back it's sad the way Wwe has made you out to be come on !
And they won't even let him use the name of his trademark move The Pounce. And he's not happy with it so it's his own damn fault.
Actually, just last night on ECW, they referred to the move as the pounce. Not to mention, As Monty Brown in TNA, he wasn't happy, he said so himself, he wasn't happy with how he was being used or pushed. And people still know where he is now, and his fans will follow to watch him, because, just as he was better known by "The Alpha Male" in TNA, he still uses that moniker in ECW, therefore, any Monty Brown fan who sees that "The Alpha Male" is in ECW, will tune in to catch him. No, his mannerisms aren't quite the same, but honestly, I thought the whole "sarengetti" and sniffing the ropes and "marking his territory" shit were as ******ed as a White boy from Mass. yelling YOU CAN'T SEE ME!!!
Monty shot himself in the foot!! Moving from TNA because he felt they did not push him! He went to WWE thinking that they were going to turn him into the next Rock. (LOL) He should know that WWE starts with a good idea on one end then by the time it comes out the other end it's a shadow of it's self. Dave Lagana who is the lead booker on ECW wanted him to come in as Monty Brown but by the time Vince got hold of this his name waschanged to Marcus Cor Von the reason of this was that Vince could not Trademark Monty's name as it's his actual name & thought that Cor Von was a catchier name (This idea was brought to you from the same guy that gave you the XFL,The Patterson-Brisco Evening Gown Match,Giant Gonzalez,The World Bodybuilding Federation & who could forget The Billy & Chuck Wedding)
Well Monty at least you got to keep "The Alpha Male" Gimmick be greatfull you were not given a stupid gimmick or made to dress up as a Zulu ala Tony Atlas (Saba Simba)
the alpha male was awesome inTNA and he let his ego override a smart decision vince owns you when u sign the line monty gave up his personality for a paycheck his history in football and tna should be acknowledged as it is who he is
Monty shot himself in the foot!! Moving from TNA because he felt they did not push him! He went to WWE thinking that they were going to turn him into the next Rock. (LOL) He should know that WWE starts with a good idea on one end then by the time it comes out the other end it's a shadow of it's self. Dave Lagana who is the lead booker on ECW wanted him to come in as Monty Brown but by the time Vince got hold of this his name waschanged to Marcus Cor Von the reason of this was that Vince could not Trademark Monty's name as it's his actual name & thought that Cor Von was a catchier name (This idea was brought to you from the same guy that gave you the XFL,The Patterson-Brisco Evening Gown Match,Giant Gonzalez,The World Bodybuilding Federation & who could forget The Billy & Chuck Wedding)
Well Monty at least you got to keep "The Alpha Male" Gimmick be greatfull you were not given a stupid gimmick or made to dress up as a Zulu ala Tony Atlas (Saba Simba)

True on all levels, but let's also not forget that this is the same ******* that gave us Trump vs Rosie in the ring and thought it was funny. Monty Brown has only himself to blame. The Alpha Male has been neutered. Plain and simple. His mic skills blew in TNA but at least it was awesome to watch him hit a guy with the Pounce because he made it look so brutal. Now, he's not a damn thing anymore
Actually, just last night on ECW, they referred to the move as the pounce. Not to mention, As Monty Brown in TNA, he wasn't happy, he said so himself, he wasn't happy with how he was being used or pushed. And people still know where he is now, and his fans will follow to watch him, because, just as he was better known by "The Alpha Male" in TNA, he still uses that moniker in ECW, therefore, any Monty Brown fan who sees that "The Alpha Male" is in ECW, will tune in to catch him. No, his mannerisms aren't quite the same, but honestly, I thought the whole "sarengetti" and sniffing the ropes and "marking his territory" shit were as ******ed as a White boy from Mass. yelling YOU CAN'T SEE ME!!!

I think the rope thing was supposed to be like a bull sharpening his horns and not a sniffing gesture because it was his forhead that he was rubbingt against the ropes. The Serengetti thing got old, I'll agree. But the POOOUUUNNNCCCCE!!! Period. Line was pretty much his trademark. And it's hard for me to take the guy seriously when they won't even let him use his real name. It's MONTY BROWN, not Marcus Cor Von. When I hear the name "Alpha Male" I still expect the name Monty Brown to follow. I wouldn't be nearly as pissed if the WWE just let him keep his damn name. Monty Brown sold his soul. That's the way I see it
I cant really say I miss him because all you really have to do is tune in tuesday nights. His gimmick still sucks, hes still green and obnoxious. Truly no reason to "miss him" Hes fine where he is, I woudent call making it to Mania in your first year "unsucessful" especially when your from a company that WWE definatly looks down on.
I kind of miss him in TNA as well. I think he could of been used better in TNA also. He could of been a solid main eventer. When he first debuted he made an Impact as a big face. He eventually turned heel and joined Planet Jarrett where he was recognized as a good heel that could get over. After his feud with Christian Cage and he lost to him with the title on the line he went on back to the mid card scene. This is what led to Monty leaving for a better career and more money. IMO, they should of had him feud with Rhino who would of put him over and then him could feud with Aj Stlyes and etc. Just keep on pushing him until he finally re-challenges for the TNA NWA Heavyweight title. This would of gave him hope he was going to be NWA champion. In WWECW he has a role in the New Breed but the attention is mainly focused on CM Punk and Elijah Burke which is taking away from Monty imo.
Actually, just last night on ECW, they referred to the move as the pounce. Not to mention, As Monty Brown in TNA, he wasn't happy, he said so himself, he wasn't happy with how he was being used or pushed. And people still know where he is now, and his fans will follow to watch him, because, just as he was better known by "The Alpha Male" in TNA, he still uses that moniker in ECW, therefore, any Monty Brown fan who sees that "The Alpha Male" is in ECW, will tune in to catch him. No, his mannerisms aren't quite the same, but honestly, I thought the whole "sarengetti" and sniffing the ropes and "marking his territory" shit were as ******ed as a White boy from Mass. yelling YOU CAN'T SEE ME!!!

The problem with Monty Brown in YNA was that they wanted him to spend more time training in the ring to improve his wrestling skills so that he could get a legitimate push. He refused and just wanted to run his gym in his free time. He can't blame anybody but himself for both his past and current situations. Of course, he should have been very weary of WWE as McMahon is known for giving black wrestlers bad gimmicks. Now Lashley is the acception, but he isn't being pushed as a black wrestler, now is he?
Monty shot himself in the foot!! Moving from TNA because he felt they did not push him! He went to WWE thinking that they were going to turn him into the next Rock. (LOL) He should know that WWE starts with a good idea on one end then by the time it comes out the other end it's a shadow of it's self. Dave Lagana who is the lead booker on ECW wanted him to come in as Monty Brown but by the time Vince got hold of this his name waschanged to Marcus Cor Von the reason of this was that Vince could not Trademark Monty's name as it's his actual name & thought that Cor Von was a catchier name (This idea was brought to you from the same guy that gave you the XFL,The Patterson-Brisco Evening Gown Match,Giant Gonzalez,The World Bodybuilding Federation & who could forget The Billy & Chuck Wedding)
Well Monty at least you got to keep "The Alpha Male" Gimmick be greatfull you were not given a stupid gimmick or made to dress up as a Zulu ala Tony Atlas (Saba Simba)

Actually, the sad thing is that by Vincce copywriting "The Alpha Male" Marcus Cor Von, he in effect has copywritten the moniker "The Alpha Male". Which means that if Monty Brown ever even got out of his WWE contract and returned to TNA, or anywhere else, he could never be The Alpha Male again.
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