Monty Brown Situation

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Getting Noticed By Management
I'll keep this short and sweet, coz I cbf writing to be honest.

What is with TNA and there lack of any fkn insight. First they let Sabu get away, which IMO was a huge loss for TNA. And what was the reason he got away - WWE offered him $10,000 more. Now we got Monty Brown. Now love or hate Monty, and many hate the dude, you have to sympathise with him.

Fair enough, Monty is not a wrestler, but he is an amazing performer. And if anyone here knew how to book a bad wrestler they would know how to hide his weaknesses with relative ease. The man was a hot commodity a year ago becoz he could talk and he was being booked right. He was a hardcore competitor. When he was turned into this old-school, power-move guy it all went downhill. He was promised a title run and in the end thye give his run to Christian. A guy who had been in the company for all of two months. Why?????? Why couldnt they hold off on Christian and give Monty what he wanted and at least see what he could do with it.

The answer is simple. TNA has fear. They want to succeed so bad that they are throwing the title on anyonewith any name recognition so that they can earn ratings. But ratings aren't moving with these same guys. They need to turn to new blood. Now I'm not a Brown mark. I know there is a whole stack of guys in TNA that deserve to be NWA champion a whole lot more. But all in good time. And tell me that Brown doesn't deserve to be chmapion more than Sting. Or that Brown is not better than Sting in the ring. Brown is not the best, but he can outdo Sting, give the dude some fkn credit. Tell me you wouldnt have rather seen Monty Brown win the title off Jarrett at BFG instead of Sting.

My point is, Brown is a huge loss, and TNA cant let it happen. Like it or not, he will be a big star in the future if people treat him the way he should be treated. He is just too good overall to pass on. TNA will be losing their best talker if this guy walks out, and one of their better hardcore workers. And the fact that people don't even know how good a hardcore worker he is, is testament to how bad he is being used.

TNA cannot afford to lose this guy, especially over some bullshit like this. Give him a run and at least see where it goes. Perhaps a risky experiment, but it would pay off more than a Sting title run, which is the situation we got going right now. TNA needs a reality check. The future of wrestling. Its true. But why are the top spots dominated by old, has-beens. Give the young blood the fkn torch and let them run with it. WWE didnt beat WCW by using older workers, but WCW did lose by doing this exact thing.

P.S. I tried to keep it short, but it didnt work out that way, lol.
I don't think Monty Brown is THAT big of a loss to TNA. I mean hes been out of the spotlight for a while now and it doesn't seem to bother the fans that much. Now I am actually one of the guys who did like Monty, but it was mostly for his promos. They have top promo guys like Angle and Christian now that you can't really say that TNA doesn't have any promo guys. Overall not that big of a loss, but definetly deserved better.
Monty will be a big deal in WWE within the year...I don't really like him but he will be...TNA has made a mistake. 2004 Rookie of the Year is all I can say.
the only way i can see Monty Brown begin good in WWE is if he get a Good Gimmerk
Im sure monty will end up in WWE, probably at OVW to start with before moving to ecw or raw
attila said:
I'll keep this short and sweet, coz I cbf writing to be honest.

What is with TNA and there lack of any fkn insight. First they let Sabu get away, which IMO was a huge loss for TNA. And what was the reason he got away - WWE offered him $10,000 more. Now we got Monty Brown. Now love or hate Monty, and many hate the dude, you have to sympathise with him.

Fair enough, Monty is not a wrestler, but he is an amazing performer. And if anyone here knew how to book a bad wrestler they would know how to hide his weaknesses with relative ease. The man was a hot commodity a year ago becoz he could talk and he was being booked right. He was a hardcore competitor. When he was turned into this old-school, power-move guy it all went downhill. He was promised a title run and in the end thye give his run to Christian. A guy who had been in the company for all of two months. Why?????? Why couldnt they hold off on Christian and give Monty what he wanted and at least see what he could do with it.

The answer is simple. TNA has fear. They want to succeed so bad that they are throwing the title on anyonewith any name recognition so that they can earn ratings. But ratings aren't moving with these same guys. They need to turn to new blood. Now I'm not a Brown mark. I know there is a whole stack of guys in TNA that deserve to be NWA champion a whole lot more. But all in good time. And tell me that Brown doesn't deserve to be chmapion more than Sting. Or that Brown is not better than Sting in the ring. Brown is not the best, but he can outdo Sting, give the dude some fkn credit. Tell me you wouldnt have rather seen Monty Brown win the title off Jarrett at BFG instead of Sting.

My point is, Brown is a huge loss, and TNA cant let it happen. Like it or not, he will be a big star in the future if people treat him the way he should be treated. He is just too good overall to pass on. TNA will be losing their best talker if this guy walks out, and one of their better hardcore workers. And the fact that people don't even know how good a hardcore worker he is, is testament to how bad he is being used.

TNA cannot afford to lose this guy, especially over some bullshit like this. Give him a run and at least see where it goes. Perhaps a risky experiment, but it would pay off more than a Sting title run, which is the situation we got going right now. TNA needs a reality check. The future of wrestling. Its true. But why are the top spots dominated by old, has-beens. Give the young blood the fkn torch and let them run with it. WWE didnt beat WCW by using older workers, but WCW did lose by doing this exact thing.

P.S. I tried to keep it short, but it didnt work out that way, lol.
HA HA HA! TNA needs a reality check? HA! I literally laughed at this thread. You seriously think anyone cares about losing Monty Brown over at TNA. Why book him over people like Chris Sabin, AJ Styles, Senshi, Robert Roode, Christopher Daniels, Rhino, Christian, Sting, even Jeff Jarrett. The only person who Monty Brown was better than in the slightest bit on the TNA roster was Norman Smiley and A1 other than that he was worse than everyone else. TNA has too much talent to waste air time on someone like Monty Brown who is waaay to extreme on the microphone and half the time he has to spend by explaining what he just said because he didn't think anyone understood him. And as for his wrestling skills, they were way below par. Good rittens to a guy who I've hated since the first time I heard his interview skills and wrestling skills (none)
thepoo62 said:
Monty will be a big deal in WWE within the year...I don't really like him but he will be...TNA has made a mistake. 2004 Rookie of the Year is all I can say.
Just because he may be big in WWE doesn't make him a good wrestler. I mean, people like Booker T, Test, Big Show, and Umaga are big in WWE.
Just because he may be big in WWE doesn't make him a good wrestler.

So your saying that the WWE doesnt have good wrestlers? The WWE has just as many good wrestlers as the WWE does.. I guarntee that if a lot of moves werent banned, the Cruiserweight division would be just as good as the X Division.. Thats like me saying since Kurt Angle went to TNA, he isnt a good wrestler anymore... Monty Brown has always been a decent wrestler.. Not outstanding, but he was always able to wrestler.. I want to see what you say about Brown if he decides to stay in TNA..

I mean, people like Booker T, Test, Big Show, and Umaga are big in WWE.

And there not good wrestlers how? Because they dont have a spot fest in there matches? There actually wrestlers, not people who depend on spots to carry there carear.. Im starting to get really sick of people saying Show isnt a good wrestler.. They guy is 500lbs and over 7 feet tall.. What do you expect him to do? Moonsaults, 450's? Get over it, he doesnt depend on spots to make him big.. The rest of those listed are great wrestlers.. Even Umaga.. If you werent so leval headed, and didnt think Umaga was a Joe rip off, you would see that.
I'm gonna have to disagree with that last comment. Umaga is a terrible wrestler, even if he is a joe rip off it still doesn't take away from the fact that he has no skills in the ring. Also I believe the man was trying to say that just because someone goes to WWE doesn't make them a good wrestler. Alot of younger viewers think that the greatest wrestlers come to the WWE when thats not entirely true alot of great wrestlers are outside of the WWE.
Paul Wall that is a fkn crime. How can you defend Umaga and Show and not defend Booker. He is the only dude on that list with any talent. And as far as Show doing moonsaults, WCW's Ginat circa 1996 could do just that. Yes Paul is a telented guy in that ring, but in recent years he has become too fat, lazy and complacent in his slide to mediocrity. He can do soooo much better. As for the reality check statement made earleir and referenced by IAMWRESTLING, you laughed at me and then defended my comment. What I was pointing out is that Sting doesn't deserve and shouldn't be holding the NWA Championship. I am all for huys like Sabin, Daniels etc. getting the TNA spotlight. Brown was the topic of dicsussion which is why I brought him up in that mix. Surely, you agree that TV time is better spent on Monty Brown then on Sting.
I don't agree with that, Monty Brown Definetly definetly doesn't deserve the tv time more than Sting. Sting has worked his ass off for his entire career and deserves the NWA championship. Hes a legend Monty Brown is a one move wonder.
Guys, I hate to say it but pro wrestling isn't about good should be and it is to us...but not what actually matters to the bottom line. A wrestler is valuable if he can draw. Monty Brown may be packaged to draw money by some stroke of luck but so might Scotty 2 doesn't matter. Jerret vs Sting was the main event but by no means was it the best match. It's the same everywhere but Monty has a beeter shot than Scotty.
Hey i think monty brown got screwed when i first starting watching TNA it was on FSN over here in Seattle and the best damn sport show was promoting the hell out of TNA and monty brown was in the front of that movement, i think he did his share while TNA was getting big and for him not to get a title run before guys like Rhyno and Christian was a bad move.
What are you talking about? Sting is champ. Christian is a main event guy. Everything is peachy.

Oh wait.

it stinks
Monty was summarily dismissed in terms of his push because he couldn't wrestle. His title shot against Christian last January (I believe at No Surrender) was a perfect example of why he isn't ready for anything more than squash matches and tag team contests, especially for the fans of TNA. A returning overweight Sting got more pops and sadly wrestled better than the young lion Brown, even after Sting's layoff. Brown's match with Christian was a yawner that left most of the TNA crowd scratching their heads because it finally hit them that Monty doesn't know more than about five moves and even Christian couldn't save him from himself in the ring. His title match w/Jarrett on Impact last year was more proof of the same thing. Getting past the ten minute mark (even with a seasoned veteran like Jarrett) was troublesome for Brown and the match did all but impress. I hope that Monty goes back to wrestling school or is put into Ohio Valley/Deep South to learn his craft before blundering Monday or Friday nights should he enter WWE full-time. Monty needs to not quit his day job. Maybe if he gets into WWE he can use his PT skills to shape up a few of the guys, in particular the blossoming continent that is Paul Wight.
Well, front page news has Monty stepping out of TNA and likely into the arms of the WWE. However, because he makes ample money as a PT, do you guys think WWE would offer him enough money to persuade him to sign? What do you guys think?

Personally, I find Monty to be overrated and underqualified in the workrate department, so I feel he'll fit right in with the status quo up north. I can already envision Smackdown right now.
His workrate has never been that bad. Look at the three way with Rhyno and Joe a couple months back. Het gets a lot of unfair criticism. He was Rookie of the Year in 2004 coz he was booked right. Monty Brown cannot be used as the power-wrestler that TNA tried to push him as post the move to Spike. He is a hardcore worker. Whether that is his preferred style or not, that is what he is good at.

As for him being slow and lazy - almost all of this criticism comes from his matches against Hoyt at BFG 2005 and the title match with Christian. But what people always forget to mention is that Monty Brown was barely able to move at the time of both matches. He had a fucked up leg and was limping around the ring trying to put on a match. May I remind everyone of the title match he had against Jarrett (can't remember which PPV that was on but it was an early one - way before Spike). The match was not great fair enough, but it was definately enjoyable to watch. And I only mention this as it was a straight old-school high-profile match. But he had countless great matches of the "hardcore" persuasion. He really isn't as bad a worker as evryone makes out. I'm not calling him Chris Daniels, but he can hang with Jarrett and Sting. I think its bullshit that he is leaving. I hope to god that WWE don't give him enough to lure him in.

TNA want Brown. The thing is that Brown wants the title like he was promised and that can't happen right now. My guess is that Jarrett has told Brown, "we can't give you that right now, but give us a little time and we'll be in a position where we can give the title to a new face". Coz face it, for right now its gonna be paper champ after paper champ just like its been fo the last 4 years (exceptions to Truth, AJ, and maybe Raven).

Aside from all that, Brown can become a much better worker. TNA just needs to offer him enough to get him out of the PT biz and on the indy circuit. He has way too much potential to just throw away. He is athletic, he is charasmatic to death, and he can learn the in-betweens with ease. His wrestling skills, despite not polished by any stretch of the imagination, are passable and can be refined. TNA is giving up on him way too easy.
Hmmm.... one thing for sure he was backstage during a RAW show here in my hometown of Chicago recently :) I also read when someone asked him what he was doing there, Monty responded saying just wait for a couple weeks and you'll see.
attila said:
His workrate has never been that bad. Look at the three way with Rhyno and Joe a couple months back...
You may be right, and you're more forgiving than I am towards the guy. I personally never thought he was worth the hype, but I guess it's all in what you like. Who knows? Your opinions of the guy could be spot-on and he develops into something amazing down the line. I just don't see it, and never have. I mean, dont get me wrong, I think he does fine in Monster's Ball matches and the like, but even his first title shot at Jarrett on Impact a ways back was less than impressive to me. This could be another situation where a wrestler switches companies and not only fits better with the different style, but excels greatly after making the jump to a new sandbox.
If he comes to WWE I see him being sent down for more training. They did it with Punk and he's ten times the worker that Brown is. Also he's charismatic with is the most important quality in WWE, wrestling is a distant second.
Apparently he's going straight to the main rosters. And I doubt Monty would sign with them otherwise. Monty wants to be a star today. Thats why he left TNA. He wants to be THE MAN and he isn't prepared to wait. Unless WWE have promised him big things he wouldn't go there. I just hope they fuck it all up and he ends up back in TNA when they are in a position to use him better in a couple years time. I know a lot of you guys don't like him, but he has way too much potential to throw away. Its like WCW fucking off Austin and Hunter in favor of Hogan. Only now its Sting. I know Monty isn't as good a worker as Steve and Paul but he has a star aura. He had a whole lot to offer and would've been a major asset to the TNA in the future.
he will go to the wwe and havent you notice that the time tna started to suck is when monty stoped carring about tna
wrestleman57 said:
he will go to the wwe and havent you notice that the time tna started to suck is when monty stoped carring about tna

I've been a Monty advocate but I dunno if I would go that far. He definately added a unique element to the show, but his absence hasn't killed it, not even close.
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