Monty Brown, should he come back?


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Monty Brown (Marcus Cor Von), the alpha male All American football linebacker, former TNA and WWE superstar. Anyone else remember this Huge, agile, charismatic, and very entertaining performer? If you don't here's some refreshment.

An awesome promo -

His devastating finisher, I know it's a lame video, but I cannot find to many pounce videos. -

He also created a finisher named the Alpha bomb -

After watching some of his other promos and remembering his time in ECW I can remember was this guy was always amped and you can really view his character as a real person. His offense was full of devastating power moves and when I see him do the pounce I really feel the person on the receiving end would be knocked out.

That said, unfortunately Monty's stay in the WWE was very short. It was about a year in the 'E' till he left due to family issues. Last time I checked he is still in great shape and there was some rumor about him having leg surgery. Regardless would anyone else besides me like to see the Alpha male blowing up the scene and rejoining the WWE (maybe TNA)?
I think it would be pretty cool to see Monty Brown, I always kind of liked him, such a power house for some one his height, his pounce always looked deadly and his move set was pretty cool, its kind of sad he never held a championship as I though he'd be a pretty good ECW champion when the time came, so anyway he's not on my really want him back list but it'd be a good add to have to any roster.
I would like to see him back, he was decent on pronos and was very powerful. It would be cool to see him back in WWE now that theres a little war going on. From what I heard, he and WWE parted on gooed terms.
Monty Brown is a big, athletic guy, with a good upside who fits directly into the WWE mold. I'm really surprised that he hasn't been signed by someone honestly. He was on the Patriots and really was an intense individual, who could cut a decent promo, and pull off matches fairly well. The only downside is his age, 39 years isn't the ideal age for someone at his level, which could be better (as of his last wrestling stint, anyway) but either way he could be a valuable,though limited asset for either company.
People need to see what Monty Brown was, a mediocre monster heel. This man fit the bill very well but you're really stuck with that gimmick. His finisher was a nice move that looked like it could knock you out but have you seen that man get thrown over the ropes?


Can you see that happening during a battle royal. The problem was these small problems added up to make him a mediocre wrestler. Then he took off time to deal with "family issues" and this was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Beside we got Mike Knox and he's Marcus, with a beard.
People need to see what Monty Brown was, a mediocre monster heel. This man fit the bill very well but you're really stuck with that gimmick. His finisher was a nice move that looked like it could knock you out but have you seen that man get thrown over the ropes?


Can you see that happening during a battle royal. The problem was these small problems added up to make him a mediocre wrestler. Then he took off time to deal with "family issues" and this was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Beside we got Mike Knox and he's Marcus, with a beard.

yes I'm sure many people have seen that infamous botch, but I doubt he was ever in a battle royal type match before. Granted a trained pro should be able to perform a simple elimination over the top, but accidents happen. I'm sure though just like everyone else Monty will learn from his mistakes.

Come on though mike Knox?? I don't think you can compare those two. Monty clearly has more charisma and a athletic background.

I still see an athlete with a lot of potential if he worked at a return one day.
yes I'm sure many people have seen that infamous botch, but I doubt he was ever in a battle royal type match before.

He did it twice I believe, you could forgive the first one but enough is enough.

Come on though mike Knox?? I don't think you can compare those two. Monty clearly has more charisma and a athletic background.

Have you watched Mike Knox wrestle. This man is brutal against his opponent and is a kayfabe formidable wrestler. He can move around the ring quickly and with the Knox out and his amazing cross body in his arsenal, he will always be better than Cor Von. And don't forget the beard.
I liked Monty Brown/Marcus Cor Von. He had charisma,power,speed and an impressive finisher. But like was previously said at 39 years old there isn't mcuh room to grow. Last I knew he was taking care of family. Good for him and I wish his family well. Im not begging for him back but I sure wouldn't mind it.
I was not a big fan of Monty, no matter which company he performed for. His "good" matches were few and far between, and his good promos were even further apart. His feuds were always hit or miss, and never really worked over the long term.

If he wants to come back, then I think his best bet is WWE ECW, just to prove he can still go, and then if it works out there, take the career path of so many others. Move up the ladder, get drafted to another show, and then prove you can hang with the big boys. If he doesn't cut it then, he needs to retire.
I never heard of the dude until he came to ECW to be honest. I read up on him, he's a pretty badass dude. They didn't really do anything with him. I'd like to see him return for a short period just to see what he could do by himself. I've seen the TNA botches and it's whatever, people make mistakes. Deal with it, doesn't necessarily mean he's a bad wrestler. HBK has fucked up, people don't say he sucks.

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