Monstrous Returns!

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After a while, when the wrestling world is a little stale, there is alwaysthe return of a top dog, that makes you wait in anticipation. Something that makes you buy the PPV, or stay up all night downloading as soon as someones uploaded it.

You know that MTFO returns that we all crave for in wrestling, well this is basically a thread about them and you're encouraged to share what you thought were great returns and why.

I'll get this started-

Undertaker Return to the WWE as The Deadman again!

The stage was set between the two brothers of destruction. Months after Kane had buried his brother (deja vu anyone?) The Undertaker finally made his return, and he wasn't alone.......ohhh yessss!:p

One of the greatest returns of all times and the sheer magnamity of the return and the pop from the crowd makes it truly amazing!


Now go on, share yours
I have 2 but no videos.

The return of HHH when he return from the quad injury sure it wasn't at a PPV but I was so happy to see him comeback and he seemed so happy to be back.

My other comeback would be Austin at No Way Out in Montreal Quebec for 2 reasons. One I was there live in my hometown and two we all thought that Austin would never be back in the WWE and that made me even more believe into the 2Never say never in wrestling" statement. Austin is one of my favorite and the anticipation for that was amazing. I was on the side and I saw him behind the curtain so I knew it was really true (even if he had showed at an house show I had to see it to believe it in my mind, to really accept it)

When the glass broke people went crazy and even if it didn't translate on TV I didn't stop chanting Austin, Austin, Austin with everyone else around for the 10 minutes. Well except maybe for the TWWWWWOOOOOOO!!!! when he messed around with Bischoff. The return of Austin to me was perfect.
The aforementioned Triple H return is perfect for this catagory, MSG was going insane. Since you didnt have a video, I put one here. I marked out the most when this happened, At that point Trips could do no wrong in my view.

Regardless of how bad it was handled, It was electric when he returned. In light of the whole Edge/Lita/Matt debacle, This was a cool way to shock the fans by bringing him back in such a sudden way, By having him just attack Edge, Like it was unsanctioned.

Sting was white hot during 96-97, And this is a great return example of this. Many, many times had they teased his return, and then the NWO would mock it, or he would just stare at the ring. But this was a full on return. A honorary mention would be his return at Starrcade 97.

Theres been alot, but these are the ones fresh on my mind when I saw the topic. I plan on editing this post and adding more, but Im in a bit of a rush
Not sure how to add videos so you will have to click the link. In my opinion, nobody makes a return like THE ROCK!!!

2003 to aid Mick Foley against La Ressitance. This was insane. The crowd went ballistic, probably his biggest pop ever. JR & King were awesome on commentary here.

This was my favourite though - think it was 2002. This was just after Austin walked out on WWE for refusing to do the job to Brock.
One of my favorites was when John Cena returned at Royal Rumble 2008 because not only was my favorite wrestler back, but he also came back earlier than everyone expected. It was so awesome and even those who disliked him were excited about this return. My other favorite is Triple H's 2002 comeback, although it has already been mentioned in other posts.

Personally, I've never seen any big returns on tv, since I watched wrestling up until about '97-'98, then started again about June/July '09.

But, from what I've seen here, the Undertakers umpteenth return at WM20 looked epic. I saw the buildup on the Undertaker dvd, and it did look awesome.

Another not as big one, but a personal favorite, and if I would have saw it, I probably would have hyperventilated, is Mr. Perfect's return at RR02.

One thing that kind of irks me is the Rock return in a previous post. The way he was saying, paraphrased, 'I love this place, and it's our life, etc, etc'. But then he goes away lickity split after a couple of movies hit it big. Now he's doing movies like 'The Tooth Fairy' and 'The Gameplan'. He was definitely one of, if not the most, entertaining man in wrestling history, but I think he did the wrestling fans wrong. And he cares not one bit.

And another. When Sting finally made it clear he was with WCW, was simply awesome. The build up to the Hogan/Sting match was one of the best buildups I've ever seen. Now you get matches built up for as little as 2 weeks (I think). Maybe 3 weeks is the shortest span inbetween PPV's, but sometimes it seems like it's just too forced.
How can people forget Ric Flair's return to WCW on Nitro back in 1998 ? A packed house in "Horseman Country" and when Arn Anderson called Flair out the place came un-glued ! I still get chills watching it !
As far as in-ring returns...I'd have to say Bret Hart's return in 1996 to face Steve Austin at Survivor Series after an 8 month hiatus from the company. Many thought he would go to WCW...but he stayed and this entrance was the beginning of the one of the greatest feuds in history:

As far as shocking returns, since this is the OLD SCHOOL forum after all....nothing made me happier or more excited than listening (since I was only a young kid and tuned in to all WWF PPV's on scramble PPV tv with perfect audio) to this:


Bit of a clusterf*ck ye, but still one of the most dramatic and inventive look return ever.

That Chokeslam on X-Pac was sick!
This is supposed to be old school but someone had something from 2008 so the night after No Mercy 2007.

HBK returns and Sweet Chin Musics new WWE Champion Randy Orton.The way he walked down the ramp was epic and when his music hit everyone in the arena just went yea and it was awesome.
This is supposed to be old school but someone had something from 2008 so the night after No Mercy 2007.

HBK returns and Sweet Chin Musics new WWE Champion Randy Orton.The way he walked down the ramp was epic and when his music hit everyone in the arena just went yea and it was awesome.

Yes!! That was amazing!!! I remember that so well. I was quite mad because that was the very week before RAW came to my town, the following week HBK vs Orton in a face to face debate....:wtf: After you have a monstrous return like have them have a face to face 'talk'. LOL.

Another return, even though it was for a night at a time, at the RAW 15th anniversary, RVD came out for the Santino challenge. Santino challenged ANYONE in the back to come out and face him. Then you hear the epic One Of A Kind music. The same thing with the Royal Rumble, I can't remember if it was 08 or was a one night only again, but one of the mystery entrants was RVD!! :wtf: :worship: I was out of my chair!! That had to be the most amazing thing!! Too bad it was a one night stand for him.
My 2 favourites have already been mentioned, John Cena's return at the Royal Rumble was amazing, completely unexpected. So much so that the whole place erupted.... until half the arena remembered that its 'not cool' to like Cena!
But my favourite ever was HHH's return from his quad injury in 2002, the whole thing was incredible, from the vignettes with U2 playing, right up to the minute his theme started. And the noise from the stands was probably one of the biggest pops i've ever heard.
Another favourite was Jericho's return. Most people had guessed that the saviour was Y2J, but the moment he came out was great. And the promo he pulled on Randy Orton felt so fresh compared to what most of the WWE was doing at the time.

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