Money In The Bank .. PPV Or WM ?


Occasional Pre-Show
Money In Bank Was My Favorite Match At Wrestlemania ... With The Highflyers And Undercarders Chance To Get Glory... Yet I Think The Match Went Down A Little Bit In The PPV . Okay We Had The Same Intensity Yet Why Make PPV Out Of It . In My Eyes This Should Be King Of The Ring Or Another Great Theme Not Just Same Old WWE Making A PPV Out Of A Match . For Me I Think This Year At WM It Would Billed Perfectly.

So I Think It Should Just Go Back To WM .

Now ... Its Your Turn ...

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It was getting old at Wrestlemania... any other ladder matches on the show would have seemed awkward.

I really enjoy The Money in the Bank PPV gimmick, probably my 3rd or 4th favorite PPV of the year right now. I like it more than Summerslam.
Why Do You Start Every Word With A Capital Letter?

It's bloody annoying. Anyways, I think the MiTB Pay-Per-View gives it a lot more time to shine than at Wrestlemania. At WM, you get 1 MiTB match, overshadowed by the rest of the card. At the MiTB PPV, you get two great Matches, like last year, that are both really entertaining. It's definitely a lot better time-wise when it takes it's place at it's own PPV and a return to Wrestlemania would mean that it would be overshadowed by other big name stars on the cards and wouldn't be as important.
Absolutely the right choice to have it here.

For one, the MITB matches, with the exception of the 21, 22, and 24, are absolute gash. Hot garbage. No buisness being on Wrestlemania. Not everyone deserves to be on the card, its the showcase of the immortals. Nothing at all wrong with simply putting together a proper undercard.

For two, this is easly one of the funnest shows of the year. During the most risk taking time of the year booking wise, two sloppy but entertaining matches, more spots to get guys onto a ppv show, and all the immense open ended oppurtunities fr shenanigans that the program offers.

Its FANTASTIC as a gimmick show, only behind Royal Rumble and EC as far as those types of shows go.
Really Abyss' Two Front Teeth? You Get Annoyed By Somebody Starting Every Word With A Capital Letter... Who Gives A Sh..!

Anyways, Personally I Preferred Seeing MITB At Wrestlemania. For Me It Sometimes Stole The Show As It Can Sometimes Get Boring Seeing Singles Match After Singles Match. Or Even Worse, Seeing The Wrestlers Who Would Kick Ass At MITB, Being Thrown Into Pointless, Toilet Break Style Matches That Do Not Allow Them To Shine On The Biggest PPV Of The Year.

Take This Years Wrestlemania, The First One Without MITB Since It Was Introduced:

Cody Rhodes v Rey Mysterio - Fair Enough, This Was A Great Match. However, Seeing Rey In MITB Could've Been Even Better.

Kane, Kofi Kingston, Santino & Big Show v The Corre - What A Waste Of Time. Kofi Kingston And Justin Gabriel Would've Been Much Better Off Used In MITB.

Snooki, Trish Stratus & JoMo v LayCool & Dolph Ziggler - WTF? JoMo And Dolph Ziggler Might As Well Have Stayed At Home. This Match Was Over In Less Than Five Minutes And The Main Focus Was On Some Orange ****e & A Retired Wrestler, When JoMo & Dolph Are The Real Talent In This Match.

Finally, They Take Away MITB And Give Me Michael Cole vs Jerry Lawler? I Couldn't Care Less If Jack Swagger Was In Cole's Corner And Stone Cold Was The Ref. These Types Of Matches Are The Biggest Insult To Wrestlemania And Talented Midcarders EVER.
Here's the problem with MITB at Wrestlemania:

1) Any main event star is going to have his own WM match, so none of the big names can ever be part of MITB.

2) Because of this, every year you have to give a guaranteed world title to a guy who might not be ready for it.

The PPV fixes both of these, freeing up the match for main event stars while still leaving plenty of spots for up-and-coming midcarders. Plus, it's a really fun gimmick, right up there with EC as one commenter mentioned. PPV's centered around weak gimmicks (Fatal Four Way, for example) are lame, but MITB works.
The capitals annoy me as well. For some reason they hurt my eyes. I also don't see why you would want to type everything in all caps. Seems like a waste of time in my view. Each to his own though...

Anyway, in answer to your question, although I was originally sceptical about the Money in the Bank ladder match being gifted it's own PPV it seems to me like it's better on a separate PPV than on the Wrestlemania card. As a once a year match, I always found the MITB match being the one I looked forward to watching at Mania every year and I was disappointed to not see it at Wrestlemania 27. Saying that, it's obvious I was in a small minority of the mindset who believed WM's buyrate would be negatively effected by the lack of MITB, since this recent Mania outsold the majority of Manias that held MITB ladder matches.

Although my personal viewing of Mania has been slightly marred by the lack of a MITB match every year it's obviously best suited for it's own PPV. You can almost guarantee MITB is going to outsell Capitol Punishment and Over the Limit and it's understandable why. The only annoying thing is the fact there's two ladder matches on the same night. Two MITB winners devalues the specialness of winning the briefcase and I'm hoping the WWE continue to make one winner cash it in relatively quickly to allow the other holder time to gain credibility with the briefcase.
I think it's better that they decided to give MITB its own ppv concept. The MITB match did have special meaning at WrestleMania at some point but the "magic" started to fade the past couple of years. It became something that we just sort of expected to see at WrestleMania. And while it was generally looked forward to, it didn't have the same impact it once had. To be honest, I thought it'd kind of degenerated into little more than excuse to have Shelton Benjamin or Jeff Hardy do massive ladder high spots and just getting guys booked onto the show for a bigger than usual payday than anything else. Also, MITB was often overshadowed by the other goings on at WrestleMania sometimes.

With it's own ppv, more emphasis is put on it and it's quickly become one of the shows that people look forward to the most. It's gone from just being part of the undercard at WrestleMania to being the centerpiece of it's own ppv. From top to bottom, MITB matches are quite possibly the most popular gimmick matches of the year. The WWE is well aware of that fact so why not take advantage of it and make even more money off the concept? The MITB matches in and of themselves coupled with the WWE & World Heavyweight Championship matches on the card could make this one of the best and most talked about ppvs of the year.
I have to say, when it first began at WM, MITB was awesome. Now as many of you are saying, its getting old. I guess we're just seeing the same thing year in, year out, except maybe with a few extra stunts thrown in here and there. Does anyone else get a little bit annoyed at how rediculously choreographed MITB matches are? I mean to the point where it doesn't look fluid at all? Don't get me wrong, they do some amazing stuff and these matches obviously require quite a bit of planning but it just feels TOO staged.

Two MITB matches in one night is not exactly imaginative either, I'm sure there'll be some very impressive moments but still.. I'm sure it'll be very (dare I use the word) entertaining. I personally don't think MITB should have its own PPV, keep it at WM. But just keep it to 6 people max. 8 people in one match is too much in my opinion.
I don't care either way, my only gripe is that the briefcase is now brand specific. It was much more exciting knowing the winner can show up on either show up on either show and win either belt.

Maybe they should keep the ppv, but only have one match with 4 guys from both shows. Or possibly if they want 2 ladder matches, make the first match of the night a 4-way tag team money in the bank. I think that would be awesome.
Why can't everyone just type like a regular person? I've seen some guys here use no spaces, now that is f*ckin' annoying.

On to the topic. The gripe I have is that Vince doesn't want 2 guys walking around with briefcases, so it seems like 1 of the winners will always be cashing in that night. I agree with the guy that said it should just be one match. Like the Royal Rumble is one big match with guys from both sides in the contest. Then the briefcase could be used as a bit of a "loop-hole" to jump from show to show. Might be a good way to freshen things up part way through the year.
It was getting old at WM!!! This is my 3rd favorite ppv of the year trailing only RR and WM!! This years Money in the Bank is setting up to be the best PPV of the year!! The concept the whole idea behind Money in the bank is genius :worship:But i have a feeling that Super Cena wont be fired punk is somehow gonna be screwed and not walk out with the title. Although i would love for Punk to leave with the title and for Cena to be Fired and for the kids to cry:2ar15smilie:
Look at the SD! MITB match this year. For one none of those guys are ready for the big push. Sheamus and Rhodes are a lock to win that. Having a MITB PPV would be a great concept but two ladder matches with a brand specific briefcase is over doing it.

The problem is at the winners of the WM MITB 25-26 were booked wrong. WM 26 winner should have definitely been Christian, since he was the "hottest" guy goin into that match. WM 25 winner should have been MVP, looking back at history.
People always talk about wanting the King Of The Ring to return as a PPV. Well, now you got something better. However 8 wrestlers is overkill. Too much. The first two MITB matches had 6 people in it and allowed for more coherence. It's pretty obvious that WWE doesn't have enough major stars in each roster to fill up 8 spots. So why put so much filler in? But other than that, this concept of putting the match on it's own PPV is a hell of a lot better than it being a Wrestlemania attraction.
If you like the MITB match then you should be proud it has its OWN PPV. Like the Elimination Chamber. Its special, you dont see it on Raw and the briefcase has become such a big prop in the WWE these days it would be ashame to have just one match at WM during the undercard when it will get basically no attention especially this year with the Rock and Cena. Of course the Undertakers match.

The PPV built AROUND the concept is much better and its a tribute to how special the briefcase has become.

Why can't everyone just type like a regular person? I've seen some guys here use no spaces, now that is f*ckin' annoying.

On to the topic. The gripe I have is that Vince doesn't want 2 guys walking around with briefcases, so it seems like 1 of the winners will always be cashing in that night. I agree with the guy that said it should just be one match. Like the Royal Rumble is one big match with guys from both sides in the contest. Then the briefcase could be used as a bit of a "loop-hole" to jump from show to show. Might be a good way to freshen things up part way through the year.

I dont like the fact that there will be two brief cases either. If they are gonna go that route than they should have the two winners face off in the second main event against each other to see who is the true money in the bank winner and he can show up on either show and it would be good in the aspect you dont have to come up with a reason for a shady trade if you want to move a superstar to Raw or Smackdown. Say they made a mistake with ADR and want him back on Smackdown, they can have him win the ladder match and then beat smackdowns winner and then go on either show to beat which ever champ he wants.

The two brief cases is definitely overkill and it takes away from the appeal to me.
I personally think 1 breif case is enough. Thats why i liked it at Wrestlemania. It made wrestlemania that much more special plus it gave the younger mid carders a taste of Wrestlemania.. Wrestlemania 27 didnt have many mid carders at all and i know thats not what everyone wants to see but you need some younger guys. hope you get what i'm saying there. but i promise you that the RAW MITB Winner will get more attention than the Smackdown winner and the RAW Winner's career will take off. I mean look at the Miz.

I remember at WM23 when edge got the breifcase from kennedy and cashed it in on Smackdown it was a big deal. It was really a unforgettable moment. Why? because there was only one breifcase and wrestling fans was just waiting to see when it would be cashed in. This year one brief case will be forgotten about (The Smackdown Breifcase) and one will get all the attention(RAW breifcase). So by saying all that i think one brief case would add more prestige.

Also i liked it better at WM but i'm just glad we have Money In the Bank to add some excitement and unpredictability to the product.
I think there are pros and cons to both ways. Personally, I always loved seeing it at WrestleMania. It gave deserving midcarders the chance to be on the card (which they really struggled with this year as they had to throw a bunch of them into pointless tag matches). It gave high fliers a chance to show off their skills on the biggest possible stage, certainly something you won't see with a guy like Evan Bourne nowadays. It had also become a staple of WrestleMania and, while not a primary reason for anyone's ordering, it was usually a great opener or second match (they were so desperate for a good opener this year that they put the fucking WHC match in that spot).

On the other hand, it does add excitement to the middle of the summer and having two of them a year is pretty cool. Main eventers being in them is also something that we never really got to see before, because they were always in more important matches at Mania. However, I think that if it's going to stay this way, they need to find a better remedy to get some of these guys on Mania than the crap they came up with this year. You could say what you want about it being the "showcase of the immortals," but how are rising stars ever really going to progress in the company if they're not given shots to wrestle on the biggest stage? Plus you have guys like Kane and Big Show who are more than important enough to deserve some sort of place.
I do think that having it at a ppv is better because there is more room at WM for other great matches (hopefully) and also they can have other ladder matches. The one thing I would change would be to only have 1 instead of two, and make it be Smackdown vs Raw so that the best of the best are in the match, and you don't get worn out over it. Also I think having qualifyers on the show would be great again too. This year if it were that way I think the match would be Miz vs Riley vs Del Rio vs Mysterio vs Sheamus vs Barrett vs Rhodes vs Sin Cara
I do think that having it at a ppv is better because there is more room at WM for other great matches (hopefully) and also they can have other ladder matches. The one thing I would change would be to only have 1 instead of two, and make it be Smackdown vs Raw so that the best of the best are in the match, and you don't get worn out over it. Also I think having qualifyers on the show would be great again too. This year if it were that way I think the match would be Miz vs Riley vs Del Rio vs Mysterio vs Sheamus vs Barrett vs Rhodes vs Sin Cara
I don't agree with the point about MITB leaving "more room for great matches." Mainly because this year's Mania, the first without one, definitively proved that point wrong. They did a miserable job of time management at Mania this year, possibly worse than any other year in recent memory, despite there being no MITB. They just replaced it with a pointless Rock promo, a bunch of comedy segments, and ten unnecessary minutes of Lawler vs. Cole. Hell, if MITB WAS on this year's Mania, maybe they would have cut all the crap and focused more on the wrestling.
If the post is all capped or not typed properly, poor spelling, etc, then I usually skip it. Not saying I am a grammar nazi, it hurts my eyes and brain trying to sort it out. So basically you gain nothing, and lose people reading your posts which might just hold some intelligent though, but I will never know.

Anyway, on topic, I like the PPV concept better. The brand only specification is annoying, I really enjoyed Swagger's teasing of cashing it in on Cena only to take Jericho's title instead.

MITB at WM was good, I really enjoyed it, but Kane's cash-in last summer, two matches I personally really enjoyed, the fact people who you could see as being #1 contenders during WM buildup are in the matches, it's a no brainer personally.
MITB is doing well as a gimmick show, and the show coming up just proves that. This is one of the most anticipated events in at least months. At WM, it's just taking up valuable time, why not make it on one show? This way, two MITB matches can happen: one for Raw and one for Smackdown.
I can understand why it's a ppv, but i rather it be at Wrestlemania. Especially since it was a special attraction for the event. This way you can put more stars on the card that deserves being there. The problem I have with MITB is too many participants in each match for there to be two on a single ppv. If they're going to use 8 guys they need to go to the old format of 4 raw stars and 4 SD stars. Then you have more unpredictablity, because he can cash it in on either show. They can definitely make it better.
I enjoyed MITB at Wrestlemania. It gave some stars a chance to be on the show and participate in a match that would receive a lot of attention. I don't know what guys like Shelton Benjamin would have done at Wrestlemania if he wasn't in MITB.

Building a PPV around it is alright too. Since both shows have a winner, it opens up a few storyline options on the shows instead of just RAW or Smackdown having the benefit of the winner.

The only problem with MITB PPV is the other gimmick PPV's. With Extreme Rules, Bragging Rights (though that seems to be cancelled), etc it's difficult to make one gimmick stick out from another. Thankfully the MITB is the bringing of a new, mainevent storyline unlike other PPV's where it's usually the end.
First I wanna say UltraMattMan that the statement about main event guys always having their own match isnt completely true. We've had Y2J, Kane and Edge in MITB @ Mania

Randy Orton was in one and CM Punk as well, RVD I believe and Jeff suppose to be in and win one.

Anyway I prefer the PPV. That one last year was a great mid-summer event right on my birthday, had two Divas bouts and I loved that, love my Divas, two Divas matches, and two MITBs bouts! it won me over with that, then gave us a Steel Cage title match another world title bout, the tag match was okay, my least anticipated match on the card and that's a good card for me. So I loved it.

This year's looks good too, even better than last year's because of ONE MATCH that IS NOT a MITB match, plus you get two of those so it's already a winner with the most compelling feud since Rock/Cena was announced for Mania a year in advance

CM Punk's promo is one of the top three things of this year behind Rock returning and feuding with Cena and before HHH/Taker having a non-verbal epic segment on 2.21.11 that was like nothing seen before and how only they could do that with body language etc.

So yes, MITB is being kept prestigious, nice Divas match and Show/Henry which both makes since, but hopefully it wont get trashed like Night of Champions did just last year or the year before.

I love the fact that we get two MITB holders even though we had 3 last year. Wouldve been nice to see 3 guys gunning for a champ at once. But they can still do it with two, what we need is two MITB holders to actually keep the cases over 6 months for dual suspense...

And I'm calling it now that we see a cash in at Mania at WrestleMania 30 if not 29 or 28. It makes sense to do it at the next big one or one of the two before it.

That's all I have to say, it's simply awesome, so I've cashed in my comment, I'm finished
I would actually rather see an inter-brand Money In The Bank Ladder match at WrestleMania pitting 4 Raw and 4 Smackdown Superstars, AND 2 Money In The Bank Ladder matches at the Money In The Bank pay per view, one for Raw and one for Smackdown. The reason why I want this, is so that we will have a Red briefcase winner gunning for the WWE Title, a Blue briefcase winner gunning for the World Title, and a Black briefcase winner who has the option to go for either WWE / World Title. Imagine if Jack Swagger, The Miz and Kane all held on to their respective MITB cases till WM XXVII.

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