Money In The Bank LD Is Hoping For Some Major Transactions on 7/18

Which means it could have been just anyone in there with Jericho? I think not.

Punk was floundering after some poor booking. The rub helped.

Am I the only one who remembers what a failure Punk was viewed as in late 2008?

You lie.

Nah. Didn't mean a thing to you when Rey had it, so no.

Lesnar had two good years. Triple H had two good years and a few good matches. Shawn had a few good matches, no really good overall years. Angle's good if you like watching guys try hard to undercut the heat of others while putting themself in a wheelchair in 15 years.

Rey's up there with Cena, Benoit, and Eddie for me.

Nobody bought Swagger. It's not that much of a stretch.

I bought Swagger.

And if you don't think Shawn had good years, you're beyond my help.
Барбоса;2232010 said:
How else do you escape the cage when the door is locked?

Im surprised they tried to escape. Most WWE cage matches solely revolve around getting pinfall/submission.
Барбоса;2232043 said:
Considering how long it took Jack Doan to close the lock, asking him to open it sounds like a real time saver

Get Mark henry? No better yet Robo Cop if he is still working for hire
I purposely left my comment ambiguous.

I like you Rodricks but you needed to shush about the US Title.

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