Money In The Bank LD Is Hoping For Some Major Transactions on 7/18

Would some1 mind giving me an update of what has happened so far at MITB? I forgot it was on and have missed it so far, and wrestlezone hasn't updated their pbp
I wish Swagger would wear that american flag attire with the epic jacket
Me too. When he entered in WM-MITB, I thought: "Wow, nice entrance. Too bad he has no chance of winning!" Well, he won, but he dropped a lot of what I liked about him. Vicious All-American Athlete attire suits him, not slow, arrogant, boring, black suit cheesy style.
Decent opening MITB with a surprise winner. Hot crowd for all the faces. Good work from Ziggler and Rhodes. McIntyre is generating some serious heat

Great promo from Sheamus

One of the best Divas match that has not had Phoenix, James, Lita or Stratus in it, with good psychology. If these two continue to improve they could have a decent feud

Good heat for Swagger

Formulaic tag match but effective. These two teams are just now starting to evolve some personality

Would like Swagger to use something other than an ankle lock. Perhaps the Brock Lock would have been more appropriate and topical
This crowd... Grrrr. I think some places in the US are greedy and dont take advantage of going to a WWE event. thats why UK crowds are much more louder and active because we get a 2 shows a year. Which makes the UK one of the best crowds. Best crowds in the US are places like New York, Philly, Chicago and then there's Canada the rest are full of people who couldnt give a shit about the show and are there just to take their kid.

Sorry about my rant i had to get that off my chest.

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