Monday Night War 2....?

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
With all of the superstars making federation jumps lately, I am beginning to wonder if Vince and Jarrett are both trying to start Monday Night War #2 on purpose, in order for both organizations to get high ratings again.

Think about it.... WWE is acting all pg as if it was trying to recreate the hogan era through Cena, while TNA is being more edgy and acting like they want to recreate the attitude era.

Then all of the releases that have been happening, nearly all leading to wwe superstars going over to TNA. I gotta say, TNA is one or two huge stars away from starting Monday Night War #2. (Or maybe a Friday Night War against Smackdown?)....

I think it is possible, and it would be awesome.... and it may happen sooner than we think, if ratings keep going down.

What are yall's thoughts?

they are a strong two years away from even challenging smackdown at all. smackdown may be getting low ratings now but when the younger guys get going ratings will go back up. as far as Raw goes they will continue to drop unless they do something new for a change. if not then yeah i will give TNA two years and they will start wars again.
Wow... that's a bold accusation but I love it !!!!!!!!

Do I think it's even a remote possibility... absolutely not.

Vince has the same mind set as George Steinbrenner (the Yankees owner). He doesn't care how much money it costs and he doesn't care who he has to shit on to win... he will stop at nothing to win !!

There's absolutely no way he would work with his only competition when in reality, he could easily squash them if he so desired.

Th guys he has let go or the ones who have signed with TNA are nothing more than efficient moves by the "E". Do we, the IWC, agree with all of them ? No. But do we, the IWC, know why all those moves were made aside from the speculation we read on the newsboard ? No.

There's a reason why Vince is a billionaire (or millionaire - doesn't matter, he's fucking rich). He's a good businessman, granted a good businessman who's made mistakes (XFL), but he rarely ever makes a mistake with the "E" aside from a shitty run of shows every now and again.
Lets not rush. Competition is good but, I think if the Monday Night war doesn't go exact we will be disappointed. I feel that TNA has more talent and does better matches. Their problem putting things together to make that push. They get to that point and then competley book matches in a direction that pushed them back down.
With all of the superstars making federation jumps lately, I am beginning to wonder if Vince and Jarrett are both trying to start Monday Night War #2 on purpose, in order for both organizations to get high ratings again.

Wow....... I think that's the biggest lot of bullocks I've ever heard. If you believe that,. I got this wicked theory that Vince McMahon sent Vince Russo over to WCW to ruin it. And listen to this one.... There are some that will tell you that The Montreal Screwjob. I mean, golly, Vince must be the most benevolent son of a gun to ever exist. He always seem to give his competiton some help, or there always seem way in which Vince has mindfucked the wrestling business.

Vince doesn't even really regard TNA as competition at this point... And can you blame him? I think if Vince saw TNA as any bigger a threat than it should be, he'd stick his foot to the throat.

Think about it.... WWE is acting all pg as if it was trying to recreate the hogan era through Cena,

Sigh.... not this again. Ok, here's the thing about Vince going PG: The fact is, The WWE is now a publicly traded company. As soon as Vince stood in the middle of Wall Street, and began to ding that annoying bell, his product was going to go through serious changes. Never expect another Attitude Era, the fact is that this probably the best you'll expect the WWE in terms of attempting to capture the adult demographic.

while TNA is being more edgy and acting like they want to recreate the attitude era.

I'd compare it more or less to WCW 2000, rather than The Attitude Era. It's more like TNA attempts to pull itself to WWE's level, and right now, they simply don't have the star power to even consider being competiton for WWE.

Then all of the releases that have been happening, nearly all leading to wwe superstars going over to TNA.

None of these wrestlers that have been released have gone to TNA yet, per se. At least for this wave of cut WWE talent. I mean, I kinda get what you're saying, but Vince is mainly throwing away talent's that he either feels

A. Don't have it anymore
B. Can't contribute on a weekly basis, and are more or less detrimental to the product.
C. Will die on the current path they're on.

I gotta say, TNA is one or two huge stars away from starting Monday Night War #2. (Or maybe a Friday Night War against Smackdown?)....

TNA is far more than two or three major stars. And even so, which major star do you expect to leave for TNA. All of them are either heavily tied to Vince, or have expressed absolutely no interest in going to TNA. And even if they did express interest in TNA, Vince wouldn't let talent slip away unless he felt like there was something more that he could to make that wrestler a star.

I think it is possible, and it would be awesome.... and it may happen sooner than we think, if ratings keep going down.

I think that if the ratings go down, it's simply going to be a battle of lowly rated shows. Consider Nitro VS. Raw of late 1995- Early 1996. That's the closest we'd get to the MNW Pt. 2

What are yall's thoughts?_

Um, no.
In late 2006, Kurt Angle was speaking out in interviews, claiming TNA would be defeating the WWE in ratings a year from then. Well, two and a half years later, there is still no comparison.

TNA will never be up to par with WWE. There will never be another Mon. Night War.
The fact is this. I doubt we will ever see another monday night war. I doubt we will see a friday night war. Sounds lame and I am sure some have thought of it, but who would watch it. How many people are home on Friday nights. I live in South Korea so everything I see I have to download. Personally I don't want another Monday Night War. It was a special time in wrestling that will never be duplicated and never should. Is the product of wwe very tame right now compared to ten years ago. Yes, it has to be. They haven't had the be decade in the media eye. With deaths and steroids. So they need to make their product as tame as can be so they can direct it to kids. The kids are the ones who buy the action figures and a high end of the merchandise.

I still feel TNA has the motor turning. It makes it better for a wrestling fan. Maybe the best thing to do is not go head to head with wwe. Make it another place for guys to go and wrestle. Be a role model for ROH, whom I have never seen. In a few years have a few more up and coming promotions. That way if fans don't like one product they can view another.

It is better they don't battle directly, but figuratively.
listen if there was ever gonna be a "war" now would be the perfect time for tna to start recruiting released wwe stars and start taking major shots at wwe
ever since wwe went tv pg its just been plain boring i wont take away the fact that they are still able to book great matches but lets be realistic everybody misses the real action the sex, the blood, the real violence, the explicit language
and all of that
if you notice tna is really starting to take advantage and i cant lie its really starting to look like the better option if you really crave the action that wwe has banned

if jeff hardy, mr kennedy, and umaga go to tna wwe is in big trouble!
tnas ratings will sky rocket
in fact i hope this happens that way wwe will be forced to actually go back to tv 14 and we might get to see another attitude era
other than that i think wwe might have some serious competition very soon
So you think the Vince McMahon is purposely firing people because you know they'll go to TNA which will in turn make TNA more legitimate and more entertaining. Once that happens, TNA will nearly catch WWE in popularity. This of course means that some of the WWE's audience will turn away and make TNA their favorite show, and some of the kid's buying Cena, Batista, and HHH merchandise will start buying Jarret, Styles, and Daniels merchandise. So, after Vince loses some ratings and money in the merchandise business, he's going to THEN turn it up a notch so he can have another Monday night war?

That's the worst business plan I've ever heard.

Look, whether you like it or not, Vince is a businessman first, and an entertainer second. He will always put the amount of money he makes from the WWE over the fan's satisfaction. Of course, these go hand in hand, as if the fans are unsatisfied, they will stop giving him their money. However, Vince would never purposely LOSE MONEY to give second class fans (in his book) Monday Night Wars Version 2.0.
Conspiracy theory much? I could be a legit plan. Just like Obama taking our guns away so that he can give them to the Communists he has hiding in our septic system and start a Marxist Revolution could happen.

First of all, if TNA were to try to put their show on Monday in direct competition with Raw it would lose suddenly and completely. There is no Monday Night Wars if you lose the war in the first 3 months.

And what would they do? The "oh, we know a Superstars match outcome!" routine? TNA tapes their shows out what, a month in advance? Lulz. Try keeping viewers when Vince goes on screen with the exact outcome of the next 4 shows.

Or maybe they would try the "Oooo, we're better than WWE. Look at our talent." You got some ok talent. But it's all lost in the incredibly convoluted gimmick matches. A Briefcase on A Pole in the Clockwork Orange House of Horrors with Flaming Tables match kinda overshadows A.J. Styles' fancy flips.

Simply put, TNA doesn't really have anything on WWE at the moment. There is not one way they could get the upper hand. Even if they were to spend the next 5 years buying up every ex-WWE worker, or if it's a inside job on the part of Vince and Jarrett. Jarrett would simply be setting his company up to die.
The only possible way Monday Night War 2 will ever happen is if Triple H decides he wants a lighter schedule to be with his family more. That will be the name TNA needs to compete with the WWE. Even if Cena or Batista or Edge or Orton were to go to TNA, I think they would just end up like all the other former WWE Stars already there, but if Hunter were to be the one to go, it’ll be exactly like Hogan going to WCW. It would actually mean something to see Vince’s son-in-law working in Orlando, especially with the real life connection he has with the McMahons.

I just see Vince buying them or putting them out of business before actual competition starts. If it does get to that point, I’m sure Vince would have already stepped up his game as soon as he saw Impact and Smackdown having the same ratings. TNA should go head to head with the televised developmental show first, then sister show, before facing the Big Red Machine, known as Monday Night Raw.
Sorry TNA fans, but I don't think there is going to be any kind of monday war like the old days. Many of you seem to forget that the WWE has a sound reason to why they are releasing these "superstars". Most of these guys were either subject of horrible booking, injuries, or both. In any case this was a smart business move for them, and maybe a good move for TNA as well.

Call it what you want, but don't forget that TNA even with signing these former WWE stars still has to think of something for them. Either way the ball will be in their park, and I don't think TNA"s creative is any "better" than what the WWE has to offer. TNA has a long way to go before they can pull in the type of media that the WWE has weekly. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday out of 7 days in a week. That is something hard to do, and won't happen overnight folks. Just being realistic thats all.
Tna right now can't compete with wwe. My theory is that tna spends most of its time pushing ex wwe or wcw wrestlers who are supposed main eventers instead of utitilizing the home grown talent they posess. The only really over homegrown tna wrestlers are AJ styles and samoa joe. Aj styles is probably the most talented overall wrestler tna has ever produce and a triple crown champion yet rarely main events for the champion or even in a championship match. In addition Tna has plenty of talent that dserve to see the limelight and prove that they are ready for the maon event. instead the same people are always in the main event. I love angle but its seeing him main event every year and just about every ppv is terrible. People can argue vthat tna need establish stars but how do u create a star without taking chances on talent. Tna doesn't have to take the low road to become completition for wwe. Like vince said worry less about the other companies and more about ur own product. Tna needs a lot of improvement in storylines because they are too inconsistant and jump from one fued to another without conclusions and better booking. Oh yea how can u have a monday night war when both wwe and tna play on two different timeslots on two different days. Tna comes on on thursday and raw and smackdown come on mondays and fridays. They are not even competing on the same day. When yna gets prime time then they can talk but til then nope
I don't think TNA will be the next big company for WWE, I really think it will be ROH. TNA is just off with the story lines, I have yet to see one that grabs me attention. WWE aint great either, but are better than TNA.
TNA has really good talent and something is still holding them down.
They got former main event WWE/WCW wrestlers ; JJ, Sting, Nash, Angle, Booker T, Steiner and used to have Christian. With all this talent they have yet to give WWE a run. As much as I love TNA I just don't think they will ever take WWE to point that :wcw: did, I wish they would I just don't think they will.

ROH is they can get a national TV deal!
I would put my money on them to give Smackdown! and ECW a run. ROH matches are usually just so good. Maybe a good writer and you have $$$.
TNA does have some great stars. I love watching the X-division guys when they just wrestle and put on great matches. But the truth is, TNA will not compete with the WWE for several reasons already stated in this thread. But I think the most compelling reason is that TNA has not done two very necessary things: they are not booking their talent in an intelligent way and they have not captured the imagination of the wrestling world.

WCW did this with the nWo. People were flocking to watch Monday Nitro to see what they were going to do next. It was simply the hottest angle in wrestling at the time and that is what TNA needs if they even hope to compete with WWE directly. As it stands now, Vince is too smart, too wealthy and too proven to be concerned with TNA overtaking him and sparking a ratings war akin to the Attitude era where WCW and WWE were mercilessly trying to outdo one another.

TNA's only hope to remain viable is to continue to be an alternative to WWE and to not engage them directly. Otherwise, Vince will simply pick them up, peel them like a banana, devour the choicest part of the fruit and deposit the rest in the same trash bin that he dropped WCW into.
I didn't mean it'd happen THAT soon, I'm quite aware that TNA still has catching up to do.... BUT.... the more of WWE's former superstars they pick up, the closer they come to having a recognizeable roster. If I remember correctly, is that not what was going on a decade ago with all the federation jumps to WCW from WWF, before the NWO? TNA likely won't do something huge like the NWO until they know they stand a chance against Smackdown, let alone Raw.... I do think that a WWE VS TNA war is coming sooner rather than later if a couple of things keep happening.

1. WWE superstars keep leaving and end up in TNA
2. If ratings for raw/smackdown keep falling to the point where they are on par with TNA's.

I realize it won't happen for a while, what I was getting at was that it may happen sooner than expected. It's gonna be awesome when it does.
I didn't mean it'd happen THAT soon, I'm quite aware that TNA still has catching up to do.... BUT.... the more of WWE's former superstars they pick up, the closer they come to having a recognizeable roster. If I remember correctly, is that not what was going on a decade ago with all the federation jumps to WCW from WWF, before the NWO? TNA likely won't do something huge like the NWO until they know they stand a chance against Smackdown, let alone Raw.... I do think that a WWE VS TNA war is coming sooner rather than later if a couple of things keep happening.

1. WWE superstars keep leaving and end up in TNA
2. If ratings for raw/smackdown keep falling to the point where they are on par with TNA's.

I realize it won't happen for a while, what I was getting at was that it may happen sooner than expected. It's gonna be awesome when it does.

The two things that WCW had that TNA does not are deep pockets and a network that allowed them to do basically anything they wanted time slot/show wise. TNA can't afford the top WWE guys and SPIKE will only allow them to do so much. Unlike Turner who owned WCW , TNT/TBS and allowed Bischoff to do what he wanted.

Plus TNA lacks anyone with a brain to run the ship.
A Monday Night War, pt. 2? From TNA? Nope. TNA's past the point of return in my opinion. They may as well be a glorified legends convention or something. One thing the WWE was able to do is make stars and develop solid talent. Batista, John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, and Christian were all homegrown talent. Think about that. The majority of the main eventers in the WWE were grown in OVW or other developmental territories.

TNA? Well, they have AJ Styles who was groomed in the WCW Power Plant, and Fat Joe, who was trained in Ring of Honor. NO home grown talent means that the talent they have right now will get old, stop wrestling, and eventually put TNA in bankrupt status. Jeff Jarrett should fold his tent now, while he can. He's on a network that buries wrestling. He has to depend on Mick Foley, Sting, Kurt Angle, and Kevin Nash for ratings. Vince Russo is booking for him.

Anyone who thinks TNA will compete with the WWE is out of their mind. TNA folds, another renegade wrestling company will come out of the woodwork and hopefully develop some talent instead of using retreads from years past. If that happens, we could see a good ol' fashioned rivalry again. If not, then the WWE will keep on being the biggest and only wrestling game in town.
A Monday night war 2 ?!

I don´t think so,

TNA can´t be considered competition for the WWE and just because they bought off Kevin Nash doesn´t mean history is gonna repeat itself.

They don´t have the money, they don´t have the experience and they don´t have the brain.

Ok I admitt the current editions of Impact! were excellent and a great to watch booking wise but in terms of catching the ball and running with it, TNA fails.

They got Foley , they got Angle and several other big names and what do they do
NWO No.2
To add on to my opinion on the thread the irony is the most talented wrestlers in tna are the non wwe\wcw rejects (expect angle and sting). Tna is a remake of wcw where the work horses are the cruiseweights and mid carders and the same main eventers dominate the spotlight. Tna is fooling themselve into thinking that known wrestlers from past companies is enough to better the product. The same star power they claim that isa benefit seems to be the same thing holding them back. Granted you need mainstream wrestlers but not at the cost of building new stars. You can count on one hand how many tna main event since its birth has not involved a past wcw wrestler or wwe wrestler who quit or was released. Like I meantion before aj styles is the only tna grown wrestler in tna who is over which is sad. In order to to even be consider a threat period, tna needs to go back to the reason they became popular in the first place, being innovative. And please fire the writers please cuz the storylines are weak and inconsistant. Half the time they make sense half the time it doesn't. Wwe is the same way too but the difference is wwe has establish its self enough to have constance fan base tna needs to build now

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