Molten 10


All Your Base Are Belong To Us!
From WZCW.Com

It’s that time again, with All or Nothing fresh in our mind. We all have images of Dynasty standing tall over the broken body of Sincade, Steamboat Ricky battered and bloodied but triumphant, and many, many more. And rather than wallow in those images, we here have the job to compare them all, the highs and the lows and present you, the fans, with the Molten 10 Report. Let’s see how your favourite superstar came out of All or Nothing in the eyes of our expert judges.


1. Joseph Rios
Although he didn’t defend at the PPV, he spent more time in the ring than anyone and survived right to the end. He’s still our World Champion, and Dynasty now hold every recognised title WZCW have produced. This month, once again, Rios is the ‘Main event’.

2. Big Will
He recaptured the Elite X Championship, delivered a perfect Willennium to Sincade, and his opponent Gus hasn’t been seen since the match. Life couldn’t get any better for Big Will … Could it?

3. The Devilspawns
Completing a top three trio, the Devilspawns captured the only remaining WZCW Titles not in Dynasty hands. After following the example set by their glorious leader Rios, they cheated their way to the gold. But ours is not to reason why, ours is but to rank these guys. And we rank them, and Dynasty as a whole, as the most dominant force in WZCW.

4. Everest
He put on a great showing, despite being warned off by Chuck Myles and losing his number one contender spot for it. We don’t think it’s over by a long shot, and predict that the time of Everest is fast approaching. We don’t know a superstar who is more loved and respected by the fans, and if he can just overcome the numbers of Dynasty, we’re looking at a World Champion we believe.

5. Steamboat Ricky
It’s only because the Mayhem Title is not officially recognised that Steamboat Ricky doesn’t place higher in our rankings, although the chances are were it an official title he would of attracted the attention of Dynasty by now. Could they take it off him? You know, in his own hardcore environment, we don’t see anyone taking this off him for a long, long time.

6. Mohammed Hasheem
He stays place this week, but that could very quickly changed. Promised a title shot by the boss can only be a good thing, and his friction with Rios is something we absolutely love here at WZCW.Com. He was almost pinned numerous times by D.C, but managed to fight back, pinning his opponent before Rios cost him his place in the match. We’ll say it right now, if Hasheem hasn’t gone up by next month, we’ll eat his hat.

7. D.C
The number one contender no more after the intervention of Chuck Myles, D.C put on what we think was the 2nd most courageous show of the night, taking it to everyone with reckless abound. He showed us all why we missed him when he went, and why we’re so happy to see him back. If he can get back into the title picture, we think his no-fear attitude may be just the thing to dethrone Rios.

8. Hatchiyama Manzo
Manzo proved that he is a main event player, decimating all of Team Sincade single handed until he walked out on his dastardly team. His later appearance may have cost Sincade the match, but boy what a chairshot! Sincade will be feeling that for months. Had he stayed in the match, we think we would be placing him much, much higher, but as it is he claims only #8 on his return to the WZCW.

9. Ben Legend
Made a great showing in the Stairway To Hell match, and at many points could of got the win. A great showing in a great match, Legend is quickly living up to his name as he evolves into a hardcore wrestling machine. His current program with Ricky is just helping him get better and better, and we expect him to stay in the Molten 10 for a long time.

10. Maxx
The other participant in the Stairway to Hell match, Maxx again proved he is mad, bad and dangerous to know. He landed some huge power moves and kept up with the veteran Ricky in most cases. Between the three of them, a hardcore division seems to be slowly growing here in WZCW.


... So, what surprised you about the Molten 10? Who do you think should have been on there? Two Superstars made their debut this PPV but neither of them made the elite cut, do you disagree? Maybe we should accept the Mayhem Title and move up Steamboat Ricky? Let us know, and maybe next month your favourite star will be topping the Molten 10!

Notable Absences:
Sincade – Why the hell isn't the former boss on our top ten? Because this week the blood that was spilled in the ring was horrific. Sincade left the arena on a stretcher and went straight to a medical facility. We don't know the nature of his injuries yet, and so we feel until we know if he'll even be walking this time next month, we need to save those spots for the people you can watch. We are sure however that'll be'll be back soon enough.

Nate Thorpe – He was the first man eliminated, being destroyed by Manzo in quick order, but he had more on his mind than he should have, and were we to increase this to the Molten 15 (…Watch this space – ED), he’d be in there for sure. All our thoughts are with your still Thorpe. He gets an honourable mention as our most courageous award simply for turning up. Thorpe, get onto that list man!

Chuck Myles – We had several of our team pushing for him to be in the top 10, even as high as #2, but in the end the argument that he himself stated he has a no compete clause means he’d be stealing a spot he rightfully doesn’t have. Sorry Mr Myles!.

Gus – He was in a fantastic match for sure, but where is he now? He vanished off the face of the earth since his loss, and we hear rumours of him actually being refused entry to the building for his behaviour at losing the title and for what happened to Hedi. Until we get an answer for sure, we’ll be keeping him off the M10 for the time being.

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