Modest Mouse and Frightened Rabbit


Póg mo thóin! :)
A couple of days ago I saw both these bands live. Anyone else fans of either?

Frightened Rabbit opened the set well but they weren't on for really enough- only half an hour or so. I really enjoyed their set though and I definantly planned to look them up once the gig was over.

This was of course till Modest Mouse came out and completly blew them away. I had never heard any of their material before bar of course "Float on", but I was still drawn to them as if they were plucking my very heartstrings. I havn't seen a band do so much with riffs and solo's and intermingling these into a complicated complete sound since I saw the Mars Volta live last year. While Muse will still be my best gig so far this year, Modest Mouse are most definatly the second and the best band I have ever seen without any idea of their material.

So yes anyone have a similar experience?
Modest Mouse are fucking amazing, one of my favorite bands. Check out their album "Lonesome Crowded West", one of my favorite albums ever. Hands down the best indie band of the 90s IMO, and they're still making great music, plus they've got Johnny Marr now! Lucky you, I'd love to see them live, especially with Johnny.
Johnny wasn't actually with them this time- he is still touring with The Cribs at the moment I think. Saw him with them though and he was pretty cool. Not sure who they replaced him with but he seemed to be the businness :) I'll check that album out on Spotify.
I always really dug this song from Modest Mouse called Trailer Trash. It's from the soundtrack of the film Crime and Punishment in Suburbia.


Unfortunately that's all I really ever checked out from them. Any recommendations, X, Nita?
Trailer Trash is off the album I mentioned, Lonesome Crowded West.

This in my opinion is their very best song, and it's a song that I could easily rank in my top five songs ever (and I'm not exaggerating, one of my favorite songs ever)

Here are some more good songs off the top of my head, the first two songs are two more of my favorites by them and two songs that got me through a lot of tough times.

Damn X, you put that first song up on a pedestal, and I hate to say this, but I wasn't really feeling it.

I liked Dramamine a lot though.

The other two... didn't dig those either, unfortunately.
Burn in hell. Burn in hell.

You and your none-indie liking music tastes.
In dedication to the other band I mentioned- Frightened Rabbit I'll post one or two of their songs. They were a good band- just unfortunate for them that they were opening for Modest Mouse who were just soo good live that they kinda got forgotten about.



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