MMA in School PE Classes

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
MMA is an official sport. That is a fact that cannot be denied. It has been speculated that one day MMA could be the most popular sport in the world. So the question is why isn't it taught in Physical Education classes?

I know that it can potentially lead to fights and physical altercations between students, however in a moderated enclosure shouldn't it be taught to the youth? If all of the other sports can be taught and educated within the school is it unfair that MMA is not taught. I know there are pros and cons on both sides however I really think I would put it up to the MMA brains as to wheter or not MMA should be taught in class, and do you think we will be seeing this in the future.

Personally speaking I feel MMA should be taught in the school system because of its up and coming popularity. I don't necessarily think it should be taught in the elementary system because I think the younger kids may not handle it responsibly however for sure it should be taught. I think that if Physical Education's goal is to spead awareness amongst the students then why not have MMA being included. MMA already has far more overall popularity then sports like Table Tennis and Badminton. Also a lot of kids need help facing their problems when it comes to bullying so would a little self defense be the worst thing to teach young kids? That is my spin on it, however I know there are several more educated people in the realm of MMA on here so I would like your opinion.
Sure it may be becoming popular, but it's still intentional physical violence, and schools will never allow it for that reason only. Like you said, it's gonna start fights outside of class which is what nobody wants. When we play hockey, we play modified rules so that we don't go crazy on hits. How would we do that with MMA? You can't. It would be sick, I'll give you that, but it will never happen.
MMA shouldn't be taught in education classes on the simple premise of it being a combat sport. You already hit the nail on the head, if it could lead to fights then don't do it. School is supposed to be about no altercations and MMA would certainly lead to some, not that other sports don't but MMA is typically more physical then say badmitton. However, I could see MMA becoming a sort of extracurricular sport that kids could get signed permission to learn and even still it would have to me closely monitored. Different clubs would be the best way to go with jiu jitsu clubs and judo clubs, that's how it goes in college. But another problem is that suitable coaches and trainers would have to be present and that costs money that most school systems just don't have, as a potential teacher myself it pains me to see the arts and sports in my area get cut like they are.

Maybe MMA will be taught some day and maybe clubs will be available for kids to get permission to attend, but it won't happen anytime soon and the main reason lies in the fact that many schools don't have the money to fund it. It also isn't a very difficult decision to opt against MMA in schools seeing as how violent it can be. These are the reasons it won't happen anytime soon.
I forgot to mention it from my current perspective. I currently go to a very fancy private school where they do teach some wrestling, so my point of view may be scewed from others. My school has about 8 different gym teachers each with their own specialty so it works when teaching wrestling here. As for the fact that it would be hard to modify it into a lesser less dangerous way I think I could disagree slightly with that. When they teach us wrestling we do no choke holds and we only grapple. I think that if schools were to do MMA like this then it would be accepted however I fully see what everyone else has been saying.
I'm just going to assume you mean real wrestling and not pro wrestling. I was a wrestler in high school and rest assured, it is much safer then some of the different kinds of MMA. Chokes are not allowed in wrestling that why that doesn't become an issue, well not often I did get choked out once but it was accidental. Wrestling is about grappling not throwing punches or trying to get someone to tap out. While it can be brutal, wrestling is in no way in the same category as MMA when it comes to the violence that could ensue. MMA won't be excepted because schools have a no violence policy and MMA would break that. As I said, different clubs is the best you are going to get but it would require parental permission and any sort of striking would never be allowed. The judo and jiu jitsu stuff can actually be used as self defense so that's why it could be permissible.
I'm just going to assume you mean real wrestling and not pro wrestling. I was a wrestler in high school and rest assured, it is much safer then some of the different kinds of MMA. Chokes are not allowed in wrestling that why that doesn't become an issue, well not often I did get choked out once but it was accidental. Wrestling is about grappling not throwing punches or trying to get someone to tap out. While it can be brutal, wrestling is in no way in the same category as MMA when it comes to the violence that could ensue. MMA won't be excepted because schools have a no violence policy and MMA would break that. As I said, different clubs is the best you are going to get but it would require parental permission and any sort of striking would never be allowed. The judo and jiu jitsu stuff can actually be used as self defense so that's why it could be permissible.

Good point. I have done a little MMA in the past and I usually came out of it bloodied which I do realize could never actually happen in schools. As it is counter productive. I realize wrestling his more about the point system then the actual tapping out and punches. Also I realize the violence then can come out of MMA and having it at schools isn't good.

As for MMA clubs my old school before this one attempted one of those and it didn't last a week. Could it happen in the future, I think yes because of popularity however I see your point when saying it cannot appear in the school education system.
I couldn't see it simply for the fact Boxing isn't done at many schools, if any (at least in Canada), so why would they allow MMA. Although I would like to point out two things for you to ponder about the whole "Contact Sports" being a problem'


Both these sports are played by many highschools in the States and in Canada and are just as dangerous as MMA. In Rugby players dont even wear helmets, I play Rugby for my school and god all mighty are first game a guy broke his ankle and another broke his hand and thats just are team. So the whole contact being an issue is a little weird.

Also, when teenagers and young adults play sports, physical altercations happen, its natural. Whether its Hockey, Football, MMA, whatever, shit talking goes on, and fights break out, its the nature of how men (and women) play sports.

Now to clarify my answer:

1. Do I think MMA should be done in PE Class? Yes, if a school can allow kids to play rugby, football, hockey and other contact sports then yes, with a proper coach/teacher, then yes they should be.

2. Will it happen? The answer is no. I dont think schools will ever allow it, nor do I think parents will ever accept that.
Honestly it's not a good idea Macios, It's to violent to be teaching kids at an early age. Also you have to hire instructers, and get the gear. That includes Mats, headgear, gloves, tape, shin guards, chest guards, kicking and punching blocks, among other things.

No school is going to be stupid enough to let any mma go on in their school. They would also have to have insurence for the kids, unless they put a clause in a contract that states they arent liable for any injurys. But truth to be told I wouldn't let my kid do that in school, and that would lead them to setting out and possibly failing the class.

MMA is best left for outside of school, Pe normally runs things for what a week or two? What really can you learn in one or two weeks. Martial arts takes years of pratice to get down. You can't screw off while doing this, because it's going to hurt someone if you do.

I can just see kid a being showed an arm bar or another sub and fucking around and destroying his friends elboe for life.

Just leave kickball, and dodgeball to Pe.
It's too violent really to be taken up for PE. In my old school, when we did a boxing module, after it, we were always trying to show off different techniques we learnt, and several bloody noses later, it was banned from the school and teachers were over board making sure we never tried boxing in the yards again. Same goes for MMA. Although it's a great sport to watch, for people to try and learn in school, it would be too much of a hassle. People would be getting hurt left right and centre. What started off as some kid showing a move he learnt in school, turns into a hospital trip and serious injuries. Insurance also would be a huge thing. For your child to partake in something like these in school, insurance prices would be extremely hefty and something parents would just not want their children getting into during school times.

So, MMA being thought in PE in schools isn't a good idea. Too many things could go wrong and could be endangering people’s lives that aren’t experienced enough with the sport.
I wish we could. But it won't happen.

The violence excuse is mute, there are fuck-loads of fights anyway. We just start takedown and submission fights if we're bored.

i know I would take this, as they don't do Amateur Wrestling or Boxing in schools in Australia.

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