Miz vs. 'Taker

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Pope of Dope
So since Miz is "banned" from RAW, lets say he decides to go to Smackdown. And so he does, than he starts a feud with 'Taker (without getting burried)! Would any of you guys like that? If that indeed happened I'd plan it out like the clasic Orton and 'Taker feud. Orton did his dirty work and did some cowardly heel shit but in the end he got better, scored a win or 2 over 'Taker, and just well gained from it. So would you like to see Miz vs. 'Taker?
Uh maybe, but Taker's way to good to have his comeback with Miz, he should at least get a piece of Jericho, Punk, or Morrison if you want a 'face' 'face' match. I really hope they have taker come back in a cool way, in my opinion they've already screwed up HBK's return by eliminating the surprise factor! :banghead:
I think the Miz would be a great warm up for the 'Taker heading in to higher profile feuds with the likes of Jericho and Punk. The crowd will be screaming for the Miz's head and UT will convincingly beat 27 different kinds of shit out of him in their matches. Would be great if the Miz stole one through some very underhanded tactics and then UT just came out and destroyed him in their rematch. :D
Yeah i understand what your saying but in my opinion, it's UNDERTAKER, he was the hottest dude on smackdown and produced the best match at Wrestlemania 25, he's too good and i just don't want him to have to work his way back up with pathetic fueds, he should be mainevent status with his history alone, lol! :D
Seriously!? The Miz! For Taker? No.

The Undertaker is probably the biggest superstar on that show outside of Chris Jericho and Edge. Those are the three guys who can be realistically depended upon to have very good feuds. The Miz is not. The Miz's last feud was a half-assed feud against one of the best superstars on the entire roster and he got fucking buried like no other. Miz is not even close to Taker's level and I would be very disappointed if his comeback feud was against The Miz. I would like to see him feud with Jericho or Hardy. Jericho because you know these guys would have a brilliant feud and Hardy because I think it would be very different.

The Miz is one of the most overrated superstars on the roster if you ask me. I think that he is good on the mike but his in-ring work needs quite a lot of work. Hopefully when he goes over to Smackdown, which will most likely happen, he can learn his place for the minute and just be happy to be getting some work under his belt and not in the main event. Knowing the WWE though, he will likely be Heavyweight champion in a fortnight.
Yeah i understand what your saying but in my opinion, it's UNDERTAKER, he was the hottest dude on smackdown and produced the best match at Wrestlemania 25, he's too good and i just don't want him to have to work his way back up with pathetic fueds, he should be mainevent status with his history alone, lol! :D

It's not a matter of working his way up, per se, I just think it would be very entertaining. The Miz would cut some scathing promos that would clearly write a series of cheques he can't cash and the Undertaker would proceed to eat him alive. I think the fans would love it. Then UT can go onto something heavier leading into his WM 26 matchup.
Oh yeah entertaining i'll give you that the only thing is, WWE is so over crowded in Main-event superstars, well even if not the same ones are being used over and over again, that i would hate to see the undertaker have to sit back because the production team dragged a title fued on for way to long is all. :)
I am intrigued by this idea similar to the way he called out John Cena and have Miz go "6-0" against Taker, and eventually Taker comes out Miz runs for a few weeks or similar Taker tactics with lightning and stuff like that, but my 1 problem is that The Miz will be jobbed again and I dont want that to happen. The WWE will kill his career if he is jobbed for the 8th straight time.
You guys complain about Miz jobbing to Cena, and then you turn around and want a Miz v. Taker feud? If Miz entered Smackdown with that feud, he would most likely be stopped dead in his tracks. All of the remaining momentum he has built would be stopped by the Deadman. Such a feud would do no good for either wrestlers. Everybody knows the Undertaker can beat Miz, and Miz can't afford to lose anymore time trying to solidify his career.

Not only do their characters not have any chemistry together, but their feud would be dry as all hell. The Miz has a persona that is similar to many people that you meet in life. The cocky, good looking, asshole with a chip on his shoulder. How many people do you see walking around like the Undertaker? Hopefully the answer is none. Having a persona that people can connect to contrast with a gimmick like the Undertaker's just wouldn't work.
So since Miz is "banned" from RAW, lets say he decides to go to Smackdown. And so he does, than he starts a feud with 'Taker (without getting burried)! Would any of you guys like that? If that indeed happened I'd plan it out like the clasic Orton and 'Taker feud. Orton did his dirty work and did some cowardly heel shit but in the end he got better, scored a win or 2 over 'Taker, and just well gained from it. So would you like to see Miz vs. 'Taker?

No, No, No, No, No, No, No. The guy was booked to look extremely inferior against Cena, so it would be a waste of television time to have a Taker/Miz feud get off of the ground. Miz dropped out of the upper mid card with his banning from RAW. He should be no where near Taker, and it wouldn't be fair to feed The Miz to Taker right after being demolished by Cena. If he does resurface on television have him feud with a lower mid card guy, like R-Truth.

They may have done to him the same thing they did to Manu and Sim Snuka. They wrote them off of television to eventually release them.
They may have done to him the same thing they did to Manu and Sim Snuka. They wrote them off of television to eventually release them.

That is Ridiculous. If he is released it would be a joke, they pushed him for a good month and a half and he was the best thing on RAW for that time until they made him job to Cena. There is no way he gets released here the WWE is smart getting him of RAW because he would be lost in the shuffle and he needs to get pushed.
A feud against the Undertaker is a horrible idea at this point. The Miz is someone that actually needs to be developed to a remotely respectable degree as a singles wrestler before there's even a possibility of him feuding with the Undertaker.

The Miz looked completely inferior to John Cena in every way, he was booked to seem as though Cena could defeat him at will anytime he pleased and it would be no different with the Undertaker.

Put the Miz in the mid-card, let him work his way into the IC title situation eventually, maybe even put the strap on him if he shows that he's got the goods. Then, if it all works out, then maybe put him in a feud with Taker for WM 27. But as it stands right now, the Miz isn't good enough and Taker's first feud needs to be something significant.
Miz getting so decisively beaten by Cena as many times as he did really hurt his credibility, in my opinion, and The Undertaker's the one guy on Smackdown they would not book The Miz to look strong against after going through what he's gone through on Raw. WWE treats Smackdown like crap and Miz will definitely look great against guys like Jeff Hardy, Morrison, and the other top faces there, but 'Taker has and always will be the one person that gets treated on the same level as the Raw top guys.

So, no... this feud won't work until Miz builds himself back up for a few months, and even that's not a guarantee. Who knows if he'll recover from what happened on Raw? But if he does... then a 'Taker feud could definitely help him sometime WAY down the line.
The only way the 'Taker should feud with Miz is if they are looking to push him hard and fast on SD!

Have him come out and say something like, "What does SD have to offer? I was like 6-0 against Cena, so who could possibly beat me here?" Then lights go out, bell sounds, thunder, 'Taker comes up on the titantron and just does a classic 'Taker promo like: "Miz, aren't you forgetting about somebody? I am the most dangerous entity in the WWE and now you are on my show. There have been many like you that have challenged me in the past and one by one, they have all failed, what makes you any different? If you stand before me, you will fall before me, blah blah blah, Rest in Peace!" Some shit like that.
First of all Miz vs Cena feud was so great but people still can't understand what getting over is.Miz got himself noticed and drew great heat by insulting John Cena.Remember a year ago when he was on ECW.Feuding with Undertaker idea wouldn't even considered.But right now people tell things like future US/IC champ future ME.So by feuding Cena he got over because he got Cena fan's heat by talking.So please stop telling Cena buried Miz.Cena only helped Miz to get noticed and he did a great job. You now think that he can be a ME in the future.When he was teaming with Morrison everyone thought he is just an uppermidcarder at best but Morrison's future is brighter.Now everyone see him in the same level as Morrison.As for Undertaker it's a great idea.What people can't understand about Undertaker is even though he beats him his opponent unlike in Triple H and Batista's most matches his opponents still someway look good.Remember his feud with Edge.They've had 5 matches and Edge only won one of them but Edge looked even better than Undertaker sometimes.He could even put Benjamin over by selling his offense.Undertaker is good at putting people over even though he always wins the matches.So if WWE want Miz to put over there is no one better than Undertaker at doing that while still always winning.
I'm a huge Miz fan, but even I don't think he should be near Taker in any match. Taker is arguably the best wrestler in WWE today and Miz is just starting out. He should definitly start at the upper mid-card.

Now Miz has stuff going for him, however I think there are a few things that could help him. First Try and get more muscular to fit the bill of a wrestler. Right now he has jobbed a lot, maybe have him job to someone like Mysterio and he just loses it and beats the guys down changing his personna a little bit. He can use his same mic skills without looking cowardly all the time.
If he goes against Taker it better be a year later when Miz is contention for a world title. He is not ready yet for the big boys, hes close but not yet
I am not sure a Miz and Taker feud would work out. Taker is a charcter that would look strange jobbing to The Miz. Instead, the Miz should go over someone else who is a big face on Smackdown. He could beat Rey or something along those lines, thus becoming over again. The Miz is a good talent who can use the mic. I am sure they will keep him around for a long time, as releasing him is unfitting. He doesnt hurt guys, he works hard on his character, and he has improved a lot in the ring. The Miz would be great with some reputation.
well actully Miz vs Taker has happened in the past before (youtube it) and Miz was sht scared to fight Taker, he ended up getting burried for that match.

But if you would like that to happen maybe WWE could possibly get him to come out and say he wants a chance to prove that he isnt scared of the Undertaker any more, or he is soo awesome that he can beat The Undertaker.

But who knows it might happen one day!
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