Miz vs Swagger: Fued of the Year?


Sliced Bread...............
Ok before you all jump down my throats, let me say i dont feel this honor should be given at the begining of a fued. However could the fued between Miz and Swagger steal the show and develop into the best fued WWE has seen in a while. Miz is a great promo man he showed it on raw. But Swaggers promo durring Miz's match was great and made me think that this fued could go down in history for its entertaiment value. First they are both AWESOME, no pun attended, on the mic, second both have agression that can only be topped by Randy Orton, and third they have good chemistry whenever they are in the ring together. Does everyone feel what I am feeling, do we have the birth of an amazing fued?
Yeah, WAY too soon to be even talking about this. They've had all of what, 2 confrontations so far? We don't even know if this feud is going to turn into anything serious. Both men are talented and I'm sure could give us a good feud, but feud of the year? Doubtful, and far too soon to be talking about it.
hahaha. it's amazing to me how quickly people jump to these conclusions. I mean the feud hasn't even really started. Its only been teased. Lets wait to see what happens to actually say this could be the feud of the year. We don't even know which guy is gonna get pushed as a face, for chrissakes. The way wrestling works these days the whole thing could be over before it starts. Sure, both can work; on the mic and in the ring. The problem is it hasn't really happened save for a backstage promo and an interuption in a match, to which it seems like Evan Bourne will be involved anyway. Point is, Lets give it some time before we say things like this.
IF Miz and Swagger even start a fued together i think it will be a good one for both superstars. They will each be able to put each other over since they have both been mid-card champs (yeah i'm counting the ecw championship as mid-card you know you all do the same) and i think the feud will bring some prestige to the u.s championship, I just hope they drop the undefeated thing for swagger otherwise mizzy will get beat for his belt way too soon.
Well, I for one am upset by this feud. While Swagger and Miz are two of my favorite this feud will ruin what WWE set up for one superstar. Swagger was supposed to be having a nice win streak and I hoped would be pushed. Miz just won the US title and is thriving in his role. This will end one of those two storylines. I wanted to see Swagger go undefeated and challenge for the title, I felt it would be real interesting to watch.

But all in all, this feud should be good(should WWE continue it).

Anyone else think Eve will play a big role eventually becoming the winner's manager?
You can't say a feud of the year is something not even close to happening, and when it does...how many matches do you think they will actually have together? like 2, maybe 3? And how many of those matches do you think will be more than just a one on one match on raw lasting about 7 minutes tops?

A "feud of the year" actually has to be something with some sort of story or plot added onto it, and it has to be between 2 credible superstars that most people actually care for, and it has to at least make it to a ppv or at least a better match than just one on one, or a tag match with miz on one team and swagger on the other.
I think the Miz and Swagger should team up at first before having a feud. Have both trying to one up each other the whole time but still team up. Throw Eve in the middle of thier team for some additional drama fodder. Don't rush a split. Maybe around Wrestlemainia time throw them in a 3 way match w/ somebody to start a greater rift in the group.
I like both guys and both are great on the mic when they are together. Both guys also make great heel's heel. Everyone including the other Heels should hate both of them so both men are stuck w/ each other.
I'd love to see both men feud with each other but the WWE has to build it up properly.
Miz was just in a tag team with Morrison where the exact scenario happened. Miz/Morrison will feud for their entire careers over the true Janetty. And the whole tag team one upsmenship is going on with Kozlov/Zeke. They should NOT be a tag team and just go through with this storyline and allow them to feud. With the winner eventually getting the big push to main eventing.
No. It's way too soon to be even speculating that this is the feud of the year. They've had one match, and we proably won't be seeing a feud, seeing as they're on seprate brands, but when they get pushed to the main event, we will proably see more of them feuding. Besides, leading canidate for feud of the year should be Jeff Hardy/CM Punk.
This would be a good feud no doubt about that but feud of the year, really as if we havent seen better feuds but i would like to see these to go at it and eventually battle it out for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania one day
Both The Miz and Jack Swagger are good on the mic. Ok, Swagger is good on the mic, Miz is gold! Swagger has the skill over Miz, but Miz can hold his own. Now they've had 2 confrontations so far, so we can't assume anything to great yet. These 2 though, if given the time, can put on a great feud. From an entertaining point of view, this would be great. Have the United States Championship on the line on and off, and it will get credibility and make Miz even more AWESOME (no pun)! This could help lift one of these 2 into the upper mid card after Kofi just to get a fresh face in the mix and test the waters.
This is too soon for a thread. Miz and Swagger aren't even confirmed to even be in a 'fued' yet. Although it would be a good rivalry, to say it has potential to be Feud of the Year is probably pushing it. Both are still green and need quite a bit more work to have a feud with them be a centerpiece or even a huge part of Raw. It's two young stars and to be honest, they'd be great together. But it's waaaaaaay too soon to speculate on whether or not this rivalry will even be good, much less 'Fued' of the Year.
I second that. There has been little build up thus far, and most fans just aren't patient enough to let a real feud build up. If do guys give each other funny looks, most assume it's gonna be a feud. We'll see what happens here. What happened this past Monday night was a nice preview of what could be a good program. Both Miz and Swagger could benefit from this and with the young guys getting pushes as of late, this "feud" could be elevated pretty well. There's just one problem here. They are both HEELS! So that problem will have to be addressed first.
I'm with the concensus on this thread. It is way to soon to tell if this will be a Feud of The Year contender. We don't even know if this will turn into a feud. For all we know this could just be a random one off thing that never gets mentioned again.

If this does turn into a feud I think it will be pretty good. Both are extremely cocky and arrogant so it should be interesting to see the promos that could come from this. As I've said in many other threads, I'm excited to see what the coming months bring for wrestling.

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