Miz vs. Morrison


Pre-Show Stalwart
People have said this so many times but i feel like on Raw tonight these two proved they are the future. TRULY. let me explain.

For the first time, outside of the John Cena, DX member, matches i really felt like Miz vs. Morrison was main event caliber with it being basically mid-card because of the tag titles.

Honestly listen to the crowd in this match. AMAZING. I dont care if it was kids, i myself, which i am 21 btw, was ecstatic for this match. There were some pretty awesome moves done in this match. There were moves that i had never seen, like the move Miz did on Morrison on the apron, WOW!!!!

IT WAS AMAZING. That is a future WM main event right there. There is no Marty Janetty in that tag team, that are both Michaels

What do you all think?
I think it's odd that, I believe, this is the first time Morrison has beat Miz since the split but it came away anti-climactic. I'm personally rooting for Miz but these two could very well share a Mania event like Guerrerro & Benoit, maybe for WM 30. I'm still not 100% on Morrison as his style just doesn't fit for a good reign as champion, but that's just me. Also, I have to give Morrison props as he's in my other favorite "sleeper" feud with Punk. They're not always at each others throats but they're always on opposite sides and put on excellent matches. I'd be fine if Morrison won the title that way.

I agree They both will be man eventers but Morrison is better than Miz.rest a sure that both of them will be main eventing WM 32 or 33 (maybe likely a little sooner.)They both have the look of champions,mic skills, wrestling silks, and two of my favorite theme song.by the way kobrad i like the rockers reference.
Wow! A great match to kickoff RAW, these two men proved they could really do it, and that they are the damn future of WWE.
The match was incredible, and a great finish.
I actually haven't enjoyed a match like this for a long time, mark my words:
Morrison will be World Champion, and The Miz will be WWE Champion and it will happen in a couple of years. maybe even a year.
They both have "the look", the skills, and mic work..maybe JoMo needs some help as face, but as heel he puts amazing promos.
They proved that both are The HBK of the Tag Team, theres no Janetty in Miz and Morrison like someone said before.
Props to JoMo and Miz..keep it up you guys are future :)
Because I am the Bliz!...and I am AWSOME!!!
Both the Miz and Morrison have come a long ways since they were Tag Team Champions. Originally, I thought Miz didn't have the personality, but he has taken himself to new heights and I can see in 2011 both he and Morrison being main eventers. Right now they both are on the cusp and I can see a great rivalry down the road with these two. I like how they are being teased as a rivalry and when the moment is right and they both are on the top this could end up being amazing between the two. I am glad we are seeing new blood, which shows the WWE future still looks AWESOME!
This was an excellent match to kick off Raw, I am a huge fan of both Morrison and The miz and have always thought these men are future world/wwe champions, It was great to see Morrison get the win (for once) and i just hope wwe dont miss use him like they do so many other talents. They both have the look, charisma and mic skills for a world champion.

Jericho fan for life tho!!! Haha
-John Morriosn

I'm a huge John Morrison fan . I agree with all of you..but Morrison need to change his finisher ,The Starship Pain is not a great finishing move for a main eventer..here are problems that i think he need to change or improve ..

1. Starship Pain , this move is just not suitable for a superstar.
2. Promo skills , He need to improve his promo skill. His promos as a face is boring.
3. Outfit , i like his coats and suits like the one he wear in his first John Morrison gimmick,but his jeans or pants looks awfull!


I'm not really a fan of him but i think Miz has a better mic skills . His cocky ,arrogant persona as a heel is really great.
There's no question about it...these are guys ARE the future of the WWE!

There ain't no Jannetty here. If we have to compare them, John Morrison reminds me of Shawn Michaels during the 90s and the Miz reminds me a lot of the Rock. Both of whom were great athletes, showmen and World Champions.

The WWE needs to know that they have two future World Champions here. They cannot fuck this up!
Miz and Morrison can NOT be messed up here! These are the two everyone will like down the road compared tp Sheamus and Drew McIntyre. Miz and Morrison are the Benoit and Guerrero so to speak whil Sheamus and McIntyre are the HHH and HBK I guess. I think every couple of months or so Miz and Morrison should be involved in some sort of brand vs brand match in 2010 or something kind of like last year with the Bragging Rights PPV. Creative should wait until 2011 to put them both on the same brand. Let this rivalry build up for another year while they both continue to climb the top of the ladder.
They had a great match with each other and they're most definitely the backbone of their teams. When you look at JeriShow, ShowMiz and MoTruth, all three teams seem like some odd, random pairing and it looks to be a tag team formula that's working for the WWE. I know that Morrison and Truth might not be a permanent team, but both wrestlers are very over with the fans and they do work well together.

Having Morrison go over The Miz was the right move and it only serves to give MoTruth even more momentum going into WrestleMania. I don't expect them to walk away with the titles, but I do expect it to be an entertaining tag team match. But yeah, I agree that The Miz and John Morrison are two of the brightest young jewels in the WWE crown and I don't expect that to change unless one or both of them just completely fucks up somehow.
Both Miz and Morrison are the future in the company. They are very good in the ring and they both have very good mic skills. The match they had last monday was freaking awesome. I really could see them main eventing some wrestlemaina PPV's in the near future. WWE please give a Heavyweight championship reign to either Miz or to Morrison.

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