Miz vs. Lawler - All in here.


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So in order to give the Miz some credibility as WWE Champion, he will defend his WWE title on Raw tonight, against..............Jerry "The King" Lawler

Now I understand with it being the King's birthday having him in a ring but I don't get having him face the Miz. Now I know the Miz was talking about Legends that have never been WWE Champion and everything but still I don't believe in having the Miz start his title reign against Jerry Lawler in a TLC match no less. I know the Miz will be able to carry a good match against Lawler taking the big bumps with the weapons involved and Lawler will be good for a spot or two but I would have rather seen the Miz defend against someone else. With King of the Ring being tonight it would have been good had Miz defended against say Vladimir Kozlov or even Santino since most of the major stars are tied up for the night, or even The Truth would have been okay to defend against.

So two things:

1) Do you think it is wise having him defend against Jerry Lawler for his first title match?

2) Who would you rather had him defend against tonight? (not including Orton or Cena, who are unavailable)
i think it is just to fit the storyline here. Miz will win, King will be injured and they might work him out of the booth. Leaving punk and cole to be heel announcers with the revealing of the raw gm around the corner.
Yeah I have no F***in clue why the miz would fight Jerry Lawler..The only thing they got right was having a TLC match on raw..They dont do those types of things now a days anymore. As to who he should face. It would have made sense to have had Wade barret seeing that he was screwed last week and The Miz came in after and won the title. But on the other hand if its TLC and theres no DQ whats stopping the NEXUS from helping Wade win?? And john Cena sure as hell wouldnt help Miz either. And I doubt they would let him have the belt for only one week...So even tho Lawler makes absloutly NO SENSE. There really is no other option.
Pretty fitting the King gets a title shot on the King of the Ring show. It's one night and EVERYONE knows Lawler will lose. He's been beat up a lot on RAW and is always back the next week like nothing happened. This won't lead to anything interesting like CM Punk and Cole on commentary. That would be funny but they need a middleman between 2 heels/tweeners.
booking miz against lawler for his first defense?

i have no problem with that...lawler is a legend, a hall of famer, and a respectable competitor...

having the miz retain only because of michael cole's interference? that i'm not so happy about...if the miz is going to have the belt, i'd like to see him booked just a tad stronger than this...

a sneaky heel is all fine and good...but a sneaky heel that relies on michael cole is a terrible thing...

just my opinion.
its one dang night...on the man's birthday no less...and he's a legend...i mean god did it ruin the Earth's rotation?....Is WWE going to go bankrupt cause of this? NO...They were simply paying a legend respect on his birthday....oh and they added to Cole's heel status...so in all actuality it did some good.
Ok, by no means did I think King would win the title, but to quote The Miz, Really? Did Cole just cost King the gold. Announcer Michael Cole. Come on, man, that is absolutely ridiculous. Fitting end to a terrible RAW. Double countout in a KOTR match, Sheamus wins KOTR (it is a vaulting point; Shaemus is already a multiple time champ and Morrison could have gained a lot more from it), another STUPID Santino/Tamina segment that kills an already worthless Diva's match, Tatsu/Henry beating Nexus because, of all reasons, Slater takes his eye off the ball to taunt a fan, and King being Miz's first defense. This was totally terrible. I knew the ending to every match aside from Nexus and the Cena storyline makes sense, but the rest was terrible.
Yea the Miz is a credible champ. Guess Kevin Nash and Mark Madden were both on to something. So how long before the Nexus/Cena thing gets old and the placeholder loses his title?

Man I miss guys like the Rock and Steve Austin, heck I used to a hater of the son in law, but I would welcome Triple H back with open arms at this point.

The Miz never has and never will impress me.
Oh get over it. It's one night and Lawler deserves it.


This is just a birthday gift for the king and the match wasn't even that boring anyways. It could have gone to another superstar, but that would have made less sense if it wasn't Barret or Randy. It also served to get Cole more over as a heel. I think he and Vickie are the top non wrestler heels the WWE has right now.
Only able to win the match after Nexus destroy's Orton and he has a match with Barrett. Then barely beating a 60 year old announcer who hasn't wrestled in a year or more, only with the help of Riley and Cole. Way to go WWE. Finally a champion who we can believe in.

I would have rather seen the Miz become the first person to cash in MITB and lose than see him turned into the Santino of World Champions.
Yes, we all knew the Miz was gonna beat Lawler tonight....but hear me out....

The King, at KOTR, on his birthday, all the years in the biz and all he has done.....should've gotten the title tonight......of course only to lose it next week on RAW....but I think he deserved it. It wouldn't have hurt the Miz (he'd get it back next week) and it would've been a great moment and a great twist and an "awesome" way to give the King the nod he deserves....

Maybe I'm wrong....just woulda been pretty cool.

What do you guys think?
While I feel this is a step or so down from last week, I still found this weeks Raw very good, but that is a conversation for somewhere else.

This main event was OUTSTANDING. Great bit of ring psychology, and storytelling by a legend (proving that he is every bit as great as he was 20 years ago.) I believed that he could actually win the title. I sympathized with his plight. The Arn Anderson vignette really helped sell the match.

And i think in the big picture, this moves ahead a bigger story line, and i'm very interested to see where this goes. Too bad they *****fied Punk on commentary. I was so enjoying it.
LOL yeah, no. Just because it's his birthday doesn't mean he needs the title. People here complain abou the titles changing hands too often enough. And you're putting the legitimacy of one of the WWE's top stars at risk for a feel good moment? King doesn't need the title; if steamboat and piper never got it then king doesnt need it either. It would have hurt Miz who is still trying to establish himself as a main event talent to lose to a 60 year old man who barely wrestles.
Did you just make this thread to add to your post count?

For the sake of not getting spam message I will answer with a HELL NO!! No champion is going to lose to Lawler. Even if he deserves it for his career, that would like pissing in the champion's face.
And everyone should know the tradition in the E when its someones birthday or they are in their hometown they lose so I expected Lawler to lose and the seeds for a full Cole heel turn tonight.
Well, to be fair Jerry Lawler has held more championships than any one man currently or ever in the WWE. There is a reason Jerry Lawler is a Hall of Famer. He was one of the true greats back in the day so give him at least a little credit. Jerry still wrestles when the WWE allows him to in Memphis at his own Wrestling fed. The Miz hasn't even been Champion all of a month yet and people are already saying he's shit. Give it time, he's green, he will get better.

And honestly, would you have rather see a squash match between Lawler and The Miz? Not really. What happened tonight will probably lead to some kind of retirement thing for King which everyone bitches about so there's always some good to come out of a negative. Just give it time.
I would have loved to have seen King win the belt. Have him win it and vacate it having proven his point. That may have buried the Miz but you could have him win it back next week or something. They could have made it work. After all the times they gave Flair and Hogan the title long after their prime, they could have thrown the King a bone.
also wondering if we hear from the GM next week about Cole interfering...or maybe setting up a Cole/Lawler match at TLC? (I hope not for the 2nd option...but hearing Cole have to read that he's been fired could be priceless with facial expressions and his voice going in that 'not yet hit puberty' octave)
You know some people here might not like Cole costing Lawler the title but I think this could set up something interesting because Cole is no Coach circa 2003 Summerslam when he turned. I think Cole will be revealed as the GM in all likelyhood and we may see Josh Matthews come in and do commentary on a full time basis because Cole will be in my view a strong on screen character and Vickie Guerrero type GM.
Yes, we all knew the Miz was gonna beat Lawler tonight....but hear me out....

The King, at KOTR, on his birthday, all the years in the biz and all he has done.....should've gotten the title tonight......of course only to lose it next week on RAW....but I think he deserved it. It wouldn't have hurt the Miz (he'd get it back next week) and it would've been a great moment and a great twist and an "awesome" way to give the King the nod he deserves....

Maybe I'm wrong....just woulda been pretty cool.

What do you guys think?
What should have actually happened, imo, is the total destruction of the King. Have the Miz give him the beating of his career and be made an example out of for doubting him.
I don't see what is so bad about it. Punk said it himself. King was just capitalizing on the Miz's mistake. He could have easily won if he climbed the latter when Lawler was on the ground after i believe was the suplex on the chair? I forgot, but I don't see this affecting the Miz. He wouldn't be champion if McMahon didn't like him in the first place. I think this was mostly a birthday gift to Lawler and giving Cole more heat.
What they could have done was have Lawler win the title, then next week vacate it. He could say that he fulfilled a dream by winning it, but he's not up to being a full-time competitor, & someone else deserves to realize their dream. Then @ the TLC PPV, you have a 4 man ladder match for the title-Orton, Miz, Sheamus, & one other. I would not put Barrett or Cena in the match, b/c it seems like they have their own feud going. Maybe Morrison or a returning HHH. Then, if you were committed to build up The Miz as a credible champion, you have him win that match. If he beats those 3 guys for the title, he looks pretty strong.
Gee another idiot bitching about Miz being Champion. Look I liked the Match and it was birthday gift for The King and as someone said to give Cole more heat. How often do we get 2 WWE Title Matches on RAW 2 weeks in a row? Um lets see not often so get over it already.
Good God. WWE was just paying tribute to King tonight. That's all this was. And it's not like the match was terrible either. Also, this is a TLC match, and we all know how Cole loves to suck up to Miz, so his interference didn't shock me. Give the man some time. It really is to early to start complaining about his title run now. Miz hasn't even been champion for three weeks, and people are already starting to bitch.
What they could have done was have Lawler win the title, then next week vacate it. He could say that he fulfilled a dream by winning it, but he's not up to being a full-time competitor, & someone else deserves to realize their dream. Then @ the TLC PPV, you have a 4 man ladder match for the title-Orton, Miz, Sheamus, & one other. I would not put Barrett or Cena in the match, b/c it seems like they have their own feud going. Maybe Morrison or a returning HHH. Then, if you were committed to build up The Miz as a credible champion, you have him win that match. If he beats those 3 guys for the title, he looks pretty strong.

That is absolutely a ridiculous idea. It would kill any respect Miz has as a champion-caliber competitor. Him losing to a retired wrestler who's been a commentator for over a decade? Damn near impossible to come back from that defeat.

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