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Miz vs Jericho at Wrestlemania?


Occasional Pre-Show
Okay here me out first before you make biast judgement, and please dont spam with this being a stupid match, but instead if you see it being plausible or not.

With the big three options for mania, if miz was to headline, would have been Miz vs Cena, but seems as everything is winding down that maybe
Cena vs Orton/Nexus and Triple H vs Shamus will keep these main eventers full, maybe Jericho will be facing Miz.

After all we do know the history of Rumbles past few years, and how there is also a surprise, so what if Triple H throws Shamus out, and Jericho is #40?

Jericho will run an beutiful mic fight as both are mostly charismatic talkers, which have defined Jerichos career, and will do the same for Miz. And who else to put Miz over at Mania than the Y2J?

So what do you guys think?
I'm brand new to wrestlezone and this is my first reply so here goes nothing..its a good idea but who's to say that Y2J is ready to come back? He was gone for quite some time the last time he left the wwe but maybe he's itching to get back in the ring after the quality of the recent wwe product..that being said im not quite sure if Miz is going to hold the strap going into Wrestlemania..do i think he's capable of putting on a great match of course i do im one the few who believe Miz is ready for the big time its obvious with the heat he draws and his work ethic (point in case John Cena).
i would love to see a returning face jericho put miz over at mania. jericho is fantastic. like he says "the best in the world at what he does". if anyone could make the miz into a true star its jericho. although i doubt miz will semi-mainevent mani.too soon in his career i believe. but he is on the right track. but with the wwe you never know and this is a very reasonable option
There are a few problems with this idea.
1) Jericho left as a heel. He hasn't been gone near long enough to get a face pop just for a Rumble return. And Miz CAN'T be face. He's not capable of it. So, heel vs. heel at 'Mania isn't going to work.
2) WWE thinks we're stupid. Clearly, Triple H isn't coming back before Rumble with just two weeks remaining. So, the big surprise will be Triple H returning to eliminate Shaemus. Yes, it has happened before, yes it is played out, and yes I really think it will happen. Maybe a double surprise with a Bourne return but no one would believe he had a shot or get too happy about it, so they'll go Triple H.

Also, I don't see Jericho returning this soon.
Why would Jericho come back as face when it was Orton who took him out? He'd obviously go after him.

And Jericho's face run when he came back in late 07 wasn't that spectacular. Plus he ended the Y2J character with his sinister type guy.
I like the idea of jericho turning face and go against the miz, but let's be real: orton "put him out of action" so he will screw him at the rumble or the elimination chamber and we will see a jericho vs orton at wm. The winner of the rumble i'm pretty sure will be Christian or John Morrison.:worship:
Could we see the 3rd coming of Y2J? I always thought Jericho vs Miz would be an awesome feud if done right! Yeah, Miz copies his Monotone Mic work, and Miz copies Kurt Angle a tad on the mic. I think it would be awesome!
honestly i think it looks like it will be miz vs morrison at mania with morrison winning the rumble. it obviously wont be the main title match but it will play on their history and give morrison the final push he needs to cement main event status.


I think a cool idea for jericho would be for #39 to come out and at that point everyone gets eliminated except for 2 guys who happen to eliminate eachother. at that point everyone knows that whoever is #40 just won, but all the big main eventers have already come out. then as the rumble countdown clock gets to 10 it turns into jericho's tron countdown. he comes out to a big pop and cuts a great promo to end the ppv
the return of jericho possibly will draw a good reaction comparing to his 2007 return, which was terrible in terms of pop reaction. But a face jericho to compete against the miz is highly unlikely and does not make any sense. Jericho needs to be a tweener. That is the only and logical method to set up jericho agains the miz, otherwise jericho would look ******ed as a face taking into account of all the heel stuff he said and did to the wwe universe.
jericho will either return to fued with orton, or the gm. he was getting close to knowing who the gm was, so if the gm is working with cole, who is working with the miz, then i could possibly see jericho fueding against him as a tweener. the wwe cant deny the cheers that jericho always, so being tweener may be completely doable.

but in all honesty, i think he will fued with orton either at wrestlemania, or right after. our questions will probably be answered come the rumble.
ok jericho dont have to come has a full face he can come as a tweener like orton the wwe needs anouther guy like that that can play both sides heel or face.
jericho is perfect for somthing like this however jericho is better suited to face a guy like punk or morison when he returns.

did anyone else like the match with orton vs ziggler it was by far the best match of the night ziggler has come a long way and i would love to see him win over edge at RR but he really needs to lose vicky pick up a real diva like melina or even kong that would be funny having a mean ass girl as his body guard !!

i hope ziggler gets atlest a short run with the title see what he can really do!!!

lastly i hope sting gets into the hall of fame i think its right this year
It's not a horrible idea, but the WWE would be gambling putting a new main eventer like The Miz against someone who is not a HUGE name like Orton, Cena, or Triple H. Jericho is definitely a top 10 name in the WWE, but with Jericho returning after a hiatus he is not going to draw compared to a name like Cena.

Jericho returning as a face would be a lot of fun, but I don't think it would be right for Mania.
i agree jericho needs to be used right i think a better thing for jericho would be to unifty the titles but not at mainia maybe sneak him into both elimanation chamber matchs like they did with edge or have him ref the match between cena and orton everyone thinking he is a bad guy they turns on miz giving the title to cena or orton or maybe some dark horse guy like danial bryan!! i think it would be a great match with danail bryan and miz with jericho as ref or even have danial bryan win the title at elimanation chamber and have miz vs danial byan vs morison at mania would be a nice change of pace for all 3
Hey guys, it says that this year is going to be the biggest Royal Rumble, so there is absolutely no one else but for Chris Jericho to win it, and there is no way there will be such a match as Miz vs Y2J at WM, it will be Y2J vs Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 27.

They always keep putting Y2J down but between times he gets the best of the best, like in Vengeance, when Y2J won both WWE and WHC ( Undisputed Champion ) by beating THE BEST superstars of all time Rock and Austin, so as this RR is the biggest so Chris Jericho is going to win it
I think a cool idea for jericho would be for #39 to come out and at that point everyone gets eliminated except for 2 guys who happen to eliminate eachother. at that point everyone knows that whoever is #40 just won, but all the big main eventers have already come out. then as the rumble countdown clock gets to 10 it turns into jericho's tron countdown. he comes out to a big pop and cuts a great promo to end the ppv

what a great idea and one i believe has never been used to win the rumble, with 40 entrants this could be a good enough match to make this ending work

it wouldnt matter that much who was entrant 40 but it would have to be a heel, like you say jericho could well make this finish belivable

and slightly off topic, HHH despite the internet has been putting over people for years, i cant remember the last time he was champ, for him to win and as a heel would be brilliant
well i have to say i dont think chris is going to be the suprise winner of RR even if he comes back i think its going to be somone one other than the headliner since there pushing this youth movment however i do think the champ will be a headliner. maybe mason would win it the new nexus guy at face jerico at mania after chris wins the title at elimniation chamber. but i think there going to have CM punk win it the miz and punk have been cutting alot of promos togther dont think its far away they turn on each other
I believe that orton will either win the belt at rr or ec. They will have Y2J surprise everyone by winning the rumble leading to a huge wm match between orton and Jericho for the wwe title.

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