Miz got us AGAIN!


The Mouth of the South Shore
Don't ever think the IWC goes unnoticed by the WWE. Once again, The Miz found a way to shoot straight at a concern that has been voiced on these boards quite a bit. In fact, Miz's entire promo was a shot in that he made fun of Morrison and R-Truth (who I still think need to be a legit tag team called Truth and Wisdom) for not being a "real" tag team. I posted over a week ago in the spoiler thread how many great teams over the years have been "thrown together" and that doesn't take away from the potential a team has. Miz shot right at that and said he's rather face the Bushwackers because they are a legit team. If we didn't see this as a direct shot at how stupid the claims on here have been, then you just weren't paying attention.

I personally love that part of Miz's character seems to be that he's tapped in to the internet wrestling fans concerns. This isn't the first time he's done it either. I loved his promo last night and the fact that Truth and Wisdom (I'm going with it! join me!) came out and worked well as a team showed that they are trying to be a team and not just 2 individuals. The only thing that would make this better in the coming weeks is to push a little more of the history of Miz and Morrison and the fact that they are meeting at Wrestlemania, if only in tag team competition.

I just want to get everyone's thoughts on this segment and whether they picked up Miz's continued shots at the internet wrestling community.
Don't ever think the IWC goes unnoticed by the WWE. Once again, The Miz found a way to shoot straight at a concern that has been voiced on these boards quite a bit. In fact, Miz's entire promo was a shot in that he made fun of Morrison and R-Truth (who I still think need to be a legit tag team called Truth and Wisdom) for not being a "real" tag team. I posted over a week ago in the spoiler thread how many great teams over the years have been "thrown together" and that doesn't take away from the potential a team has. Miz shot right at that and said he's rather face the Bushwackers because they are a legit team. If we didn't see this as a direct shot at how stupid the claims on here have been, then you just weren't paying attention.

I personally love that part of Miz's character seems to be that he's tapped in to the internet wrestling fans concerns. This isn't the first time he's done it either. I loved his promo last night and the fact that Truth and Wisdom (I'm going with it! join me!) came out and worked well as a team showed that they are trying to be a team and not just 2 individuals. The only thing that would make this better in the coming weeks is to push a little more of the history of Miz and Morrison and the fact that they are meeting at Wrestlemania, if only in tag team competition.

I just want to get everyone's thoughts on this segment and whether they picked up Miz's continued shots at the internet wrestling community.

I really am looking for some clarification here. Are you saying that The Miz (WWE Creative) was responding to your comments in that post you made?

As far as Miz's comments, he certainly is one to talk (kayfabe, of course), being that he is in another one of those thrown together Tag Teams that he was coming down on R Truth and John Morrison for.

You can call it ShoMiz or whatever, but the bottom line is that this particular Tag Team holding the belts is exactly what is wrong with the WWE Tag Team division and what it has become over the years.
I really am looking for some clarification here. Are you saying that The Miz (WWE Creative) was responding to your comments in that post you made?

As far as Miz's comments, he certainly is one to talk (kayfabe, of course), being that he is in another one of those thrown together Tag Teams that he was coming down on R Truth and John Morrison for.

You can call it ShoMiz or whatever, but the bottom line is that this particular Tag Team holding the belts is exactly what is wrong with the WWE Tag Team division and what it has become over the years.

No, I'm saying WWE creative AND Miz, because I do believe he plays a part in writing his promos, are tapped into the internet wrestling community. What you followed up your question with is exactly what I was referring to.

I made the argument a week ago that team like the New Age Outlaws, Acolytes, Billy and Chuck, Money Inc, among many many others could be considered "thrown together". Judging those teams from the day they got together, I'm sure today's community would claim they have no business being together because they aren't family or friends since they were 5. The point I was trying to make was that teams CAN get together "randomly" and still find an identity as a team and be successful.

What Miz did was take a shot at this very idea that people like you cannot shake. Apparently teams like the Bushwackers who came up together are more legit teams than say, the New Age Outlaws or Acolytes, because they are a "legit" team. The very idea that the IWC's idea of "legit" means people have to be lifelong partners is the very idea he is attacking. The fact is, if a team gets together for a purpose, finds an identity as a team, and becomes successful, that makes a great team. That team could come up through developmental together or they could team together randomly one day and go on to become an all time great team, it doesn't make a difference. The point is, ShoMiz is pretty good together and quite entertaining, and I think Truth and Wisdom have the potential to be really really exciting to watch. Hell, their creation I would argue is similar to some of the aforementioned teams in that they were 2 midcarders without a lot of direction. They could easily run with this and become great. All I'm saying is don't judge them in a week. Let's see where they go.
No, I'm saying WWE creative AND Miz, because I do believe he plays a part in writing his promos, are tapped into the internet wrestling community. What you followed up your question with is exactly what I was referring to.

I made the argument a week ago that team like the New Age Outlaws, Acolytes, Billy and Chuck, Money Inc, among many many others could be considered "thrown together". Judging those teams from the day they got together, I'm sure today's community would claim they have no business being together because they aren't family or friends since they were 5. The point I was trying to make was that teams CAN get together "randomly" and still find an identity as a team and be successful.

What Miz did was take a shot at this very idea that people like you cannot shake. Apparently teams like the Bushwackers who came up together are more legit teams than say, the New Age Outlaws or Acolytes, because they are a "legit" team. The very idea that the IWC's idea of "legit" means people have to be lifelong partners is the very idea he is attacking. The fact is, if a team gets together for a purpose, finds an identity as a team, and becomes successful, that makes a great team. That team could come up through developmental together or they could team together randomly one day and go on to become an all time great team, it doesn't make a difference. The point is, ShoMiz is pretty good together and quite entertaining, and I think Truth and Wisdom have the potential to be really really exciting to watch. Hell, their creation I would argue is similar to some of the aforementioned teams in that they were 2 midcarders without a lot of direction. They could easily run with this and become great. All I'm saying is don't judge them in a week. Let's see where they go.

That "people like me" can not take. That's pretty rich. And he can attack the suggestion made that the Internet does not respect slapped together Tag Teams. But that is their right. I despise slapped together Tag Teams and I want a more concrete and long term Tag Team Division. That is how I prefer my Tag Team wrestling to be. He can have his opinion, and the rest of us can have ours. That is what we grew up on and that is what we like.

In all of that, you did not answer my question directly, which is what I am looking for you to do.

Do you feel that The Miz was responding to your very comments in your very post in the thread that you are mentioning? Was he responding to you, JJYank's comments that you made?
That "people like me" can not take. That's pretty rich. And he can attack the suggestion made that the Internet does not respect slapped together Tag Teams. But that is their right. I despise slapped together Tag Teams and I want a more concrete and long term Tag Team Division. That is how I prefer my Tag Team wrestling to be. He can have his opinion, and the rest of us can have ours. That is what we grew up on and that is what we like.

In all of that, you did not answer my question directly, which is what I am looking for you to do.

Do you feel that The Miz was responding to your very comments in your very post in the thread that you are mentioning? Was he responding to you, JJYank's comments that you made?

That first no in my previous post was directed at your question. No, I don't think the Miz was responding to my post. I believe he was responding to the type of stuff you are saying.

I must ask you though, since i'm guessing you are somewhere close in age to me (I'm 25). Did you enjoy teams like Money, Inc., Th Acolytes or APA, The New Age Outlaws, Billy and Chuck, World's Greatest Tag Team, Strike Force, the Natural Disasters, Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett, and even the Dudleys, because all of those teams and many others who weren't as successful as these former World Tag Team Championship teams were in fact "thrown together". I am actually somewhat in agreement with you in that when I watch a tag team match, I like to see continuity and team moves and such, but all those teams started without that and grew into being a team.

So I ask if you enjoyed those "thrown together" teams, or would you prefer that tag team wrestling only be open to those who get into wrestling together and if you aren't a team coming up, you can't ever be a team?
Well there is a reason for this my "brothers," sorry got to throw some Hulk in there and no screw TNA. Anyways the reason IMO that the Miz won the Unifief Titles with Show is because Daniel Bryan is going to become the next WWE US Heavyweight Champion. Come on right now ShowMiz or whatever you feel like calling them is the hottest tag team in the WWE which of course is sad. Well considering their bringing in Bret and cannot even generate enough heat/ pop for the Dynasty???????????? Sorry guys but WWE is ******ed and just like the mentally challenged family member- you got to love them regardless. Now I am not a WWE mark anymore I don't think......anyways what was I ROH about anyways....oh yeah Daniel Bryan. Now come on whoever don't see this building to a Miz va. Bryan US title match then you must be smoking what Jeff Hardy is inhaling and not that good stuff like RVD. Wait...RVD took a big payoff for a quick pin on Sting and a jobbers beat down so maybe I shouldn't say what he's smoking. But either ways- DANIEL BRYAN your neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwww WWE US Heavyweight Champion and that's been decided since 2002 "When the era of Honor Began"
I didn't see it that way at first when I saw Raw, which in my opinion was a pretty killer Raw. But after reading your post I understand what you mean by what he said. The first time I'll point out is Rated-RKO, two guys who were thrown together, I don't know about randomly considering they were put together to 'end' DX because of how HHH screwed both Edge and Orton, seperate years but they were still screwed. Short-lived team but had great chemistry together and their gimmicks worked well with one another, Orton, at the time a cocky playboy sorta guy, and Edge the Rated-R Superstar, Crewd, Lewd and Tattooed was one of his slogans but they both worked well. Another is a team that involves two out of the four in the tag title feud: Miz and Morrison. I remember, when Cena and HBK lost their Tag Titles, there was a battle royale and both Miz and Morrison were randomly thrown together (Funnily enough a year prior Edge and Orton were paired together when they faced RVD and Angle on ECW) but in November of '07 they teamed up and won Tag Team Gold. I didn't watch a whole load of ECW at the time so don't know what Miz was doing before the angle with Balls and Extreme Expose, but being teamed with Morrison, a former ECW Champ, multi-time Tag Champ and a couple of IC Title runs added into the mix, was the best thing for him, well the both of them. Again, their gimmicks worked well, they were sorta like M'N'M 2.0 only better. Give or take they had a great near two year run, were highly entertaining and had a great Tag Title run (I didn't see the logic in having them lose to Hawkins and Ryder who never defended the tag titles bar when they faced Colons, but thats about it, when they lost them, could've given Morrison/Miz a longer run) Dirt Sheet, hilarious stuff and they were a legit team. Morrison and Truth, BTW nice call on Truth and Wisdom name, have appeared as friends in the past month or so, which is pretty cool, they display great chemistry together, Morrison isn't the best mic worker but if you have Truth with you its not really relevant because hes a fine mic worker. Were they randomly paired together? Yes, but, do they work well together? Yes. You don't have to be a tag team coming from the indys or be a family member or long-time close friend to be considered a legit and long-term tag team. What about the Two Man Power Trip? They were explosive as a team and despite being rivals worked well with one another, although I didn't watch WWE at that time so I really cant go into any detail about them, but I do know they were around and they were on fire, Austin being the WWE Champ and Hunter being the IC Champ, then beating BOD for the Tag Titles.
Don't ever think the IWC goes unnoticed by the WWE. Once again, The Miz found a way to shoot straight at a concern that has been voiced on these boards quite a bit. In fact, Miz's entire promo was a shot in that he made fun of Morrison and R-Truth (who I still think need to be a legit tag team called Truth and Wisdom) for not being a "real" tag team. I posted over a week ago in the spoiler thread how many great teams over the years have been "thrown together" and that doesn't take away from the potential a team has. Miz shot right at that and said he's rather face the Bushwackers because they are a legit team. If we didn't see this as a direct shot at how stupid the claims on here have been, then you just weren't paying attention.

I personally love that part of Miz's character seems to be that he's tapped in to the internet wrestling fans concerns. This isn't the first time he's done it either. I loved his promo last night and the fact that Truth and Wisdom (I'm going with it! join me!) came out and worked well as a team showed that they are trying to be a team and not just 2 individuals. The only thing that would make this better in the coming weeks is to push a little more of the history of Miz and Morrison and the fact that they are meeting at Wrestlemania, if only in tag team competition.

I just want to get everyone's thoughts on this segment and whether they picked up Miz's continued shots at the internet wrestling community.

You know, I've started to notice the Miz in my opinion being the "voice of the IWC" in the WWE ever since that short feud he had with Cena last year when he claimed that Cena couldn't beat him, and that his only fans are prepubescent girls and old women. From there I realized that the Miz is basically making the IWC heard within the WWE. I actually like this because most of us in the IWC think that our voices aren't being heard, well with the Miz being our "representative" at least we know our voices are being heard and not going unnoticed in the WWE.
Let me tell you a story.

This is a story of two wrestlers, two men who spent the first half of their careers seemingly always on opposite sides of the ring. Which one played the face and which played the heel changed occasionally, but it seemed as if they were always at odds. Both had great singles success, with one capturing multiple mid-card titles while the other spent time in the main event scene, often wearing or chasing the world title.

But, as happens, the day came when both men left the organization that had made them into stars, and soon they were seen in a different promotion. Oddly enough, in this new promotion, these two men, both big name stars at this point, who had seemingly always fought on opposite sides of the "rules", were placed together in a tag team. Yes, it's true, someone thought it would be a great idea to put two men who had almost always been enemies and form a "thrown together" tag team.

Now, according to the ideas that some people have put forth in this forum, and even in this thread, the story I just told is a terrible idea, and an example of
exactly what is wrong with the WWE Tag Team division and what it has become over the years.

Except this wasn't the WWE that made this particular decision. This was a promotion known as WCW, the two wrestlers were Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, and the "thrown together" tag team was The Outsiders, the two founding members of the N.W.O. Just a thought...
You know, I've started to notice the Miz in my opinion being the "voice of the IWC" in the WWE ever since that short feud he had with Cena last year when he claimed that Cena couldn't beat him, and that his only fans are prepubescent girls and old women. From there I realized that the Miz is basically making the IWC heard within the WWE. I actually like this because most of us in the IWC think that our voices aren't being heard, well with the Miz being our "representative" at least we know our voices are being heard and not going unnoticed in the WWE.

Yeah, I noticed it too, but more so I believe that's why everybody on this forums seems to worship this guy while many other (not on the internet) do not seem to give two shits about him.

I just want to point out something one of you pointed out earlier about the Miz writing his own promos; I doubt that very much. WWE does not trust almost any of their guys to write their own promos , maybe some of the vets but the Miz is not held in that regard.

As for the original post, Miz could simple be pointing out the obvious. R-truth and Morrison are literally two random guys that got paired up with no real explaination. You do not need to look at a forum to realize this fact. Same with the Cena situation, women and children are the majority of Cena's fanbase. You do not have to be on a forum to realize this.

Your fairly narrow minded to think it could not be a coincidence.
Just because a team has a name, that doesn't make them legit. Strike Force is thought of as a great tag team, but honestly, the tag team was about a third of their entire four year storyline. Martel and Santana were two AWA superstars thrown together. DX is a thrown together team. It was two singles stars who teamed sometimes for Raw main events in front of PPVs. '

Alot of these great teams have started the same way Morrison and Truth started. If it works, it will stick and then we will think of them as legit.
Miz is a hypocite, which makes him a good heel (other things along with that make him a great one). Just like he is with Daniel Bryan on NXT. If people did't see that he and Show are another "thrown-together tag team" with no history and therefore no real credibility, then I'd have to wonder just how intelligent they are. Or wonder how old they are. Because that's the point!

Chris Jericho says he's the best at what he does (although I wonder if it'll come out that he hasn't been talking about wrestling this entire time, but maybe psychology/manipulation), but he loses and is carried by guys like The Big Show. And just like with Miz...THAT WAS THE POINT (I'm doing my Cena impression where I talk quietly THEN GET REAL LOUD TO MAKE MY POINT).

I actually think that some people here are simply talking about the subject, regardless of the Miz stuff, while others are really scratching their heads over this.

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