Miz and Morrison: The Tag Team Yardstick


This threads a bit late seeing as they have lost the belts already but I feel it is necessary considering WWE is trying to rebuild the tag team division(s) as I feel that this is the kind of awesomeness other teams need to emulate, or maybe they need more realistic goals.

Theres alot of people saying that this is the time to split up Miz and Morrison and send them on the way to their singles carreers but I could not agree less, I think that if they split up now three things will suffer:
Miz's carreer will, he might win a mid-card title someday if he is lucky but I think he'll just be a jobber.
Morrisons carreer, he's had singles success before, but before the Benoit tragedy he was a jobber, he'll probably end up that way again.
The Tag Team Division, the only reason anybody cares about the Tag Team division is because they love/hate Miz and Morrison, the only reason Jesse and Festus are over is because people want them to beat Miz and Morrison. These guys have got tag team reigns left in them, and they can put any other team over big. I would go so far as to say they are the cornerstone of tag-team wrestling.

What I am saying is, both of these guys are youngsters, they have years left in them, why not be the team that is responsible for rebuilding the tag-team division before eventually embarking on singles carreers? In my opinion they are the Edge and Christian of today, their win over the Hardys on RAW is proof of that.
Miz and Morrison were good as a tag team, but i dont think they will stay together. Morrison will hopefully move on to the main event as i believe he has the potential. Miz however, should still stay in tag team competition for a while.. maybe he can find a new partner, someone like Elijah Burke or Kenny Dykstra.
I think miz and morrison were stuck together because they had nothing as singles wrestlers. But they became quite succesfull and even brought the sd tag division back to life. Now that they split up i think that miz will become us champion soon. John Morrison will feud with mark henry and become ecw champion soon. After becoming us champion morrison will get pushed to sd or raw and become world heavyweight champ there
Morrison won't feud with Mark Henry, he'll feud with Matt Hardy. Miz will probably be in the midcard until he joins TNA.

I don't like the idea of splitting them up. I think that they have pumped loads of interest into the tag division. I think it's a correct assumption to assume that Festus and Jessie were over because of Miz and Morrison. I also think that Finlay is going to return to being a jobber, unless they feud him and the midget with with Hawkins and Rider.

I do believe that Morrison could be successful at the top of the card, but he needs to wait for two retirements (HHH and Undertaker) and the tag division is where he would be best used until then.
What are the tag teams in WWE?

Miz and Morrison
Hawkins and Ryder
Jesse and Festus
Cryme Tyme
Dibiase and Rhodes

Are there any more?

So that's 5 teams (unless Yang and Moore are a team still) and 2 sets of belts. A champion team and a challenger team on Raw and Smackdown with one team left over. I don't think that makes it exciting at all.

But more to the point of the thread...there's not much of a yardstick to go by. I know some others disagree but I think that the Miz is completely boring. I have no interest in him. I love Morrison though but when they come on I'll change the channel because of Miz. Morrison should be a big player he should be working his way up mid card and creating some great feuds. He has the potential to be a huge future player. As for Miz, I think even jobber is a stretch for him. His height should be in the indies brushing off his MTV fame. He has no place in WWE or TNA (and especially not ROH).

If they're not building this for a "barber shop window" turn then it's a complete waste of Morrison's talent.
Miz & Morrison grew from a normal random pairing to become one of the most entertaining tag teams (in WWE) in recent memory; they made the WWE Tag Team scene interesting again, something creative failed to do during the reigns of Deuce n' Domino and Matt Hardy & MVP, which were just real downers after Londrick's reign. Although I hated that conceited Miz guy at first, after their performance in the Royal Rumble, they just grew on me, and I started loving "MNM II."

The Dirt Sheet is hilarious, because it's more original than most WWE storylines these days. And I completely disagree with what some people say about the Miz - he was a useless reality TV star turned wrestler, now he's really proven himself as a good worker (at least, as far as good workers in WWECW go) and while I don't think he'll ever get a great singles push what with good ol' Vinnie Mac's giant fascination, he could definitely keep working in the tag team division. As for Morrison, he's proven himself to be main event material, as his matches with Jeff Hardy will tell you. Granted, he has not beaten any so-called "Main Event" wrestlers that I can remember, but Morrison has the skills and the charisma to make it very far in WWE.
While John Morrison and the Miz were a great tag team and they helped the tag team division, the fact is that they are both singles stars. Both men benefitted greatly from the long title reign but now that it's over, I don't see why they shouldn't go their separate ways. John Morrison needs to turn face and needs a mega push to the top. He has all the tools in the world to become the next big thing but to do this, he needs to leave ECW and go to Smackdown. To turn him face I would have Miz and Morrison in a feud in which the crowd will hopefully get behind Morrison so he can finally be a babyface.

The Miz has improved so much since he debuted. I can see him winning the United States Title in the near future but I just can't see him winning the ECW title just yet. He could have a great feud with Matt Hardy. Morrison & The Miz won't stay as a tag team because on ECW there is no tag team division. Plus the current WWE Tag Team Champs are also heels so Morrison and Miz have no chance at getting the titles back for the time being. Both men are very talented but first they need to break out as singles stars, especially Morrison. Its time for a Morrison main event push in my opinion. He has already won the ECW title so that wont really push him if he wins that title again. In a few months I hope he is a member of the Smackdown roster so he can finally become the next big thing.
While John Morrison and the Miz were a great tag team and they helped the tag team division, the fact is that they are both singles stars. Both men benefitted greatly from the long title reign but now that it's over, I don't see why they shouldn't go their separate ways. John Morrison needs to turn face and needs a mega push to the top. He has all the tools in the world to become the next big thing but to do this, he needs to leave ECW and go to Smackdown. To turn him face I would have Miz and Morrison in a feud in which the crowd will hopefully get behind Morrison so he can finally be a babyface.

The Miz has improved so much since he debuted. I can see him winning the United States Title in the near future but I just can't see him winning the ECW title just yet. He could have a great feud with Matt Hardy. Morrison & The Miz won't stay as a tag team because on ECW there is no tag team division. Plus the current WWE Tag Team Champs are also heels so Morrison and Miz have no chance at getting the titles back for the time being. Both men are very talented but first they need to break out as singles stars, especially Morrison. Its time for a Morrison main event push in my opinion. He has already won the ECW title so that wont really push him if he wins that title again. In a few months I hope he is a member of the Smackdown roster so he can finally become the next big thing.

I am afraid this is where I have to disagree, dont get me wrong John Morrison does have the tools to make it to the top, but he'll be fighting MVP, Kennedy, Matt and Jeff Hardy, Umaga, Big Show not to mention the guys that are already there Edge, HHH, Undertaker, Khali (he is main-eventing Summerslam, like it or not) and I just dont think he'll win, he'd be better suited to waiting for the likes of Undertaker and HHH to step down, that way he could then play the role of up and comer to the guys that are on top then (Kennedy etc..).
The Miz would do okay I think, like you said he'd compete for the ECW title and eventually win it off of somebody, and they'd both be entertaining singles stars, but I can just see them being underused and undervalued should they split up (yes I am a Miz fan, I actually think he's very good these days).

I just think they need eachother these days, there time will come, but it shouldnt be rushed, they should be used as tools to bring credibility and excitement to the tag team division.
Besides if they split up now then they'd be just like every other random pairing, and I cant help but think theyre above that.
It's too early for a tag split. Look at the main eventers, right now. You have HHH, Taker, Edge, Khali, Jericho, HBK, CM Punk, JBL, Batista, Cena, Kane..
Out of those guys, HHH, HBK, Batista, Kane, Taker, and JBL are getting ready to step down.. After them, Kennedy, Umaga, MVP, Jeff Hardy and other upper-midcard younger guys will step up. If Morisson went singles now, he would be lost in the shuffle. In 3-4 years Morisson can be like MVP is now, while MVP is like Edge and Edge will be like HHH. Also, him splitting with Miz would really suck for a dying tag division. M&M 2 and Simply Priceless are two bright spots for a division that is on life-support. Keep it going.
I am afraid this is where I have to disagree, dont get me wrong John Morrison does have the tools to make it to the top, but he'll be fighting MVP, Kennedy, Matt and Jeff Hardy, Umaga, Big Show not to mention the guys that are already there Edge, HHH, Undertaker, Khali (he is main-eventing Summerslam, like it or not) and I just dont think he'll win, he'd be better suited to waiting for the likes of Undertaker and HHH to step down, that way he could then play the role of up and comer to the guys that are on top then (Kennedy etc..).

Triple H and the Undertaker wont be stepping down for a while so why should John Morrison wait for them? In fact I think both men need to put over Morrison. That will really boost him into the main event scene. Sure Smackdown has a lot of up and comers like Jeff Hardy, M.V.P, Kennedy, Shelton Benjamin and many more, but Morrison should receive a big push just after Hardy and Kennedy receive one in my opinion. So by then when he turns face, it will be huge.

The Miz would do okay I think, like you said he'd compete for the ECW title and eventually win it off of somebody, and they'd both be entertaining singles stars, but I can just see them being underused and undervalued should they split up (yes I am a Miz fan, I actually think he's very good these days).

I didn't say the Miz will get anywhere near the ECW title. I said he would make a great U.S champion. You're right though, the Miz will probably get lost in the shuffle because guys like Benjamin and M.V.P deserve a push before him as they have been around longer. The Miz only started getting recognized last year so he has to wait his turn. Its only fair.

I just think they need eachother these days, there time will come, but it shouldnt be rushed, they should be used as tools to bring credibility and excitement to the tag team division.
Besides if they split up now then they'd be just like every other random pairing, and I cant help but think theyre above that.

See I disagree. I actually think the split up will do both men good rather than bad. Plus what else is there for them to do on ECW as a tag team? Absolutely nothing. When Matt Hardy wins the ECW title, Morrison should be first in line for a title shot so that feud should last for a few months. The Miz can fued with someone like Evan Bourne or someone new. But if they stay as a tag team, there isn't much for them to do and I think right now is the best time for them to split up.
I don't think that they will split these guys for a while, which is a good thing. As much as I hate Morrison to be kept back for a bit, but there is no room in the Main Event yet. Well maybe on ECW there is, but that will have to wait as well.

Miz and Morrison are a good team to keep up for a bit longer I think, just until Morrison can more freely be in the ME. My fear is that they will push Morrison too early and then no one will care about him, so they had better get this right, or else.
Firstly I think Danmen and HardcoreKennedy managed to hit the nail on the head of what I was trying to say.

Triple H and the Undertaker wont be stepping down for a while so why should John Morrison wait for them? In fact I think both men need to put over Morrison. That will really boost him into the main event scene. Sure Smackdown has a lot of up and comers like Jeff Hardy, M.V.P, Kennedy, Shelton Benjamin and many more, but Morrison should receive a big push just after Hardy and Kennedy receive one in my opinion. So by then when he turns face, it will be huge.

Well yeah, your completely right, Undertaker and HHH should put Morrison over, but if I am honest I think the chances of either man doing that are really really slim. I dont think it'll make much difference if he is face or heel, I still think he'll end up the same way, he'll just join the ranks of hopefulls trying to ME and in the end he'll just be Jeff or Matt Hardys official bitch. As Danmen said, there is no space for him up there and if it were to be rushed now, people wont care.

I didn't say the Miz will get anywhere near the ECW title. I said he would make a great U.S champion.

Whoops, so you did, my mistake lol

You're right though, the Miz will probably get lost in the shuffle because guys like Benjamin and M.V.P deserve a push before him as they have been around longer. The Miz only started getting recognized last year so he has to wait his turn. Its only fair.

Well, I gotta agree with that, guys like MVP do deserve it ahead of The Miz, which is another good reason to keep the guys together, dont get me wrong, I want to see Morrison pushed as much as you, I just dont think it'll happen anytime soon.

See I disagree. I actually think the split up will do both men good rather than bad. Plus what else is there for them to do on ECW as a tag team? Absolutely nothing. When Matt Hardy wins the ECW title, Morrison should be first in line for a title shot so that feud should last for a few months. The Miz can fued with someone like Evan Bourne or someone new. But if they stay as a tag team, there isn't much for them to do and I think right now is the best time for them to split up.

Well you say what else is there to do one ECW, but thats just it, what with the talent exchange they have SmackDown as well, although I think I am one of the very few that actually enjoys the talent exchange.

I think they may be in line for a face turn soon anyway, they show no real signs of splitting up, and a fued with Rawkins and Hyder should be good
Everyone has made good points in their own right, and I agree with most.

I think Morrison & Miz are a great tag team, and what seemed at first to be a random pairing has become something that both men have embraced. They've become a pretty solid team, and they have great chemistry.

However I do feel that John Morrison is being held down in the Tag Team division. That's not a completely bad thing, as many legends started that way (Brett Hart and Shawn Michaels immediately come to mind.)

I feel that Morrison will become a hugely successful singles competitor in the coming years, and I look for Miz to be a solid mid level talent in his own right. Miz has grown on me quite a bit since pairing with Morrison.

My first impression of Miz was lackluster to say the very least, but in the last 6 months or so I'm beginning to think there's more to him than his reality tv past. He's shown a vast improvement, and I look forward to seeing what he's really capable of.

For the time being I think Morrison & Miz should stay in the tag team division, because it keeps them both from being lost in the shuffle. I can see WWE creative keeping the team together for another year or so.

The team being the yard stick by which other teams should be measured is interesting, and I hadn't really thought about that. I suppose you could say that Morrison & Miz are a solid team, and they've had a long title reign in the recent past. That's more than you can say for most WWE tag teams in recent memory with the exception of London & Kendrick who are no longer working together. By that standard I suppose they are a measuring stick to teams like Jesse & Festus, Ryder and Hawkins and Rhodes & Dibease. They could look up to a lot worse teams than Morrison & Miz.
Well yeah, your completely right, Undertaker and HHH should put Morrison over, but if I am honest I think the chances of either man doing that are really really slim. I dont think it'll make much difference if he is face or heel, I still think he'll end up the same way, he'll just join the ranks of hopefulls trying to ME and in the end he'll just be Jeff or Matt Hardys official bitch. As Danmen said, there is no space for him up there and if it were to be rushed now, people wont care.

Sure it probably wont happen, but there is always that small possbility that it will. Undertaker vs John Morrison would be a terrific match especially if John actually won the match cleanly on ppv. I think a face turn will benefit him. It benefitted Kennedy in my opinion, so theres a good chance it will help Morrsion aswell. As I said, Morrison should get his main event push after Jeff Hardy and Kennedy. That means that it might not happen for a few months, possibly after Wrestlemania might be the right time to push him.

Well, I gotta agree with that, guys like MVP do deserve it ahead of The Miz, which is another good reason to keep the guys together, dont get me wrong, I want to see Morrison pushed as much as you, I just dont think it'll happen anytime soon.

I never said it has to happen right now. I just mentioned that he needs a slow and steady build to the top and the first step to doing that is ditching The Miz. The Miz will also possibly benefit from the break up by entering the U.S title scene.

Well you say what else is there to do one ECW, but thats just it, what with the talent exchange they have SmackDown as well, although I think I am one of the very few that actually enjoys the talent exchange.

I think they may be in line for a face turn soon anyway, they show no real signs of splitting up, and a fued with Rawkins and Hyder should be good

True, but they are ECW superstars whether you like it or not. So they should be on ECW every week. They are both one of the main reasons why people even watch that show. I don't mind the talent exchange by the way, but Morrison and Miz usually wrestled on both shows because they were the WWE Tag Team Champions which were Smackdown belts. Now they don't have the belts, I think they should stick to wrestling on ECW only, more often.

Morrison shouldn't turn face until he gets his big push, but a slow and steady build to the top starting right now, certainly wouldn't hurt him. The Miz shouldn't turn face at all as far as I'm concerned. He makes a great heel and should stay that way for a while. They can't fued with Ryder and Hawkins at the moment because both teams of face, and I really can't see the WWE turning both Morrison and Miz face at the same time.
I don't think that they will split these guys for a while, which is a good thing.

I tend to disagree, I think that they should be split up by now, there is basically nothing more for them to do as a team, they won the belts and had a nice little reign, it's time for them to move on.

As much as I hate Morrison to be kept back for a bit, but there is no room in the Main Event yet. Well maybe on ECW there is, but that will have to wait as well.

Yes, there isn't room in the ME, but whoever said that Morrison/ Miz would have to be pushed in the ME immediately, they both need building up IMO, they can go chase for the US title, have the customary feud where the tag team breaks up because of egos and see where it goes from there.

Miz and Morrison are a good team to keep up for a bit longer I think, just until Morrison can more freely be in the ME. My fear is that they will push Morrison too early and then no one will care about him, so they had better get this right, or else.

Miz and Morrison are a great team, I agree with that, however, I think that alot of people are forgetting that this was one of the teams the IWC seems to hate so much, two dudes who were just thrown together while they were in a feud (if you can call it that) for the ECW title. Yet the WWE never used that, never showed some tension between them, they just apparently forgot that they competed against each other for a bit and became best of buddies with no explanation. I love the team, and I feel it was a welcome change to see tag titles being defended, but they need to move on from the tag division and try to become something more.
This is a fantastic thread by jerichoholic101. And I agree with many of the points he made insofar as Miz and Morrison being a yardstick for tag teams right now.

The reason they've earned that distinction is because of just how well they both play the heel roles they have. They are brash, arrogant kids. I'd venture to guess that there will be some similarities seen in DiBiase and Rhodes with Miz and Morrison with the way they carry themselves.

What I do wonder is why Kendrick and London were never given this distinction. Is it because neither of them was a legit singles star the way Morrison was? Is it because they were two non-descript high spot reliant faces? I mean, they did hold the WWE Tag Team Titles for an awfully long time!

The other thing I wonder about it the comparisons people are making to the Rockers, and I think a thread of it's own is due. But how can you compare Miz and Morrison, a team that has carried the WWE Tag Division for part of this down period, to The Rockers, a team that was shut out of the tag team championship picture?

And finally, for Miz and Morrison to earn ANY comparison to Edge and Christian, one of the 5 greatest tag teams in WWF/E history, they have to stick it out for a while - longevity will be a big factor.
Savage138 said:
However I do feel that John Morrison is being held down in the Tag Team division. That's not a completely bad thing, as many legends started that way (Brett Hart and Shawn Michaels immediately come to mind.)

I feel that Morrison will become a hugely successful singles competitor in the coming years, and I look for Miz to be a solid mid level talent in his own right. Miz has grown on me quite a bit since pairing with Morrison.

True, although I feel too much emphasis is placed in singles competition these days, I miss the old tag team days when a team would form and be proud of being two or three time Tag Team Champions, it wasnt just a way to further their singles careers.

This is a fantastic thread by jerichoholic101. And I agree with many of the points he made insofar as Miz and Morrison being a yardstick for tag teams right now.

The reason they've earned that distinction is because of just how well they both play the heel roles they have. They are brash, arrogant kids. I'd venture to guess that there will be some similarities seen in DiBiase and Rhodes with Miz and Morrison with the way they carry themselves.

I agree, Dibiase and Rhodes would do well to emulate these two.

EDIT - Thanks for the thread compliment by the way

What I do wonder is why Kendrick and London were never given this distinction. Is it because neither of them was a legit singles star the way Morrison was? Is it because they were two non-descript high spot reliant faces? I mean, they did hold the WWE Tag Team Titles for an awfully long time!

I think your reasoning there is sound, London and Kendrick were entertaining and maybe to some people they were the best team of their day, but I personally am a bigger fan of a good gimmick than a wrestlers moveset, Miz and Morrison have in my opinion have excellent gimmicks.
The fact that Morrisons an outstanding performer and The Miz is coming into his own only cements the fact that theyre the best team around.

And finally, for Miz and Morrison to earn ANY comparison to Edge and Christian, one of the 5 greatest tag teams in WWF/E history, they have to stick it out for a while - longevity will be a big factor.

True, maybe I was hasty, but longevity is what I am hoping for, in todays singles push wrestling society it would be nice to see a team form and stick together for a long time. Thereby helping to bring prestige back to the Tag Team Titles.
I don't think the WWE should split them up yet, they haven't been together very long and if they stay together longer they could be the team that brings the tag team division out of the dark ages. They have a good chemistry and they function well as a team, which is what all teams need to be able to do. To compare them to E&C is a bit much, as IMO they were one of the greatest tag teams ever. But they are a good team.

There's not much of a tag team division these days, I mean they gave Cena and Batista the belts. I think Miz & Morrison are on the verge of breaking up, and this is affecting the tag division greatly. Less people are tuning into it, (or i'm not at least), and I think that the division will have nowhere to go if they lose this team. I think that they could be the team to rebuild the division, but it depends on whether creative gives them the chance to.
Miz and Morrison are a great tag team, and definitely have more mileage in them before they split as a tandem.

However, sadly, there is not the competition in my view to allow them to develop any further in a tag team role. People here have mentioned Edge and Christian, but the difference is they developed through feuds and matches against the likes of the Hardys and the Dudleys. Competition like that just does not exist for Miz and Morrison.

The same could be said for Rhodes and Dibiase on Raw tbh - how much can they develop with no competition to make them look good? They are currently getting a good rub by performing with the main eventers, but when that dies, what then?

What this therefore highlights is how the current state of WWE, and the lack of focus on the tag teams and lower card due to top-heavy tri-branded ppv's, is preventing the development of new superstars.
Miz and Morrison shouldnt split anytime soon. They should stay as a team for next couple of years at least. There both young and seemingly injury free so they'll be around for a while.
And besides, its not good to rush pushes, and Bobby Lashley, Brock Lesnar are good examples of that.
And Edge and Shawn Michaels are the perfect example of waiting for the right time, instead of rushing it.

And the tag team division needs alotta work anyways, and Miz/Morrison can help make the tag division way better within the next couple of years. As faces or heels.

Watch this:


If this video interrupted Cryme Tyme on RAW one day, it would be an AMAZING start to an entertaining tag-team rivalry.
I feel that Morrison deserves much better than being the Miz's partner...

It seems like after the 12 guys getting suspended thing really threw Morrison off his singles title path.

They jobbed him to Punk and now he's not even a part of the ECW Scramble... dropping the work-rate in that match substantially.

Anyway...bottom line, Morrison, while he does make for an entertaining pairing with Miz, should be pushed as a single's star...possibly a face turn might be in the works...
I'm not sure how Miz & Morrison are the yardstick, at all. What exactly did they do during their reign that was so great? Ok so The Miz improved a great deal, but he's like Candice Michelle, still shit. And Morrison proved one thing, he's very innovative with a ladder. Nothing else came from the reign.

Somebody said that they're the Edge & Christian of today. How so? E & C had charisma, Miz does, but he's annoying. Morrison is vanilla. Are Jesse & Festus the current Dudleyz? Possibly buy comparison. But the division wasn't great then, it's even less so now.
I think Miz and Morrison are the measuring stick of todays tag teams because just as you said the division is shit and they never accomplished much, what is there to accomplish for tag teams anyway?

Accomplishments mean fuck all if nobody gives a shit about you, Bobby Lashley accomplished a lot given his short run, sadly no one gave a fuck making it meaningless. Miz and Morrison on the other hand didnt accomplish much, they had nothing to accomplish and yet they made people care about them, people wanted to see them lose (some even wanted them to win) they made people care about them in a division that is stone cold dead.

The only other team that makes people care is Cryme Tyme, Simply Worthless needed a rub from Orton before anyone took them seriously and thats really because they are generic, loaded with potential but potential isnt talent. Kenny Dykstra and Elijah Burke had potential.

Miz and Morrison are the team that todays teams should compare themselves to because they single handedly made the dead tag team division interesting, they got over despite having nothing to work with.

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