
Championship Contender
Wrestlezone just put up an article revealing who is going to debut at Genesis. Scroll down to see who it is (in case you clicked in here by accident). If this is supposed to be in another area, please feel free to move it.

Ken "Mr. Kennedy" Anderson is set to debut at Genesis. What do you guys think about this. He was being put over as a major mega superstar, and while that could possibly have been the case had he jumped over when he was in WWE, at this point I don't think it's that big. First off, we knew he was coming to TNA. Second, it's been so long since he was released, and he was out for months prior to that. Before his injuries he never lived up to his potential anyway. Don't get me wrong. This is an excellent signing for TNA, and I think he could do well there...if he stays healthy.

What do you think about it. Are you let down that that KK/KA is the "major star" debuting?
With the announcement that Ken "Mr. Kennedy" Anderson will be debuting with TNA in the next week, I'm all excited to see who the most underrated athlete in recent WWE history will try to kill next... I'm mostly kidding, as I love Mr. Kennedy. But there's no denying that the man has a tendency to injure himself, and other people (ala his release from WWE...sort of?).

I really hope that TNA makes room for this guy, but with so many new guys coming in, and so many old guys put on notice, will Wisconsin Loudmouth get his time in the spotlight?

I highly doubt that Kennedy is the mystery opponent to the X Division title (Jeff Hardy?), but I do have a feeling he's the "major aquisition" TNA bragged about last night. If this is true, than they've already set him up for success with the comment about him being able to win the TNA World Title. If Kennedy does debut as the new guy at Genesis, I think it's very likely that he'll be the next contender to the title after this Angle/Styles thing is over. This could spark some good matches, as plenty of other guys will complain that he hasn't done anything in TNA yet, and everyone was supposed to be on a level playing field.
Here's to hoping that TNA will make the right move with this guy, and also that he can keep himself (and others) healthy long enough to maintain a push. Lord knows that with all the movement going on in TNA right now, if he gets injured, he'll be left behind.
Am I let down? Absolutely not. In my opinion Ken Kennedy is the second more able wrestler after Jeff Hardy that signed with TNA. I awlays thought he's a magnificent talent, with awesome mic work and tons of charisma and potential. Honestly, thought he'd be WWE/World Heavyweight Champion in WWE within the next 8-9 months. Very glad he'll debut with TNA and can't wait to see what'll happen. Very good move.
thats a good choice i guess but wouldnt it be bad ass if chavo matt hardy and shelton all showed up together cause they r tired of bein held down in the big e
We will see if he actually show up or if this is some unfounded rumor like we heard last week and the week before and the week before and the week before that!

If he does show up I WILL GEEK OUT SO HARD! The thing is I was never a fan of his in WWE but when was released I went and watched some of his matches on YOUTUBE and other places and saw that he is a pretty solid wrestler and is F*****G golden on the stick. And I don't go for the whole he's injured all the time stuff and that he injures others BS. It is wrestling people get hurt and it happens,maybe he is unlucky or it is just happenstance. Yes he has been out with injuries alot but there is no guarantee that he is going to be injured ever again so just TAKE A CHANCE ON HIM.


I just hope they start him out as a face and kinda funny and then transition him into a heel but TNA will probably start him out as a heel........IF HE ACTUALLY COMES IN which I am always skeptical of because he always seem to put the acting first and does not seem to care for wrestling anymore.

So major WWE released somebody who's super over at a time when they're in desperate need of new headline acts. I like Kennedy, but he's not major, maybe if he'd moved to TNA in 2007 before he had about two years injury leave, but right now he's a nobody.
The way they hyped this superstar on impact this week, I don't believe it is going to be Kennedy. Kennedy will showup this week on Genesis or at Impact, but I don't believe it is the wrestler that Hogan and Bischoff were hyping so much.

I have 3 choices on who it could be (2 or plausible and 1 is right out there)

The two plausible ones are Goldberg and RVD

The one that is right out there is John Cena. I have no idea what is contract status with the WWe is, and the only reason I even suggest Cena (Mostly jokingly) is when Hogan and Bischoff were talking to Jarrett, Hogan said he needs an Attitude Adjustment. and then Eric said "He will get one". Now isn't that the name of Cena's finisher. I know it's way out there, but wouldn't this be a very shocking debut for TNA
I love Kennedy as much as the next guy. I was super ultra mega high on him when he was with the WWE but he's been out of action on TV for almost a year and a half. Even I can't get that excited about this. He's got a lot to prove with TNA and he's going to need to stay injury free to do so. He is more or less starting from scratch and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if TNA couldn't find anything to do with him and let him fizzle away within 6 months. Hopefully the guy can still work the stick (that's what she said).
And I don't go for the whole he's injured all the time stuff and that he injures others BS. It is wrestling people get hurt and it happens,maybe he is unlucky or it is just happenstance. Yes he has been out with injuries alot but there is no guarantee that he is going to be injured ever again so just TAKE A CHANCE ON HIM.

He was in the WWE for over four years and he spent nearly a total of half that time off of WWE television for one reason or another. Injuries did have a lot to do with it. Yes, people do get hurt in wrestling but there comes a time when you just have to say enough is enough. Whenever he started to build momentum, something would always happen to knock him out of action for a while, which means the WWE would have to start all back over again. The WWE gave him chances, nobody can say otherwise. They pushed him, they put him into high profile feuds and high profile matches, Vince even put him in one of his movies and Vince doesn't do that unless he sees real potential in you and/or has some big things in store for you. The storyline with Vince's illegitimate son was created for Kennedy.


While criticisms of some of Randy Orton's behavior is more than justified, you know as well as I do that's not true. I know it's fashionable for the IWC to shit all over anything WWE but the fact is that there were and still are some legitimate concerns about Anderson's durability and in-ring ability as it pertains to knowing how to protect himself and others in the ring. Almost re-injuring Randy Orton was simply the final straw for the WWE.
Yes, I have a feeling that Kennedy is the man that Higan has been bragging about but how do I feel about that?

Well, according to Hogan, this man was "capable of changing the wrestling world" and is "championship material". The way Hogan is talking, it was as if they had signed the fucking Rock. Nevertheless, I am completely underwhelmed and unsurprised by this "surprise". Kennedy has never been the best in-ring worker and it is definitely his guile and ability on the mic that had gotten him to the WWE. With that being said, I do hope that they give him a chance to show what the WWE are missing. I was never a huge fan of Kennedy during the WWE run but I could tell that he had some talent. Enough to get him noticed and enough to get him to the main event for a while.

TNA may be overselling the point with Kennedy but he is definitely capable of turning some heads. I have no idea how they are going to fit him in with all of the new guys coming in but I think that he will be in the Championship picture for sure. TNA will be looking to stick it to the WWE and have him go to the top. Whether he deserved it or not, the fact of the matter is that Kennedy can turn some heads and they have picked up someone who can do well for them if he can stay healthy.
I see this as a good thing on TNAs part and a bad thing on WWEs. WWE was stupid for releasing him, they could have just sent him to FCW for training but TNA was so smart to sign him, but it kind of looks crazy because of all this bug name talent coming in with no indy stars being signed. Mr. Kenn.. I mean Anderson will be another ace for TNA, I can already ready see him as one of the top heels in a feud with Joe or Angle and cutting some of the funniest golden promos. TNA is starting from the bottom up, and they have alot of the pieces they were missing last year. I cant wait to see how TNA grows not only on camera but behind the scenes, at this rate WWE will change from pg13 to tv17 and we will have attitude 2.0.. THE FANS WIN!!!
This is a good signing for TNA, but I agree with CHADMW in that I think Kennedy is being used somewhat as a smokescreen for an even bigger and more surprising debut.

Because of the fact that he's been gone from the WWE for a while, plus he has an extensive injury history, plus he's been rumoured to TNA for some time now, plus he was involved with Hogan in Australia recently (I think, I stand to be corrected on this), I just don't think that Kennedy is big enough to warrant the hype he received last night on iMPACT. I'm expecting this information to be "leaked," only for someone even bigger to actually debut, either at Genesis or the next night on iMPACT.

I was never overly high on Kennedy/Anderson anyway, so I see this as no loss for the WWE. I expect a minor impact from his arrival, followed shortly thereafter by an inevitable injury.

In terms of who bigger may be in store, RVD would be my guess, or possibly even Bill Goldberg. Forget Cena leaving WWE for TNA, that's just ludicrous, there's already been one guy commit career suicide with this backwards step. Last night's comments were just Bischoff playing with the IWC (apparently successfully).

To have the impact that Hogan implied last night, it would have to be someone even more huge, such as Stone Cold, the Rock, Brock Lesnar, or SHANE MCMAHON. All of these guys would be extremely unlikely and I doubt it will be either of them, but that would be epic, especially the last one. Anyone else will be a disappointment to me after the way Hogan spoke about the individual last night.
Yes, I have a feeling that Kennedy is the man that Higan has been bragging about but how do I feel about that?.

Who's been bragging?...Sorry, never heard of him :shrug:


I called it a while back that I believed Ken "Don't call me Kennedy" Anderson would be joining TNA under the Hogan regime.
Besides Ken being a good hand in the ring, he obviously has charisma to burn and is hopefully, still over with the masses...I know he was during the Brisbane leg of Hogan's Hulkamania Tour back in November, As he received the second biggest pop of the night.

Aside from being somewhat injury prone, Ken is still young enough to fulfill at least some of the potential he showed between 2005 & 2006. You gotta remember Ken spent a whole lot of time on the shelf while working for the 'E'.
With his excellent skills as an orator, you can bet Russo is chomping at the bit to work with Ken. Hell, he'll probably throw him in a tag-team with Nash and call them 'The Benchwarmers!' lol...I probably shouldn't give Vinnie Ru ideas!

However, in my opinion I think that if he can stay injury free and is given not only the right material to work with, but also given the right opponents initially he might have a shot at becoming a genuine draw, which TNA needs.
Hopefully this isnt the guy they were selling so hard last night on Impact. Kennedy is an ok mic-man, and his ring work is ok also, but I was hoping it would be someone that EVERYONE knows. not a midcarder like Kennedy, if it is him, then this could all blow up in TNA's face.
I'm a big-time Kennedy mark, and all things considered, I would hope he's vaulted into a more prominent story line in TNA with his debut. Debuts of that caliber need to have meaning, IMO, because without that heavy injection, the chance the debut fizzles increases.

Case in point: Hogan. Had Hogan debuted and just come out as Hogan with no real intentions of direction, who would honestly care all that much? Yes, it's Hulk Hogan. Yes, there'd be somewhat of an interest, but in terms of long-term story-lining, what's the point? Who would really give a shit once the novelty wore off?

IMO, Kennedy falls into this category a bit. Not in a sense that he's as big a name as Hogan, but in a sense that he's being built up already to be one (in a sense), and he's going to need a bit of a bigger payoff to make it work. His mic-work should be enough to get him over once he actually shows face, but where he goes from there really matters, which is why I think TNA is going to end up having him feud with Styles (or Angle, depending on who takes the title at Genesis). It establishes automatic credibility, and despite the fact he probably won't beat either men at the following PPV (or whichever he ends up getting a title shot at), it gives him emphasis, just like it did Desmond Wolfe.

I'd also like to add in, TNA could really use his mic skill. I've had this discussion a few times since joining here, but I still feel the mic work of the majority of the roster is poor. It's very robotic and stagnant most of the time, most notably when the wrestler is required to try and add a bit of kayfabe to make the story line more "personal". Historically speaking, the young guys really struggle, and that's made quite obvious when mic masters like Bischoff take the stick and quite literally show them how easy it is for someone with that experience to control the crowd entirely. Kennedy's work on the mic makes him a very likeable character (even as a heel), and moreover makes him a very believable one as well.
The signing was obvious, as Kennedy had been working with Hogan for some time now and his return to wrestling was forthcoming. Good? No, but very predictable. He is a good acquisition in name alone, as he has a lot of fans. But will he be able to shine in TNA? I doubt that and it is not just about the injuries. The man is a scum of wrestling, steroid use, dishonesty, poor sportsmanship, but with one redeeming use, his ability to talk on a mic.
if it's Kennedy, i think TNA is in for a huge disappointment. they're building this guy up as a "guy that can change the business" type wrestler, he's never been a World Heavyweight or WWE champion! he has to come in as a heel by the way, his face run in the WWE was horrible. he's a much better loud mouth heel but he's not a Rock or Austin or Hogan to be saying he can make a big impact
I am really starting to like me some TNA!!! They have the young the old and now MR. Kennedy! what more could you want... im 25 and the new guys comming in are great and the old guys i still enjoy to see. I mean Sting still has it. Lets go TNA!
So, I watched Genesis. I can't say I was overly impressed or displeased. This is not a review either so please don't move the thread or give me an infraction for duplicate topics or something.

The thing that I found interesting was the return of Mr. Ken....Damn it, I keep doing that, Anderson LOL. What did you guys think of it? I thought he looked like he was in pretty good shape. As far as his wrestling went I wasn't displeased with it either. I thought he looked pretty damn good in the ring to be honest, and you have to give some credit to Abyss for that as well, he did a good job too. It seemed like their match was longer than some of the others too, or was it just me?

I couldn't have been more excited for the debut of Mr. Anderson. He was one of my favorites during his run in WWE, and I had high hopes for him. I think that if he had not had the injuries he did, he would have been WWE or WHC by now. I was waiting for it and waiting for it. I figured he would show up at some point but I did not expect it to be last night.

I thought he was great, although the crowd reaction could have been better. I don't think most of the crowd realized how big a acquisition Mr. Anderson was, if they did I think that crowd reaction would have been much much bigger. It was funny how he kind of toyed with them a bit on the mic too. He started with the Mr. and stopped, only to have the crowd finish with "Kennedy" then went on and toyed saying "Kennedy" only to finally finish with MR. Anderson. I thought it was great.

So, What did you think of his debut if you saw it, what do you think they will do with him in TNA, and what do you think they should do with him in TNA?
I think they should let him be a midcarder and nothing more. He's very generic in the ring. I've never understood the appeal. Give him mic time, put him in midcard feuds, let him get a few title shots, but never ever EVER let him win the big title or make him the focus of your show.
Yes he's in good shape but you can easily tell his heart is still with WWE which is my problem with him, he doesn't look like he wants to be in TNA but is just there because WWE gave him the boot and TNA was his only option

His match at Genesis was okay but I wouldn't have chosen Abyss as his first opponent, it felt so random

The crowd just crapped all over him, you could hear the 'overated chants' which made me feel bad for Kennedy. I think TNA will make him heel as he should be
While I hope Anderson can have a better run in TNA, without injuries or injuring someone else, I was very dissapointed that he was the "Big Name" that was being advertised.

The way the person was being hyped you expected it to be a former champ, but then to discover they were actually speaking of Anderson it seems kind of like a letdown
I'm a total Kenne–err Anderson mark, and his debut was hilarious to me – one of the only real bright spots on an otherwise rather bleak PPV, IMO.

I love his use of pop culture reference, too – like the "wait for it" (How I Met Your Mother) when he did his patented ring intro, and the painful and elongated "Ahhhh's" (Family Guy) when he announced himself the winner.

I think he did a fantastic job, all things considered, especially with dealing with that smarky-ass crowd who even chanted "overrated" at him.

I still don't get why people don't like the guy, to be quite honest. I didn't see him do anything in the ring that was horrible, and he's probably the best mic worker in the entire company.

I certainly didn't consider him to be a let-down. In fact, just prior to him being fired from the WWE, he was being primed for a run at title (held by Orton at the time). I don't think it was far-fetched to say he's a future world champion in TNA at all.
I'm a huge Anderson/Kennedy Mark, so this is biased.

I love that he decided to go to TNA-if for no other reason than to improve his stock with WWE. Don't get me wrong, i like TNA, but a guy like Anderson could easily pilot the flagship of WWE if given the right push...and staying healthy.

The misconception is that Kennedy is injury prone. I disagree-i think he just gets hurt at inopportune times. When Cena or Aitch gets hurt, they do so when it's not THAT big of a deal.

Edge is the same way-and he has had multiple great title runs.

This makes sense for Anderson. He has a hell of a following, and if TNA is able to capitalize on that, then they could easily market him as a big star, which i think he is.

I don't see the "bland" stuff, to be honest. I think he is unique in the ring, and is awesome on the mic. I think that he could well run with the ball if TNA lets him have it.

No matter what i think this is going to be huge for TNA.
Mr Anderson is gonna rock TNA he can do this


wait wrong Mr Anderson.

I haven't seen the PPV but past experience watching Mr Kennedy(Anderson) his mic skills are the best thing about him, his ring work is ok, he might be able to make a good splash in TNA but I wouldn't have called him a MAJOR aqquistion

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