Misson reviews the top 100 matches of the decade


Occasional Pre-Show
Now I'm sure most of you remeber a little while back ago about a thread started that had a website listing its supposed 100 greatest matches of this decade. If you want to check out the list here it is http://floydscabana.blogspot.com/2010/09/pwt-top-100-matches-of-decade-2000-2009.html So I have decided that I am going to go through all of these matches and rate each one individually as I see it. I will be trying to go through at least 3 matches a day until I am done with this list. Also if I can not find one of the matches after searching for it for a good bit of time then i will simply just skip it. If you happen to know where I could find a match that I skipped then please send me a link or something and I'll review it ASAP.

Also I will be glad to have your input on how I rate these matches and also possibly debate the ratings with you as well. Now I will rate these matches using the start system. * being an absouloutely terrible match and ***** being a one of a kind instant classic.

I will get started rating the first match in just a little bit.
First off number 100 Meiko Satomura vs Akira Hokuto. Now I know what your probably thinking "A womans match on this list!! That's stupid!" Well my friend you are wrong in all sorts of ways. First off I'm gonna tell you right now if your expecting little chick fight between two hot bimbos then you will not want to watch this. This is a match between 2 amazingly gifted female wrestlers who put on an amazing 25+ minute clinic! If your a fan of fast paced matches, high flying moves, hard slaps, leg crunching kicks and amazing submission wrestling then this is easily the match for you. This is what womans wrestling should be and its all sorts of epic. I give this easily a ****3/4 star rating and am very tempted to go to a *****. Easily the single greatest womans wrestling match I have ever seen. After watching this I have high expectations for the rest of this list.
I reckon you fancy yourself to be a man on a mission?

Bold the matches you're reviewing in each post for ease of skimming. Please and thanks.
Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk

I'm gonna start off this review by saying sweet Lord almighty I do not miss Jeff Hardy's face paint at all. Alright now that I got my system I will begin my review of this match. This match overall was a really good TLC match in my opinion. The spot where Jeff jumps off one of the biggest ladders I've ever seen in my life is pretty much as amazing as it gets but all in all i just cant get my self to rate it any higher then a ****1/4 stars. So thats what I'm gonna rate it.

Yuji Nagata Vs. Akira Taue

This overall was a very great match! This match featured 2 big men who could flat out wrestle. Right now I'm kinda indifferent on where to rate this, either **** or ****1/4. Meh screw it I'm just gonna cut it right down the middle.

Rating ****1/8
You should probably include the date/promotion these matches were held in so that others will have an easier time knowing what matches you're talking about and can comment on them.

Was this voted on by people, or is this just one guy's opinion?
You should probably include the date/promotion these matches were held in so that others will have an easier time knowing what matches you're talking about and can comment on them.

Was this voted on by people, or is this just one guy's opinion?

Will do that from now on too. And this list was voted on by 18 different people according to the title. So really not much legitimacy to this list.
Well since for the life of me I cannot find 97 Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong 3/31/06 from ROH Supercard of Honor I am just skipping it for now. If you know where I can find it that would be a big help. Alright up next is

Samoa Joe Vs. Necro Butcher
IWA-MS Something to Prove (6/11/05)

I'd first like to start off this review saying if you do not like blood at all this is most certainly not the match for you. This wasn't wrestling this was a flat out brawl and man was it intense. By the end of this match there is literally not one spot of Necro's face that isnt covered with blood. This match also has a few botches but for me they seem to add a little more to this match instead of hurting it. For example when Joe tries to suplex Necro but ends up dropping him on his head this didn't scream botch to me this screamed out "HOLY CRAP HOW IS NECRO STILL ALIVE" All in all this is a great brawl. I'm tempted to go ****1/2 but i don't know if i can get myself to do it. You know what I'm just gonna go with it.

Rating ****1/2
William Regal vs Chris Benoit
WWE No Mercy (10/8/06)

This right here was an amazing technical wrestling match. This pretty much has something for every wrestling fan. It has some blood, great technical wrestling, vicious submission holds and even a holy crap moment when William Regal DDTs Christ Benoit off the side of the ring. All in all a very good match here between two wrestlers who just went at it.

Rating ****
Well since for the life of me I cannot find 97 Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong 3/31/06 from ROH Supercard of Honor I am just skipping it for now. If you know where I can find it that would be a big help. Alright up next is

Here you go:


That's the Danielson-Roddy match. Been awhile since I've seen it, can't really comment on it.

Samoa Joe Vs. Necro Butcher
IWA-MS Something to Prove (6/11/05)

I'd first like to start off this review saying if you do not like blood at all this is most certainly not the match for you. This wasn't wrestling this was a flat out brawl and man was it intense. By the end of this match there is literally not one spot of Necro's face that isnt covered with blood. This match also has a few botches but for me they seem to add a little more to this match instead of hurting it. For example when Joe tries to suplex Necro but ends up dropping him on his head this didn't scream botch to me this screamed out "HOLY CRAP HOW IS NECRO STILL ALIVE" All in all this is a great brawl. I'm tempted to go ****1/2 but i don't know if i can get myself to do it. You know what I'm just gonna go with it.

Rating ****1/2

Awesome, awesome, awesome match. Even the biggest haters of Necro Butcher have to admit that match was fantastic and one of the best of either man's career. One of the single most brutal and stiff matches I've ever seen, without the use of weapons. Sheer brutality.

William Regal vs Chris Benoit
WWE No Mercy (10/8/06)

This right here was an amazing technical wrestling match. This pretty much has something for every wrestling fan. It has some blood, great technical wrestling, vicious submission holds and even a holy crap moment when William Regal DDTs Christ Benoit off the side of the ring. All in all a very good match here between two wrestlers who just went at it.

Rating ****

Don't think I ever saw this match-up, but their Velocity match was stellar.
Here you go:


That's the Danielson-Roddy match. Been awhile since I've seen it, can't really comment on it.

Awesome, awesome, awesome match. Even the biggest haters of Necro Butcher have to admit that match was fantastic and one of the best of either man's career. One of the single most brutal and stiff matches I've ever seen, without the use of weapons. Sheer brutality.

Don't think I ever saw this match-up, but their Velocity match was stellar.

Alright thanks for finding the match for me and yea the Necro vs Joe match was all sorts of awesome. Also, i was kinda dissapointed in the Regal vs Benoit match and really don't see why its on the list but all in all its a fairly good match.
Well, looked through the list. Surprised to see Low Ki and Bryan Danielson in a lot of them. I've got to bookmark that site.
Way too high. ****1/4, but not Top 20 of the decade material. Danielson/Nigel is too high, and how the fuck is Cena/Umaga in the Top 20? Damn. That's one strange list.
Way too high. ****1/4, but not Top 20 of the decade material. Danielson/Nigel is too high, and how the fuck is Cena/Umaga in the Top 20? Damn. That's one strange list.

Pretty much what i thought. Also, which Danielson/Nigel are you talking about since theres 3 of them of this list.
Cena/Umaga could be in the 80's but not top 20. Also, Mission, could you post the links to the videos in future reviews in case someone wants to watch them? Thanks!
Cena/Umaga could be in the 80's but not top 20. Also, Mission, could you post the links to the videos in future reviews in case someone wants to watch them? Thanks!

Will do will do and I'm probably not gonna do any reviews today and if I do probably just one cause i got a lot of crap to do before christmas
Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong

ROH Supercard of Honor (3/31/06)

First off let me say if you have an extra spare hour of time and dont know what to do. Watch this match!!! This match has tons and tons of submission moves, a good bit of high flying and some OMG moments. This is match pretty much goes back and forth and keeps you a good bit on the edge of your seat. All in all its quite a great match showing just how great these two men are.

Rating- ****1/2

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