Top 10 Fantasy Matches of All Time posted a video recently highlighting the WWE's "Countdown to the Top 10 Fantasy Matches of All Time". Among them were such matches as Stone Cold vs. Hogan, HBK vs. The Rock, Macho Man vs. CM Punk, Undertaker vs. Sting, Legion of Doom vs. The Dudley's, Cactus Jack vs. Mankind vs. Dude Love, etc.

So it's pretty simple, What do you think of some of these matches and WWE's list?

Also, What would YOUR list of the Top 10 Fantasy or Dream matches be?

Note: Fantasy matches are superstars that have had little to no interaction or matches in the past together (Especially not Wrestlemania, assuming any match of Fantasy caliber would only take place on a Mania stage) or a different combination of talent who haven't met in the ring. [ex. HHH vs. HBK vs. Hogan - HHH & HBK have faced off in triple threats, but never with Hogan.] Also let's follow the WWE's rules and you can use all personas & gimmicks, from any era, company, etc. but you can only use each once! [ex. Mick Foley can face Mankind. But Mankind or Mick Foley can only be used once.]

I thought the WWE's list wasn't bad. I think Trish vs. Moolah is a great match but obviously on there just to have a divas match. Same with Big Show vs. Andre for "side-show" purposes. Punk vs. Macho Man was WAY too low IMO. And LOD vs. Dudley's was too high, if on there at all. I was REALLY suprised to see no Cena, Bryan, or Edge either.

My List:

10.) Streak vs. Career: The Undertaker vs. John Cena - This is one of three matches on my list that can still happen. Undertaker has faced pretty much everyone I would want to see (except Punk at Mania but they had a feud). John Cena is the only true threat to the streak and to see Cena put up his career(even though it has been done to death) would make people believe Taker could actually lose at Mania.

9.) "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. Daniel Bryan - Imagine Savage/Steamboat from Mania III but now with more intensity! The pure athleticism here is through the roof! This could be a technical bout that demolished all others!

8.) 2 Out Of Three Falls Match: United States/European Championships: Kurt Angle(c) vs. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Mr. Perfect - A Trifecta for the ages! Submissions & Reverses galore! Pure mat wrestling at it's absolute best!

7.) Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs. The British Bulldog - A Battle of the power houses. Talk about "full packages". Speed, Agility, Power, Strength, Intensity, Charisma, Pure Wrestling Skill! These two are the top tier of athletes ever to be near WWE. They could have a action packed bout full of power! Only problem is I don't know if one could take the other out.

6.) The Rock vs. Colt Cabana - The most electrifying man in sports entertainment, meet the most entertaining man on the indies! This battles of utter charisma and energy could be EPIC! The Rock has an amazing wrestling pedigree and lineage to the sport since birth! Colt has bled and sweat to get everything he has! The Ultimate WWE Third Generation star vs. The skilled Working-Class wrestler turned Indie Sensation!

5.) World Heavyweight Championship: Ric Flair(c) vs. Dolph Ziggler - The comparissons have always been there. Now reaching his prime, a match of Ziggler vs. Flair circa 92 for the WHC, would be pure fantasy!

4.) Street Fight: Rick Rude vs. Edge w/Lita - Both men can wrestle and both men can fight! With a lady lover gimmick like Rude's, having a much less charming and much more insane opponent but with a hot diva to chase after only makes sense! In their primes, they could have a had a program that lasted SEVERAL months!

3.) Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho(c) vs. Damien Sandow - This is the 2nd to last of the matches on my list that we could still see happen. Sandow already has all the tools to be one of the best IC champs in DECADES! An opponent that is silly and crazy (Iatolah, CLB, Ass Clown, etc.) but still excellent on the mic and in the ring could make for an EPIC encounter! Then add the most prestiges non-world title of all time and a ladder, and you got a dream match for sure!

2.) WWE Championship: CM Punk(c) vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - It's cliche by now, but that is only because it would automatically go down as one of the best matches in wrestling history! I don't care what anyone says, these are THEE two guys in WWE. They each are rebels and started a revolution. This NEEDS TO HAPPEN!

1.) 1 Hour Iron Man Match [No DQ/Falls Count Anywhere]: Shawn Michaels vs. Dean Ambrose - These are my two favorite performers/wrestlers of all time! (No I didn't just jump on the Labar train for Ambrose to debut. I would prefer Jon Moxley but since he is actually in WWE now I figured this was appropriate.) They can wrestle, mat wrestle, brawl, fight, high fly, get extreme & bleed, ANYTHING! These guys are capable of it ALL! And to see these two go ALL OUT for an hour with no rules, would be THEE GREATEST POSSIBLE MATCH OF ALL TIME!

Note: I really liked WWE's idea but why not a fatal four way - Mick Foley vs. Cactus Jack vs. Mankind vs. Dude Love? Also Pillman vs. Ambrose/Moxley would be a pretty big dream match!
The following smilie is for thinking that anything involving Dean Ambrose would be the greatest of all time.


The following smilie is for putting Undertaker vs. Cena when they have actually feuded before.


I only have three fantasy matches because I don't need to think of ten because I only want to see three. Sue me.

1. Hogan vs. Austin- Two biggest wrestlers the business has ever seen. Two wrestlers who have defined eras. Pretty self-explanatory

2. Randy Savage vs. Cena- The promos that Macho Man will cut alone makes this worth watching for me.

3. AJ Styles vs. Rey Mysterio- Styles can wrestle any style and Mysterio has been one of the top two or three workers in the past decade. I would gladly put down cash for this one.
Everyone has their opinions, but you should try watching some Jon Moxley matches if you haven't.

He was the first since Punk, to re-affirm my love for the indies.

And to my knowledge Cena and Taker have only been involved in tag matches, team matches, I think one brief match on a RAW or Smackdown.
If they have had a solid one on one match in the past, I would love to know when?

AJ Styles vs. Rey Mysterio is a great one though!
Everyone has their opinions, but you should try watching some Jon Moxley matches if you haven't.

He was the first since Punk, to re-affirm my love for the indies.

And to my knowledge Cena and Taker have only been involved in tag matches, team matches, I think one brief match on a RAW or Smackdown.
If they have had a solid one on one match in the past, I would love to know when?

AJ Styles vs. Rey Mysterio is a great one though!




I thought of a fourth one.

Ultimate Warrior vs. Brock Lesnar- If they could cut promos on each other, that would be just golden. Also, I would want to see if Warrior would sell a F-5.
Thanks for the vids.

Touche.Not a bad match.

I would probably steal your AJ Styles vs. Rey Mysterio for a new #10.

I would also like to see Terry Funk vs. Chainsaw Charlie in an Extreme Chainsaw Match!
My top 10:

1:Hogan vs Sammartino
2:Austin vs Goldberg
3:Undertaker vs Sting circa 1997
4:HBK vs The Rock
5:Macho Man vs CM Punk
6:Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle
7:Rick Rude vs Randy Orton
8:Ricky Steamboat vs RVD
9: Dusty Rhoades vs John Cena
10:LOD vs Dudleys
Undertaker vs Sting
Goldberg vs Stone Cold (Face of wCw vs Face of WWF)
CM Punk vs Stone Cold
The Rock vs Shawn Michaels (My No.1 pick out of all of these)
John Cena vs Hulk Hogan (The 2 superheroes)
DX vs nWo (Why has nobody mentioned it?)
WWE vs WCW- A proper WCW, Hall Nash Hogan Goldberg Sting vs Austin Rock HHH Taker Y2J.
Eddie Guerrero vs Shawn Michaels
The Rock vs Brock Lesnar (At Wrestlemania)
Gillberg vs Goldberg- No joke there is real heat & it would be funny if Gillberg speared Goldberg.
Undertaker vs Sting
Goldberg vs Stone Cold
CM Punk vs Stone Cold
The Rock vs Shawn Michaels
John Cena vs Hulk Hogan
nWo vs DX (Why has nobody mentioned it?)
WWE vs WCW- A proper WCW, Hall Nash Hogan Goldberg Sting vs Austin Rock HHH Taker Y2J.

You're right lol I change my #9 pick for nWo(Hogan, Outsiders, Konnan & Steiner vs DX(HBK,HHH, X-Pac, NAO)
Hogan vs Flair w/ Horsemen in the his corner- prime vs prime, no politics / creative control for Hogan. We only ever got the waterdowned version of this match.

Andre vs Big Show - that would be historically epic, in sense of size.

Angle vs Hitman - is there such a thing as a 6 star match?

HBK vs Flair - prime vs prime

Cena vs Career Ending Injury - I'm hoping Career Ending Injury goes over in that match!
1. John Cena vs. Hulk Hogan- Battle of the Superheros of WWE
2. Danial Bryan vs Bret Hart vs. Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle
3. GoldBerg vs Stone Cold
4. Mr. Perfect vs Dolph Ziggler
5. The Rock vs HBK vs. CM Punk
6. Owen Hart & BBulldog vs. Y2J & Wade Barrett
7.Undertaker vs Sting
8.Dudley Boyz vs Road Warriors vs NAO vs. Harlem Heat
9.Mick Foley, Edge, Rey Mysterio vs. Ric Flair, Macho Man, Jushin "Thunder" Liger
10.H.H.H vs Brock Lesnar vs. Lex Luger

honarable mentions-

Sheamus vs Ultimate Warrior
Batista vs Bobby Lashley
The Miz vs JBL
Big show & Kane vs Andre The Giant & Big John Studd
Ted Dibease, Dusty rhodes & Bob Orton vs Legacy
Since I was going off of the WWE video, for the sake of following the rules I didn't put duplicates but both Shawn Michaels vs. Eddie Guerrero and Goldberg vs. Stone Cold would be amazing!

I also really like the REAL WWF vs. WCW match
WCW (Sting, Ric Flair, Chris Jericho, Goldberg, Booker T, The Giant, Scott Hall, & Kevin Nash)
WWF (Stone Cold Steve Autin, The Rock, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kane, Edge, & Kurt Angle)

Maybe even add team...
ECW (Rob Van Dam, Sabu, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Tazz, Raven, Bubba Ray & Devon Dudley)

I would also love to see a WWF vs. WWE Match!
Team WWF (Stone Cold Steve Autin, The Rock, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kane, Rikishi, & Chris Jericho)
Team WWE (John Cena, CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Edge, Eddie Guerrero, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, & Daniel Bryan)
1) Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. "Hollywood" Hogan

2) The Rock vs. Randy Savage

3) Undertaker vs. Goldberg

4) Shawn Michaels vs. Sting

5) nWo (Nash, Hall, Steiner, Luger) vs. DX (HHH, X-Pac, Dogg, Gunn) - War Games Match

6) Four Horsemen (Flair, Arn, Ole, Tully) vs. Hart Foundation (Bret, Owen, Bulldog, Neidhart)

7) Kurt Angle vs. CM Punk

8) Daniel Bryan vs. Dean Malenko

9) Chris Benoit vs. Ricky Steamboat

10) LOD vs. The Dudleys

Honorable Mentions:

John Cena vs. Ultimate Warrior

Brock Lesnar vs. Batista

Rated RKO vs. Cactus Jack & Terry Funk - Hardcore Match

Harlem Heat vs. APA

Taz vs. Ken Shamrock

Hardy Boyz vs. RVD & Sabu

Mr. Perfect vs. Lance Storm
Daniel Bryan v Kurt Angle
2/3 Submissions Match

The Briscoes (ROH) v The Dudleys
Tag Team Street Fight

Undertaker v Sting

CM Punk v Randy Savage

Dolph Ziggler v AJ Styles

DDP v Randy Orton
Diamond Cutter v RKO

HBK v The Rock

Y2J Chris Jericho v Austin Aries

Bobby Roode v JBL
top 10


NWO (hogan. nash. hall. giant. steiner) VS DX(hhh. hbk. x pac. road dog. billy gunn)








Bret Hart vs Angle - 60 minute Ironman

CM Punk vs. Macho Man - ladders match

Sting vs. Undertaker

AJ Styles vs. HBK

NWO (Hogan, Outsiders, Macho Man, Sting) vs. DX (N.A.O, HBK, HHH, X-Pac)

Foley (95) vs. Dean Ambrose - Falls Count Anywhere

Demolition, Midnight Express, The Rockers, Hart Foundation, L.O.D and Steiners vs. Hardy Boyz, Team 3D, Miz and Morrison, LAX, Beer Money and MCMG.

Kane (2000), Ultimate Warrior, Lesnar, Goldberg (WCW), Hulk Hogan, John Cena - Elimination Chamber

Macho Man vs. The Rock

Styles vs. Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe
In no particular order and assuming they are all in their prime:
John Cena vs. Andre The Giant
Sheamus vs. Ultimate Warrior
Ryback vs. Goldberg
Trish Stratus vs. Beth Phoenix
Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar
The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels
Sin Cara vs. Rey Mysterio
CM Punk vs. Stone Cold
Dolph Ziggler vs. Kurt Angle
Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust

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