Missed Chance?: Edge Vs Randy Orton Fued 2007


Pre-Show Stalwart
After a long delay here is the 4th "missed chance" and this one is the Orton/Edge fued in 07. Them 2 formed a team back in 2006 called Rated RKO they fueded with DX for a few months and also ended up winning the tag titles. Then its January and there is hints that these two were going to start to a fued with each other as they both wanted to get in the WWE title match at WM23 so we go forward a few weeks and it begins. This could have been dealt with so much better as to most people the fued is very forgotten. They had one match against each other on the April 30th edition of RAW in a very good match but that was really all we got. Them two got thrown into MITB that year.

Edge later won the MITB breifcase and cashed in on Undertaker and won the title Edge would stay on smackdown for 3 years. In my opinion Orton/Edge should have happened at WM23 it could have helped make WM23 a much better card. So what do you think? Missed chance or not.
The problem about a feud between Orton and Edge in 2007 is that they were both strong heels. They had big plans for both of them to be big stars as bad guys, just a month after they had their match, Edge would move to Smackdown to take The Undertakers title. Now i know that The Undertaker was injured and they had to get the title off of him but they saw that Edge was a great Heel and a big enough star to carry Smackdown for years to come. On the Other hand, Orton would go onto be the next challenger to Cena's title that following summer and would cement his own legacy as a main event heel on raw for 2 and a half years. The WWE should now take advantage of the feud as Orton is a white hot face on raw with a possibility of becoming as big as John Cena, and Edge is the same dastardly heel he was in April of 2007. They had that match at Over the Limit, but Orton was working with an injury that got worse as the match played on and they weren't able to get what they wanted out of the match. What they should do is have Orton go over Sheamus as Summerslam, and have Edge and Orton start a real feud that culminates at Survivor Series.
no i dont think it was a missed opportunity i think it was a blessing in disguise look at what happened to them both they were pushed as the top heels on each brand creating their own legacy
I see your points about Edge moving onto the WHC carrying the Smackdown brand the way he did and Orton having the fued with Cena but none of that would've changed if they had the match. Kennedy won MITB that year and due to injury, Edge won the case and cashed it against Undertaker. Take out Orton and Edge from MITB, you would've had a normal 6 man MITB. Edge and Orton should have and would have had an awesome match despite them both being heels. They're heels that can draw a great crowd reaction. If WWE was worried about time, shave off 2-3 minutes from each match and you still would've had 18-25 minute match, more than enough for them. Personally, I was hoping they had the match.
In a way, I do think they missed an opportunity with this. however, under the circumstances (Kennedy being injured, Taker being injured) they had to bring Edge to Smackdown to keep interest in the brand.

However, while they did mis an oprotunity then, look what happened...both Edge and Orton became HUGE stars! much bigger than they were back in 2007! Edge feuded with Taker, Batista, Jeff Hardy, and HHH and aligned with vickie to make one of the greatest heel pairings in Smackdown History. Meanwhile, Orton Injured Cena, had a huge 7-month reign, Beating Cena, HHH, a returning Y2J, and a breakthrough star in Jeff Hardy. and after he returned from his Injury, he formed the legacy, continued feuding with HHH and Cena, and fully blossomed into the Viper we all know and love: A guy that's so bad, he's amazing!

If these 2 had feuded back in 2007, it would have been like 2 Lion cubs fighting. sure, it would have been entertaining, but we probably wouldn't get to see the full-grown savage beasts going at it today

in the end, it all worked out for the best
Well while I do feel this was a missed chance they could NOT have done it at Wrestlemania, The reason Edge was taken out of that match after the ladder spot was he had a cracked jaw or something along those lines from a match with RVD earlier in the month and couldn't contribute much to WM so they had jeff take him out of the match.

I think they could work together pretty well but it just won't seem to go, they tried to do it recently but Edge was coming back from an injury and wasn't 100% then Randy hurt himself playing basketball so they cut the OTL match and said he did it pounding the mat.

Ah well.
it seems like a freakin curse!lol everytime these two guys are about to have a great feud something happens. well they did have a small feud back in '04 but they were both midcarders. in '07 they were maineventers, this year they are mega-main eventers lol. now of course, what happened next (back in 07) is really important for both of them cause they become those MEGA HEELS we love. however I think it was indeed a missed chance cause comparing with this year, the feud of 07 had much much sense. betrayal, jealousy amongst other things rather than making an "impact".

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