Mike Knox is right!!!


It's Showtime!
No, this is not a thread about Mike Knox or his pet beard. It is about what he said about Finlay on ECW. He's right. Finlay is no longer the tough guy who loves to fight that he was when he first arrived. I blame the character development of Hornswoggle. I loved them back when Hornswoggle was known as the little bastard. Finlay beat the shit out of people then pulls a crazy leprichan out from under the ring and he goe crazy on him. I suppose this may have something to do with WWE going PG rated, but i'm just unammused by Hornswoggle cartoonish antics and really makes Finlay look less serious, I still have hopes that he can become a midcard/main eventer again like when he was in King Bookers court. Let's hope this fued with Knox might be the end of Hornswoggle and the return of the Finlay who loves to fight!!!
I blame the way he's being booked. Before he revealed himself to be Hornswaggles's dad every time he stepped into the ring he looked like he wanted to fight, but now he comes to the ring with Hornswaggle he justs starts acting like a fool. The sooner he goes back to the old Finlay the better as I feel that he is Heavyweight champ material
That's the point of this feud. They took the roughest guy on ECW and are going to have Finlay destroy him to regain credibility. I think WWE realized what they were doing. This might be the closest we ever get to Vince openly saying oops. Enjoy it while it lasts, remember next time they roll out fake Undertaker.
I've been very frustrated with how they've booked Finlay in recent months. The guy is one of the most solid workers on the WWE payroll and can still deliver finer matches than a majority of younger guys on the roster.

He's such a badass when he's a heel, and although he can work the face character quite well, the whole Hornswoggle thing's getting old. If they'd have gotten the WWE Tag Team belts, it'd be a death blow to the division. I hope this feud with Mike Knox ends with Finlay turning heel and Knox being released. If this were TNA, they'd probably have a Shillelagh vs. Beard match to blow it off.
I blame the way he's being booked. Before he revealed himself to be Hornswaggles's dad every time he stepped into the ring he looked like he wanted to fight, but now he comes to the ring with Hornswaggle he justs starts acting like a fool.

This guy is absolutely right. What started Finlay becoming soft was him saying hes Hornswoggle's father. Now he's nothing more than a comedy act. If he wanted to go back to being a heel, he could attack Hornswoggle and this would also get rid of Hornswoggle and this ould be a good move for the company in general, as Hornswoggle just isn't working.
If WWE keeps doing this people will hit each other with pillows instead of chairs.Divas will have to wear appropriate clothing. Oh yes and instead of punching theyl have a heated discussion. Yay for PG -_-
Yeh I agree, Finlay is in desparate need of a feud against a tough guy in the mould of Knox to remind us all what he is capable of. The family/comedy thing has definitely run its course, even though I suspect it will be flogged for a while longer due to the merchandise potential and kid appeal it has. Gotta admit though, if they ever do it, it could be a hell of a heel turn for Finlay and Hornswoggle
I think the whole "Family Finlay" thing is a decent idea but I think Hornswoggle needs to be a sort of mascot for the team. With Horny the team will be over but to be a legit team a legit wrestler needs to be added with Finlay. I'm sure there are a few Irish/British guys in FCW that could become a part of "Family Finlay" and make it a legit team on Smackdown/ECW. I'd keep Horny about just lose the water guns and marbles etc.
I do not like the face Finlay at all now. I did at first because his first face feud was with The Great Khali and he was still tough. It was around Wrestlemania when he started becoming childish, mainly right after his feud with JBL. And another thing I hate about the direction they're going with Finlay is his entrance music, that new irish music dosn't make him sound tough at all, he needs to change it back. But I hope this feud with Mike Knox changes things, but getting rid of Hornswoggle would be best right now.
I agree 100%. Finlay used to be an awesome heal, even before he had the leperchaun. Now that he's got Horny, I can't see any way he can go on, although I do see him beating the crap out of Horny as a great way to go heal again, and I'm sure anyone agrees that Heal Finlay was better than Face finlay. Horny needs to go to a different show and simply be comedy relief, just like he was a year ago.
I might catch hell for this, but I'll say it anyway: I don't see the appeal that Finlay brings to the table.

Is he a good mat-wrestler? Yeah. But the average fan is bored with that after a while, and even those that aren't still don't really enjoy watching 4 minutes of headlocks and armbars for the most part. Other than mat-wrestling, he can teach the young guys a thing or two, but he's nothing special. He doesn't "tell a great story", he doesn't "wow the audience" with anything out of the ordinary, and hell in the past year and a half can you really name 6 matches he's won that didn't involve the shillelagh? That's nothing to be proud of...being booked in a method that you can't convincingly win a match without illegal interference and a weapon, unless your midget kayfabe son distracts people with water guns and tennis balls.

Sure, he might be fun for the kids. But I'm not a kid, so its not fun for me. When Finlay's music comes on, I grunt, cause I know I'll have to sit through 5 minutes of stupid antics and a shillelagh ending....unless I simply change the channel or walk away and do something else.

I think Finlay will be good for ECW, in that he can help the young guys with the basics, but I don't think Finlay will ever be able to turn into a main event "star" that wins championships and really makes me look forward to seeing, even if he is allowed to be a more "vicious fighter" character.
Finlay could be a good jobber to the stars and maybe a very short term champion, but I really can't see him doing much more than that. He's solid in the ring and can get a good to better than good match out of anyone, but he's fairly bland. Knox is right though in that if he dropped Hornswaggle his career would skyrocket. Finlay was a good choice to be US champion a few years ago and still would be today. The club he uses still makes a lot of sense and fits him well and I could see him doing well as a heel or a face. Hopefully he drops the kid soon and goes back to being just a pissed off Irishman.
i really do hope they get rid of hornsowggle for the lpve of god.it's runing finlay "the man who loves to fight" & now he's daddy finlay. the matches become stupid & silly.i think this is being done for the kids & there PG rating but honestly i dont think anyone gives a flying fuck.i mean if nobody believed finlay went soft then they should have seen him dancing around with hornswoggle in a field.just release hornswoggle.for whatever res[ect heor finlay may still have.and notice how hornswoggle kills things(cw title,finlay's career,his own career,etc).i hope he gets released.SOON.
NoFate, I couldn’t agree more. I’ve always thought Finlay was overrated. Sure he can still turn out a physical, long, mat-based match (see his match with Benjamin last Friday), but I don’t think his style excites or keeps the attention of many fans today, particularly the kiddies, thus the need for all the crap (Horny's accompaniment, giving out hats/toys, dancing with kids in the ring). His mic skills leave a lot to be desired. His look isn’t the most appealing. Plus I just don’t see them putting the ECW title, or any title for that matter, on a 49 year-old.
Finlay is in desperate need of a feud against a tough guy in the mould of Knox to remind us all what he is capable of. The family/comedy thing has definitely run its course.
They had a chance to restore some of Finlay’s lost toughness and credibility last night on ECW. But that didn’t happen. Again he took the easy way out and used a weapon to beat Knox, thus making Finlay’s qualifying win possibly the weakest and cheapest of all the ECW/Smackdown qualifying matches. I can’t remember the last time he won a match cleanly. His reliance on the shillelagh is truly sickening. I could understand it were he a heel at least, and I don’t see a heel turn anytime soon as ECW needs faces.

If the Knox-Finlay feud plays out the way it did last night, Finlay won’t come out looking any less “soft” than before. What’s more I have my doubts how Knox is going to benefit and he’s the one that needs to go over. ECW should be about pushing the new young talent – not a guy nearing 50 whose best years are behind him.
Finlay as a face is a joke, simply because he transitioned from a tough guy who was a legitimate heel, simply because he was brutal and managed to pull off a heel gimmick without actually using words...he simply acted.

Technically I blame Kennedy for this, as it made the Hornswoggle McMahon angle come out and simply forced them to make Finlay Hornswoggle's dad.

But i've gone off-topic...honestly, I hate Hornswoggle as part of Finlay's gimmick. It cheapened one of the best heels and made him into a ridiculously crap sidekick to a midget, as opposed to the other way round.

I hope Mike Knox forces Finlay to end the midget, it could have potential, and I think Finlay will be good for getting Mike Knox some credibility
Finlay used to be hated for cheating by using the shillelagh and now he still uses it but all of a sudden because he has hornswoggle with him its ok? Finlay needs to get rid of hornswoggle i dont know what a good way to write hornswoggle off it but its just making finlay boring. He was better when he was a heel and he did what he wanted now all he does is dance around
Let's hope this fued with Knox might be the end of Hornswoggle and the return of the Finlay who loves to fight!!!
This feud showed promise a month ago but has amounted to nothing. In the two months since Knox first attacked Finlay and called him soft, they’ve had only one singles match that Finlay won after the Horny distraction/shillelagh shot and one tag match but Hardy/Henry was the focus there. Finlay hasn’t helped Knox get over. Knox has gained more credibility in a losing effort in his 1-on-1 match with ECW Champion Matt Hardy. Finlay’s character hasn’t changed a bit. In fact, he looks weaker. He’s been squashed by Henry despite the shillelagh shot in that match and he had to use the shillelagh this week against Bam Neely, a guy who I can’t recall having scored one pinfall. Finlay’s still dancing with Horny and kids after his matches. Nothing has changed and it doesn’t look anything will change anytime soon as there’s been no further mention of this feud the last two weeks.:disappointed:
Yes, I totally agree. Finlay has been awfully booked lately, especially since moving to ECW. He just doesn't look right being the 'nice guy'. I'm not saying he should turn heel again, as I think he should stay face but be the badass babyface like what Triple H is at the moment. I'm so over the whole Hornswoggle gimmick. He needs to go. He doesn't interest nor entertain me. Sure the little kids may like him, but seriously does a midget really earn ECW ratings? No, the ECW viewers are loyal as the ratings has been around the same mark for quite some time now with WWE's third rate show.

Therefore Hornswoggles doesn't gain nor lose viewers to the program. I still can't believe they wasted a big angle on Hornswoggle (illegitimate son angle). Finlay is very consistant in regards to putting on good matches as he still has the ability to put on a good technical wrestling match with almost everyone on the current ECW roster. Another problem I have with the booking of Finlay at the moment, is the fact that his matches all end the exact same way. Every match Finlay competes on ECW ends with his opponent attacking Hornswoggle as the midget brings in the shillelagh. The ref is distracted as Finlay nails his opponent with another shillelagh for the 3 count. It's so repetitive and so predictable.

So I think Mike Knox is right, Finlay needs to ditch little Horny so he can become the tough Irish superstar he is supposed to be. Since Finlay is a veteran on ECW, he should be the man to put over the new and up and coming talent such as Evan Bourne, The Miz, Ricky Ortiz and many more. ECW isn't known as a kids show therefore I believe Hornswoggle has no business being on the show. If they really want to keep the midget around, have him team with somebody like Jamie Noble on Raw or Jimmy Wang Yang on Smackdown. Finlay shouldn't be a comedy character, he should be the great tough Irish wrestler he deserves to be.
Finlay used to be a great performer and character but Hornswoggle ruined him. Finlay is good as a heel or face but he needs to have the same persona. He is a man who loves to fight. Lately, we have seen a man who loves to hug Hornswoggle. I remember his mini-feud with Great Khali. He got the best of Khali almost every time. it was great! I want that Finlay back and am hoping that we get to see it. Finlay needs to be back to the way he was. Sometimes, change is not a good thing.
I totally agree. As most people mentioned, they should have Finlay return to the man who loves to fight gimmick, it would have fit in perfectly on ECW. But the whole Father who loves his son gimmick is just a dumb gimmick, and really won't get him pushed very far in terms of title runs.
I might catch hell for this, but I'll say it anyway: I don't see the appeal that Finlay brings to the table.

The appeal that finlay used to bring to the table was when he was a vicious heel.I remember the days when the midget wasnt around and that finlay was getting pure hell heat for beating down rey mysterio.

The days when the fighting irish were around are over, and they will never come back.The reason? how about a little green midget who should have been released years ago but is getting tv time sticks and around finlay, because he is like rey mysterio popular with the kids.

The only use finlay has today is that he teaches the young wrestlers in ecw the ropes and puts some smiles on the faces of 7-10 year olds.

But lets face it the guy wasnt getting any younger for someone who's 49 finlay has accomplished a lot in a couple of years and can still put some decent matches but the time that the grown up fan cared for finlay is over.
I think it could be possible for Finlay to be a bad ass, but still keep Hornswoggle. Kinda like the way he was used when Hornswoggle first came around.

I thought it was really cool and hilarious when Finlay would beat the crap out of someone and Hornswoggle was the "Little Bastard" under thing ring raising hell.

I don't see the WWE getting rid of Hornswoggle, 'cause the kids at the shows love him.

I don't blame Horny for turning Finlay soft, 'cause Finlay was still a bad ass when he first came around.

I blame the WWE for screwing up the whole McMahon's Bastard Son angle.
=\ well, i like the way they did it this last ecw, when he hit everyone with the shillaigle (spelling?) and horny just went along with it, i liked that....they can both go heel, and horny can just return under the ring, as his cool little lep and beat up some people occationally.
I think it could be possible for Finlay to be a bad ass, but still keep Hornswoggle. Kinda like the way he was used when Hornswoggle first came around.

I thought it was really cool and hilarious when Finlay would beat the crap out of someone and Hornswoggle was the "Little Bastard" under thing ring raising hell.

I don't see the WWE getting rid of Hornswoggle, 'cause the kids at the shows love him.

I don't blame Horny for turning Finlay soft, 'cause Finlay was still a bad ass when he first came around.

I blame the WWE for screwing up the whole McMahon's Bastard Son angle.

Your right, Finlay and horny could go back to being heels. In fact, it would work better than getting rid of horny, as other posters have suggested, because they are both over. However, this still presents a problem.

One of the reasons why they have turned "soft" is because the WWE is trying to appeal to the younger generation (which is a smart idea), and Hornswoggle is the best person for the job. As you have said, the kids love him, and because of this, the WWE will likely not turn them heel.

In the end, the WWE is going to listen to what the younger fans say, rather than us, because most of us will watch regardless of what they do. It doesn't matter how many heels are turned face, or how much the violence is reduced. In the end, most of us will continue watching no matter what, and Vince knows this.

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