Midcard Titles and Kofi Kingston: A Dangerous Combination

Yes he is. Barrett's just got an accent, half decent mic skills and is pretty much nothing in the ring.

So, basically, he's Kofi Kingston, plus mic skills and an accent? I agree.

And by nothing I mean not much sense of in ring psychology

Not much is more than zero, which is exactly how much attention Kofi pays to in-ring psychology.


If Kofi ever tells a story inside of that ring, let me know. I'll interested to watch it, because it has never happened before.

He has led two stables and has feuded with the top draw of the company and yet he means almost nothing in the WWE.

He's involved in an actual storyline at the moment, which makes him far more important than Kofi Kingston.

His feud with Jackson is also not going well.

Agreed. Big Zeke is terrible.

Kofi is better than Barrett on the mic. There I said it.

Sorry, but this is the most laughable thing you've said so far. Kofi isn't in the same universe as Barrett when it comes to interview/promo skills. Barrett is a natural talker, probably the strongest aspect of his game.

It's just that he has been given lesser opportunities than Barrett to show his prowess.

And I think this has a lot to do with management not having much faith in the guy.

He can make the people care more for him than Barrett and that is not only because he does flippies. He is very expressive and sells rather well. He needs to improve a lot in the ring in terms of botching less and storytelling.

1. He doesn't even do flippies. He just jumps really high. That's even worse.
2. Sells well? What? This guy can't sit still for five seconds, and that shows while he's "hurt." His need to constantly run and jump around shines through while selling. He might be one of the worst "sellers" in the business.
3. Improvement is needed, we agree on that. He looks green as shit to me, and he has been on television for more than 3 years now.

Kofi may be a career midcarder but I won't be surprised if Barrett finds himself in the same position as a Chris Masters on Superstars in a couple of years.

Insanity. In two years, I will be shocked if Barrett hasn't been WH/WWE Champion.

He will be there with Jackson and Slater, of course.

Don't forget Gabriel and Otunga.
Out of all the things you've said to say "Kofi > Wade" (which are wrong btw), this is the dumbest. :)

Watch the promos he cut on Orton in their feud together and some of his work with Drew McIntyre. The crowd is behind him when he cut those promos. Also check out his reactions when McIntyre comes out with a letter stating that he has been reinstated as Intercontinental Champion. Kofi has just come off a hard fought match against Christian and he is just shocked and he sells it really well.

You have just been so hardboiled into thinking that flippies are supposed to be poor on the mic that you cannot think any other way. Infatuation also plays a small part, I guess.
Watch the promos he cut on Orton in their feud together and some of his work with Drew McIntyre. The crowd is behind him when he cut those promos. Also check out his reactions when McIntyre comes out with a letter stating that he has been reinstated as Intercontinental Champion. Kofi has just come off a hard fought match against Christian and he is just shocked and he sells it really well.

Hey, a fat woman looks skinny next to a couple of morbidly obese bitches.
So, basically, he's Kofi Kingston, plus mic skills and an accent? I agree.

Like I said, Kofi is better. Kofi, at leat made me care somewhat in his feud with McIntyre. Barrett's feud with Jackson, who is as mediocre a talent as McIntyre has been shit.

Not much is more than zero, which is exactly how much attention Kofi pays to in-ring psychology.

If Kofi ever tells a story inside of that ring, let me know. I'll interested to watch it, because it has never happened before.

Yeah, it's not like Wade is any master.

He's involved in an actual storyline at the moment, which makes him far more important than Kofi Kingston.

No it doesn't. Kofi's feud with similar talents have been better.

Agreed. Big Zeke is terrible.

And so is Barrett.

Sorry, but this is the most laughable thing you've said so far. Kofi isn't in the same universe as Barrett when it comes to interview/promo skills. Barrett is a natural talker, probably the strongest aspect of his game.

Give me a good Wade Barrett promo other than his stuff with Cena. Also Cena's reactions to those promos made those promos seem much better than what they actually were.

And I think this has a lot to do with management not having much faith in the guy.

If crowd reactions are an indication then the managements' faith in Barrett is misplaced as well.

1. He doesn't even do flippies. He just jumps really high. That's even worse.
2. Sells well? What? This guy can't sit still for five seconds, and that shows while he's "hurt." His need to constantly run and jump around shines through while selling. He might be one of the worst "sellers" in the business.
3. Improvement is needed, we agree on that. He looks green as shit to me, and he has been on television for more than 3 years now.

1. What I meant is that he is a high flyer.

2. Watch the reactions on his face. He runs around because he feeds off the energy of the fans. That is what his character basically is. His face conveys the pain though.

3. Of course, I am not saying that Kofi is some finished product. A lot of improvement is needed.

Insanity. In two years, I will be shocked if Barrett hasn't been WH/WWE Champion.

People said the same thing about Masters at a time. Only time will tell, I guess.

Don't forget Gabriel and Otunga.

Gabriel will surely end up on Superstars. Otunga may get fired.
Like I said, Kofi is better. Kofi, at leat made me care somewhat in his feud with McIntyre. Barrett's feud with Jackson, who is as mediocre a talent as McIntyre has been shit.

I see you've decided to completely ignore Barrett's entire stretch on Raw.

Yeah, it's not like Wade is any master.

Who said he was? Still better than Kofi.

No it doesn't. Kofi's feud with similar talents have been better.

Kofi hasn't had a real feud in months. More like years, actually. Each and every time someone defends Kofi Kingston, they travel back to late 2009 and point to his feud with Orton. If he were as important as you're making him out to be, you wouldn't need to go that far back.

And so is Barrett.

I would say I disagree, but I think that has already been established.

Give me a good Wade Barrett promo other than his stuff with Cena. Also Cena's reactions to those promos made those promos seem much better than what they actually were.

How about all of his promos? The content may stink, especially since the formation of The Corre, but his delivery is always outstanding.

If crowd reactions are an indication then the managements' faith in Barrett is misplaced as well.

Barrett receives an ample amount of heat, especially for a guy who dropped from the main event to the mid card.

People said the same thing about Masters at a time. Only time will tell, I guess.

Those people were insane. Chris Masters doesn't belong in the same sentence as Wade Barrett.

Gabriel will surely end up on Superstars. Otunga may get fired.

I hope so.
Kolfi never does shit with the mid-card titles and will always be a transitional champion. He is NOT main event material. Is he interesting to watch? Yes. But he cannot talk and has no personality then the Care Free Jamican guy that prolly does Coke cause hes so fucking excited all the time
I see you've decided to completely ignore Barrett's entire stretch on Raw.

No I am saying that it is much easier to have a feud with a great talent like Cena than against a mediocre talent like Jackson. And Kofi's feud with mediocre talents like McIntyre and Swagger have been better than those of Barrett's feud with similar levelled talent.

Kofi hasn't had a real feud in months. More like years, actually. Each and every time someone defends Kofi Kingston, they travel back to late 2009 and point to his feud with Orton. If he were as important as you're making him out to be, you wouldn't need to go that far back.

His feuds on Smackdown in 2010 against McIntyre, Swagger and Ziggler have been better than Corre vs Big Show/ Kane and Barrett vs Jackson.

How about all of his promos? The content may stink, especially since the formation of The Corre, but his delivery is always outstanding.

And I have given examples of Kofi's work against McIntyre. His work with Orton was good too. You need to show me a bad promo of his to prove that he is a bad promo cutter. Wade is not bad but he gets much more mic time than Kofi but he is unable to use that to his advantage much. Has he been able to build up any noticeable heat for his feud with Jackson or his feud with Big Show/ Kane? Kofi has done well on the mic for the limited time he has been handed the mic.

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