Midcard Dream Team

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Getting Noticed By Management
It's no secret that my favorite types of matches have always been big team events. WarGames, Lethal Lockdown, and Survivor Series are always events I loved. There have been lots of "dream team" threads, but they always seem to end the same. Hogan, Flair, Austin, Rock, and Cena always seem to be the names that pop up on everyones team. I was wondering what great mid card guys you think would make up a great team.

What 5 wrestlers who never won the WWE world title would you put on your mid card dream team?

Razor Ramon - Ramon was easily one of the top guys who never won the world title. He helped establish the IC title was a great belt. One of the best all around wrestlers ever.

Mr. Perfect- The name says it all. Amazing all around wrestler.

Rick Rude- Amazing wrestler. Had a great look and was almost ahead of his time.

Billy Gunn- Very underrated wrestler. Maybe he wasn't meant to be a main eventer, but he was great in the mid card.

Rikishi- Another guy who flirted with the main event, but never really made it to that level. He also gives the team a needed size advantage. For those of you who don't remember, he was hugely popular during the attitude era.

So there's my team. I would certainly put them up against any other mid card team in wrestling. Hell, I would put them up against some main event teams. I look forward to seeing what combos you guys come up with.
Im a fairly recent member of the wwe universe but ill play along, using 2007 onward names.

alrighty no.1 Shelton Benjamin- this guy for a long time in his midcard runs was probably the best technically sound mat wrestler for when he was around. he had the tag team with charlie haas, also pretty good.

2.matt hardy- been in the midcard for that much time in wwe from what ive heard. Great tag team feuds, brought prestige to the division, a main eventer on ecw, unfortunately that was wwe's 3rd show.

3. MVP- another wasted talent. Had the gimmick, could talk, wrestled alright, garnered a face and heel reaction, his tease of a main event run in start 2008 sparked some interest from me.

4. Regal- Am I the only guy that reckons regal has the voice, gimmick and ability to carry matches and feuds? i swear his GM runs and occasional wrestling matches were and are highly underated. great performer, great voice, earns a spot on my team.

5. CM punk- if a man whose gimmick is probably one of the best, if not the best doesn't earn a permanent main event spot, then what the hell is wwe thinking?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the man earns a better face reaction than daniel bryan does, whilst being a heel, and yet his talked cena feud doesn't get put on the capitol punishment card, screw this! (ps id rate punk 2nd best heel since 08, right behind the man who defined the world heel, CHRIS JERICHO)

so for your dreamteam question, its pretty hard to choose just about 5 with the likes of chavo and bryan missing out, and it probs seem im more bickering about how my guys are stuck in the midcard, but this is my team
are we talking just the WWE/F Title? im going to assume we are just to make it simple and i can make my team the way i want!

First is Ted DiBiase. Great heel, and can be the frontman of a "heel" team

Owen Hart. Owen v Bret SummerSlam '94 so close yet so far away.

Rick Rude. Everyone hated him because you couldnt be him. Didnt get the push he deserved

Vader!!!! OMG! Vader! won of my most favorite wrestlers from growing up. I know he won it in WCW but we are talking WWE/F and he is my bigman counter to Rikishi

Rowdy Roddy Piper! another trash talking heel! my kind of guy. Headliner of the first wrestlemania

So im pretty sure my team could cut a promo, thats for sure. It was acutally hard to limit myself to five. Should I need a last minute fill-in my backups would be
Bam Bam Bigalow
Abdullah the Butcher - Strikes fear in any babyface but heart went with vader
Brian Pillman
Roddy Piper is definitely the main guy on my midcard dream team seeing as how he had the charisma to be in the main event despite never winning a World Title. The second member of my dream team is another man who performed in the main event of a WrestleMania without being world champ, Ted Dibiase. Owen Hart will forever have my heart and he really showed his mic ability in 94 and 98 as a member of the Nation so I think it's outrageous that he never won. It's very hard to disagree with the idea of adding Mr. Perfect so I will add him, I'll even say that he could've been a draw in his 02 return. Underrated he was in the final 3 that year and I was legitimately hoping that he'd win. My last pick is definitely controversial but I'll fight to the death to defend it because I think this main has been misused since 2004 despite his 5 day world title reign last month. Yes, Christian, is my final pick because he has never won the WWE Championship and he has all the tools to do everything that the top draws do he just hasn't been given the opportunities to prove himself.
Brian Pillman - This guy was 100% bad ass. I really loved his raspy style on the mic (though it's a shame it was the result of throat surgeries). I also think he can go foul-mouthed with the best of them.

Goldust - One of the most bizarre and perhaps controversial guys in WWE history. I've always dug this guy.

Marc Mero - Am I the only guy that thinks he was cool? It's too bad he became "that guy with Sable" to the fans.

Dolph Ziggler - From more modern times, Ziggler is perhaps the best midcarder in the WWE right now.

John Morrison - He's my boy...
The OP has said not to include guys who have won the WWE Championship but I would like exclude guys who have won any world title in WWF/E, WCW or even TNA.

For my dream team of midcarders, I would pick:

Curt Hennig: He was a well rounded performer. He was solid on the mic and very good inside the squared circle. He played an important part in building the careers of guys like Bret Hart and HBK. He is the technical wrestler for my team.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts: Roberts was a very good in ring psychologist and possibly the best promo man who remained a midcarder despite this great virtue. This man may not have won any titles in the WWF but he build up feuds like few other men could. I would have loved to see him in the Attitude Era where he would have fit in like a glove. He would be the brawler for my team.

Razor Ramon: He is the big guy of my team. He is an underrated wrestler and a fabulous promo man. He deserves a lot of credit for his feud with HBK and even the success of the nWo. He was the guy who set the ball rolling for nWo.

Chavo Guerrero: I need a high flyer too to have all my bases covered and there are few better than Chavo. I don't think that he was ever going to be anything more than a midcarder but he is really solid in his role. He is great in the ring and can do a pretty good job on the mic as well. He did some great work towards the end of WCW and even in the WWE with Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero.

Rhyno: I need a monster who would be able to do some quick damage and so I chose this guy. Rhyno could have been a main eventer had he been a few inches taller but that was not to be. His Gore is possibly the best Spear to have ever been performed.

I also wanted to include guys like Owen and Malenko but they are primarily technicians and I believe that I have already got a good one in Hennig. I wanted to cover all bases in the team. I have got a technician( Hennig), an intelligent brawler( Roberts), a big power guy( Ramon), a high flyer( Chavo) and a monster who can do some quick damage( Rhyno). It will be a hard team to beat.
Only the WWF title? Hmmm, that leaves a lot of people to choose from.

If I'm making a Wargames team:

1. Capt. Sting (blonde version.) - He's been there before, great leader, beat them all already.

2 and 3. The Road Warriors (Animal & Hawk) - When you go to war, you bring the baddest of them all, you sure as hell wouldn't want to face them.

4. Dr. Death Steve Williams - See Road Warriors.

5. Arn Anderson - The greatest Wargames participant in the history of the match (87 - 98.)

(None of them ever held the WWF Title.)

If I'm making a Survivor Series team:

1. Capt. Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase - One of the greatest captains in SS history. A great mouthpiece as well. I mean how many times was he in the main SS match? He never won it, but still..........

2 and 3. The Brain Busters (Tully and Arn) - Greatest single wrestlers to ever form a tag team.

4. Meng - I need a power guy that can match strength with ANYONE in the business.

5. Evan Bourne - Need some youth and a high flyer on the team to mix it up(although I am assuming everyone will be in their prime years in a dream match up.)

(None of them ever held the WWF Title.)
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