Mickie James

What should Mickie do?

  • Stay on RAW, as a face

  • Stay on RAW, as a heel

  • Go to SD! as a face

  • Go to SD! as a heel

  • Jump ship to TNA

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
Mickie James is clearly the best face Diva on RAW, but what should she do from here?

It seems to me that the WWE is under-using her, by putting her in tag match after tag match where she has to carry Candice's sorry ass for 5 minutes, and she's done everything there is to do as a Diva on the RAW brand.

Should she stay on RAW, and continue to be a top face, along with Melina, and keep a steady feud going with Beth, who is the only legitimate heel diva on RAW? Katie Lea is a credible heel, but doesn't get TV time, and Layla and Jillian are given way too much TV time. Kelly Kelly is growing into a somewhat respectable face Diva, but this could all just be part of the "Playboy push"...

Should she go to Smackdown!, and stay a face, where she'd clearly be the best face, over Maria and the Bellas? With McCool, Maryse, Victoria, and Natalya as heels, it seems that they can run roughshod over the Divas' division on Smackdown, and dominate until someone comes along and knocks them from their perch.

Should she go to Smackdown, and turn heel? She could still have a feud with Victoria or Natalya, with the angle most likely being who can go over the champ first, and who is the better overall wrestler. These 3 could have actually make the division entertaining again. She could also feud with the "babyface" faces, much like Victoria did when Candice got the Playboy shoot.

Should she turn heel on RAW, and possibly have a running feud with Melina? We saw this with Melina as the heel, but it could be refreshed with a new perspective. She could also wait for Gail Kim to arrive, and feud for the title with her.

Should she jump ship and go to TNA? TNA is proving to have a very respectable women's division, and she could have amazing matches with the likes of Awesome Kong, The Beautiful People, Christy Hemme (who is coming along nicely), ODB (who can play a good heel), Rhaka Khan (who could use her size as an advantage against Mickie), Roxxi (possibly the best female wrestler out there), and Taylor Wilde (a Mickie rip-off)...
If she wants exposure, and if her primary intention is to be the top face or heel within the company she works for, I think that TNA would be the best option for her. I think the best way to substantiate my point is to break down the potential scenarios I see for her on RAW or Smackdown! right now.

Assuming that WWE writers don't come up with some completely awesome character for Mickie James where she straddles the line between being a face and heel (which I think is a pretty fair assumption), she only has the option of being a face or a heel. Clearly, for the time being, being a heel on RAW is out of the question, as this is Beth Phoenix's show...all other heel Divas on RAW (Layla, Jillian, and Katie Lea) pale in comparison to her, and I firmly believe that this has just as much to do with her wrestling prowess as with the way writers have treated her character. And, I think it is becoming apparent, more and more every week, that Mickie James is being supplanted on RAW by Kelly Kelly as the most beloved Diva. Moreover, Melina's long convalescence made her fresh again, and thus has made Mickie James' future standing on RAW even more unpredictable (for the time being; I am not even going to mention Candice Michelle here...I think she will be released, if she doesn't retire, sometime next year).

Likewise, if Mickie James jumped over to Smackdown!, I don't think things would bode so well for her there either. Even without accounting for Victoria, you have, for heel Divas, Maryse, Natalya, and Michelle McCool (it is pretty obvious that she will be turning soon). With McCool's imminent turn, things might seem favorable for Mickie James to come over as a face (given that the only faces left would be Maria and the Bella twins). However, we must not forget that Gail Kim is expected to wrestle on Smackdown! and, given McCool's soon-to-be defection to the heel Divas of Smackdown! and the amount of money WWE is (allegedly) paying Gail Kim, I don't see it any other way than Gail Kim being Smackdown!'s top face Diva.

So, this pretty much leaves Mickie James with no option in WWE, if she wants to be the premiere Diva for any of WWE's programs. Therefore, I think things would work out a lot better for her in TNA, where Awesome Kong pretty much has no competition (as she's pretty much beaten all of the face Knockouts and I refuse to count Hemme as a credible challenger to Kong's title).
Therefore, I think things would work out a lot better for her in TNA, where Awesome Kong pretty much has no competition (as she's pretty much beaten all of the face Knockouts and I refuse to count Hemme as a credible challenger to Kong's title).

Awesome Kong used to have no competition in TNA. They've definitely taken her down a peg lately. The most realistic person to go over Kong, would be ODB, as she's the only one even close in size to Kong besides Rhaka Khan, who won't get a shot if she stays heel. ODB is a joke these days, so they throw Kong up against the likes of Hemme and Wilde to keep the David v. Goliath storyline. Hemme has become a much better wrestler lately, and if anyone is going to put up a good fight, especially the way it's been booked lately, it'll be Hemme.

I might have gone with her leaving to TNA, but I enjoy her on WWE, and think that TNA already has a good balance of face and heel women in their company...
Wow, you askes a lot of question there LOL, I'll try to answer some at least.

First off, I just want to say, I don't understand how Mickie is being under-used. How has she EVER been under-used? She's held a title every year since she debuted, excluding 05 and that wasn't even a full year so it doesn't really count. Mickie vs Trish in 05 and continuing to 06, joined by Mickie vs Lita, Mickie vs Melina in 07, and Mickie vs Beth in 08. She was the last diva to really be treated properly in the way she debuted and was booked, right down to her almost picture perfect title win at WM 22. So is Mickie really under-used? No. If she isn't on for a few weeks people flip, but divas go in cycles and everyone deserves a chance in the spotlight (well almost everyone). And if anyone's been paying attention for the last couple of years every diva has been put in random tag team matches because they just can't come up with anything better for them (idiots).

Now I think think Mickie has two options that would work best for her. One is to stay on Raw, the only brand she's ever been on, and turn heel. That way she could feud with someone like Melina. The flaw I see in this is that Mickie vs Melina has already happened, I don't see the point in rehashing it. The fact that Mickie is the most over face also makes me hesitant to turn her heel, especially when there's more than enough diva heels in the company (Maryse, Michelle, Jillian, Katie, Layla, Victoria, Beth, Natalya compared to Mickie, Melina, Bella Twins, and Kelly). Going to SD would be a breath of fresh air for Mickie, a new brand to work on and new divas to work with. SD isn't what it used to be like, it could really work out for Mickie to take a trip there in the near future. Though I do think it'd be best to fire the Bella Twins (What? They're uselesss!) to make some room for her.

Going to TNA would be such a downgrade in every sense of the word. Mickie's wise, she'll stay with the WWE because she know it's a better place for her career and her overall impact on the buisness where divas are concerned. Leave TNA to the other bitter bitches. ;)

Flames Out
First off, I just want to say, I don't understand how Mickie is being under-used. How has she EVER been under-used?

:crucified: ...ouch...

I'm saying she's under-used because she hasn't been popping in the little backstage promos like they had her doing with Cena, and she hasn't had a singles match in a while. She also isn't the spotlight of her matches, because people are too busy staring at Candice's (supposed) or Kelly's hotness. She deserves to be the woman in her matches, and it hasn't happened lately. Mickie is the type of wrestler the WWE needs if they want to earn any respect for their women's division.

Mickie, Melina, Victoria, Beth, and Natalya should be the focus of the title matches, with a little bit of Kelly and McCool thrown in. I love Maria, but she needs to stop wrestling. The Bellas should be gone, and Jillian is useless anymore.

I know, that no matter where Mickie stays/goes, she'll be in the title picture again, I'm just asking where she'll be best served for her career...
Mickie should stay right where she is.

WWE has made it seem that she is the only legit competition to Beth Phoenix. If WWE gave those two more exposure, it could lead to a "historic" ladies feud. On the same lines of Trish v. Lita.

However, if she does end up leaving Raw, or going heel, WWE needs to be prepared. They need to push Melina and Candice more, and make them appear as viable opponents to the Glamazon.

I'm sorry, but when you said Candice, I couldn't help it. Candice, sucks my friend. Terribibly. Shes going to hurt someone if she keeps going the way she's going. For real.

Now, onto the thread.
Keep her where shes at. Just let the circle, finish. Soon enough she will be in the spotlight again. Let Melina have her run, its her time. Then it will be Beth's time again. (Sorry, you let your best diva, have multiple runs, while everyone else takes turns.) Then Mickie. By then, Kellyx2 will be ready for her much needed title run. (Just give it time folks, shell be the next big thing. ;) Mickie, is being used perfectly.
Mickie is by far the best womens wrestler in wrestling currently in my opinion. Her feud with Trish cumilating at WM 22 was the best womens title feud ever by far, and the match was the greatest womens title match in wrestlemania history, by far.

I disagree IMO she is underused, but only because of lack of credible opponents, and poor WWE booking. Yet she is still over with the fans, mainly because she is the only diva currently with an ounce of ability or credability currently on either roster. She only seems to appear on raw occasionally these days which is a diaspointment. However I think its more to do with WWE not having anyone to book her into a credable feud with, and it is much easier and a lot less risky to give the Diva's 8 minute tag matches alternate weeks than have 20 minutes worth segments and matches on the show, which they gave to Trish/Mickie in the run up to mania a couple of years back. If Mickie had a creditable opponent who could i.e. someone like Trish then it wouldn't be a problem, however WWE don't have anyone talented enough to work a good feud let alone a great match. WWE seems relucent to try to put Diva's over because of the multiple failures in recent years in pushing women wrestlers who were obviously not good enough.

In relation to the poll question I don't think it really matters, although she did work the psycotic heel angle quite well as i recall. But if she is given a decent opponent to work an angle with another Diva she is a proven draw (her segments with Trish actually gained viewers almost a first for a female feud in the WWE).
It seems like the way things generally go in the WWE is that the spotlight is only ever really on one heel and one face at any given time, while the remaining women's role is to show up in impromptu tag team matches. That's where mickie is at right now. If she sits tight, chances are it will be her turn again in the spotlight eventually.

Although personally I do find it disappointing when the more talented females, such as natalya, victoria, jillian, mickie, and katie lea have to take a backseat to the arguably less talented eye candy females
I think she could work well as either face or heel but she needs to be on RAW. Why? because i dont care to watch smackdown and i want to see her crazy ass bouncing around on raw. Plain and simple.

They should give her the psycotic lesbian gimmick again becuz that was hella over. The only reason people like womens wrestling is becuz its girls rubbing up on each other, so that should be worked into storyline. If you have a girl who wants to go out there and rub up on girls cuz shes a psycotic lesbian people are gonna get behind her (haha).
I notice that the popular choices both include RAW.

Here's my thoughts on her switching to Smackdown!. She'd have the oppurtunity for new feuds, namely Maryse and Natalya. She's had good matches with Beth, and Natalya would be a step up from there. A feud with Maryse could end up with the Diva's belt around her waist, and if we're all agreeing that she is the best women's wrestler, at least in the WWE, then having her be the first women to hold both titles would be pretty significant.

Also, she'd be moving to network TV, and would get more exposure, for herself, and possibly for the company. I know the argument that women don't draw, but if you put enough hot women on a network channel on Friday nights, and they can actually put on a decent match, they'll stop you from losing viewers, instead of people taking their piss break when Michelle and Maria pop up on TV.

This also helps Smackdown!, who is in desperate need of a face Diva, even with the pending arrival of Gail Kim. If they're going to force the Divas into tag matches, Gail Kim will need someone to tag with, and Mickie is a much better choice than Maria or the Bellas.
Stay as a face on RAW.

Because she works best as a face, because the fans love her, and her energy as a face works too well for her to be heel, although she does play a very good heel.. look towards her fued with Trish Stratus, in which she was fantastic at playing the psychotic freak. On RAW she can still get to the top, but she just needs better fueds. Her fued with Katie Lea was short lived, and if re-done better then it could really be a big storyline, if they play it out over a few months.
The problem with Mickie James is that she's done everything on Raw. She's won the Womens Title multiple times, she's feuded with Beth Phoenix, Melina, Katie Lea and Jillian. The only Raw divas she hasn't feuded with yet are Kelly Kelly, Layla and Candice Michelle. Two are those three are faces, meaning to even up the odds a little, Mickie should turn heel to feud with Kelly and Candice. Not to mention a possible renewal of an old rivalry with Melina.

She shouldn't stay as a babyface on Raw, because she'd be doing the same thing as she's been doing for the past few months, that being absolutely nothing important. Sending her to Smackdown would be a great idea, but I think that can wait until the draft in 2009 because I'm sure she'll definately become stale on Raw by then. For now, turn her heel and have her feud with Kelly Kelly where Mickie actually loses the rivalry thus putting Kelly more over in the process, then she can have a feud with Candice which is a match that I personally want to see for some unknown reason.

That should hopefully keep her busy until June where she moves over to Smackdown to have many fresh feuds with basically all the divas on the blue brand. Going to TNA just wouldn't benefit her much, really. It should be interesting as to where the WWE takes her character though.
I think Mickie should stay on Raw as a face, cuz Raw needs faces alot more than Smackdown. Mickie is like the top face diva on Raw, or Kelly Kelly is. But either way, i like her face better. She just is a better face than a heel. I can't imagine her as a heel at all, whatsoever.
Mickie James is clearly the best face Diva on RAW, but what should she do from here?

Except for Beth Phoenix

It seems to me that the WWE is under-using her, by putting her in tag match after tag match where she has to carry Candice's sorry ass for 5 minutes, and she's done everything there is to do as a Diva on the RAW brand.

Candice should never step foot in a match. Just because you are a diva, doesn't mean you should wrestle.

Should she stay on RAW, and continue to be a top face, along with Melina, and keep a steady feud going with Beth, who is the only legitimate heel diva on RAW? Katie Lea is a credible heel, but doesn't get TV time, and Layla and Jillian are given way too much TV time. Kelly Kelly is growing into a somewhat respectable face Diva, but this could all just be part of the "Playboy push"...

She should be the main face on Raw. She is over with the fans, and there isn't many credible people to feud with Beth. Melina should turn heel if Beth loses the title however. I like Melina as a heel. Lea is now on ECW, whatever that means for her.

Should she go to Smackdown!, and stay a face, where she'd clearly be the best face, over Maria and the Bellas? With McCool, Maryse, Victoria, and Natalya as heels, it seems that they can run roughshod over the Divas' division on Smackdown, and dominate until someone comes along and knocks them from their perch.

Its only a matter of time until Natalya turns face. Once she is a face, She will become champion.

Anyways, Mickie will always find a great time on Raw, and Vince will keep her there because she is over, and people want her to be face. She is as annoying as fuck in my opinions, but so are most face divas.

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