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Michelle McCool Is The First Ever Unified Divas Champion

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
So LayCool keeps rolling after Michelle McCool defeated Melina tonight at Night Of Champions to become the first ever Unified Divas Champion. I was glad to see this happen, because LayCool is easily the hottest thing going in WWE as far as the women's division goes.

Although, this win did surprise me a little bit. After Michelle decided to rig the drawing that determined who would face Melina at the PPV, I thought the end of LayCool was inevitable. But Layla helped Michelle make history, and they seemed stronger than ever after this win. LayCool will probably have to deal with Beth Phoenix again sooner or later, but I think Michelle will hold on to the title for a good amount of time. These two are going to split some where down the line, but it doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon.

What are your thoughts on Michelle becoming the first ever Unified Divas Champion?
Excellent. LayCool is the most entertaining thing about the divas division and really the only reason to care. They have good personalities, they're fun, and I like them a lot. Melina screams to much, has no personality, sucks on the mic, and bores me. Great move by the E to give LayCool the unification. Now let's hope Beth Phoenix comes back and feuds with them, since they took the title off of her and kayfabe injured her.
I agree that they're the hottest thing in the WWE when it comes to the women's divison, but I still think they should've gave Melina the win. After Melina got the win she could have continued a feud with Laycool and face Layla with the title too. Now with McCool winning I don't know where it puts Layla, I was never a fan of the freebird rule, I hated it a lot. Layla deserved to be in the match since she won the title, but I would rather see McCool in this match than her of course. Either way, once Beth Phoenix comes back she's going to win the title, that's a given.

The match was awful by the way, and I don't mean the actual match between McCool and Melina, but the lumbejills really ruined this whole thing. When they were brawling it was so awful, and did anyone catch it when someone was about to throw a punch at Jillian, but Jillian sorta just moved the hand out of the way, it made it feel like it was a missed spot, and it just looked awful since the camera panned right to it.

Either way, it seems WWE is really high on Michelle McCool, and I can see why. She was named PWI's top women wrestler, she's apart of the hottest thing in the womens division, and it doesn't hurt that she's married to the most respected man backstage, the undertaker.
Personally, I'd like to see Maryse break free of the anchor otherwise known as Ted DiBiase Jr. and re-assert her position in the company as one of the top divas in the organization. Then I'd like to see a feud between Maryse and McCool, even though they're both heels. I don't mind Laycool but I'd rather see them split up, even though I know this isn't happening anytime soon.

I had predicted Melina to win this match, but I didn't mind seeing Laycool win. At least they've consolidated the belts, so it should cut back on the amount of diva time wasted in the ring. Can't wait for Phoenix to come back, though, and show everyone who's boss.
Excellent. I'm glad that McCool got the win here over Melina, who i find to be very boring and not at all interesting. Laycool is easily one of more entertaining and bright spots on Smackdown and I'm glad that WWE made the smart decision to keep the belt on Laycool. I think they will have a feud with Beth Phoenix who is returning from injury soon and that could be a decent feud.
A program between Layla and McCool to unify the belts would be top notch. Both are great entertainers, so a series of matches between the two would be fun to watch; and since both of them are on the same show (the B show no less) it'll go a long ways to guaruntee that the feud doesn't get lost in the shuffle with the rest of the program. I also feel that Layla would do better as a face, as McCool just seems more natural as a heel.
I am as happy as a Nazi at a bondfire.

Laycool entertain me everytime I see them on the screen, something that 1/2 the men don't do. I'm very pleased that they put all the diva gold on them, and with luck they'll be around for at least the rest of 2010. And it was actually a pretty good match depite the lumberjacks being terrrible. Either way, LayCool's victory was.....FLAWLESS!
Glad to see it, LayCool are easily the best things to happen to the Divas division in a long time and now (I assume) we can see them on both shows. Hopefully this leads to a Nattie/LayCool fued given that she attempted to interfere in the match a couple of times.
Shes certainly an improvement from Melina. Melina was simply unentertaining, I just never noticed how much until she returned recently. She has zero personality(Which probably wasnt helped by dating Morrison), shes not very good in terms of in ring abilities, and shes poor on the mic. Her recent promos against Laycool showed how far behind them she is.

McCool isnt too bad, though Im not a fan of hers. I honestly would have preferred Layla to hold the belt, I thought that her holding the belt was a nice change of pace and shes really not that bad. Too bad they made her look weak compared to McCool and gave McCool half of the belt and then this new belt, because she could have been a good champion.
This Sucks! I am so sick of Laycool. Are they ever going to split-up? As it looks now, I say NO Michelle and Layla will be together as Laycool for the rest of their careers. They annoy the living hell out of me. Michelle was already the first to have held both Women's and Diva's titles, which is why she did not deserve this. I think she is a terrible performer in the ring is just lousy on the mic.(Sorry Taker!)

I agree with "hatehabsforever' about Maryse. I lkie her ring, mic skills and persona alot more than Michelle. And Maryse is much, MUCH prettier, IMO. I would have put Maryse in that match and given the title to her.

Worst Women's/Diva's champion ever = Michelle McCool :disappointed: :banghead: :flush:
I am fucking pissed right now. Michelle has been running roughshod over the Diva's division for quite sometime now. She was the first Diva's Champion when it was decided Smackdown needed a women's championship, and she put Natalya Neidhart in a freaking submission to get the win for it. Then she becomes the first to have held both women's titles, and she completely hijacks Layla's reign to become the first Unified Divas Champion. :banghead:

I didn't have the massive hate for Michelle that others have had, or a huge love for her. She was always meh to me, as I preferred females wrestlers with more skill like Victoria and Katie Lea, but seriously I've had enough. Laycool was entertaining, but the fact it was built on Layla's reign prevents much enjoyment from it. Now this.... this is too much. :disappointed:
Michelle for me is the best Diva in smackdown. Who is better? Only Maryse. She is hotter, and better in the mic, that's all. Actually Michelle has the best finisher in the entire Divas division "Styles Clash" or whatever she calls it.
To be the Chris Jericho of the divas division (brag about the first unified divas title), I thought it needed to be someone better than her, but sorry to say no one in the division deserves such push and by that automatically Michelle gets it.

Anyways, Michelle deserves it because simply there is no one else, however I don't know why WWE pulled the plug on Maryse, I would want to see her twice weekly :blush:
Michelle McCool really isn't, now is she? Considering the fact that she was "Co-womens champion" but technically Layla is the recognized Women's champion. LayCool are the first ever "faction" to hold both championships would've been more appropriate.

LayCool really needed to win last night. Melina didn't really deserve the position of being the unified women's champion, especially considering she's dull and overrated. LayCool have been on a roll, and the two belts will cause their friction to die out, and they'll be thriving as ever I could only imagine.

I can't wait to see what LayCool will be doing in the future, and I think it could be rather funny if Kaval got his hands on a championship as well, to create a diva focused power faction.
Am I excited to see McCool being the first ever female HHH? No...honestly, she's the WWE's version of HHH right now only because she's doing the reverse of what HHH did. I was having high hopes in seeing the possible strife when Layla realized that McCool rigged the drawing. Hopefully all is not lost on this and since WWE recognizes only Layla as the official WWE women's champion 'officially' and wouldn't be shocked if there is a re-match made with all the twists and turns that can happen in WWE.
I think Melina is severely overrated. Not particularly good in the ring and has little value on the mic. Her best days IMO were with MNM. LayCool is the only reason nowadays to care about the Diva's division at all so this was the logical move. LayCool is on fire right now and I hope they hold onto the belt for a long time. A feud with a returning Beth Phoenix seems to be a given at this point.
I personally dont like this. I agree Michelle is one of the top notch wrestling women in the entire WWE or wrestling world for that matter, but you know what, plenty of the other WWE Divas could be in the same boat if ONLY given that chance to shine. I truely believe Gail, Natalya, and Jillian are all very great talented in ring wrestlers, and yet havent got the slight chance to showcase their talents as main stream Divas/title holders. People are gonna argue with me cause in some peoples opinions some ladies are nothing but botch fests, but I dont think you can honestly say ANY of the divas are always perfect. Its sad to see Michelle become the FIRST everything as of the last couple years, she may be good at what she does but I dont know if giving her everything ALL the time sends a positive message to other Divas. I am hoping for the Day that belt is around Natalya or Jillian Halls waist, I absolutely love the two ladies!
I think it was a great decision to have McCool become the Undefined Champion Of The Divas. LayCool are by far the most entertaining divas on the roster, I think them having the undisputed championship can only lead to great things. Going into this match last night I was afraid that there was going to be tension between Layla and McCool, thankfully there was not.

I think the two will go on to hold the title(s) until Beth Phoenix makes her return.
I admit that I'm getting a little swick of seeing LayCool at the top, but given the alternative(s). I think I'll just grin and bear it. They are by far the most talented and entertaining thing the Diva division has going...
What are your thoughts on Michelle becoming the first ever Unified Divas Champion?

Technicalities being what they are Layla is the Women's Champ and Michelle is the Diva's Champ, but it really is a moot point. As a unit I think it's a great continuation of the Team Laycool gimmick as a whole. Makes them even more obnoxious and proves that despite it all they are indeed FLAWLESS just like they always say they are.

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