Michael Tarver??


BMOZ- The people's champion
Now I know nothing has officially been stated on Raw but it seems Tarver is out of Nexus (or on the way out) after Cena destroyed him a few weeks ago he has been MIA, if this is case I believe this leaves him in a tough spot.

To be honest I like Tarver's gimmick and image, he comes across sort of like an silent assasin who looks very dangerous and his mic skills are better than most on the roster, unfortunatly for him his downfall is his ring work sure he may of improved since NXT but it looks as if he's lost half the time, I mean does he even have a finisher?

If he is finished with Nexus what program can you see him in? I think a mini fued with Nexus, Cena or Barrett is a waste of time, and Gabriel and maybe Slater seem to be the only two that could get over as faces once Nexus is through, It looks as if Tarver is well on his way to becoming the next Darren Young. Give me your thoughts??
hes injured atm but when he comes back he might do well i like him like his gimmick and he does have a finisher
I actually like Tarver also. I didn't like him on NXT but once Nexus started he seemed like a legitimate part until his injury. He may still need work in the ring but so did Cena amongst others when they started. I think his gimmick and the bandana over the face makes him look tough. His story also goes along with why Nexus started. He's trying to take car of his kids. I think something can be done with him if done right.
Now I know nothing has officially been stated on Raw but it seems Tarver is out of Nexus (or on the way out) after Cena destroyed him a few weeks ago he has been MIA, if this is case I believe this leaves him in a tough spot.

To be honest I like Tarver's gimmick and image, he comes across sort of like an silent assasin who looks very dangerous and his mic skills are better than most on the roster, unfortunatly for him his downfall is his ring work sure he may of improved since NXT but it looks as if he's lost half the time, I mean does he even have a finisher?

If he is finished with Nexus what program can you see him in? I think a mini fued with Nexus, Cena or Barrett is a waste of time, and Gabriel and maybe Slater seem to be the only two that could get over as faces once Nexus is through, It looks as if Tarver is well on his way to becoming the next Darren Young. Give me your thoughts??

All the nexus guys who have been kicked out should come out as a huge force and try to take nexus out! Plus if cena turns heel it would make the program even better.There already copying the nWo storyline(kinda) so why not? Make a wolf pack out of the kicked out members and watch them battle for dominance.
I'm not a huge Tarver fan. I always thought his shtick was a little weird with the face mask. He has decent mic skills, but IMO, the fact that only he and Barrett and Sheffield had mic skills made him look better than he actually is. When he recovers from his injury, they'll probably send him back to FCW for a while and maybe bring him back, but probably like do like they've done with Darren Young and bury him in low-card/dark matches or put him in Superstars matches until they find something to do with him.

Is it me, or did they never really explain Sheffield being out, other than his injury? Did they ever say he was kicked out of Nexus? I think he actually had the most potential in the group, outside of Barrett (who looks like a little nerdy kid when he performs Wasteland) and Gabriel. When he dropped the hick "yup-yup" gimmick and just started being a pissed off, muscle-bound heel, he showed promise.
I like Tarver. He has a cool ring name and I think the bandanna over the face was a great look. Combined with his size it makes him look like a legitimate bad ass, and that is something Nexus need. None of the other guys in the faction, not even Otunga with his size look mean. Tarver added this to the group.

He isnt the best in-ring but I think he has alot of potential. I hope to see him back in Nexus when he returns from injury, if he goes out on his own now I fear he could get lost in the shuffle.
He has the look, that I really like, and his mic skills are also good as well, but other than that there isn't much there. He lacks the in ring skills and I honestly don't want to see too much of him anyways. Darren Young just sucks in the ring and on the mic, so he isn't heading to be the next Darren Young, he might just be a glorified jobber. I can see him returning, maybe being put in squash matches to put him over, and eventually end up the way Kozlov has.
While i'm not a big Michael Tarver fan, I don't think he should be written out of the Nexus storyline completely yet. I'd like to see him possibly team up with Darren Young to take out Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater as the tag champs. Maybe a few backstage attacks on them when they are suppose to be coming out to help Wade Barrett. Let it go for a few weeks, with no one being sure who has been attacking them. Eventually it'll be revealed to be Tarver and Young and they will challenge for tag titles and win by pinning Heath Slater, which would lead to Slater being kicked out of the Nexus as having Gabriel in team is just holding him back from what he should be doing which is going after the U.S Championship. Then because Slater and Gabriel didn't get the job done, Husy Harris and Mike Mcguillicutty begin a feud with Tarver and Young. At least this way you give the rest of Nexus a reason for even existing as well as have a few month feud that focuses on the Tag Titles which have been wasted as of late....
Tarver's original finisher was a knockout punch (to go along with the boxer image) but they dropped it when the Big Show began knocking people out with his big fist. He has a good look but as mentioned, his ring work needs some fine-tuning. I think he's perfect as the muscle guy rather than the finesse wrestler.
I think Tarver is a cool character. He actually stands out compared to the rest of the Nexus' gimmicks other than Barrett, of course. He has what it takes on the mic and hes a pretty big scary dude so I would like to see him stick around after his injury to see what he could do.
I actually like Tarver also. I didn't like him on NXT but once Nexus started he seemed like a legitimate part until his injury. He may still need work in the ring but so did Cena amongst others when they started. I think his gimmick and the bandana over the face makes him look tough. His story also goes along with why Nexus started. He's trying to take car of his kids. I think something can be done with him if done right.

I too had no use for Tarver on NXT, but he has since started to grow on me. He does have a bad ass look and the bandana does help with the outlaw gimmick that's part of Nexus.

As far as him being out of Nexus, as someone mentioned a couple weeks back, the members of Nexus seem to be eliminating themselves with injuries. I enjoy seeing Henning and Rotundo, but can't wait for Tarver and Skip to get back.
I think Tarver could have some potential, I never really cared for him though, he just seemed like one of the "filler" guys for nexus. Really the only ones who have ever stood out in Nexus are Barrett and Gabriel. Gabriel isn't even all that impressive at least from what I have seen so far, its only his 450 splash, but I can see him having a good mid card career. Anyway Tarver does have a good look and a good ring name like someone else mentioned. I think him and Skip Sheffield (wwe please change this guy's name), could be a tag team when they both are back. Kind of like a nexus reject team and say they never needed them or something. I know a lot of people complain about random tag teams, but it wouldn't be random considering they were in a faction together. Just a thought though, I can't see what else they could do with Tarver. They tried doing something with Darren Young (at least I think), and that failed miserably. Hell people even forgot about his return that one night then he got laid out by Randy. I think everyone in Nexus or who was in Nexus is doomed to fail except for Barrett and maybe Gabriel
There is obvioulsy going to be a split in Nexus with Ortunga on one side and barrett on the other so who knows who will join barrett/Ortunga. I dont like tarver myself, he doesnt come accross as a bad ass to me, just a wanna be.
I dunno kinda like Tarver but I don't expect him to actually get anywhere in WWE because almost like every other "black" wrestler their careers a be-littled <-- I remember someone saying thats why they respect The Rock... TOTALLY AGREE.

I want him to get somewhere more than I want say Young or Slater or even the guy WWE's head office has got their ass up Otunga, can't say I'm expecting it though....

On another note I want to see Sheffield back he is a bloody BEAST! Better in every respect than all members of Nexus except Gabriel IMO (not a huge fan of Barret).
Most of the Nexus has carved their niche, Barrett goes without saying. Gabrial has his 450, Slater is all around a decent performer, Otunga is the piece of shit that we all hope gets injured. The two people that I am missing from the Nexus are Skip Shefield and Michael Tarver, Those guys had the skills to make the mid card atleast, and they have the skills to survive outside the Nexus, they aren't Darren Young
Yall be killin me. There was just a thread a few days ago on how R Truth basically garbage, now Michael Tarver is all of a sudden a legit talent. gimme a break. Tarver is WACK. his gimmick is corny, he's awful on the mic and cant wrestle to save his childrens life. i for wun do not care for him at all and im glad to see him out of the picture. to me he just took up space....im just having a hard time believing you guys have a full thread on how u dont like r truth (who is MUCH better in the ring than most of the guys on the roster), but then have a damn thread on how good Michael Tarver is..smh
If you go through Nexus (Barrett, Otunga, Gabriel, Tarver, McGullicutty, Harris) name one guy besides Barrett that is capable of leading the Nexus on his own right? Otunga is pure shit, McGillicutty can't talk, along with Gabrial, and Harris is a beast that needs no mic skills to prove it. Tarver is ther only one that can actually make it on their own up on debuting in the WWE. The WWE needs to give him a chance to shine as a true heel. He's the best on the Mic, use it. He can talk and get the crowd going with a simple sentence. Another, he has the only true gimmick in Nexus. I guess you could call it a gimmick. His look alone spells out "top heel", use that to your advantage. Let him shine on the mic and don't hold him back. If it weren't for Barrett receiving the push of a life time, I believe we'd see a Tarver push. Yes, he's thats damn good. Probably my favorite in Nexus besides Harris. When he returns, have him either rejoin Nexus, or put him on Smackdown to dominate him. Give him a push and see how it works.
Now I know nothing has officially been stated on Raw but it seems Tarver is out of Nexus (or on the way out) after Cena destroyed him a few weeks ago he has been MIA, if this is case I believe this leaves him in a tough spot.

To be honest I like Tarver's gimmick and image, he comes across sort of like an silent assasin who looks very dangerous and his mic skills are better than most on the roster, unfortunatly for him his downfall is his ring work sure he may of improved since NXT but it looks as if he's lost half the time, I mean does he even have a finisher?

If he is finished with Nexus what program can you see him in? I think a mini fued with Nexus, Cena or Barrett is a waste of time, and Gabriel and maybe Slater seem to be the only two that could get over as faces once Nexus is through, It looks as if Tarver is well on his way to becoming the next Darren Young. Give me your thoughts??

First of all, yes they did officially address it on Raw. After Cena destroyed him Barrett basically thanked Cena for it, because they "had been looking to get rid of him for some time" as he basically put it. Yes, it was really due to an injury, but he is officially written out of Nexus.

Second, he does have a finisher. He's used it at least once that I have seen. It's basically a reverse scoop slam.

As far as what they're gonna do with him...who really cares? His thug image, and that's what it comes off as especially with his little mask, doesn't work well in the PG WWE right now. Cryme Tyme could do it, but they did it as more fun type thugs, not really bad ones. Not to mention, if they bring in some kind of Anti-Nexus angle for the people who were kicked out already, good luck with that. Tarver's current gimmick doesn't work as a face and Darren Young...well I don't have to say anything more. Skip Sheffield was actually getting good crowd responses before he got hurt, but he's the only one that would work and he's not enough. So, the end of that question can be solved by 3 simple letters. F..C..W
I'm very suprised this thread came about, I'm even more suprised at the response. The only time I have seen michael tarver mentionned in these forums it was the general concensus that he was all-round crap, and I diffred from that opinion. Yeah in the ring he's really stiff, practically robotic but I personally thought he was the best talker in nexus besides barrett.

I also thought he made the biggest immediate impact, besides of course daniel bryan. The following raw's after the initial attack, I was impressed speaking wise by him the most. But he really has to buck up his ring work.

As for his future, I can see him doing pretty well in an age where there is a lot of sub-standard wrestlers because they are good talkers.
Michael Tarver has a look, a potential gimmick, and he can talk. But all I've ever seen him do in ring is strike(punch) and land one or two moves throughout his entire time in the WWE. If he improves his in ring ability, increases his moveset, maybe he'd make a decent midcarder. He has potential, but I don't see it happening for him anytime soon. I imagine he'll follow the Darren Young path.
Yall be killin me. There was just a thread a few days ago on how R Truth basically garbage, now Michael Tarver is all of a sudden a legit talent. gimme a break. Tarver is WACK. his gimmick is corny, he's awful on the mic and cant wrestle to save his childrens life. i for wun do not care for him at all and im glad to see him out of the picture. to me he just took up space....im just having a hard time believing you guys have a full thread on how u dont like r truth (who is MUCH better in the ring than most of the guys on the roster), but then have a damn thread on how good Michael Tarver is..smh

no way dude. truth is not better than most of the roster. im not saying hes the worst...but hes not near the top at all (and there is jus something that bothers me about him lol)
but tarver is not terrible. he has improved since nxt. he has decent mic skills, decent moves, and a good look. he's nothing too special but he has potential
I like Tarver and i believe he could be a force if used right, hell anybody can be a force with the proper writing and fan base. I am a firm believer in taking advantage of your opportunities, so if he gets a chance once he heals up its up to him to get the crowd to love or hate him.

I think he has a believable look of a champion and he can talk pretty good, all that's left are mat skills and i haven't seen enough to know what he can do. Its too early to tell what any of the nexus are capable of none of them have really worked a match where the focus is soley on them alone. I think Wade is good but i'm not sure he's such a slam dunk as some ppl think he is, time will tell if he's the real deal or not.

But i think its way to early to know if somebody is sugar or shit, so ima just kick back see what happens. When i first joined this site there were hardly any new talent being pushed now its overflowing with young talent so i gota give the WWE some love on the youth movement.
Theoretically, getting out now might be the best thing to happen to him. He has a good look and he's black. Two things that WWE always looks for. So, when he comes back, he has build in story lines. He could feud with former members of Nexus or Nexus itself (depending on the state of Nexus at the time) and/or John Cena. He has plenty of options in that regard.
Yall be killin me. There was just a thread a few days ago on how R Truth basically garbage, now Michael Tarver is all of a sudden a legit talent. gimme a break. Tarver is WACK. his gimmick is corny, he's awful on the mic and cant wrestle to save his childrens life. i for wun do not care for him at all and im glad to see him out of the picture. to me he just took up space....im just having a hard time believing you guys have a full thread on how u dont like r truth (who is MUCH better in the ring than most of the guys on the roster), but then have a damn thread on how good Michael Tarver is..smh

:lmao: R-Truth is better than most of the roster in the ring? On what basis? Aerial style? Evan Bourne, Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd disagree. Puro? Yoshi Tatsu has that covered? Good ol' technical wrestling? Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. WWE 5-move style? Cena, Orton and the Miz say hello.

While Tarver does have potential to be something meaningful in the mid-card or upper card, R-Truth will forever remain in mid-card hell. And frankly, that's where he belongs.

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