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Michael Moore is a hate monger


You don't want it with me.
Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise is calling on liberal filmmaker Michael Moore to apologize after he said Friday that the timing of Hurricane Gustav is “proof that there is a God in heaven,” since the storm approaching the Gulf Coast could disrupt next week’s Republican National Convention.

Moore made the remarks to MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann. Republicans have been monitoring the storm’s progress, considering whether to postpone their convention in St. Paul, Minn., if the storm wreaks havoc on the New Orleans area, just three years after Hurricane Katrina.

“I was just thinking, this Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven,” Moore said. “To just have it planned at the same time, that it would actually be on its way to New Orleans for Day One of the Republican convention, up in the Twin Cities, at the top of the Mississippi River.”

Scalise released a statement Saturday blasting the documentary filmmaker for the remarks.

“I demand an immediate apology from Michael Moore to the people of south Louisiana for his offensive and inappropriate comments,” said Scalise, a Republican. “People in Louisiana, regardless of political affiliation, are making plans to leave to protect their families from this serious storm, and the God I know would not share Michael Moore’s glee for our plight.”

Residents of New Orleans and the surrounding area have to started to evacuate, while the storm strengthened to a Category 4 hurricane.

Moore seemed to back off his statement on air Friday, later saying, “I mean I certainly hope nobody gets hurt. I hope everybody’s taking cover.”

What kind of insensitive prick says things like this? His movies are over edited. His views are farther left that even Soros. He seriously is glad that a killer storm is approaching the United States because it will disrupt the RNC?

Remember, the Republicans are a machine at election time. Every four years the Dems seem disjointed while the Republicans unite behind a candidate. How else do you explain a a man with a 40% approval rating winning RE-election?

Michael Moore is hurting himself and his party, and he seems proud of himself. He is willing to tout Cuba to hate on Bush, while ignoring a half century of human rights abuses. He subscribes to wild conspiracy theories about 9/11 that do nothing more than enrage the ignorant, without ever searching for a real solution.

Mike, I am sorry your friends were even more unqualified that Keith Olberman's worst person in the world to run the country, but enough is enough. You makes me wish that hurricane would turn right up your ass and blow some sense into your petty, hate mongering, lying head.
To be fair, Moore did follow it with something along the lines of "no, of course I'm not wishing any harm on any of these people"

Is Moore the type of guy that goes over the line at times? Yes. Does that mean he's automatically wrong? No.

It seems like most of the avid Moore haters are Republicans, which makes sense, as he's attacking "your guys". I don't know if you are or not, "from the south", so I can't group you in there. However, all I'm going to say is, just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're wrong.

This is a topic about Michael Moore saying something wrong, not about Republican/Democrat, so I won't bother delving into why I can't see any reason to vote for McCain and Palin (and why I see every reason to vote for, and will vote for, Obama and Biden), but I WILL, for the sake of this thread, agree that Moore shouldn't have said what he did. He did brush it off afterwards as a joke, so you need to give him some credit, but the fact of the matter is that its not much of a topic to joke about, so he shouldn't have said it in the first place.

Still though, we all make mistakes. Huckabee failed to make a gunshot on Obama joke a while back and apologized, so this failed joke from Moore evens it up.
Michael Moore is a hack, plain and simple. He's a fat joke that placates himself to the left wing extremist that take his heavily edited, out of context crap as the word of God itself. The guy has yet to make a movie or a point that is relevant, yet the mindless sheeple flock to it because the liberal media loves the guy and praises everything he does, much like Al Gore and his crap that he spews out of his mouth.

As a moderate myself, Moore is a joke, and makes me want to vote Republican straight across the board, just to spite assholes like this clown. But I'm far too intelligent of a voter to simply throw my vote away out of spite. It's a guy that was snubbed for an interview with Bush how many years ago, so he's gone on this self righteous crusade of his own to inflate his own ego because Bush could give two shits that he exist. For Michael Moore to say something like this pretty much spits in the face of any intelligent person. If Bush were to say something like that, then I would be stuck listening to some diatribe by an asshole like Kanye West, and then having everyone online praise him.
To be fair, Moore did follow it with something along the lines of "no, of course I'm not wishing any harm on any of these people"

He said that later, after being told he was a jackass. Hey NoFate, I hope your mom gets raped by a rhino. Just kidding. That didn't make it any better did it?.
Is Moore the type of guy that goes over the line at times? Yes. Does that mean he's automatically wrong? No.

It seems like most of the avid Moore haters are Republicans, which makes sense, as he's attacking "your guys". I don't know if you are or not, "from the south", so I can't group you in there. However, all I'm going to say is, just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're wrong.

The fact that time and again, his videoes have been shown to be overedited does mean he's wrong. The fact that he ignores the human rights abuses of Cuba to tout their healthcare system, while making up some of his own to attack ours means he's wrong.

This is a topic about Michael Moore saying something wrong, not about Republican/Democrat, so I won't bother delving into why I can't see any reason to vote for McCain and Palin (and why I see every reason to vote for, and will vote for, Obama and Biden), but I WILL, for the sake of this thread, agree that Moore shouldn't have said what he did. He did brush it off afterwards as a joke, so you need to give him some credit, but the fact of the matter is that its not much of a topic to joke about, so he shouldn't have said it in the first place.

Ok, well we agree here. Huckabee shouldn't have said what he said either. And I won't go into how a vote for Obama is throwing your vote away. :)
Still though, we all make mistakes. Huckabee failed to make a gunshot on Obama joke a while back and apologized, so this failed joke from Moore evens it up.

See, the thing of it, is that after Katrina, Moore did everything short of saying Bush manipulated the atmosphere to say that the hurricane was his fault. Now he's saying these same people are having their homes destroyed again, just to throw a convention off. Plus, he was with Keith Olberman, who is the biggest douchebag.....in the world.
The Shock

Michael Moore is a hack, plain and simple. He's a fat joke that placates himself to the left wing extremist that take his heavily edited, out of context crap as the word of God itself. The guy has yet to make a movie or a point that is relevant, yet the mindless sheeple flock to it because the liberal media loves the guy and praises everything he does, much like Al Gore and his crap that he spews out of his mouth.

Couldn't have said it better myself. First of all, sheeple is my new favorite word. Second of all, just because you make a movie, doesn't make you an expert. It actually makes you a propogandist. I'm going to refer to him as Tokyo HoHos from now on.
As a moderate myself, Moore is a joke, and makes me want to vote Republican straight across the board, just to spite assholes like this clown. But I'm far too intelligent of a voter to simply throw my vote away out of spite. It's a guy that was snubbed for an interview with Bush how many years ago, so he's gone on this self righteous crusade of his own to inflate his own ego because Bush could give two shits that he exist. For Michael Moore to say something like this pretty much spits in the face of any intelligent person. If Bush were to say something like that, then I would be stuck listening to some diatribe by an asshole like Kanye West, and then having everyone online praise him.

Kanye West hates talented people.

Fact of the matter is, saying just kidding doesn't change anything. Michael Moore is a hypocrite and he took advantage of the forum he had to say the most hateful thing possible. "God is choosing to kill people to influence an election, and that's a good thing."

And I do not want a rhino to rape your mom.
He said that later, after being told he was a jackass. Hey NoFate, I hope your mom gets raped by a rhino. Just kidding. That didn't make it any better did it?.

Yeah, it did make it better, because you're just kidding. Does it mean it was right to say it? No. Does it mean its less offensive? Yes. I'm not saying Moore should've said it, and that apologizing is an instant write-off, but it should at least be mentioned. You didn't mention the fact that he had said it, which made it seem like he was 100% serious in the manner. Just saying, you should present the fact even if it goes against your argument, just out of being fair.

The fact that time and again, his videoes have been shown to be overedited does mean he's wrong. The fact that he ignores the human rights abuses of Cuba to tout their healthcare system, while making up some of his own to attack ours means he's wrong.

Now I personally haven't seen any evidence that shows that he edits his videos, so I can't comment on that. But my point wasn't that he was always right, it was that "simply because you don't like him doesn't mean he's wrong". Its the same sort of thing about religion. Just because someone is Christian and thinks Jews have it wrong doesn't mean that the Christian is correct, and if the Jewish person thinks the Christian is wrong, that doesn't mean the Christian is wrong either.

Ok, well we agree here. Huckabee shouldn't have said what he said either. And I won't go into how a vote for Obama is throwing your vote away. :)

Now see, I'd have let this go as is, but it seems like you threw the smilie face in there just to add a quick slap in the face. This isn't a debate about Obama vs McCain, but its clear right now that you're a stone-cold Republican, so no matter what I say to support Obama (or Moore for that matter), even if I had the resources and the time to back it up with more evidence than WrestleZone's servers can handle, it still wouldn't change your mind. I'm not one of those people that will vote Democrat all the time no matter what, nor am I someone who will vote Republican all the time no matter what. I look at the issues and I decide from there, because its foolish to just be tied down to "I'm a Democrat/Republican, therefore, any person of other parties is automatically wrong". Right now, as I see it, there isn't a single issue that I agree with McCain on that Obama doesn't already agree with him on, and there isn't a single issue that I disagree with Obama on, so I'll be voting for Obama. Nobody is throwing their vote away unless its a complete landslide and the vote is for the one who will abundantly be the loser, like when people vote for anybody outside of the Democrat or Republican nominee, as they simply never come close.

See, the thing of it, is that after Katrina, Moore did everything short of saying Bush manipulated the atmosphere to say that the hurricane was his fault. Now he's saying these same people are having their homes destroyed again, just to throw a convention off. Plus, he was with Keith Olberman, who is the biggest douchebag.....in the world.

Why's Olbermann a douchebag? Just because he seems to support Democrats more than Republicans? I bet you think by that rationale, Bill O'Reilly is an awesome guy, just because he supports Republicans.

Second of all, just because you make a movie, doesn't make you an expert.

I wholeheartedly agree. Just because you make a movie DOESN'T mean that you're an expert. And before anybody says that I claimed Moore was, if you look back, I never said that he was an expert or automatically right just because he made a movie. But, just because you do ANYTHING doesn't mean you're an expert. So many people I know say "well the government says so, so its got to be right". The government is made up of humans. All humans are imperfect. All imperfect people make mistakes. This government told us that there were weapons in Iraq, and after sitting through a long war, there aren't any weapons. Clearly, they're not perfect, and the fact that they're not perfect means that they're not experts either, so anybody that says the Bush administration says something so it "must be true" is just fooling themselves as much as anybody else in the world that does the same for Moore.

Fact of the matter is, saying just kidding doesn't change anything. Michael Moore is a hypocrite and he took advantage of the forum he had to say the most hateful thing possible. "God is choosing to kill people to influence an election, and that's a good thing."

And I do not want a rhino to rape your mom.

Saying "just kidding" does change things, but it doesn't completely erase it. Moore SHOULDN'T have said it, and it WAS the wrong thing to say. You and I might disagree about who is right between the current set of choices for office, but I do agree with you that Moore looked like an asshole by saying what he said.

I can't agree with you on McCain being better than Obama. I can't agree with you on some of the other things you said. I won't even bother with it, because we both are going to be set on our opinions, so I'm just saying ahead of time that I won't be reposting in this (and this isn't a whole "I need to get the last word in" thing, cause that's childish and worthless), because the topic is about Moore, not Obama/McCain.

Despite our differences in opinion on some matters, I do agree with you that Michael Moore gets points deducted by saying the comment he did, as it was inappropriate. Saying he's sorry right afterwards takes away part of the sting, but it doesn't cure the wound.

Oh, and I don't wish any animal rape on your mother either lol.
LOL, the smile wasn't a slap in the face, it was a wink and a smile.

Here's one website speaking about how he spliced together two George Bush, 41 ads in Bowling. Just one example of overediting.


Olberman is a douchebag for several reasons. The most recent one is during his coverage of Palin's announcement, the caption on screen was, "How many houses does Palin add to the Republican ticket?" Instead, of, I don't know, "Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin announced as McCain's running mate." Or something news show related. He also subscribes to the far left extremists who call Bill O'Reily a racist. He may be a blowhard, and an asshole (see, I'm not an O'Reily guy, well not all the time), but he is fair.

I am far from calling Bush an expert on anything, but I do think he was thrust into a very difficult situation, and I think he may have been a bit overzealous in his response. But I also think he has done everything in the best interest of America. You probably don't agree, but you will agree that the right to disagree is the best part of America.

I guess my problem with the Moore statement is that he said he was kidding after someone told him that there was an outrage.

My new best friend NoFate said:

You didn't mention the fact that he had said it, which made it seem like he was 100% serious in the manner. Just saying, you should present the fact even if it goes against your argument, just out of being fair.

Umm, the last line of the quoted article states that he apologized, but in context, he seems as if he's still making a joke. I have a great deal of respect for you though. I feel like this discussion has been waiting to veer to the Obama/McCain thread, but we've kept on topic. I tried to green rep you, but it's too soon. Looking forward to a response.

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