Michael Elgin Is The *NEW* ROH World Champion


Lord And Master
Staff member

After over a year of chasing the thing and Adam Cole himself, Michael Elgin finally defeated Cole to end his reign at ROH's debut live PPV "Best In The World".

While I've yet to see the show, all I can say is "sweet". Elgin is an enjoyable watch in the ROH ring and is as over as any face can get. He's got an awesome look even though he lack a tad in the mic, but he makes up for it with his mystique and charisma in the ring. Yet another great Canadian World Champion and unless I'm missing someone, the first Canadian ROH World Champion.

In my opinion, Cole's reign seemed uneventful as most of his actions tended to be overshadowed by Matt Hardy or other things going on like Jay Briscoe and his "World title". Nothing he did really stuck out to me and with Matt Hardy seemingly returning to TNA that was the last nail in the coffin for Cole's reign.

Great first impression on their PPV debut.
Of course you're missing out on someone! Kevin Steen was the first Canadian ROH World Champion.:p

Anyway, I really enjoyed that main event last night. It was the first time I watched an ROH weekend event. I've never caught an IPPV and I only watch the weekly show every now and then. I was really happy with the quality of the show, top to bottom. I was definitely happy to see Elgin win. I was never really a fan of his, as his mullet always bothered me. So now that it's gone, I feel like he looked more legit last night and I think that he truly deserves his win.

I really don't have an opinion on Cole's reign. I know that he's a tremendous wrestler, but I guess I can agree that it was uneventful, although I do enjoy the Kingdom. I'm assuming that Cole will want revenge and a rematch. All I can say is that I'd definitely like to see them go at it one final time if that's the case.
I'm ecstatic for this to say the least. I've been following Elgin the last couple years and his matches rarely disappoint. He's kind of a more powerful version of Chris Benoit. I hope he has a great run with the title. As far as Adam Cole goes, he was great as champ, but I feel he was overshadowed by both Matt Hardy and Mike Bennett. They made for a good stable, but they really weren't a threat to anyone unless they were feuding with Cole. But Cole did handle his own against Kevin Steen, so that's a nice coup.
the first Canadian ROH World Champion.


Bitch, please!

Really happy for Elgin though, enjoyed Cole's reign and would have liked Cole/Styles for the title but he had enough defenses and good matches, sadly none of them were astounding which hopefully Elgin can do.
The show was good, i enjoyed every minute! I am happy ROH is now doing "real"PPV's as wrestling definitely needs for ROH to succeed in the worst way. Sick & Tired of Cena & horrible booking in TNA, the fans will benefit from ROH stepping up to offer better wrestling.
I honestly am shocked Jay Lethal hasn't been ROH World Champion yet. I'm even more shocked he's not gone to WWE yet. The guy is a sound performer, and if anybody thinks AJ Lee is any good then they should look to the guy who found and trained her.

As for Michael Elgin, I'm one of the few people who just doesn't like this guy. I think he's highly overrated, and hasn't been able to produce matches to bother watching. I get that booking logic finally called for him to win, and that's great it really is. Booking logic goes a long way. I just don't find Elgin to be worth much. Then again, I didn't think Cesaro was that great when he was in ROH for a while. So my opinion can change.
As for Michael Elgin, I'm one of the few people who just doesn't like this guy. I think he's highly overrated
Okay, this is fair. Elgin definitely has some weaknesses. He lacks an audible passion when he speaks and as result can't cut a great promo, and also his look is surely not for everyone(especially when he was rocking the mullet).

hasn't been able to produce matches to bother watching.

That makes no sense to me at all. The one thing Elgin is is a guy who consistently puts on matches of the night and occasionally MOTY contenders on a regular basis. Its difficult to find an Elgin match in ROH that is not worth watching.

Basically since the start of the SBG era he's been incredibly consistent in the ring. Starting with SOTF 2011 where he and O'Reilly stole the show, then the Davey match at Mania weekend 2012, the Steen Match at GBH in 2012, Defy or Deny 2, Mania weekend last year against Lethal, Against Ciampa at BITW last year, his matches in the title tournament(especially Steen), against Steen again at SCOH this year, The match with Cedric at Flyin' High, the three way at War of the Worlds, the singles matches against A.J.; Every single one of these matches has been undeniably great and 3.75 stars at minimum. Hell even the title win despite some overbooking was a hell of a match that could easily be given four stars.

He may struggle to sell you on the build of a match, but at this point you have to expect that from Elgin(who actually is trying to improve and did a good job in the final days before BITW) and just know that when the time does finally come he will manage to deliver a spectacular effort and a match worth your time like he does at basically every opportunity. He's earned the benefit of the doubt by his amazing track record of stellar showings.
Seemed like a great show from top to bottom, and I was very happy for Michael Elgin. He has been chasing the title forever now, and I honestly thought he was going to win it this time. Cole had a lot of momentum going with his new stable of sorts. Elgin consistently puts on great matches, and seems to be the new face of ROH. It was a long time coming, and I am very excited to see his title defenses.
Michael Elgin has impressed me throughout. I remember going to Best in the World 2012, I think it was, when he fought Finlay and I said to myself, this man will never amount to anything. I'm so glad he proved me wrong. I feel like I watched him mature month in and month out whether on PWG or ROH, and I think they could make him the next long reigning champion. Maybe ultimately turning him heel... That's another post for another thread. But congrats to ROH on their TV PPV debut, and I'll be looking forward to many more.

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