MIA: Dr Stevie and Raven


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Dr Stevie was locked in a feud with Abyss, Abyss is now getting a major push.

Dr Stevie was looking after Daffney, Daffney is now getting a major push.

Raven rocked up to help Dr Stevie v Foley/Abyss at Final Resolution.

Both men I like very well, both men have GREAT chemistry with each other. Both men have had classic matches with and against each other. So why aren't TNA using them? Raven's a former champion in TNA, so even that much should get him some levy (pun intended).

With guys like the Nasty boys etc taking up plenty of TV time, why on Earth are Stevie and Raven not there? They could team together or even do an epic feud with each other.

I have no clue as to why they aren’t on TV, especially when they still can contribute to growing and improving the product. If booked correctly they can help elevate the mid card.

I don’t think they are the best options for a push, and it wouldn’t really do any good to have them feud with each other, but they need to get involved with something as they are competent workers with lots of experience. When they were working with Abyss I thought they did a great job, but after their Jan. 4 squash, they’ve for the most part been non-existent. Here’s to hoping they get to do something, soon.
I agree with you here. Levy is still a great mind in the business- theres no doubt about that. His promos are fantastic. Altho- not up to the standard of the old ECW days. But I think if he was put into a legit program (with some length) he could get right back to it. I was never a big Richards fan, but I enjoyed it when he would just follow around Raven, basically being his little bitch.

When I saw Levy return a few months back- I was excited. It made total sense to me to put Daffney with the 2 of them. But they teamed her up more with Richards. Im guessing it was because TNA doesnt think they can 100% count on Raven & had much more confidence in Richards not fucking them over. I wanted to see Daffney be Ravens gothic **** girlfriend.

I think they could be a good tag-team, but Im just not sure Scott Levy is into it like he once was. Kinda seems like he may just be collecting a paycheck. I hope Im wrong tho

Maybe Raven could be the man to bring "the monster" back into Abyss? I could live with that!
I have no clue as to why they aren’t on TV, especially when they still can contribute to growing and improving the product. If booked correctly they can help elevate the mid card.

I don’t think they are the best options for a push, and it wouldn’t really do any good to have them feud with each other, but they need to get involved with something as they are competent workers with lots of experience. When they were working with Abyss I thought they did a great job, but after their Jan. 4 squash, they’ve for the most part been non-existent. Here’s to hoping they get to do something, soon.

I just want to clarify I'm not in favour of getting them a push but they should be used. Both men are brilliant for getting other people over, whilst Stevie is quite limited in the ring now, he still has it and I think his mic skills are one of the best in the company.

Both men have been in the business for about twenty years, and neither are big names. Putting them in a programme with one of the lower/mid card guys would help elevate those guys to get a chance to work with someone with so much experience (it's not like you'll see Flair/Hogan/Sting etc having a lower midcard feud).
The problem I have with TNA at the moment is that the wrong people are getting TV time. You are totally right to say that Raven and Stevie have a placee on TV. There are people who could benefit from them. But I can't imagine them in a show run by Hogan and Bischoff./

Conclusion: They are not liked by the people in charge. Whether it be due to style or past history, they are clearly not in favour and IMO it has to be down to the change in regime.
Stevie and Raven absolutely deserve at least some TV time. Make one of them a manager or mouthpiece. Stevie was working well with Daffney, who is as you said now being pushed. Why split them apart? Raven is widely regarded as an excellent mic worker; pairing him up with someone who isn't so good would work brilliantly.

Heck, use them as enhancement talent. Raven has name value, and a short feud with him could elevate the midcard. Same with Stevie. They're better than local competitors in getting midcard talent over. They could be the Tommy Dreamers of TNA, if you will.

Bottom line is, there is no reason for them to be MIA. They could easily be used in these ways and others to get them on TV.
I just think that Raven and Stevie arent liked enough backstage to be used or pushed. The last time i seen them (perhaps just Raven ?) was when they were used to beat down Jarrett or Abyss (cant remeber what one).

Although maybe they are going to be involved in Samoa Joes kidnapping angle ?

Correct me if im rong, but back in WCW wasnt it Easy E that called the meeting and asked if anyone was unhappy walk, and Raven walked. Maybe thats put him on Bischoffs bad side.
I've always liked Steven Richards, and really enjoyed the Dr. Stevie character. If TNA has no interest in pushing him/using him in the ring, he could definitely make a great heel manager or backstage personality. The 'shrink' gimmick would provide him an interesting perspective for dealing with the various characters in TNA, and he definitely has the mic skills to make it work.
I think it sucks that neither get tv time. Both are excellent mic workers and can still go in the ring. They could be used in a variety of places. They could be placed in the tag division and could have some pretty good matches with tag teams like Beer Money or MCMG, they could be used as mouth pieces for characters who aren't so good or even as jobbers and both have value in their name and both could put people over very well.

I'm very suprised that they aren't using Raven as he is a former world champion but I do understand why neither are being used. Its time to feature the younger guys even though Hulk and Flair are part of the main feuds but thats for another thread.

In conclusion I see why they aren't being used but it still sucks as both (especially Raven) are my all time favourites and could be used well.
I've been wondering what they plan on doing with Raven for a while now... We have only seen him once since the Hogan era started...

I really hope they don't release him... Raven has always been one of my favorites and I really hope they start using him soon...

I would reform the Flock if I was TNA... I think Raven would be perfect for making Abyss turn heel and beat the crap out of Hogan and remember his hardcore ways... I would also add Daniels and Moore to the group, I think they would make a good team...

Or... Have some sort of ECW originals stable... Dreamer is a free agent and they already have 3D and Rhino who they aren't doing anything with...

What do you guys think?
you know, me and my buddy have been talking about how Raven needs to be used more...we haven't seen him since him and Tomko and others came in and beat the shit out of Samoa Joe the night that he got "kidnapped"...I thought we might get some kind of match at LockDown that could play on the old Clockwork Orange matches Raven used to have with Samoa Joe...that would be killer...

as far as the Flock reforming, they tried something like that with Saratonin and it just got weird...but an ECW originals faction might work, they have Dr. Stevie, 3D, Rhino, Raven already, they could get Dreamer, Balls and some others that are 50 years past their prime...just a thought...
I saw a shoot interview with one of the guys from seratonin who said Raven had some groundbreakingly creative stuff for seratonin, but TNA was scared of it. New-school TNA is breaking out guys kissing guys. Might be time to break out some of Raven's psychosis. I'd love it.
I really want to see Raven again, I mean the dude always gave sick promos and he was awesome in the ring. Hell he would even play the mental game with you on his way to the ring. I hope they form a new Flock or another Seratonin or something with ECW wrestlers i mean hell i think somebody said it that if they can have guys kissing eachother why can't they get a little extreme. I know this is off topic but really what the hell is with the dudes kissing each other i mean every damn week they have the Beutiful People almost kiss each other and they never do but they can have OJ come down to the ring in a creepy way and have him kissing dudes but not have girls kissing girls what the crap i mean really can someone please expline that to me
WELL not sure about the flock idea at all... but the ecw one might work although tna cant use the ecw name because of copyright maybe you could use "the origanils or extremists or something.. everyones forgetting the biggest name you could add to that ecw stable and that would be RVD
Flock Version whatever we're on now? NO NO NO NO! TNA's getting in trouble BECAUSE of the rehashing of old storylines. I sure as hell don't want to see Hall, Nash, and Waltman running around the ring like it was 1997 (not sure if any of 'em besides Waltman can run more than 2 steps without needing air!)

Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy Raven, but rehashing the same old stables with the same old (or sometimes new) characters isn't the answer. TNA needs to distinguish itself from WWE in a positive manner. So I say bring Raven back BUT be sure to focus more on the KOs and X-division, the main saving graces of TNA.
I've been wondering what they plan on doing with Raven for a while now... We have only seen him once since the Hogan era started...

I really hope they don't release him... Raven has always been one of my favorites and I really hope they start using him soon...

I would reform the Flock if I was TNA... I think Raven would be perfect for making Abyss turn heel and beat the crap out of Hogan and remember his hardcore ways... I would also add Daniels and Moore to the group, I think they would make a good team...

Or... Have some sort of ECW originals stable... Dreamer is a free agent and they already have 3D and Rhino who they aren't doing anything with...

What do you guys think?

Damn you, you stole my idea will sort of oh well I'm still going to make a thread about this in the future anyway. But to answer your question I think Raven will probably most likely become a road agent for TNA. If I were incharge of TNA though I would put him into like a manager/mentor type of role for someone kind of like how Ric Flair is to A.J. Styles and how Hulk Hogan's suppose to be for Abyss.
As far as the rehashing storylines thing goes... It wouldn't be like his Flock in WCW, where he just punks out all the members... I just think it would be cool to see Raven be the leader of a group of misfits again... (of course I am a mark for managers and stables)

RVD... I don't know if I'd have him join any ECW group... Maybe losely affliated, but I'm sure it would be a heel group and I couln't see RVD as a heel... But, yes it would be hard not to have him in it...

Another angle I was thinking about would be... Bring in Dreamer and let them have one more fued... I'm sure they are at least thinking about using Dreamer and rehashing their fued would be awesome... And before I get bashed for "rehashing old storylines" I think they should mention the old history, but the basis of the fued should play off of Raven being disgusted that Dreamer stayed in WWE's version of ECW for so long and how they disgraced the ECW originals... I think the war of words and even a good ole ECW brawl would be awesome and maybe even have Heyman come in at the end and choose a side... Just a thought...
I think Raven, the forner NWA champion, coulld still be useful, and it would be nice if TNA paid attention to their own history instead of putting to much focus on the Attitude era.(But that's another rant.) But doing an ECW original thing wouldn't work because most of those guys wouldn't be able to do much and there's no recapturing the ECW feel. Redoing the Flock would fall flat and simply create an unnecesary stable that would probably end up getting it's members buried.

So, what should you do with Raven. I have an idea. Have him feud with Jay Lethal. Raven could get into his head about being the Macho Man. Maybe start off by Raven laying out Lethal from behind and him not knowing who's doing it. This could be comical at first, but when Raven reveals that he's been attacking Lethal the feud could intensify. Raven could hate Jay Lethal's optimism and just want to break his spirit. As the feud progresses, Lethal gets more serious and finally sheds every aspect of the Black Machismo gimmick. After it's all done the former champ, Raven puts over Jay Lethal and Lethal becomes a serious competitor again.
It baffles me as to why some of the best minds in wrestling today are being starved of air time. Raven and Dr.Stevie really bring something that no other talent has to offer. Both men have dynamic gimmicks and are specialists in hardcore wrestling from the past ECW days. TNA seems to be going for this more edgy approach to television in a bid to gain fans and show what they have to offer compared to the WWE. With this hardcore type approach Raven and Dr.Stevie should be there to lead the charge! I don't know what is with the backstage politics or what not but I have a sorry feeling that Raven and Dr.Stevie could be wished in their future endeveours very shortly
I saw a shoot interview with one of the guys from seratonin who said Raven had some groundbreakingly creative stuff for seratonin, but TNA was scared of it. New-school TNA is breaking out guys kissing guys. Might be time to break out some of Raven's psychosis. I'd love it.

I really wanted that stable to work, it was Raven's Flock with balls. I miss Raven, I don't know why he isn't used but yet we see (now gone) The Nasty Boys and Team aging 3D feud. Or 12 minutes of Hogan and Abyss staring at a ring.

You have Raven, Richards and Daffney - there's the start of a stable right there, throw in a disgruntled Rhyno and I call that a nice looking group.
There is a huge issue with Stevie and Raven at present, I believe that its because of their style of wrestling, due to their past in ECW they are seen as Hardcore wrestlers.

I know most wil say "what about Abyss"

But abyss has some character and range, Both Stevie and Raven are not seen in the certain light that Abyss is seen in.

And I do have to agree that they need to be used desperatly, they have a certain ability to get people over just like they did with Abyss but the issue is, is Hogan and Bischoff at that point to get these guys in and utilise them, IMO they are not.

Bischoff had a problem with Raven that dates back to WCW and i think he is the certain person who has the most creative control over tna bar Hulk, And Stevie has never been seen as one of the most reliable wrestlers either if anyone knew about his history with his former employers ECW/WCW which got him fired from both promotions due to breaking a legal agreement with one and nearly bringing a lawsuit onto the other.

If Bischoff can get past all that crap maybe just maybe he can work his magic and get them over just like he has done with alot of TNA talent, because the one thing i am impressed with in TNA is the fact they are getting alot of underutilised talent over such as beer money, MCMG, GenMe, Jay Lethal, EY to name a few, Hopefully we will see them get involved in this whole Hogan vs Bischoff situation we are seeing brew up now.
I am a big fan of raven and dr stevie. they are solid on the mic, solid in the ring, great gimmick, just about perfect as a tag team. I think they should start a feud with beer money or something, that would be good
What I've never understood about Richards is why he always gets these very specific gimmicks (Right to Censor, "Doctor", etc) that seem to hold him down. The guy has loads of charisma and doesn't need to always be stuck in some elaborate character. I'm not saying he'd ever compete for a World Title, but he'd definitely be a solid mid-card heel.

Raven's problem now is simply that he's not what he used to be. His promos have become almost unintelligible. They're way too cryptic and just come off like nonsense. His ECW/WCW days were not that different, but at least he was making some kind of point or playing a mind game with his opponent. Now he just rambles and throws in some big words. I also think, honestly, that he looks like crap. The shaggy-headed, grunge-wearing Raven from the 90s was an awesome look that also fit right in with the style of the time.

I think the best thing for these two would be to get away from each other. Raven needs to go face as the modern-day Foley; a masochist who fans cheer for because he will put it all on the line. He could bring back "Raven's Rules" and resurrect hardcore wrestling. I could also see him in a pretty wicked ECW-alumni stable with the Dudleyz and Rhyno. You even have Taz there to either manage/support the group or just be an advocate from the announce table. And now that Dreamer's free, there's another guy who could be involced in some way.

Richards needs to just be himself. He'd be a good opponent for Rob Terry right now or could form a solid heel tag team with Rhyno or Tomko. Whatever he does, just get away from the overblown gimmicks.
I don’t understand Wrestling fans love for Raven past like around 2003. He is a washed up limited wrestler who cuts unintelligible promos as others have pointed out pitched above the heads of 99% of the audience and thats if they make sense. Sorry that doesn’t make you a genius or a great mind for the business.

For a person who has done 7 plus shoots on ring psychology his matches often have a lack selling or any kind of structure. A lot of matches involve shit like winning with a rolling after kick out of finishers, weapon shots, going though tables and drawing pins with a babyface 2 on 1 advantage. :wtf:

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