Met Miz, Riley, Ziggler and Kelly Kelly


Dark Match Winner
So the other day after RAW, I went to a local popular bar and grill that a lot of celebs here go to (The Padres usually come here after games) and it was about 10:30. I didn't go to RAW but me and my family went out to eat that night (I dont live here but my parents retired here so me and my siblings come out once a year to visit). So anyways we were waiting for our food when I look a few tables over and see The Miz, Alex Riley, Kelly Kelly and Dolph Ziggler sitting down eating. So me, being the obnioxious prick I am, went over and interupted their meal to introduce myself. They didnt seem to mind for the most part. The Miz, Riley and Kelly all seemed cool. Ziggler is a D-Bag though. They had some funny dialogue that went like this

Miz: So (Looking at Riley) Are you going to pick up the tab?
Riley: I thought we were all chipping in?
Miz: Dude, I put you over! You owe me one
Riley: Fine!

Also, Kelly Kelly is much hotter in person and Ziggler is much more of a douche in person. He acts like one of the idiots on the Jersey Shore. But anyways, I thought I would just share this little story with you guys :)
No idea. Let me make up some almost plausible bullshit for a second.

Got it. Because he only acts like a heel when there are fans around. Sort of like how JBL only acted like a dick with Miz when other wrestlers were around but when they weren't he'd give him advise.
Ziggler's sorta in and out of the Heel routine. At a house show I went to in Dublin, I was staying in the same hotel as most of the roster and some of the superstars stayed in the lobby after they arrived for the fans. Ziggler was doing the cocky heel thing at first but after I talked for him for a bit he was just a really cool guy. I complimented his reign as IC champ(Which he was at the time) and said that every match he seemed to have on PPV was good and while he responded with a cocky "Yeah that's sorta my thing" he thanked me and was really cool about it. of the guys I met(Ziggler, ADR, Ricardo, Swagger, Kingston) Ziggler was probably the 2nd nicest behind Ricardo who liked the fact that i knew him from his limited Chikara work.

Also I saw Kaval, Alberto Del Rio & Kofi Kingston leave late to go clubbing. Kaval looks weird in a suit.
Ziggler's sorta in and out of the Heel routine. At a house show I went to in Dublin, I was staying in the same hotel as most of the roster and some of the superstars stayed in the lobby after they arrived for the fans. Ziggler was doing the cocky heel thing at first but after I talked for him for a bit he was just a really cool guy. I complimented his reign as IC champ(Which he was at the time) and said that every match he seemed to have on PPV was good and while he responded with a cocky "Yeah that's sorta my thing" he thanked me and was really cool about it. of the guys I met(Ziggler, ADR, Ricardo, Swagger, Kingston) Ziggler was probably the 2nd nicest behind Ricardo who liked the fact that i knew him from his limited Chikara work.

Also I saw Kaval, Alberto Del Rio & Kofi Kingston leave late to go clubbing. Kaval looks weird in a suit.

I can only imagine LOL
JBL was a heel 24/7 till Steve Blackman almost kicked his head off. Oh and cool story, shame bout the Ziggler thing.
Good thing you didn't touch Kelly. You'd have had to run home and have a shower, which would have ruined your families meal. If you didn't you'd smell of dried spooge all night, not a nice smell to penetrate your nostrils while staring at your soup.

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