*MERGED* What is next for Matt Morgan? Samoa Joe? Title Shot?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Do the fans really think Matt Morgan deserves a World title shot right now? Im not here to bash Morgan and I think he should be in the main event picture in some form, but I dont believe for a second that he came from behind at the rate that he has in the polls without that thing being fixed. Thats right I said it, That thing is fixed and I will never vote on it again. Desmond Wolfe had such a commanding lead again that there is no way. Either a big Morgan fan hacked the thing or TNA themselves fixed it so Wolfe wouldnt win again. Anyway before the mods try to move this to the "official poll thread" I better get back on the subject.

Do you guys really think Morgan should jump in the title scene? or is he good where he is maybe feuding with Hernandez or eventually finding a tag team partner and feuding with LAX which I assume is getting back together.
for me its also so clear that fans didnt vote for him or if you vote for him he gets like 5 votes couze i dont believe that fans want him to give the title shot I have nothing against him but i think TNA is cheating in a very dirty way with fans
i think there are 3 wrestlers who deserve a title shot before him...i'm gonna be honest and say, i don't think matt morgan will be tna world champion ever...

he is a good wrestler, but i got that funny feeling, yes he'll get a chance, but won't win the title..

as for the ranking system, maybe it is fixed, but either way, there is no point doing it...they might as well just pick a name randomly out of a box..
Part of me thinks that the whole pole voting system is just another angle to run. In the end, TNA really uses it to cover what the main angle is, and that's to make RVD a truely credible champion by putting him against tougher and tougher opponents such as a transition from Wolfe to Morgan. I do not think for a second that Morgan deserves a World Title shot so fresh of his tag team title loss. He needs time to regroup in the mid card and continue to regain heat.
I disagree, I believe its legit because its all guy that most internet fans have said before that they would like to see with the title. If common fans were really voting, or if TNA really was rigging the contest, it would be leaning towards a guy like Jeff Hardy or Kurt Angle: proven draws. I honestly don't think TNA is rigging this, I think they are legitimately relying on the fans to tell them who they want to see so they can book in favor of the fans. Maybe its the wrong fans voting (although I don;t subscribe to the theory of "wrong fans"), but whatever the case, TNA is listening to them.
Something about the new TNA poll is just stupid to me. I don't know if the poll is just to make the fans happy, but it's sure not working for me.

To answer your question, I don't think that Morgan deserves a title shot at all. Yeah he's huge and powerful, but IMO he haven't done nothing to prove that he deserves a TNA title shot. Back when the MEM was still alive, I actually did thought that he deserved a title shot, because he was putting in tons of work, but now he's just destroying people like Neal and that Dilligaf dude(that's how much he sucks that I forgot his name), And that's not proving me nothing.

The way I see it, and for him to get a title shot he needs to stop wrestling the whole X division and he now needs to step up and wrestle people like Wolfe and Anderson and pope. If he really wants to get in the mainevent level, one of those three wrestles could actually be his stepping stone.
Finally someone has said it ... i was going to make a thread but figured someone already had. That thing is rigged to all hell. I had read TNA was trying to fix it b/c of automated votes, but after I heard it was fixed it got worse. I had been voting for Mr Anderson and checking the vote count after each vote and at that time it was like Anderson 15%, Hardy 9%, Morgan and Wolfe had like around 27% ... but then my votes stopped counting. I would vote for Anderson, see the votes go up 1, vote again ... and the vote hadn't been counted. I did this a few times and my vote was only counted like once after 5 votes or so, or it might not even been my vote considering someone else may have voted for Anderson at the time.

There is no way Matt Morgan is liked this much. I understand Desmond Wolfe has ROH fans and Brit fans (why Rob Terry was doing well) and not to mention, Wolfe DESERVES to be pushed B/C he can be a mainstream star and it's kind of obvious Hogan/Bischoff don't really understand why he'd be popular. But Morgan is no Wolfe. He doesn't have a WWE following like Hardy, he doesn't have ROH following, and he's not a Brit. I mean the IWC might sorta like him, but not for 44% of the vote. I mean the Impact Zone fans aren't even that fond of him when compared to "TNA Originals."

But yeah, that poll looks broken. Looks like only votes for Morgan are being counted right now, whether it's a hacker or TNA purposely doing it.

I mean I've actually seen Morgan gain some credibility during this heel run (the man is just not suited to be a face) but nothing to get him 44% of the ballot lol.
actually the guy deserves it, from all the young guys i see him winning the belt after Anderson and Pope have their runs, and maybe after Joe regains it once again. and i don't think the poll is fixed or any shit like that, the guy appeals to casual fans, has the size, the skills and the character to be a superstar, but i understand smarks say that is fixed, because they don't like someone over 200 pounds
I just think it is rigged because I check it often and Morgan got like 50,000 votes in one day. Im pretty sure he was on the poll last time too and didnt get many votes at all last time. Regardless, I may be wrong but, I think the fan base that gets on and vote probably keep in mind where the wrestlers currently in storylines, or taking time off. Thats why Angle has fewer votes cause he said he was taking time off. Morgan is spending time in tag team land and I personally based my vote on who would logically deserve the next shot on storyline terms and not necessarily who my favorite wrestler was. I also did not vote for him just cause I dont see him and RVD as a great matchup. Weather you think thats right or wrong people have their own voting style and factors that they weigh in.
Eh, I feel like some of the people here don't follow the poll. Let's say Matt Morgan deserves a title shot. The problem is the poll is messed up. I voted for Mr Anderson 15 times and his votes went up from like 15,001 to 15,003 ...so I stopped voting.

Here are some of the vote counts if you don't know and tell me if you think this looks right.
The Pope 0.9% (2,473 votes) <--- last week The Pope had about 40,000 votes of 500,000 after a week.
AJ Styles 0.7% (1,771 votes) <---- last week had about 33,000 votes of 500,000
Kurt Angle 0.9% (2,284 votes) <---- last week had about 35,000 votes of 500,000
Jeff Hardy 3.9% (10,166 votes) <----- last week had about 150,000 (2nd) votes of 500,000
Desmond Wolfe 35.2% (92,247 votes) <------- last week won and had about 160,000 votes of 500,000
Mr. Anderson 6.8% (17,705 votes) <------ last week had about (13%)60,000 votes (3rd) of 500,000 votes. This week was as high as 15% of the vote when he had about 16,000 votes ... has only gained like 1000 votes in past 3 days.
Sting 1.2% (3,111 votes) <---- Last week had about 41,000 Votes which was 7-8%
Matt Morgan 43.4% (113,597 votes) <----- was not on the poll last week.

Also this week Morgan had about 23% of the vote coming out the gate (day after Impact)

Full List of This weeks poll.
Jeff Jarrett 0.5% (1,379 votes)
The Pope 0.9% (2,476 votes)
Sting 1.2% (3,111 votes)
Abyss 0.4% (969 votes)
Mr. Anderson 6.7% (17,709 votes)
AJ Styles 0.7% (1,773 votes)
Hernandez 0.5% (1,405 votes)
Rhino 1% (2,556 votes)
Matt Morgan 43.1% (114,146 votes)
Brother Ray 0.5% (1,433 votes)
Brother Devon 1.4% (3,802 votes)
Jeff Hardy 3.8% (10,177 votes)
Rob Terry 2.6% (6,934 votes)
Kurt Angle 0.9% (2,286 votes)
Desmond Wolfe 35.7% (94,507 votes)
Total Votes: 264,663

Lol, if you look at the the two polls for Morgan I cut and pasted the polling results 10 mins apart. This is how many votes Morgan has gotten in 10 mins.

Matt Morgan 43.4% (113,597 votes) ... 10 mins later ... Matt Morgan 43.1% (114,146 votes) About 549 votes.

Though, that's nothing compared to Desmond Wolfe lol.
Desmond Wolfe 35.2% (92,247 votes) ... 10 mins later ... Desmond Wolfe 35.7% (94,507 votes) About 2250 votes eh?
I'm starting to the the voting is a little screwy myself. You mean to tell me that in the first two weeks of the voting there just happens to be two heel contenders while there is a face champion? If this thing was real I think some idiot like Hardy would be in the top spot.

If TNA wants to pick the contenders they should just do so like all wrestling bookers have done in the past not give us this faux voting system.
I just think it is rigged because I check it often and Morgan got like 50,000 votes in one day.

Nah, I thought so too but Desmond Wolfe got like 20,000 10 minutes after last week's show. People vote quickly.

As far as Morgan goes, I do see him being TNA Champ one day. The guy is deffinitely very good. His mic work is awesome, I love his cockiness and his gimmick, and for a big guy he's pretty cool in the ring. Compared to the other big wrestlers the guy is as charismatic as they come.

My only hope is that he doesn't get killed in 4 minutes. Let's not have that BS shall we?
And by the way, wresling fans are unbelievable these days. Honestly, whatever WWE or TNA does will be judged, bitched about and called stupid names. If this thing was rigged Abyss would have the most votes, Hardy would have the most votes, not Morgan and deffinitely not Wolfe. Morgan is in the middle of a feud or something anyway.
Personall, I hate the whole idea of having a vote to see who gts to be title matches. It means there can be no proper fueds building to title matches......
But I'm getting off topic......
I think it could well be rigged. If it wasn't then we would probably have had the option to have text votes as well. Can you imagine the fan reaction if they had text voting and it turned out to be rigged???
Anyone who thinks Matt Morgan should never be TNA Champion in crazy. He has it all, the look, the charisma, the mic skills, a good finisher, and he can actually wrestle. If that's not the recipe for a champion than what is? With the lack of charismatic personalities on TNA's roster Morgan should be champ yesterday.
I'm pretty sure it's not rigged.
If you look at the WWE Poll's, you'll often see people will vote for someone the WWE don't expect. For example, you'll see people vote for the Diva's in the 'what was the best match of the night?' poll, when in reality they probably didn't see it because they were taking a piss.
What im trying to say, wrestling fans tend to do this. I mean, TNA probably don't want Morgan in the title picture, they would probably rather them vote for Hardy or Angle as they're the biggest draws. But isntead, fans tend to like being cheeky and vote for the underdog/expected, sometimes to exercise their power and sometimes just to piss others off.
Morgan is a bigger star with more potential then Desmond Wolfe, so I'm cool with him getting a title shot. It's not for an actual program, though, so it's a little different. Morgan will definitely be working with Hernandez when Hernandez returns.
As for whether or not Morgan deserves a title shot, I personally don't think so at this time. Morgan is pretty decent inside the ring, though he's obviously shined when being carried by Kurt Angle or AJ Styles. He's got much more personality than most big men and, overall, I think he's pretty decent. I'm not at all thrilled with how TNA has used him in the tag title scene but I will say that it has helped to re-establish him as a heel so that's one good thing that's come out of it. I think one thing to remember about the TNA Ranking System is that the votes of the fans are only part of the criteria that's going to be considered by the "TNA Championship Committee". Ultimately, whoever gets the most votes won't always be the next contender for the TNA title. As far as the question of legitimacy is concerned, I'm just naturally suspicious about this. TNA doesn't have some legal requirement to keep the votes on the up and up and, quite frankly, they can easily alter the results if they so choose.
We all saw last night that Matt Morgan lost the tag team championships to The Band. Could this mean a possible move to the main event for The Blueprint or something else. Do you think it was a good idea for him to lose the belts in that manner?

I was personally enjoying Matt Morgan's current character where he was both tag team champions. He was cutting what I considered entertaining promo's and I was actually looking forward to who his tag partner would have been at Sacrifice.

Losing the titles could be good for Matt Morgan because it means a possible feud with Samoa Joe and movement to the main event scene. I find Matt Morgan to be a hot and cold wrestler. Some days I find him to be very promising talent and some days I think he is destined for mediocrity.

What do you think is next for Matt Morgan?
While the story that was developing around Morgan and who would be his partner were somewhat interesting, him carrying the tag titles on his own held back not only the tag division back, but him as well.

Without the titles Morgan is free to open a feud with Samoa Joe in the upper card and possible future main event push. They are both good enough to make a feud entertaining, so if well booked, could be used as a launching pad for Morgan. This and his eventual feud with Hernandez strike me as though *gasp* TNA has some sort of plan for the future of Matt Morgan.
In terms of Matt Morgan, I believe "they'll" be fine. I thought the gimmick of him holding on to the tag team championships after Hernandez's injury was at once funny and yet stupid as I thought TNA had enough tag teams to have one hell of a tournament for the championships. I don't think Morgan holding on to the titles did TNA or the prestige of those belts any favors. Worst of all, I think it actually hurt Morgan's career as he could have really gone on a tear after the Hernandez injury. But then again, I don't have "the book" or "the pen."

I think Morgan's future is probably going to be a feud with the Reformed "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe. This will probably last for a couple months until the obligatory Hernandez return and feud. This might even morph into a Morgan vs. LAX feud if the rumors of LAX's return are true.

I don't know if Morgan will be in the main event picture or not, considering what he has been doing lately. After this "one man team" gimmick he's been doing with the tag belts, how am I supposed to take him seriously as a main eventer? He needs a few more months of feuding his way up the ladder before he gets there, and like Scotty already mentioned, I'm not exactly sold on him being a consistent performer.
I think he'd be a perfect fit for the new-horsemen style stable. They've had five members in the FOUR horsemen before, so why not? He'd be their ultimate enforcer, and a counter for Hogan's Abyss, revisiting a feud they had a couple of years back (for better or worse). They have a pair of stars, a tag team, a manager, all that's missing is a heavy.

He'd also fit right in with the whole class aspect as they can play up his university achievements and that his DNA is in space. The group is all about being better than everyone else, and that's his gimmick anyway.
I was actually starting to like the Matt Morgan story as both halfs of the tag team champions, although as stated it did hold back other teams who arguably should be champions. I was hoping though that Morgan was going to hold the belts until Hernandez returned from "injury" and from what ive read that LAX will be reunited, i was under the impresseion that this was where this fued was going.

Morgan though, who i personally have never been too keen on until lately should be moving towards the main event scene. A fued with Samoa Joe could be worth watching if booked well and not just one match at a ppv and thats it done type of fued. To answer the op question though i believe a sooner rather than later, he may be in the main event possibly competing in matches for the tna title. Thats just my opinion, i believe he is too good a talent to waste, and has a great future ahead if creative dont mess it up for him.
From the moment Matt Morgan became one half of the tag team champs with Hernandez, it was a creative train wreck. Morgan and Hernandez were a lousy team to begin with and Morgan running around with both titles reduced them and the tag team scene in general greatly.

Throughout Morgan's time carrying both titles in matches, TNA made a lot of young wrestlers look like weak pups. Amazing Red, Jesse Neal, The Motor City Machine Guns and Generation Me were all just punked out by Morgan and made to look as though none of them were "good enough" to be partnered with Morgan, be worthy competition for Morgan or could even be seen as a threat in a two on one situation.

I can see Matt Morgan entering into a feud with Samoa Joe for a while, Morgan needs a good solid singles feud before any move is made back towards the main event scene in my opinion.
I believe at this point he will feud with Samoa Joe for a while which will lead to a feud with Homicide and eventually the return of Hernandez and the return of arguably one of the top 4 TNA tag teams ever, LAX.

Morgan will eventually go on to the main event and get his shot at the TNA World Title and who knows, he may actually get the title for a while as the future of TNA.

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