**MERGED** Thoughts On Miz Going Into Mania

Everyone keeps talking about the miz not being able to hang with Rock and Cena and while that may be true, having Alex Riley down there, striking the Rock first, didn't help his cause AT ALL.

It was kinda like when Miz was ripping on Rock, Cena was on the outside of the ring giggling like a school girl...same should be said for Riley. Although I don't think he should have even been there at all.

I know, I know, Riley is out there so Miz can continue to win by some fault of interference, but isn't that getting old now? And why does he need to be there for the promo?

I think the WWE botched this whole scenario and I gotta be honest, the Rock looked like a wrestler who's been out of the ring for 7+years. The rust was obvious and left me wishing he didn't get physical with either guy:banghead:
Everyone keeps talking about the miz not being able to hang with Rock and Cena and while that may be true, having Alex Riley down there, striking the Rock first, didn't help his cause AT ALL.

It was kinda like when Miz was ripping on Rock, Cena was on the outside of the ring giggling like a school girl...same should be said for Riley. Although I don't think he should have even been there at all.

I know, I know, Riley is out there so Miz can continue to win by some fault of interference, but isn't that getting old now? And why does he need to be there for the promo?

I think the WWE botched this whole scenario and I gotta be honest, the Rock looked like a wrestler who's been out of the ring for 7+years. The rust was obvious and left me wishing he didn't get physical with either guy:banghead:

The whole segment was fine the problem was there was so much talking before hand that I think maybe they had to rush to get to the end of it. Rocky never got to respond to Cena, Miz came out cut a 20 second promo and of course we all know what happened next. As for Rocky what rust? His reaction time seemed ok and his punches and people's elbow seemed alright. I still don't get why a few people are saying you can see the rust after 7 years. I didn't see it.
The whole segment was fine the problem was there was so much talking before hand that I think maybe they had to rush to get to the end of it. Rocky never got to respond to Cena, Miz came out cut a 20 second promo and of course we all know what happened next. As for Rocky what rust? His reaction time seemed ok and his punches and people's elbow seemed alright. I still don't get why a few people are saying you can see the rust after 7 years. I didn't see it.

The segment was alright but I think it was tainted with having Riley involved. Why did even hit rock? It should have been Miz, Cena and Rock. He has NOTHING to do with this other than being a cheerleader which at this point is becoming annoying. Miz IMO is better off without him.

In regards to the "ring rust", Yea he delivered the elbow flawlessly but that was about it. He just looked slow and out of sinc. I guess I just expected alittle more or was disappointed with the delivery.

I must say though, I was just waiting for the "anonymous GM" to chime in and make it a 3way at Mania. That would have been HUGE. You would be able to disguise any ring rust, have Miz retain the title and set up for Rock vs Cena at the next PPV. It's all about the buyrate and wanting to shatter records...this would have. I'm sorry, but I'll lose any and all interest in this feud if it doesn't happen by next PPV. What are we gonna need to have Live Satellite feeds every week? No thanks
For the record, the Rock hasn't wrestled in 7 years, what did you expect? Plus he didn't look that bad at all, all he did was throw punches, land a solid ddt and do a decent peoples elbow. He's too proud to look bad in the ring, he'll be fine. Cena was good last night, and at 1st I thought he was changing his tune to and ass kissing fan, which he did, but then flipped up. That was well done. The AA or FU or whatever at the end was soooooooooo needed for Cena too, I really hope they turn him heel at some point (Summerslam?). As for the Miz, he did fine actually. His whole angle is "I'm the champ, don't brush me aside!". Is he overlooked in this feud? Of course, that's the point! He's playing the disrespect card very well IMO, and calling out the Rock as a Hollywood prettyboy who wouldn't put up a fight was a great way to goad the great one (and have the Miz give Cena a rare rub). I can definitely see Miz getting a Y2J like rub from this, and I think he will. Think abt it, Vince couldve put a guy like Sheamus, or Alberto Del Rio, maybe a vet like Edge or someone with history with Rocky like HHH as the 3rd guy. Instead they kept the belt on Miz, so yea I think Vince plans on continuing his massive push, whether he retains at WM27 or not.
The Miz is definitely getting a raw deal here in terms of fan response. He is in the ring with the top WWE guy of the last 7-8 years. Whether you like Cena or not, he is the main guy of the company, the face of the WWE and he has been for years. He is also in the ring with the Rock, the most electrifying man...... you know all the catchphrases. One of the top guys in recent WWE history. So of course Miz looks a little out of place and a little outmatched, how could he not?

If anyone else was in his situation they would be faced with the exact same problem. If the current WWE champion was Orton, or Punk, or really pretty much anyone else, he would be the odd man out in this scenario because the Rock and Cena is epic and historic.

It will be interesting to see how they proceed on Sunday. If the Miz jobs out to both of these guys, his push stalls considerably. But if the WWE are really high on Miz and can give him a Jericho-ish push here and out him over both guys, he gets a significant boost. Time will tell I guess.

I like Miz, and I think he's improved considerably, but I have to believe others could fill this third-man-out role better. One of those being Punk. I'd absolutely LOVE to see what Punk could have done being in Miz's position. In my opinion, he's the only other one who could manage to get some reaction out of the fans who have either cheered their brains out for Rocky or booed their brains out for Cena. As a matter of fact, since this whole three-way feud has started, I always find myself looking back to the Royal Rumble and wishing that Punk and Miz hadn't switched positions. Miz is good, but not Punk good.
I disagree with most of the feedback saying Miz is an afterthought. Miz is only an afterthought because he has been booked to be the afterthought. As I have been saying all along I truly believe the biggest rub will be for the Miz at Mania. I think the payoff of having two of the most celebrated superstars ever in WWF/E history feud while building a Mania match for the title with a guy who is likely the next WWE superstar for years to come is MIZ. He is completely holding his own by cutting promos that directly mock the Rock. At one point as I rewatched the segment last night I thought Miz was going to laugh as if he knows he doesnt belong - but he held his own. Yes he took the People's Elbow, but that is only because there was no way to not have somebody fall victim to the Rock after his build up for Raw. Rock will screw Cena, Miz will hold his title at Mania, and Miz and Rock will feud heavily like Rock and Cena have for 6 weeks before a match between Miz-Rock...then another 6 weeks Rock-Cena at SSlam.
As for the Rock's rust - he was slower getting off the ropes during the People's elbow. otherwise Miz actually sold the ddt and then slowly gets into position because he realized he was off center when the camera panned up on Rock. This was very savy in-ring maneuver and while its something 99% of people do not pick up, it goes to show how far Miz has come that he can handle all aspects of a feud, mic and in-ring with The Great One
This is a terrific opportunity for the Miz, especially considering the fact that I believe he will leave Wrestlemania with his title in tact. He's going to get rubs from 2 of the 6 biggest draws in pro wrestling in the last 15 years (Hogan, Austin, HHH, and Goldberg the other 2) and live to tell the tale.

Could Alex Riley have looked any more out of place in the ring last night? I mean, Miz is at least the #1 champion in the sport right now, and he's in there with Rock and Cena, too! If I am Riley, I am in awe of it all and I am writing thank you note to everyone involved in booking me into thie feud....
maybe we're all reading too much into this and it could be exactly what they're planning on.
Although the chances are that Cena will go over at 'mania, if the opposite happens, it gives Miz tons of ammunition for the weeks following. He can come out time and time again saying that no one gave him a chance at 'mania, everybody forgot about him, Cena overlooked him, but he defied the odds etc etc and proved why he's "the most must-see champion ever".
To be fair to Miz, I think anyone would've got lost in the mix where this is concerned as it's nigh on impossible to match Rock and Cena in the promo stakes.
I've watched this segment about 5 times on my Sky+ so far and I can't get enough of it. It's true that Miz came off just as an afterthought and a minor irritation but I still think that the rub he'll get just from being involved with these two will stand him in good stead for the future.
IMO, I think that there is a master plan. Even the useless Princess Stephanie, moocher son in law HHH, and senile Vinnie Mac would not devalue all they have put into the Miz so far. There has to be more. That's something that a dolt Dixie would do (but that's another story).

I think:

1) Miz goes over 100% clean without the help of Alex Riley and that Cena does what's best for the business because quite frankly, he does not need the belt to be a main eventer.


Result, Rock is back and he can get GREAT HEAT. Miz becomes a credible face champion which can be huge because there are more closet Miz fans ready to blow the roof off the joint than wish to admit, and him and Cena become the new Hogan/Macho mega powers to fight all evil!

Yeah baby! That's the way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(A man can dream can't he?)
Its only me, or didnt anybody else noticed that John Cena did really hit the AA?

What a MOMEENT, YES i'm part of CeNation! :D So I marked out that moment!!

Now back to the topic, The Miz is doing one thing he is getting name! Last night, omg what a rush for real, i just cant wait until Mania!!!

The only person that shouldnt be there was Alex Riley, that is for sure, we wanted to see John Cena/Miz and The Rock, not A-Ry mokey ass :@
It was very very well done by each one of them, and let me say one thing, i really dont know why people booed Cena so much, it was so ungratefull for him, he almost didnt get any reaction, and then we hear a face being booed
that even heels can have
(a suposed heel being cheered omg CM Punk, for me or people really love him, or he isnt doing a great job as a heel -.-)

Miz is ready folks, he will for sure be a Main Eventer from now one, and in my prespective, after Mania i think WWE needs to get him a draft, because all the WWE RAW top-faces have feuded with him!!!

Lets go Miz
Lets go Cena
Does anybody use their brain here ? I mean come on, I know wrestling is fantasy and all, but a lot of you guys are really dreaming with the stuff your writing on these posts. Please some logic before you jump to all these outlandish conclusions.

You guys act like Rock is here to stay, yet over the course him being named guest host 7 or 8 weeks ago, he has appeared what ? Twice on live TV. Now you guys are talking about all these plans the WWE has in store for Rock but im not so sure he is going to be up for working all these dates in between now and August. Honestly if him and Cena fight at Summerslam, I have hard time seeing how WWE can build and keep a feud relevant 5 months from now, when one guy will barely be on the show ever. This via satellite stuff is going to get old fast. And as great as Rock is, there isnt enough material to keep that feud alive in all that time, IMO.

You're telling me Cena isn't going to feud with anyone else until Summerslam because he is that focused on Rock. So WWE is going to keep their biggest draw off the card for the next few months. And If you say he continues his feud with Miz, how can you sit here and realistically tell me Cena will not eventually beat Miz, at the least within the next or two PPV after WM.

Rock joining nexus is ridiculous. Maybe being the secret GM is more likely but who gives a crap about that storyline anymore anyway. Here's probably likely to happen. After the speech Cena gave last night, WWE pretty much told the fans this is the direction of the show, like it or not. I know everyone here will hate this but its likely Rock will end up shaking hands with Cena by the end of the show to help put him over. He may Rock Bottom him after the match, but I dont see two heels both winning their title matches at mania. Del Rio has a much better chance on winning than Miz, who is still not as over as he should be as we have seen by crowd's reaction throughout his reign.

I personally dont think WWE is 100% behind Miz's push anyway because I think they know he dosent draw for them. Otherwise Rock wouldnt be so injected into this match in the first place. Miz had his moment, he wasnt really that great a champ and there really isnt much else for him to if he beats Cena, expect get squashed by HHH.
It is laughable that WWE or anyone else would think Miz vs Rock is a good match or a draw. Maybe a draw b/c of Rock but Miz is so far out of the Rock's league, nobody could build this as legit match of titans, which is the exact opposite of Cena vs Rock. Miz/Rock is a joke. Rock has beaten everyone and you bring him back to fight and possiblly job to Miz ? Really, Really ? Who in the blue hell is Miz ? A nobody next to these guys.

If Cena wins there a lot more options for him than Miz retaining. Miz could only face Cena, Jomo, or Orton again. Not sure what HHH will do after WM, but im sure Miz dosent want any part of him anytime soon. WWE dosent look like they have any intention to push Jomo just yet. But right now it does look like WWE might give CM Punk a shot, which they should being that he is really the top heel on the show. Cena and Punk had a pretty feud that never really got settled anyway.

Regardless, The Rock/Cena program can continue later in the summer, or maybe they'll prefer next year's mania but right now I dont see how they can build up the match with so much time in between and little interaction between the competitors. Regardless of this, Miz's matches and performances thus far have been sup-bar, and I see no reason he should be put over other than the fact that Cena winning again is tired and predictable
Agreed, Miz just didn't seem to belong in this rivalry to begin with. He just seems out of place and completely out of his league. I'm so invested in this feud between Rock and Cena that I often forget Miz is even involved, hes somewhat of a buzz kill, especially last night. I was at the edge of my seat with Rock and Cena face to face and then the Miz came out and I'll say..he completely ruined the entire angle for me. Its all about Rock and Cena, that's what everybody wants to see. Miz quite frankly is an afterthought.
I knooooooooooooooooooooow.

It's almost as if The Miz hasn't been pushed up peoples asses like WWE have Cena for the past seven years. It's almost as if The Miz has only been WWE Champion, in his first reign for over, what? Five months. It's almost as if WWE are using this to get The Miz into the picture, have him retain at Wrestlemania which will get him noticed due to how much exposure the Cena/Rock feud has got.

Wait... No, sorry, all of that is correct. Stop over-exaggerating. Miz is growing and improving weekly, of course he won't be seen as a big name in a feud with one of the greatest in WWE's history and the current face of the company. Christ.
The problem, to me, as someone who likes the Miz is that the WWE title, and the Miz are insignificant in this feud. People want to see Cena and The Rock, not Miz, which makes the WWE Title seem like it doesn't mean anything.

I'm not sure what the Miz can do at Mania to get people to care about him as much as the other two, either way i'm sure Rock will screw Cena, he has to.

Miz has not yet built up enough credibility, for the fans to care about him with regards to this issue and really the worst thing he and WWE did, was acknowledge on TV a few weeks ago that he was an "afterthought". Look at The Rocks accolades, then look at Cena's. Compare the Miz to that and he can't stack up to them, again it's not his fault but he's being minimized in this thing
Miz needs to go over clean in this fued. He has to. It's for the best of the company. WWE is lacking serious heels at the moment and by having the Miz win at the biggest stage of them all with solidify him as a main eventer. As much as his fans and/or Vince wants it, Cena does not need the title. He's in a bigger program with the Rock right now. I hope Miz retains giving him his Wrestlemania moment and we can shift our focus all the way to Cena/Rock.
Miz needs the win more than Cena. What bigger stage to establish yourself as a main eventer than WM?! Against one of the best WM performers shy of HBK and Taker (and a couple other legends). What I think Miz absolutely has to do is have a solid match. I don't think he needs a clean victory as much as he needs a clean performance. He needs to be dominant in some part of the match and if he gets help at the end, I think he still is cemented. The win is definite though, it Cena wins, this whole 5/6 month championship run will be for not.
Well we both agree Miz needs to win. I'll argue however that Miz to go over clean due to the simple fact that this could be his moment to shine and the WWE's chance to establish a solid heel champion. Think about it. When was the last time someone got a clean win over Cena? I can't even think of one other than the HBK rematch he had with on Raw a few years back. Yet Michaels was already an established future hall of famer so he doesn't count. WWE needs more legit heels in the company who can hold their own against the top guy and perceive to be a credible threat to the babyfaces. If you can remember Jan. 2000 Royal Rumble it was HHH vs Cactus Jack. HHH not only pinned Mick cleanly but he busted his ass off and beat Mick at his own game. Since then on forward HHH has been a force to be reckoned with. Before that it was only Austin, Rock, Taker and Michaels and HHH always had some outside help to put him over the top guys. Once he beat Mick clean he was a made man.
If Miz wins I will mark out.I admit when it was shown that Miz would vs Cena at WM even though I hate Cena and neutral on Miz I expected Cena to retain.But If you read an article on the main site(to lazy to link)then you can cena Miz got cheered while Cena got booed so much no one could hear him.And now Im Rooting for the Miz.Miz needs to go over clean so that Cena can lose clean to others.Last time Cena lost clean was before 2007(unsure about before then)and HBK doesnt count because his in the HoF.If that happens slowly Cena can be shown to lose clean again while maintaining his Main Event Status.
Well we both agree Miz needs to win. I'll argue however that Miz to go over clean due to the simple fact that this could be his moment to shine and the WWE's chance to establish a solid heel champion. Think about it. When was the last time someone got a clean win over Cena? I can't even think of one other than the HBK rematch he had with on Raw a few years back. Yet Michaels was already an established future hall of famer so he doesn't count. WWE needs more legit heels in the company who can hold their own against the top guy and perceive to be a credible threat to the babyfaces. If you can remember Jan. 2000 Royal Rumble it was HHH vs Cactus Jack. HHH not only pinned Mick cleanly but he busted his ass off and beat Mick at his own game. Since then on forward HHH has been a force to be reckoned with. Before that it was only Austin, Rock, Taker and Michaels and HHH always had some outside help to put him over the top guys. Once he beat Mick clean he was a made man.

Only problem with that is HHH was already established as an upper mid level, main event guy when he beat Mick. That only made HHH more legendary when he beat Foley.

Miz has been given title after title in a short period of time and although he has done a good job as a heel champ, his one quality that is better than the others is his promos/mic work. He's undersized and not great in the ring. For them to put him over cleanly would be a helluva work for Cena. That's the only problem I have. It's not believable to me that Miz could beat Cena without help because believe it or not, Cena is better across the board. If somehow Miz could control some portion of the match and then have maybe A.Riley interfere at the end, I think that gives him the rub as well.

It's the same scenario for the Orton/Punk matchup (off topic a little I know, but bear with me). Punk needs to cement himself as a credible heel and to do that, I think he needs to beat Orton cleanly. The difference here is Punk is more experienced in the ring and I can see him defeating Punk without help.

Once the Miz develops more of his in-ring ability, I think he will do just fine. I hope he does ahve a great match though. If Cena has anything to do with it, he will.

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