**MERGED** Ted DiBiase Injured Again


At last night's SD! tapings, it's being reported that Ted DiBiase broke his ankle. I'm not sure if it happened as part of the SD! show or if it was during a taped match for Superstars. DiBiase has been dealing with a wrist injury for a while now, so this looks like an injury that'll definitely put him on the shelf for a few months.
Lately he can't catch a break. He had a decent run going in his matches with Mahal and Hunico and was slowly building some decent momentum but they would always have him lose eventually in unimpressive fashion. Then he messed up his wrist. He took it easy, wrestled a few ok matches with the cast and then this happens.

Shame as I think he has the ability to be a solid upper midcarder and maybe even push into the main event status eventually

Such a shame. 2 WM's ago, there was talk of him being THE next guy. He's done. What's it been since he was relevant? Over a year?
Man, I could not have imagined this a few years ago. Back in the Legacy days, I would have definitely thought DiBiase was going to be the star and go on to great things and Cody would be the one to struggle when they broke up. Swing and a miss..........

I hope DiBiase can come back from this. Common sense tells me he may be running out of chances, but I'm hoping this isn't the death knell. I thought he was starting to show some promise lately, even if he was slightly hampered by the wrist injury. I just can't believe he can't get over. Hopefully he gets time to heal the wrist and ankle properly and can come back down the road and finally make a splash and get his career on track.
This is unfortunate for Ted, but let's be honest here. He hasn't done anything interesting in quite some time now. I'd say the most relevant he's been is when he was running around as Cody's lackey during the "disfigured" angle with the paper bags. Dibiase is decent enough in the ring, but he's just never been a guy that really captures my attention for any length of time and I imagine it's similar for most fans.

I admit I never expected him to dissolve into irrelevancy like he has...I expected at least some midcard title runs during his Legacy days. Hell, I expected he'd be the one to beat Cody last year for awhile. I will say though that even during Legacy, I always thought Cody Rhodes was the one of the two that would eventually be the star. He just had something about him that I knew would lead him to success in the future...kind of like Orton in his early days at the beginning of Evolution and before, you just knew.

I'm not sure what to make of this for Dibiase unfortunately. With the rumors of releases coming following Mania, I'd think he'd be a guy in danger even though his father is the Million Dollar Man. WWE didn't seem to have much trouble releasing guys like Sim Snuka, Manu, and David Hart Smith so I think Dibiase may be heading that way. If it were up to me, I'd sit down with him and figure out a gimmick that's really just an extension of his own personality as those are generally some of the most successful. Cody did wonders reaching into his love of comics for his character and maybe Dibiase could do the same. I say one more decent push like that with a new gimmick upon his return...sink or swim.
Well fuck, Ted DiBiase was doing a solid job of getting himself over within the last year or so. These injuries are really a fucking pain in the ass especially for someone who was on the verge of a potential mid card break through like Mr. DiBiase. Injuries like this kill someone's momentum especially someone who relatively new to the mid card scene. But I thought the WWE had the idea to push Ted DiBiase enough to the point where he could eventually take the Intercontinental Championship away from he Legacy team mate, Cody Rhodes. That's pretty much flushed away now - unless Rhodes holds the title until he returns. Nonetheless, I can still see a good amount of success in DiBiase's future. He may only be there because of his name but there's still life left in him. This ankle injury is yet another obstacle for him to overcome.
this could be good for him. This gives the WWE writers a chance to give him a decent story. Because he really needs it!
This is quite a shame. Things were finally beginning to look up for Ted with his DiBiase posse and face turn. All he needed was a great angle to help him get over further, with a couple of victories before moving toward the midcard title. He was the perfect candidate in my opinion to be built up to dethrone Rhodes for the Intercontinental Championship but unfortunately this injury is going to set him back. It only adds to the bad luck he has had. The awful movie he starred in, the failed Million Dollar Championship angle, the Rhodes feud, and now this injury. I feel really sorry for Ted now because I am a fan and want to see him succeed.

Perhaps this can be used to his benefit. Once he has recovered they can air promotional videos to hype his comeback, which will help generate some much needed fan support. He should still be doing his DiBiase posse tailgating events during his time off, absolutely. It shows the fans he cares and they can show him their support there. That combined with airing promotional videos will get him a great deal of momentum before he even sets foot back into the ring. Or WWE could just ignore this opportunity and bring him back randomly to the sound of crickets chirping. I hope it won't be the latter and I wish Ted a quick recovery.
The very first thing that came to mind when I saw the headline was meh. I'm not thrilled about anything DiBiase has done so far. If anything this means that another wrestler will be taking his spot on television, which I'm legit curious about.
If anything, I believe this may be a blessing in disguise. At least this way his wrist injury will be given time to properly heal, and during his off time he may be able to figure out a gimmick that can actually work for him. I still believe he has a ton of talent and if given a gimmick that isnt total bs could be a very successful performer for some time. Fingers crossed for you Ted.
Just when he was starting to get......

Wait he hasn't ever been over at any point since debuting. The wrist injury was a blow to his "momentum" but his lack of charisma was really whats been holding him back, well that and his inability to cut a promo. But a broken ankle will certainly put him on the shelf for a few months.

I don't dislike Ted, but he's not the next of anything if he can't stay healthy.
Or was he in a match with the Big Show? or The Miz?

Either way, maybe being off of TV for a while will actually help his career, because when he returns fans may actually care about him, and he can use his return to really build some steam behind him and move forward.
This is most unfortunate for poor ted!! He is actually quite talented in the ring but these injuries just keep biting him in the behind!! When his program with Mahal and Hunico he hurt his wrist! Did ok with a cast wrestled really decent and now this happens to him!!

I hope he bounces back i really do. Just another obstacle for this young man to overcome he is a solid in ring performer IMO and a good mid-carder!! But really before this injury occured and again IMO he really wasnt being pushed all that hard. Keep working Ted and hope to see you back really soon

Such a shame. 2 WM's ago, there was talk of him being THE next guy. He's done. What's it been since he was relevant? Over a year?

Yeah, getting an article based around you and one of your ideas posted on ESPN and then gaining such a response that they did a televised report on it, just isn't being relevant, is it? Tell me when you detect the sarcasm.

Ted DiBiase is someone who WWE need to look at and realise could become something very special if tweaked here and there. His look has improved since he began wearing those new tights, they're unique which is what he ought to strive for. Then the DiBiase Posse idea seems to have gone down well with everyone, from reportedly WWE officials, to the already referenced ESPN article and report, to a good loud of traffic on Twitter(DiBiase's followers has sky rocketed), but they refuse to hand him a good feud and allow his character to develop.

They need to get him new entrance music to begin with. Stop having him in matches with Hunico whose done nothing since Sin Cara left. Give him a good storyline, even start one with Cody Rhodes again which wasn't given much time to build, simmer or even take place last time, after their what? One pay-per-view match and one televised singles match? That could have been given such a better deal.

Hope Ted comes back quickly. I'm a fan of his and I hope WWE cop on and realise that if they examine the guy, they can make him into something much more profitable and entertaining.
This is just unfortunate. I've always liked DiBiase, but the guy just hasn't been able to fully reach the level people expected of him. The guy has loads of potential, no doubt, but injuries like this aren't something you want to see. He's a talented hand in the ring, he's okay on the mic (lots of room to improve, though), he's got a good clean look; Ted DiBiase Jr is the type of guy WWE loves, but how many injuries, how many setbacks can they stick by him through? This isn't the last straw, don't get me wrong, but it could very well be the shot in the leg DiBiase need to turn this thing around. An injury isn't a good thing an it's a momentum killer for someone on his level, but this may be the wake-up call, the opening that Ted needs to come back better than ever.

Unfortunate news, but make Ted can turn it into a positive. Upon his return, I'd love to see WWE give him a push to see what he can do. At the very least, he can be a good Intercontinental Champion after Cody Rhodes. After that, I can't say. If he works hard and the crowd gets on his side, sky's the limit for Ted. I'm hopeful that 2012 will be a big year for Ted, after he returns from this injury. Maybe Ted can finally live up to the the expectations attatched to the DiBiase name.
As others have said I hope he uses this to really go away and reinvent himself. Give up on these Dibiase Posse Parties that no one cares about and actually try and create a character that people give a damn about.

The guys not a bad wrestler but the only time he's come close to having any kind of connection with the crowd was during Legacy and that, you could argue, was mainly Randy Orton's work rather than his.
Obviouslly this isnt a "good" thing but if I were WWE i would have him come back with a huge impact! This is WWE's chance to make Ted Dibiase what he should have been. Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase could have been made into one of the best mid-card fueds in history. Have Ted Dibiase come back as a suprise as a heel and use the cocky rich heel gimmick. He could really be something special.
Oh man Ted I used to really dig the guy from his debut till he want to Smackdown. I understand why WWE put him on Smackdown since he wasn't getting any heat down on Raw but turning him face was terrible. I wish somehow they turn him heel when he returns otherwise I see him getting released.
He was actually doing a much better job lately. He was starting to win some fans over on the Smackdown side. His matches with Hunico were not bad. Hopefully he gets a new theme when he returns. It doesn't fit his new character at all.
Ted Dibiase Jr. has been on a injury slump for awhile now on Smackdown. First his wrist, now his ankle. And now he needs surgery on one of his shoulder's. It all sucks! Ted Dibiase was shined to be a diamond in the rough upon his debut in the WWE 3 and a half years ago. Winning WWE gold in his first WWE match, without having broken a sweat in the tag team match!

And Teddy's post-legacy career has been a rough one indeed, on RAW and now Smackdown as a face or as a heel. Ted Dibiase has a great wrestling pedigree! But the WWE as well as some wrestling fans need to understand that Teddy is NOT his father the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase Sr. It's one thing that they both share the same name. But WWE creative needs to distance Teddy as far away from his hall of fame father's charactor and image.

I'm not saying that Ted needs to do the same thing that Cody Rhodes did. But do something that will make the people forget for a moment that Ted Dibiase is a chip off the old block, but not his father's son. Just pure Ted Dibiase! And upon Teddy's return to action. I feel that he deserve's a real big push towards the main event scene.

How bout that?
im not knocking on Dibiase, because he seems like a good guy from what you read on twitter and various interviews but this guy just doesnt do it for me.......
he doesnt bring it on the ring, and he CANT bring it on the mic, and he will forever be compared to his father, and he just doesnt measure up to him, Ted Dibiase sr is one of the greatest heels in the history of the business, but unfortunately Ted just doesnt have that it factor.... just my two cents
Poor Teddy.........

Just when things were looking good for him. Wait, hold on, it's not 2010. He has been kind of useless for the last little while. He's tried a few gimmicks since the legacy break up, nothing really worked. This could be a blessing in disguise, or it could lead to being future endeavored by Mr. Excitement. I hope not, maybe just a new gimmick that has been recycled from an old gimmick.

Maybe grow a beard, have his hair tips bleached, go into his dad's closet and dust off some some of those sparkly black and silver suits and in a few months interrupting someone during a promo all you hear is........

Money, money, money, money, money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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