*MERGED* Scott Hall: Can He Keep It Up? Nope he cannot. He was arrested. :(

His Last Call stuff is brilliant. So he said "fuck" a few times? And? He's never played by the rules. Those videos are not endorsed by TNA and thus he can say what he wants. He actually often makes an effort not to swear and encourages Waltman to make that effort as well, but now and again, things come out. Also, he's been quite positive about TNA in those videos. It's comfortably the most excited he's been about the wrestling business in over a decade. He called a black bloke a monkey, but then he used to drop the monkey thing in WCW. It's a Scarface reference. The "N words" we ironic in relation to that.

On the main topic, I think this is being blown out of proportion. Didn't Chris Jericho get arrested a short while ago? Hall isn't the first guy in this industry to get nicked for something, and he won't be the last. If he did what is alleged, then he has done wrong, obviously. However, he's showed up for filming and show commitments and towed the line as far as work is concerned. Until he fucks up on the job, I imagine they won't even consider giving him the boot.
I am a huge Scott Hall fan. Yeah I marked out for the Jan 4th possibility of a NWO reunion. Yeah I loved seeing The Band get the tag team titles. I really thought Hall had everything going right. TNA is his last shot at regaining a decent run before retirement. This was really stupid of him to do. Given his past history why would you continiously go to bars and get drunk? It really seems like the guy doesn't care much about his career? Why would Pee Wee Herman go to the movies to watch porn when I know he had a VCR at home....lol I think maybe Hall was just low on cash and now he made a little. Now it must be time to get fired. In my opinion this is really pathetic. Hall gave up his last chance at going out on top. We all get on Hulk Hogan about his returns but at least the man put himself into the role. He tries his best.

As for Hall. Yeah he is one of my favorite guys but just fire him already. I thought he was smart enough to know his history and not to go out getting drunk in bars. Just like Waltman no showing at the PPV. These 2 are to big of a risk. Hall now is proven he hasn't straightened up. The put a title on him and he does this? He is unreliable and if you kept him around you really couldn't involve him in any big story angles or ppv matches. I saw cut the fat bastard..lol

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