**MERGED** Kevin Nash to WWE


Getting Noticed By Management
"Let's go Diesel! Let's go Diesel! Let's go Diesel!"

Even though he wasn't the last man standing, Kevin Nash was the real winner with the fans last night. I knew I was excited to see Nash back in the WWE, but I had no idea he would be that over. "Let's go Diesel" was hands down the loudest reaction anyone on the roster got last night. A 51 year old man who hasn't been in the WWE in eight years got 15,000 people chanting for him in under a minute. Booker T got a great pop, but it was silence compared to Nash. The WWE often brings back legends for a quick spot in the Rumble. Piper, Snuka, and Honky Tonk have all gotten nice pops, but the people in that arena wanted to see Diesel destroy everyone. Anyone who says Nash isn't still over is crazy. Diesel was the best surprise entrant in the history of the Royal Rumble!

Unfortunately, Nash is physically too far gone to have a long run with the company. However, the man definitely has a couple good matches left in him. A lot of people were talking about his stare down with Big Show leading into a feud. I think it could lead to Show and Nash teaming against Corre. Remember, Jackson eliminated Show and Wade eliminated Nash.

What are your thoughts on the reaction Nash got, and how would you like to see him used?
I knew Nash was coming (it's hard to avoid the spoilers sometimes) and STILL marked out. Great moment and the Nash/Show stare down was one of my favorite moments of the Rumble especially knowing the history between these two. As much as I'd love to see Show and Nash team up to face the Corre, I think a match between Show and Nash is more likely. That stare down was INTENSE for few seconds it was there. The camera zoomed in on that stare down to make it look like something was going to happen.
A match with Nash vs Show is what I thought originally, but who would be heel? Both men are really over with the crowd and WWE needs faces.

I think Nash-Show vs Corre would be a good feud to show case the mammoth size of these guys. The only problem I have is that neither Nash nor Show can carry a match.
I didn't expect him to blow the roof off the building like that, WWE probably didn't either. I kinda think his appearance at the Rumble was more because he was gonna show up at HBK's HOF anyway and they needed more men for the rumble and a couple of big surprises. But it's gonna be hard for them to ignore the reception he got. He's not gonna win any titles if he's making a last run with the Youth Movement and all, but Wrestlemania could use one of those big matches. Show vs. Diesel would be good.
I didn't expect him to blow the roof off the building like that, WWE probably didn't either. I kinda think his appearance at the Rumble was more because he was gonna show up at HBK's HOF anyway and they needed more men for the rumble and a couple of big surprises. But it's gonna be hard for them to ignore the reception he got. He's not gonna win any titles if he's making a last run with the Youth Movement and all, but Wrestlemania could use one of those big matches. Show vs. Diesel would be good.

I dont think WWE needed more men for the rumble seeing as how quite a few guys on the roster got left out, including the Uso's and DH Smith.

Nash is an old school wrestler that believes when you pass your prime...its time to move on and let someone else come up. He is inclined to do this with WWE if they keep him on the roster.

I believe in the long run, Nash will be a coach on Tough Enough along with (hopefully) HBK and Booker since they have both had wrestling schools.
What are your thoughts on the reaction Nash got, and how would you like to see him used?

As a great talent, future HOFer, and cemented legend--Nash deserved such a great reation. However, Nash has put his foot in his mouth lately, suprisingly not burning a few bridges along the way.

He criticized the Nexus angle, calling it boring--and he's criticized the Youth Movement. Those facts bring me to the answer of the next question: "How would use Nash?" Here's the answer: as Orton was the Legend Killer, I'd make Nash the Destroyer of Youth.

His catch phrase would be "Youth is waisted on the Young". Then he'd go around complaining that the youngsters want a quick advance and fat paycheck, yet they don't have the drive, determination, and dedication that veteran stars embodied. He and Booker-T can go on this campaign "destroying the youth" for their transgressions. :worship:
I for one am very excited to see that Nash is not only back in the WWE, but using his old Diesel gimmick. I didn't see the show last night, and am very disappointed, as I deserve to be. Diesel was always one of my favorite gimmicks as a kid and hopefully, if he sticks around, [and I'm assuming he will, at least for a little while] he can freshen it up with a little bit of Old School Kevin Nash.

I'm looking forward to some of these possible feuds:

Edge, CM Punk, the Miz, etc. Maybe even reliving some old ones with Big Show or Triple H.
Diesel was a surprize for the majority of fans and when his music started, the crowd went crazy. I already knew he was going to be in the rumble but even I jumped up when I heard his theme starting. Why is it though that WWE signed him for just one night to enter the rumble? Surely they would have signed him for at least 3 months to make it worthwhile for both them selves and Kevin. He is an oldschool icon and seeing him in the ring took me back to the mid ninties when he was at his prime. The fans obviously loved having him back and he should have had some kind of storyline to take him to Wrestlemania at least. Booker T was another one who should have been used more in a storyline. Maybe they could have started a main event Mafia storyline
Let’s be realistic people. Diesel got a good reaction because we hadn’t seen him in WWE in years. The fact that he came out as Diesel instead of just Kevin Nash helped his reaction. It was a fun moment and we all felt a little nostalgia. A lot of people are still caught up in the moment because it’s still fresh in their minds. During the feeling of nostalgia it was fun to see a Diesel/Big Show staredown. Some people got excited and that’s fine. If Diesel were to return full time the majority of people here would turn against him within a couple months. It wouldn’t take long to see Diesel is out of place in 2011 and I’m sure most people would shit all over a match between him and Show. Most people in the IWC only want something until they get it. Once they have it they decide it’s not so great and go on to wanting something else.
Hold on, let me get this straight. Did Diesel sign for a long-term contract or was it a one time thing? You guys are making seem like a legit deal, let's not jump to conclusions.
Have to agree with Brain. I was just speculating on IF he signed a long term deal. I would be more than satisfied with Nash doing something along the lines that Bret Hart did last year. Spend some time on camera maybe even a managerial/mentor role and kinda fade out after 'Mania.
I haven't been that excited in a long time, and I also knew it was coming. WWE would be really stupid to ignore that pop last night. I understand the youth movement, but guys like Miz and Ziggler spend their whole careers trying to get a reaction like Kevin Nash got last night!
It's kinda funny that when Nash was in TNA everybody on this forum was bashing the hell out of him and TNA, and now he's back in WWE, and everybody it's like "hooray!". I love Nash, but a match with Giant in 2011 would be atrocious.

Oh, and WWE should be ashame of themselves that Nash and Bookah made the biggest pops of the night when they displayed the whole roster. That says a lot about the star power of the WWE wrestlers.
Oh, and WWE should be ashame of themselves that Nash and Bookah made the biggest pops of the night when they displayed the whole roster. That says a lot about the star power of the WWE wrestlers.

It's called he nostalgia pop. Returning superstars in the Rumble always, ALWAYS get the biggest pop of the night, without exception. Especially those as famous as Booker T and Diesel.
It's kinda funny that when Nash was in TNA everybody on this forum was bashing the hell out of him and TNA, and now he's back in WWE, and everybody it's like "hooray!". I love Nash, but a match with Giant in 2011 would be atrocious.

Oh, and WWE should be ashame of themselves that Nash and Bookah made the biggest pops of the night when they displayed the whole roster. That says a lot about the star power of the WWE wrestlers.

First of all, not everybody was bashing Nash while he was in TNA. I for one don't watch TNA regularly. I might read the results or keep up with their rosters or occasionally catch some of their show but overall I just can not get into TNA. I don't care what anyone says, but Nash [and Booker T] returning last night was a big deal. Saying the WWE should be ashamed of their pops last night, that's absurd. You're talking about one of the most popular superstars of all time in Nash, and possibly with Booker T as well. That's almost like saying when guys like The Rock or Stone Cold occasionally make a surprise appearance or even when Hulk Hogan returned in '02 as The Real American, because you know the fans marked out for those moments harder than for any other segments of those shows. Should Vince be ashamed of them too? Vince created Diesel. He should be proud that the Diesel character has such staying power.

As for a Big Show/Diesel feud or even just one match. I'd probably pay for a pay per view with that on the card in nothing else than for the nostalgia of it. These guys have awesome history together and Vince would be a fool to pass that up. Especially with all of the access he has to the WCW archives. Fans who are too young to remember Nash breaking Show's neck would be able to relate. Obviously it wouldn't be the best match ever, but if memory serves, none of their matches were 5 star. I mean come on, no one's talking about headlining Wrestlemania with this match.
I was very interested in the Barrett/Diesel stare down. The thought of a Big Show/Diesel Vs. The Corre angle didn't immediately come to mind. However, that's an interesting feud. However, they have to find a way to make it quick, yet meaningful in order to get Diesel and The Big Show involved in a match they won't have to carry.

Maybe something like a gauntlet with The Corre or something along those lines. Not quite sure. Still, he and Booker T. did get huge reactions which I thought was interesting.
I am thinking Diesel may be "plan B" if Taker isn't healed in time for Mania... Put Diesel and Show or Booker against Barrett and Zeke. Even a one on one match with Barrett would help put Wade over the top main event wise... It could also be a Triple H v Diesel match, which never happened properly back in the day.
I was looking forward to it. But even I didn't expect to react to Nash the way I did. It was awesome to see him back.

I actually commented on a thread similar to this, the main comment was about bringing the NWO back now.

To sum up a pretty long post, I made the point about the chants. Not NWO chants, not even NASH chants!!

The place was loudly and in unison, chanting Diesel!! It was pretty epic as well as unexpected, at least to me it was.

I think if WWE Creative or whoever is in charge, knew he would get a reaction like that, they probably would have booked him to be in longer and also probably eliminate some guys.
Just got done watching this years Rumble and I have to say, I don't understand why people were bitching so much about the quality of it - thought it was fantastic. Also, I thought Matthews was going to soil himself, and the arena was going to implode when Booker came out. I haven't heard a pop quite like that in a long, long, long time for anyone.

As for Big Kev the chants, the pop, just everything wow. Even Mysterio was getting booed when he hit that 619. As for the shape he was in, just unbelievable. Really hope the E gets him to some kind of a longer term deal, he frankly deserves it. Amazing how the place just explodes for Kev and Book, then you watch TNA and while people like Steiner got a solid pop for their return it is just like purgatory compared to the E.

P.S. How about Dolph Ziggler, man when did that happen with him getting as good as he has been performing lately?
The place absolutely exploded when Diesel's music played and it did more than I would have expected it to as well. Now I think if WWE realises now how over Diesel was with the crowd, maybe they'll return in kind with some sort of deal?
Kev looks in amazing shape for a 51 year old. He barely has any wrinkles, and is still jacked up. Very impressive. If they use him right he can still be very entertaining. His ring time needs to be limited but they need to use his personality and credibility.
Diesel's entry was the highlight of the second half of the Rumble for me. At this point I was bored and just waiting for either Cena or Del Rio to win, I knew Nash was rumoured to be there and I'd seen the airport pic but you never know with these things in wrestling.

I admittedly marked and the response he got was tremendous, easily the biggest chant of the night for any wrestler. I also loved the way he milked the moment by standing in the aisle and putting the famous Diesel glove on that was a part of the character when he debuted.

I hope he sticks around until Mania, I could see him maybe facing Big Show, possibly tagging with Big Show and Taker against Kane, Barrett and Zeke, or maybe even tagging with Triple H against Sheamus and McIntyre.
From Wrestleview.com

Kevin Nash Reveals His WWE Contract Status on Pro Wrestling Report Radio!
Milwaukee, WI
January 31, 2011

Tonight, Kevin Nash was the Guest on PWR Radio which is broadcast on 540 ESPN Radio in Milwaukee and worldwide at http://www.pwrshow.com.

Nash revealed that he will be signing a WWE Contract this week and reveals the details of his future appearances and goals with the company.

Nash also speaks on the comparisons of WWE to TNA, his appearance in last nights Royal Rumble, his conversation with Vince McMahon, some interesting details of the Ric Flair/TNA situation, what happened when he met Wade Barrett, how he traveled to Boston, the way WWE has evolved since he was last there and the "Youth Movement", being referred to as "Big Lazy", who "They" would have been in TNA and why they failed to properly plan the angle and MORE!

Shane Helms also joined us on this episode and provided some insight into his recent comments about Shawn Michaels.

The show is available for download TONIGHT at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/pwr, and later on iTunes, http://www.pwrshow.com and on the PWR Android and iPhone Apps!
I wasn't surprised to hear Diesel get a warm welcome from a red hot Boston crowd. They marked out for just about everything else, why would they skimp out on Big Daddy Cool? We haven't seen him wrestle for the WWE since 2004, and he didn't look nearly as good then as he did last night (appearance wise anyway).

And how would I like to see him used? I wouldn't. It was nice to see him last night in a special appearance, but I doubt he has it in him to put on a long and worthwhile feud. If anything, I'd like to see him involved next year in a program with Big Show or Kane. It's too close to Wrestlemania to throw him into anything now.

Is this real?'

RealKevinNash Contracts aren't needed. I will do whatever I'm asked. I was welcomed back into the Family last night. I wont make mistake of leaving again!
about 1 hour ago

RealKevinNash When Vince McMahon is the boss and your best friend and his wife run creative and you see each other and hug and there is true emotion....
about 1 hour ago

RealKevinNash As long as WWE will have me in wrestling capacity and my body can handle it, I will wrestle. It's what I do! Best decision of my life.
about 2 hours ago

RealKevinNash I want to thank everyone at WWE. All the fans in Boston. For giving me a night I will never forget. (GroundHog Day) I'll relive that 1 over
about 2 hours ago

Just got that off twitter... I hope its true!

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