
Pre-Show Stalwart
So i just got done watching the new Hart and Soul Dvd..and i have to say..that was the best dvd wwe has put out in sooo much history so much emotion..they really break down who the hart family is and each family members life..even went so far as to add Pillman and Smith...

So my question for you is..whats your all time fav Hart moment? it could be a match, a promo anything..and when i say Hart i mean everybody, including Pillman Neidhart,Davey boy, all of them...i want to know when you hear the name Hart what memory comes to mind....

My fav memory has to be when Owen pinned Bret at Wrestlemania 10..the match was awsome and the build up was great and the ending was perfect..i could go on and on about this match....

But like i said i want to know what your fav memory is about the Harts? it could be from the WWE WCW Candien Stampede, anywhere...just go free and never let the name Hart leave your memory
Just watched the Hart Family DVD and, I must say, I found it a mixed bag. On the plus side there was a lot of interesting history about one of the most famous families in wrestling history.

The downside was quite sad though, and I'm looking at great disappointment at Harry Smith. I can almost understand the WWE ignoring the fact that the British Bulldog was a raging drug addict during his early to mid 90s run there. Wrong to do it but, that's par for the course for a WWE DVD release. I just can't understand why Harry would then try and clearly kiss up to management and say that he only developed his addiction to pain killers while in WCW and tried to get clean a few times. Even Bret Hart talks in his book about how bad Bulldog was and there is his son saying it only started after he hurt his back in WCW.

It makes me even angrier as you know the Bulldog died after years of substance (one of those clearly being steroid abuse) and Harry himself has already got a wellness strike to his name due to steroids. Looking at the Hart family history of friends and family and all the deaths and tragedies that have plagued that family it's got me thinking, has Harry Smith learnt nothing from the past? There's toeing the company line and then there's actually changing the details of your own fathers addictions to serve the company which I could see a mercenary like Diana Hart doing but you'd think a young man who's lost his father would be able to side-step the whole issue and let his mum handle it, with the excuse he was young at the time and can't remember clearly.

There are two ways to look at that situation. 1 - he's toeing company line and willing to distance himself from the truth for his career which, while I can understand, doesn't seem right and removes all credibility from anything he ever says or does or 2 - he's in denial about his dad's history (and the fact he'd take steroids after what they've done to his father speaks volumes about that).

Either way you look at it, it leads me to think that Harry Smith is, in my personal opinion, a complete tool (and it sucks to say that, as I fooking loved the British Bulldog(s) who, if his head is really in the sand, could end up quite easily being yet another sad statistic in the Hart family.

Anyone else see the DVD and have an opinion on Harry Smith?

Oh, and surely I can't be the only one who finds the bitterness that was literally pouring off of Bruce Hart to be LL-Hairy-arse (hilarious)
Havnt seen it yet but want to. Question since you have seen it. I know that there was talk that WWE wanted to bring in Teddy Hart to interview for the dvd. Was he interviewed in it at all? I hadnt heard anything since they were saying they were interested. Also is there any mention even of Teddy or is he just ignored in the movie all together. I understand if hes not in it/mentioned at all due to attitude issues with wwe but at the same time it would be a shame if hes not even mentioned as someone carrying on the hart name in wrestling since hes the only 3rd generation actual hart wrestling.
I just can't understand why Harry would then try and clearly kiss up to management and say that he only developed his addiction to pain killers while in WCW and tried to get clean a few times.

The follow is Davey Boy Smith's last interview:

Santo: Not only did bringing back the Ultimate Warrior not draw for WCW, but you were also one of the wrestlers injured from landing on the trap door in the ring for his entrances and exits. Tell us about that.
Smith: I got either suplexed or backdropped in the ring by Disco Inferno, and I got this really weird sensation in my back. I thought I was going to mess myself, and I crawled over to Jim, tagged Jim, and I said, "Jim, I can't move my legs. I've hurt my back." When I got backstage, I just told a couple of wrestlers, "You've got to watch that ring. There's something really wrong with the ring. It's really stiff towards one of the corners." Terry Taylor said, "Oh, there's a trap door there." I said, "Well why didn't you tell me there was a trap door there?" He goes, "Well, it's a secret because one of the guys is going to come out during the cage match and make a grand appearance," and I had no idea it was the Ultimate Warrior at that time. I know that Hogan got injured in the ring. Hogan hurt his knee. I know a couple of guys hurt their necks in the ring.

Santo: Did that injuryprovoke your addiction to painkillers?
Smith: Yes, it did.

Santo: How did WCW react to you needing rehab?
Smith: I didn't really talk to Eric about it. I had Bret talk about it because I just wanted to enter a rehabilitation center to get myself back on track. I was on painkillers for my knee from the blow out with Vince, and then I broke my back working for WCW... Right in between my shoulder blades. I lost my ninth, tenth, eleventh... My T8, T9, T10 discs in my upper back to an infection because I didn't realize that I broke my back, and I was taking more and more painkillers to keep working so I wouldn't need to take any time off. The more I took, the more I'd take, and it went from like two a day to 15 a day to 20 a day and then finally got to a point where the painkillers weren't working anymore and I said, "Well, now I've got an addiction so I better get myself straightened out." So I checked myself into Grand Prairie, and I was in there for like seven, eight weeks. I was in three weeks detox, which is normally like five days in detox. I was in like 21 days, which I still hold the record for, for cleaning my system out. As I was going through the program on the eighth week when I was getting ready to finish, my back was really starting to hurt now. Now I couldn't barely walk. I'd have to go in my bedroom and lie down all day long. I had these people who worked for the rehabilitation center who ran the classes, and they were saying, "If you miss another class, we're not going to pass you." And I'm like, "**** off." I can't really basically handle the pain, and then they finally rushed me to the hospital because they thought my kidneys were failing. I said, "Well, if my kidneys are failing, then I'm going home." So then I flew home in the middle of February to check my kidneys. My kidneys were fine, and they couldn't find anything wrong with me. Then a month later, after being home everyday and crying... I was crying everyday like a little baby, I was in so much pain. I finally went for a white blood cell test and the doctor said, "What are you here for?" I said, "I'm here for a white blood cell test." He said, "Well, why are you crying?" I said, "I'm in so much pain, I don't know what's wrong with me." He said, "Well, let's stick you in an MRI machine. We've got to figure out what's wrong with you if you're in that much pain." And within 15 minutes, boom, they found it. I had a huge infection in between my shoulder blades the size of a baseball and it ate my discs away. That was from taking the painkillers and not going to the doctor and getting my back checked. I just said, "Oh, I just hurt my back and I'll take some painkillers and it will go away." Actually, I thought I just winded myself. That's what it felt like, it just took all the wind out of me. But it just got so bad. I didn't get into the hospital until March, so I went all that time. I broke it in September, and I didn't get into the hospital until March.
When I hear Hart I immediately think Bret, followed a nanosecond later by Owen.
When I was growing up Bret Hart was my favorite wrestler. You could even go as far to say he was my hero. I'm just going to run down the first few that come to mind here.
Bret winning the Intercontinential Title from Curt Hennig was amazing. Davey Boy Smith and Bret at Wimbly Stadium...brilliant. Owen winning KOTR. I used to absolutely love Owen's bratty little brother gimmick. I lived for their segments on the show at the time. Bret was just better, he didn't shove it in Owen's face. He just loved his little brother. Owen resented the shit outta Bret, blah blah blah. Great stuff. The Anvil's promos and laugh I think are what comes to mind when I think of him.
I haven't seen this DVD, but in regards to the whether his addiction starter in wCw or before, I'm pretty sure he (Davey Boy) was taking a lot of things that damaged his heart before wCw. I'm saying this based on "Pure Dynamite", where Dynamite Kid admitted to both he and Davey taking things. Whether we believe him or not is another thing since he seemed to have a grudge against Davey Boy throughout the book.
Teddy Hart is mentioned in passing but no interview with him. Would've been a nice touch to even just have him as a talking head, without mentioning he wrestles but, alas, t'was not to be.

Well Bret Hart talks openly that, by the time they had their match at SummerSlam 92 the Bulldog was so out of his head on drugs he couldn't remember anything and Bret literally had to hold his hand through the whole match and that's why Bret is so pleased of that classic encounter.

With regards to the Bulldog's last interview, I do believe that was around the time he was coming back to WWE. It's a not too secret secret that he was out of his head for years and I'll agree that the WCW situation resulted in him adding hardcore pain medication to his already lethal cocktail of drugs but, the fact is he was already a high level drug user by that point. Also, with the trapdoor in WCW I can only assume he was on drugs that night as well as it seems like, although others got a few knocks, no-one was silly enough to let themselves be dropped on their back over the vicinity of the trap-door. Again, I don't like burying the Bulldog as he's one of my all-time favourite wrestlers but, the bloke might've tried to get help from 98 onwards but that's about 20 years after the horse has bolted from the barn. As long as his son doesn't get another suspension due to drugs or he will join fellow morons like Ken Anderson in the stupid gang
Its really hard I think, to pick out just ONE memory. I started watching wrestling in 1994 at 11 years old. I kind of just DISCOVERED it and was enamored by it. I rented 'tapes' from the local video store of ANYTHING I could get my hands on wrestling related. I had 4 favorites as a result. Bret Hart. Shawn Michaels. The Undertaker. Diesel.

When I think of Hart. I think its easy to just think Bret. The whole clan had talent in one form or another. Owen and Bret, obviously stood out more then the others. Completely different styles. Bret was the ground and pound technician. Owen was the flashy one with the mic skills. Bret with Neidhart was a great tandem because they were family and because they had different styles with Jim being the powerhouse brawler.

I dont know how to pick out the FIRST thing. But I can give you the top 10 Hart memories I have. In order of MY favorites.

10) Bret Hart signing with WCW. He always said they offered him way more money but he was loyal to Vince and the WWF when most werent.

9) Bret Hart versus Diesel for the WWF title at Survivor Series 1995. Just a GREAT match and shows just how well Bret could adapt to different wrestling styles.

8) Owen Hart returning after 'Montreal' as the Blackhart and having a damn good match with with Shawn Michaels on RAW.

7) Owen Hart 'breaking' his arm and being in a cast for somewhere around a year. A rehash but nobody did it better then Owen.

6) The formation of the Hart Foundation stable with the Harts, Neidhart, Bulldog and Pillman. Just a great time for it and a great time for professional wrestling as a whole.

5) Bret Hart versus Steve Austin feud. GREAT battles. Bret and Austin tearing down the arena in every match they had and helping to launch Steve to greater heights.

4) Montreal Screwjob. The most real ending to a match in the history of staged wrestling. Debated over and over for the last 12+ years.

3) Owen versus Bret feud. Tremendous matches. Cannot say enough about this feud.

2) Owen Hart's tragic fall. Very sad moment for me personally and millions of fans around the world. Obviously not a favorite per say but, certainly one of the most tearful and memorable moment in Hart Family as well as professional wrestling history.

1) The Bret Hart-Shawn Michaels face to face confrontation on January 4, 2010. As a mark for both men and being fully aware of the situation between them. Seeing them both being very sincere and heartfelt toward one another. Just something I will always remember. I know it had to have felt like the weight of the world being lifted from Shawns shoulders. He did a pretty shitty thing and for them to finally bury the hatchet on national television was nothing short of amazing. I couldn't read everything he said, but the last words Shawn said to Bret as he turned to leave was 'thank you.' Shawn is a born-again christian, so I know having that moment in time forgiven by the recipient meant alot to him.
Just watched the Hart Family DVD and, I must say, I found it a mixed bag. On the plus side there was a lot of interesting history about one of the most famous families in wrestling history.

You mean, how incredibly fucked up they are? Yeah, I agree whole heartedly.

The downside was quite sad though, and I'm looking at great disappointment at Harry Smith.

Oh Jesus Christ, you're going to shit on the kid for what I think you're about to, aren't you? Look, let's just ignore the fact that Diana has probably influenced Harry incredibly to feel this way about his father. Did you really expect him to blame the same company that's making this DVD for his father's problems?

I can almost understand the WWE ignoring the fact that the British Bulldog was a raging drug addict during his early to mid 90s run there. Wrong to do it but, that's par for the course for a WWE DVD release.

And I'm shocked you're expecting less. Seriosuly, the WWE has no obligation to air what it doesn't want to air. It created the DVD, and it's within their rights to talk about what they want to talk about. You bought the DVD, and as asoon as you did, you have no fucking say in what you should feel about the content. You bought it, and that's how you make your contribution. If they want your ideas, they'lll contact you the 31st of never.

I just can't understand why Harry would then try and clearly kiss up to management and say that he only developed his addiction to pain killers while in WCW and tried to get clean a few times. Even Bret Hart talks in his book about how bad Bulldog was and there is his son saying it only started after he hurt his back in WCW.

Let's clear one thing up, right off the bat; neither WCW nor the WWE are at fault for what happened to Davey Boy. Davey Boy is an adult, with the ability to make his own decisions. To say that you believe the WWE is responsible for Davey's turn to drugs is.... Well, irresponsible.

Now then.... Davey's addiction to Pain Pills did, in fact, get infintely worse when he went to WCW. This is accepted fact; there's no denying it. Davey may have been on pain pills before, I grant you, but it never controlled his life. Once he went to WCW, yes, his vices got the better of him, and yes, his addiction caused him to go to rehab, his wife to divorce him, and ultimately his death, after he was in WCW.

It makes me even angrier as you know the Bulldog died after years of substance (one of those clearly being steroid abuse) and Harry himself has already got a wellness strike to his name due to steroids.

How does the WWE and Harry fit into this, exactly? This is clearly a pot shot against Harry's character; doesn't add much to the discussion.

Looking at the Hart family history of friends and family and all the deaths and tragedies that have plagued that family it's got me thinking, has Harry Smith learnt nothing from the past? There's toeing the company line and then there's actually changing the details of your own fathers addictions to serve the company which I could see a mercenary like Diana Hart doing but you'd think a young man who's lost his father would be able to side-step the whole issue and let his mum handle it, with the excuse he was young at the time and can't remember clearly.

And who, exactly, do you think influenced his idea of how matters went again?

Look, of course Diana biased him. You shouldn't expect anything less, really. Even Bret notes that Davey's worst enemy was himself, and that he eventually did what he did to himself. And yes, Davey's woes really began to plague him once he went to WCW.

There are two ways to look at that situation. 1 - he's toeing company line and willing to distance himself from the truth for his career which, while I can understand, doesn't seem right and removes all credibility from anything he ever says or does or 2 - he's in denial about his dad's history (and the fact he'd take steroids after what they've done to his father speaks volumes about that).

Or 3- He's right on target, and that Davey's issues really became a burden once he came to WCW. Davey did drugs, but his life didn't start to unravel until after he came to WCW. He took pain pills just like every other guy, and again, Vince isn't responsible for any wrestler's choices. Hell, neither is WCW; the wrestler makes the choice for himself. And the sooner you realize that, the better.

Either way you look at it, it leads me to think that Harry Smith is, in my personal opinion, a complete tool (and it sucks to say that, as I fooking loved the British Bulldog(s) who, if his head is really in the sand, could end up quite easily being yet another sad statistic in the Hart family.

Well, that's good for you, but it shows you also held the kid to some expectations no man can meet. Right... Like Harry is going to speak out on his father's death, which came from a personal choice, against the same company that pays his bills, and treats him pretty damn well all things considered. I understand family loyalty, but how much of Harry's life was Davey around for, anyway? Harry said what we all know to be true; that Davey had problems, and that his life turnt to shit about the time he received that nasty injury. In WCW. And yes, granted, his later stint in the WWE didn't help at all. Not one bit. Still, Vince paid for Davey's rehab, brought him back when no one was interested, gave him a fucking main event position, and you're still bitching. The WWE did nothing to Davey; Davey did it to himself.

Anyone else see the DVD and have an opinion on Harry Smith?

Oh, and surely I can't be the only one who finds the bitterness that was literally pouring off of Bruce Hart to be LL-Hairy-arse (hilarious)

Yes, Bruce is a bitter sumbitch. Just like you seem to be.
When i think of Harts, Bret Hart is always the one image i see. Not Owen, Jim, Bruce... no, just Bret Hart. Simply because he was my favorite wrestler as a kid, the very first wwf superstars i saw had a match between Hitman and Brooklyn Brawler and just like that, i became a mark as you call it. The theme was brilliant, the wrestling by this man brilliant. I really don't get why they chose to have pink colors but even that he made brilliant, The Pink and Black attack hehe.

Now in terms of Bret Hart memories, i cant even count, there's no way. I remember some interview segments from almost 20 years ago like they were yesterday. Like him saying, referring to the match at SS '93, how he will execute "The King" Jerry Lawler and will chop his head off, or telling to the Narcississt Lex Luger that he doesn't care about his muscles cuz wwf is not a body building contest, this happened after WM 9. I'm amazed that i still remember this lol. Matches that Bret Hart wrestled while he was the IC champ are the ones i loved the best, vs Skinner at This Tuesday in Texas, or against Mr Perfect at SS '91, or even against Barbarian at Wrestling Challenge in '91.

I loved that he won that HUGE tournament in wcw that had i believe every single superstar on the roster to determine the next WHC.

First time i cried watching wrestling was when he lost to Shawn at WM 12, tear tear.

But there's so much more that this Bret Hart fan remembers, if i wrote all i would be banned :p

One more thing, memory of a Hart family will never die, not as long as we, the fans of the good ol' WWF are still alive. No sir
Let us also note that at the time Davey 1st went to WCW, this was after WWE had 1st brought in their drug testing policy. Bret himself has said in his book that WCW had no such testing and on seeing Davey after he has been with WCW it was clear he used a lot more drugs.

That being said, I think it is inacurate for the blame to be placed on WCW. I haven't got the DVD, i don't "think" it's out in the UK yet.

With regards to Harry's wellness violation, I don't think being caught with a bit of winstrol in your system is as bad as what Davey was putting into his body at such a small natual frame. But then that's my opinion, given my knowledge on steroids.
Havnt seen it yet but want to. Question since you have seen it. I know that there was talk that WWE wanted to bring in Teddy Hart to interview for the dvd. Was he interviewed in it at all? I hadnt heard anything since they were saying they were interested. Also is there any mention even of Teddy or is he just ignored in the movie all together. I understand if hes not in it/mentioned at all due to attitude issues with wwe but at the same time it would be a shame if hes not even mentioned as someone carrying on the hart name in wrestling since hes the only 3rd generation actual hart wrestling.

Natalya and David are 3rd generation Harts too. Your basically sayin that Elle and Diana aren't Harts so what if their last names are Neidhart and Smith retrospectively. Yes their dads were "The Anvil" and "The Bulldog" but you have to count those two as 3rd Gen Superstars also. I plan on getting the DVD down the line as Bret is my all time favorite.
You mean, how incredibly fucked up they are? Yeah, I agree whole heartedly.

It's quite apt that people see them as a wrestling royal family as they're even more messed up then the bods we ****e out for tourism over here!

Oh Jesus Christ, you're going to shit on the kid for what I think you're about to, aren't you? Look, let's just ignore the fact that Diana has probably influenced Harry incredibly to feel this way about his father. Did you really expect him to blame the same company that's making this DVD for his father's problems?

I never expected him to blame the WWE as it was clear Bulldog was on stuff before he went there and ho chose to take the stuff he did. I was just saying, from the tone they took in the DVD Harry implied that his father was ok until he went to WCW and that's where it all went wrong. Having recently seen a few interviews from Bulldog in mid-97 it was clear he wasn't right then. I wasn't, and wouldn't expect or accept WWE/WCW/ECW/TNA, etc are to blame for what wrestlers chose to put into their bodies, it just seemed, to me, that he could've admitted his dads problems, but not pegged them as starting decades later then they did.

you have no fucking say in what you should feel about the content[

Wow, you're so right there. I should buy something and then just blindly accept everything that's said in that DVD should I. I paid for it so I'm entitled to my opinion, same as you are to yours (although by your logic I started this so this is my thread and you should just agree with it)

How does the WWE and Harry fit into this, exactly? This is clearly a pot shot against Harry's character; doesn't add much to the discussion.

As I said above, he had a serious problem before he went to WCW. Yes it got worse there, but it was a serious problem already. Again I was just stating that I can't see why Harry needed to imply that it began after he joined WCW.

Look, of course Diana biased him. You shouldn't expect anything less, really. Even Bret notes that Davey's worst enemy was himself, and that he eventually did what he did to himself. And yes, Davey's woes really began to plague him once he went to WCW.

I do believe that Bret states that by 1992 Davey was so off his head on substances he had to be led, like a baby, through the SummerSlam match and, well before 1998, stated to Bret in a car journey "I've got serious problems" (or along those lines, can't remember word for word from the book) so, again, it's clear that he had the issues.

Or 3- He's right on target, and that Davey's issues really became a burden once he came to WCW. Davey did drugs, but his life didn't start to unravel until after he came to WCW. He took pain pills just like every other guy, and again, Vince isn't responsible for any wrestler's choices. Hell, neither is WCW; the wrestler makes the choice for himself. And the sooner you realize that, the better.

never once said it was a single company or person other then the Bulldog's fault (although was interesting hearing Diana saying that she kinda pushed him too hard after he broke his back). There seems to be words being put into my mouth there

Well, that's good for you, but it shows you also held the kid to some expectations no man can meet. Right... Like Harry is going to speak out on his father's death, which came from a personal choice, against the same company that pays his bills, and treats him pretty damn well all things considered. I understand family loyalty, but how much of Harry's life was Davey around for, anyway? Harry said what we all know to be true; that Davey had problems, and that his life turnt to shit about the time he received that nasty injury. In WCW. And yes, granted, his later stint in the WWE didn't help at all. Not one bit. Still, Vince paid for Davey's rehab, brought him back when no one was interested, gave him a fucking main event position, and you're still bitching. The WWE did nothing to Davey; Davey did it to himself.

He did indeed. It just seems that as we all know Diana likes to embelish or fabricate stories to suit her own ends, they could've had her speak about it and had Harry, like Georgia, just be (as I'll naturally assume he is) still sad that he lost his dad young.

Yes, Bruce is a bitter sumbitch. Just like you seem to be.

I'm bitter that Kolo Toure and Emmanuelle Adebayor are mercenaries, I'm bitter that Arsenal can't compete with the magician that is Lionel Messi and I'm bitter that Gordon Brown is prime Minister without being elected but not this. I was just sad with the way a sad subject was handled by a young man who, unlike his dad, has the verbal skills and build to go somewhere (if allowed). It just seemed a down point for me on an otherwise good DVD release (the personal highlight was Jim Neidharts other daughter. Damn she was a tasty sort)
It's quite apt that people see them as a wrestling royal family as they're even more messed up then the bods we ****e out for tourism over here!


Ok, that was rather good. Anyway...

I never expected him to blame the WWE as it was clear Bulldog was on stuff before he went there and ho chose to take the stuff he did. I was just saying, from the tone they took in the DVD Harry implied that his father was ok until he went to WCW and that's where it all went wrong.

I think we can all agree that Davey really went off the rocker when Diana left him. That's when his life really started to unravel. But I think the point was that he wasn't being monitored, and when he wasn't monitored, he'd fly off the handle. We'll see a case in point of this later.

Having recently seen a few interviews from Bulldog in mid-97 it was clear he wasn't right then. I wasn't, and wouldn't expect or accept WWE/WCW/ECW/TNA, etc are to blame for what wrestlers chose to put into their bodies, it just seemed, to me, that he could've admitted his dads problems, but not pegged them as starting decades later then they did.

Well, it all depends on what we term "problem". Davey's problem of pain pills, which wound up being his cause of death, was something that was a widespread issue in the business. And again, it's not as though the WWE is going to say that there are drug problems within the company.

Wow, you're so right there. I should buy something and then just blindly accept everything that's said in that DVD should I. I paid for it so I'm entitled to my opinion, same as you are to yours (although by your logic I started this so this is my thread and you should just agree with it)

Big Difference

You came to a wrestling forums, expressing a desire for an opinion, and to ask for feedback. Now that you haven't gotten the reception you desired, you're starting to get a little pissy.

Meanwhile, the WWE crafts a DVD, for the means of entertainment. Sure, you can have opinions, and that's not a problem, but don't get all pissy when you find that people don't agree with you. Again, I'm not asking you to not have an opinion; I'm just telling you exactly why you're wrong.

As I said above, he had a serious problem before he went to WCW. Yes it got worse there, but it was a serious problem already. Again I was just stating that I can't see why Harry needed to imply that it began after he joined WCW.

Because it got life threatening when he went to WCW. What's so hard about that? Davey was still a fine physical specimen in his stint in WWE, and though he may not have lived past sixty, he was in decent shape. It wasn't until he went to WCW in which it became tragic. That's when he took his life into his own hands, and became even more of an addict, to the point of no return. That's probably why Davey worded it the way he did.

I do believe that Bret states that by 1992 Davey was so off his head on substances he had to be led, like a baby, through the SummerSlam match

Well, yes, because he and Jim were snorting coke while he was suspended from the WWE, mind you, in Tampa, and spent all of his time working publicity for the match, rather than working with Bret on the match. No sign of pain pill addiction to this case, just Davey fucking up.

and, well before 1998, stated to Bret in a car journey "I've got serious problems" (or along those lines, can't remember word for word from the book) so, again, it's clear that he had the issues.

Issues? Yes. Everyone has issues. Davey's weren't life threatening. Until, that is, he went to.... You guessed it! WCW!

never once said it was a single company or person other then the Bulldog's fault (although was interesting hearing Diana saying that she kinda pushed him too hard after he broke his back). There seems to be words being put into my mouth there

No, just my interpretation on your post. At the least, i give you this; you're not one of those people that cry foul on the company every time a wrestler dies. I grant you, your wise. Just wrong on this one.

He did indeed. It just seems that as we all know Diana likes to embelish or fabricate stories to suit her own ends, they could've had her speak about it and had Harry, like Georgia, just be (as I'll naturally assume he is) still sad that he lost his dad young.

Well, yeah, but really.... Would you like to spend more time with Diana than you have to?

I'm bitter that Kolo Toure and Emmanuelle Adebayor are mercenaries, I'm bitter that Arsenal can't compete with the magician that is Lionel Messi and I'm bitter that Gordon Brown is prime Minister without being elected but not this. I was just sad with the way a sad subject was handled by a young man who, unlike his dad, has the verbal skills and build to go somewhere (if allowed). It just seemed a down point for me on an otherwise good DVD release (the personal highlight was Jim Neidharts other daughter. Damn she was a tasty sort)

Last part, totally agreed. ;)

Everything else.... Not so much.

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