**MERGED** Fandango Discussion (Keep it in here!!!!)

I thought that Fandango did a pretty good job last night showing that he can play off the current "Fandango-ing" shtick even in front of a crowd that contained mostly "hostiles" to his efforts. It should also be telling to see how he interacts with the British fans next week, as the likelihood is he will be much more over than he was in South Carolina.

And BTW, "you can all go Fandango yourselves" is one of the better new catch phrases I've heard in a while. It made me smile. I hope it sticks.
Fandango's segment was pretty good and one of the best on Raw (Raw was pretty bad) but personally I think WWE will keep using the popularity with the "fandangoing" till it gets stale and poor Johnny Curtis will be back at NXT.
What's good Everybody?

I have an interesting Question. And it's about say it with me........"FAAAANNNNNNN-DAAAAAAAANNNNNN-GOOOOOOOO!!!!" As we all know Fandango has been problably one of the most surprising and top rising stars in WWE History. He's a hit with the fans, his theme music is a hit at different venues, Fandangoing is the next big thing to the harlem shake, and he gained in the views of many un-expected stardom. And right now, as far as fan based, and gimmick wise, for a couple of months in the WWE, I think Fandango is at his peak.

My Question is, do you think Fandango will have his gimmick "twerked" or changed completely for as long as he's in the WWE?

For me it's a tough one. But all good things do come to an end. But this is an one of them things if it ain't broke don't fix it type deals. I'm pretty sure WWE going to keep the theme song, but may do a way with a little bit of the ballroom gimmick and give him a more serious approach when it comes time for a major WWE or WHC Title run. But I believe as long as he can have folks trying to pronounce his name he will be alright.

So how do you feel about Fandango's gimmick for the rest of his WWE Career?
His gimmick has to change or evolve, I don't think it has the legs, pun intended. I like Fandango and as Johnny Curtis also, he was underrated, people said he was a typical generic wrestler but I thought he played a real creep to perfection. His stuff with Maxine on the old NXT format was gold.

Right now i'm enjoying the stock WWE is putting into him and thank god we're starting to get some mid card guys with character again.
Fan...dan...go...is pure gold right now in my opinion. The song may be more over than he is, but he's getting there too. Really good athlete. Takes his character and plays to perfection. Not bad on the microphone. Picture perfect finisher.

That won't last, though. We'll all become bored with it.

Having said that, if you look at where the others have come from (SCSA, 'Taker, Kane, Ziggler), if the athlete can make anything work, he'll work too. Fandango shows he can make it work. A completely over the top, ridiculous gimmick, and it's just another day on the job for him (or so he makes it look). He's quick in changing from a flamboyant dancer to an aggressive wrestler. He can use this as a jumping board into something much heavier.

To summarize, yes, it has to be changed. This fad won't last. However, Fandango is good enough to work with what he has, and change into what he isn't yet.

It doesn't hurt that the CEO of the company is in Fandango's corner either.
I like that they went back to the original Fandangirl this past Monday. Of the three we've seen, she's the best dancer and, imo, the classiest. It might not seem important who they use as the girl, but continuity always adds something positive to a gimmick. Plus, in the case of most folks who play a supporting role to a wrestler, they usually get more involved as time goes on, helping their guy win.

Remember, Chyna started out as Triple H's bodyguard and Marlena (Terri Runnels) started out as Goldust's cigar smoking manager. Eventually, both played more prominent roles.....not that I expect Fandangirl to get booked as a wrestler. :p......but she adds a dimension to Fandango's act that is unique in itself, so they ought to pick one girl and stick with her.

I like that they went back to the original Fandangirl this past Monday. Of the three we've seen, she's the best dancer and, imo, the classiest. It might not seem important who they use as the girl, but continuity always adds something positive to a gimmick. Plus, in the case of most folks who play a supporting role to a wrestler, they usually get more involved as time goes on, helping their guy win.

Remember, Chyna started out as Triple H's bodyguard and Marlena (Terri Runnels) started out as Goldust's cigar smoking manager. Eventually, both played more prominent roles.....not that I expect Fandangirl to get booked as a wrestler. :p......but she adds a dimension to Fandango's act that is unique in itself, so they ought to pick one girl and stick with her.


I've read that the reason they keep switching dancers is because the one recently on RAW, can't make it to all the shows. This is why they switch dancers out. I also believe that she is a real dancer and the WWE, wishes she could tour full time.

Also, my brother-in- law's great group took a picture with Fandango just last night. If he was to go out he could have meet him.

On to the subject, I enjoy the character very much. He is different and edgy. Fandango can go places and of course changes will come with his character. I just hope they're not comedy changes. We just have to give him time to see what he can truly do. I hope for the best!

If anyone knows the answer to this question please let me know. Has Fandango using a new finisher more; if so what is it called? Thanks.
A little while back, Stone Cold Steve Austin predicted that Fandango would be carrying gold within the next 6 months. On Raw this past Monday, I believe WWE may have started Fandango down the road to the Intercontinental Championship.

He was tagged in a match with Wade Barrett against The Miz & Chris Jericho. Fandango had little participation in the match and was more interested in dancing with Summer Rae than helping Wade Barrett win the match. Early on in the match, judging by Barrett's body language & facial expressions, he'd already expressed a dislike for Fandango and leaving him high & dry might be WWE's way of injecting Fandango into the IC title scene.

We've seen some indication that The Miz will resume his feud with Barrett over the IC title. That's all well and good but, frankly, both guys just don't have it going on right now. They've put on good matches, especially their match on the post WM Raw, but Barrett is devalued so much as IC champ right now that Miz taking it from him means pretty much nothing. Miz himself has fallen pretty far down the ladder himself. I feel bad for Barrett. I'm a fan of the guy and, in my opinion, he's shown the ability to have deserved MUCH better from WWE during his time as IC champ, in all 3 reigns, than what he's gotten. But, as I alluded to, the damage is already done and I simply see no way for Barrett to be salvaged as IC champ at this time without a MAJOR turnaround in how WWE is booking him. I just don't see it happening.

Fandango is said to be one of Vince's pet projects and his feud with Chris Jericho has been, overall, decent. Not the stuff legends are made of, but he & Jericho have had two solid matches against one another in which each holds a clean pinfall victory. As a result, WWE could put their feud on hold for a while and resume it if they intend to give Fandango a run with the title. Their animosity towards one another coupled with Jericho attempting to become an even 10 time IC champ has the makings of a solid feud, should WWE ultimately go in that direction.
Fandango: the latest WWE superstar created by WWE chairman Vince McMahon. Johnny Curtis wasn't working out as the winner of WWE NXT season 2. Enter FAN-DAN-GO!! This guy made his WWE debut as Fandango at Wrestlemania. Now that says alot. Vince McMahon got the gimmick from ABC's "Dancing with the Stars". And in a recent interview Vince McMahon said himself that the character was meant to be indeed gay...which lead to Fandango being a heel.

But doesn't Fandango remind you of Goldust when Goldust first started rolling? Goldust was a pushed superstar in the then-WWF shooting for the WWE IC championship. And in months, he won it off Razor Ramon (Scott Hall) via interference. Remember when Goldust came down to the ring with his real-life wife at the time Terri Runnels aka Marlena? Fandango & Summer Rae kinda reminds me of those two for some reason.

So could Fandango be a newer version of the Goldust character? Oh yeah I then there was Rico & Jackie Gayda-Haas.

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