**Merged** Cena's Rapping, Rap-Gimmick, or anything about Cena and RAP - KEEP IT HERE

I'm more of a Rock man myself but that was by far and away the best John Cena promo i've heard in over six years.

And jeez, they really are keeping Rock's appearances on WWE TV thin on the ground aren't they?
It's been PG for how long now? It's not going to hurt to slowly raise the bar to pg13 or something. All the young kids wouldn't know what they was talking about and all the "tweens" would of found it funny. haven't you heard some of the jokes that are said at school? I don't think it was out of line, It made it more of a family context by him not saying it obviously.

That's true, i found from experience that a lot of the adult orientated language used on TV tends to pass you by as a kid since you don't really understand it or really question what it means.

But put all that aside, i've now recently found myself tuning into WWE every week, that's not something i've done on a regular basis since 2003.
Cena's Rapping was ok for a PG-rating but not to keep up with the Rock. To me it seemed controlled & restrainted unlike The Rock where he can go straight at it. It should've been worked on a little bit more where Cena could let loose a little more.

On a positive note it was still good had some classic Cena it once had in his early days. Overall I think it was Cena's best moment in a while.
He delivered the PG13 lines very carefully and playfully, he knew what he was doing and it was well written and well delivered. This is a great way to blur the lines so he can keep up w/ The Rock
Ok, so for those who watched RAW we saw it get kicked off with John Cena, I thought I was going to hear the same old "Never Give Up" and "this year it's my moment at WrestleMania", but instead we got to see the Dr. of Thuganomics cut a good promo for the first time in a long time on of all people The Rock.

I for one was pleasently surprised and pleased to hear the John Cena of old and it didn't feel like a boring John Cena joke promo that he tried to be forcefully funny. Cena actually made me laugh without being cheesy, because he was just being himself.

So, here's my question to you, would you like to see the Cena perform more Doctor of Thuganomic type promos instead of the cheesy ones hes been cutting lately or would you rather see Cena cut the cheesy promos like he did against Nexus the night after SummerSlam ?
I'm all for Cena going "thug" and "old school" on a permanent basis. That promo made me remember why I actually used to like Cena back in '03/'04. The whole "Chain Gang" and "Never Give Up" thing is just lame. It seemed to me that the crowd kind of swerved back to Cena's side a bit after the promo, so hopefully that tells WWE something about where the Cena character should go next....ah, who am I kidding, they'll keep him mega-face and that was just a one-time spot. Good while it lasted, though!
Ill admit, im not a Cena mark, not even a fan, but it was one of his more likeable promos, but he cant keep it going as the "Doctor of Thuganomics" As a face.

In my opinion the only way for him to keep it up is if he turns heel. I cant really picture a face Cena whos all about respect, rapping down to his opponents.

Also, A PG era is no place for a Doc of Thuganomics. It just wouldnt and couldnt work as well as in an attitude type era.
Whatever good Cena did with that promo was completely undercut by the way he'd make excuses for the riskier lines.

He's a man desperately trying to be edgy, while still pandering to children. Sorry John, you can't have it both ways!
For me the issue isn't regarding the PG rating and it's merits but more with what the calgary kid said:

'With the media raising awareness to anti-gay violence and bullying as a bad thing, it's kind of a conflict of interest to have supposed role models telling kids that "this guy is less of a man than I am and you should boo for him because he probably likes to have sex with guys".

I think using such homophobia, no matter how subtle or hidden behind innuendo, should be unacceptable no matter what age group the show is aimed at. It's not about not being able to take a joke; stating the rock is less of man because he may be gay is not too dissimilar from stating another wrestler is less of man because he is black. There's ways to be effective in a promo and I think in this day and age, using reasoning in the quote above, the WWE should know better

You have got to be kidding me. You don't think men joke around and call each other names as a way to make fun of them or bash each other? You want to censor speech and control the way people think because parents are abdicating their responsibility of raising their own children? Get serious. It's not the WWE's job to raise children or to teach them how to behave in society. That job exclusively belongs to their parents. It doesn't take a village...

Now regarding the banter between Cena and the Rock; it's throughly enjoyable. It's about time they let two guys go off script a bit to bash each other and create a little more realism between 2 athletes who might mix it up. It's pathetic having a story line like "hot coffee" when you have the opportunity to create genuine dislike and passion between 2 wrestlers. That's what this is doing.

I just hope it doesn't overshadow the match between Cena and Miz at Wrestlemania. This could easily go down the road of where HHH fought Jericho at Mania, but the match was really a pissing contest between HHH and his wife and Jericho was an afterthought. It took Jericho a long time to get out of that hole. I hope Miz doesn't get left behind on the road to Mania.
I wholeheartedly agree - it is not the responsibility of the WWE to ensure that children are taught correctly. The comment was in fact referring to anyone watching who may happen to be gay and hearing 'That's your material, you can have your joke back,
Just don't go racing to Witch Mountain Rock, because your mountain is Brokeback'

The 'WWE should know better' was not in regards to what kids hear but more that people watching may not like to be made to feel they are inferior simply because they are gay. There's plenty of material Cena could have used without being homophobic. I was merely pointing out it was unnecessary.
This was the 2nd best moment of RAW last night (behind HHH/Undertaker return and confrontation). They needed to let Cena go old school to really get back at The Rock.If he came out with the "PG Cena" material, it wouldnt have as great as what The Rock did.As far as the "Is what Cena said okay due to PG rating?" goes. I say... probably not :lmao: . I can't wait 'till The Miz,The Rock,and John Cena are in the same ring. This fued is gonna be great.
I wholeheartedly agree - it is not the responsibility of the WWE to ensure that children are taught correctly. The comment was in fact referring to anyone watching who may happen to be gay and hearing 'That's your material, you can have your joke back,
Just don't go racing to Witch Mountain Rock, because your mountain is Brokeback'

The 'WWE should know better' was not in regards to what kids hear but more that people watching may not like to be made to feel they are inferior simply because they are gay. There's plenty of material Cena could have used without being homophobic. I was merely pointing out it was unnecessary.

I will re-iterate my point. Like I said, what's the problem with Cena's rap? I saw nothing offensive. If the pride community can cheer for guys (and gals) groping and kissing each other like sexually deprived rabbits during their "parades" for shock value, then I can enjoy some jokes directed towards a straight man from another straight man questioning his sexual orientation.

I mean, honestly. Why do we get all "OMG! No he/she didn't!" when somebody uses the word ***, but then cheer behavior that is socially abhorrent and inappropriate outside the privacy of one's own home? It's a ridiculous double standard that happens in a lot of demographics these days.

Honestly, the promo was not that offensive. He made a joke referring to a gay movie. Wow, let's call the morality police and have him do 15-life. If a parent didn't like it and their child asked what it meant, the parent could simply say "You'll know when you're older. Now let's keep watching" or something of the sort.

I liked Cena's rap, and thought it was great. He kept things w/in the confines of the PG rating, was accessible to young kids, teens, AND adults, and played Rock off like a joke. He turned a huge face of the company past into a silly bunch of catchphrases and swear words.

Yeah, Cena's rap was so offensive. But at least it wasn't like somebody yelled swear words every two minutes, or was mock "crucified", had sex w/a corpse, said he was greater than God himself, told the audience him and his "****" girlfriend were going to have sex in front of them and for the world to see, or was a woman that got pregnant by a big, mentally disturbed burnt guy and tried to induce a miscarriage...
I really was not impressed with Cena's promo,but then he's never really done anything to impress me.Like I said I found his promo to be uninteresting and uninspired he and the creative team had a week to come up with something entertaining and that was the best they could do.I will say he had one thing right he is like a pinwheel everything he does blows.
Okay, to the people who thought John Cena's rap was out of line, here are 7 important statements:

1. Raw apparently airs at around 9:00pm in America. Um, no offense, but shouldn't little kids be in bed at that time anyway?

2. What kid under the age of 13 is going to understand any of what Cena said in his promo?

3. This whole feud started on the internet, so technically, kids most likely won't even understand how this feud even began, as Cena never really bashed the Rock on WWE television before this past week.

4. Do you really think kids are going to now walk up to their teacher and tell them that the Rock hasn't got a Johnson? Personally, if I was a kid, I'd rather hit my teacher with a steel chair.

5. The only reason why Cena even did this rap was because the Czena haters were constantly bashing him on the internet about being a 'superman' and all this other stuff that I've learnt to completely ignore over the years.

6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Cena was cheered by a majority of the audience when he performed his rap on the Rock. And um, didn't the Rock tell Michael Cole to shove it up his 'candy ass'? But of course, nobody dares say a negative word about the Rock, he's the new smark darling (unfortunately, as I've always been a fan on him).

7. Who the fuck even cares if it broke the boundaries of PG? You must live a depressing life if you're picking on this. Cena is never going to please everybody, so can't you people just accept Vince finally wanted to shut you internet dorks up about John Cena's "cheesy promozzzzz".
The Rock started out with a pistol to Cena, and everyone jumped out of their seats hanging on every word. Hearing Rocky again after 7 years has shown he hasn't left us. The Great One is still the most talented entertainer.

However, Cena fired back with a machine gun with that rap, and it was more better than The Rock's because didn't we hang on to Cena like a magnet when he was "The Doctor of Thuganomics"? Clearly, that gimmick is what Cena needed to go toe to toe with The Great One when cutting good promos. PG Cena wouldn't make it out of the starting gate, but Thuganomics Cena would rip Rock a new one on the mic.

Overall, Cena get the clean hit in, now let's see how the Rock will fire back. Maybe with a cannon.
I still think The Rock's promo trumped Cena's. Sometimes the one who fires the most bullets doesn't do the most damage. Cena's promo was damn good mind you, but we already know that most of Rock's movies were silly and none of his zingers will really stick to the Rock moving forward. Rocky didn't come out with as much zingers, but he was able to wreck one of Cena's trademarks: You Cant sheeee meeee!

From now on, whenever Cena uses that, the Rocks' version will be dancing in everyone's minds. Besides, did Cena realize the kind of movie "career" he's having right now compared to what the Rock has? Cena's not gonna leave WWE like the Rock because he has no other option outside of Pro-wrestling.
I love Cena's rap gimmick. It wa sunique and legit and made us fall in love with him in the first place. I'm sure most of us are Cena fans but juts hate the way WWE was using him. The only con about his thug gimmick is they thought it was just another way of WWE trying to make a new The Rock and turning a white guy, black.
For the better part of the last 5 years, i have not been able to stand John "super" Cena. I dont need to go into detail here, as it is well documented why people dislike him.

But after hearing his rap, it reminded me, John Cena is a man with infinite potential, i do not hate cena, i hate the way he is booked as super cena.

"you tell these people you love them, im here every week to show it"

this line on its own made me realise, what John Cena does is nothing short of a miracle. Every week he puts his heart and soul into the ring, but thats not where it ends for him, the charity work the man does is incredible. And despite the boo's cena gets,(which are due to his booking, not him) he has never once complained or tweeted anything about it.

Cena could have easily done what the rock has done, around the time he made "the marine" he could have moved into the movie business for more $$ and made sparodic appearances, but because he absolutely loves the business, he stayed.

and at the end of the day, which ever way you cut it, the rock clearly does not love us like he claims, as cena pointed out. and for me, (saying this as a massive rock fan, growing up with him as my child hood idol), it almost made me want to cheer cena in this rivalry

with that said, what my question is to you guys is:

did cena's rap change the way you think about him
did it remind you of Cena's ability, when he isn't restricted
Did it turn you onto Cena's side in this Cena Vs Rock fued
with that said, what my question is to you guys is:

did cena's rap change the way you think about him

Cena's rap didn't change the way I think about him cause I never forgot that he could cut a good promo, if anything he piss me off cause he shouldn't be so damn boring all the time when he can cut good promo's that is within the PG ratings.

did it remind you of Cena's ability, when he isn't restricted

As I said before I didn't need to be reminded, cause they whole reason why I have been saying he sucks (cause I don't hate him) is because I feel like he hasn't been entertaining at the level that he can.

Did it turn you onto Cena's side in this Cena Vs Rock fued

I'm a Rock fan & I'll never cheer Cena over The Rock no matter if Cena is the rapper or not. I don't feel like the Rock turn his back on me, the man entertain me for years & decided that he was ready to move on. As a selfish wrestling fan sure I didn't like his decision cause I always wont him around, HELL everybody I got named in my sig I want to stay around, but that's just not realistic. In the end I respect his decision cause no matter what ppl say I person can't wrestle forever & I would prefer for him to leave on top & healthy then to leave old & broken up. I feel that way about all the superstars, they shouldn't keep going after a certain point it's just not healthy for there bodies in the long run.

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