**Merged** Cena's Rapping, Rap-Gimmick, or anything about Cena and RAP - KEEP IT HERE

In my eyes these are my top 5 on the mic. (Minus The Rock just current roster)

5. Triple H - He's the game and when he's a heel he can make you hate everything.

4. The Miz - I actually find the Miz to be pretty funny and annoying at the same time which is good because that is what he is trying to do.

3. John Cena - Cena would be number one in my book if sticked to being a heel just because he was fantastic on the mic when he was a heel.

2. Wade Barrett - If Barrett is talking he's got my attention. I feel he is very good on the mic.

And my number one....

1. CM Punk - Anything he says is excellent and he does his job so well at being sadistic, punky, and evil and with that I can't help to like him even more.
I've always thought that WWE's stance on homosexuality is a bit un-PC, in that implied homosexuality is used as an insult (Gabriel's supposed "alternative lifestyle") or that characters who are portrayed as gay or gender-bending are pushed as heels until the angle is dropped (think Goldust, Billy and Chuck, albeit in a different era). I'm not stating this to be petty, nor am I personally taking offense as it doesn't apply to me.

It does somewhat conflict with the PG guidelines and desire for the Superstars to be influential figures. With the media raising awareness to anti-gay violence and bullying as a bad thing, it's kind of a conflict of interest to have supposed role models telling kids that "this guy is less of a man than I am and you should boo for him because he probably likes to have sex with guys". I thought the comment about Cole "running away like a girl" was a bit cheap, too. PG doesn't mean we have to make playground insults.

It's rated PG not PC for one thing. And the other thing is that they didn't act like boo him because he's gay, they went "ohhhhh" at Cena saying for Rock to suck his dick.

CM Punk made Pat Patterson jokes on commentary. People need to realize this is comedy.

The very reason there are TV ratings like PG is because people care what others watch and deem them as offensive.
Cena was not inappropriate at all. There are a few magic words that aren't allowed in any context, and balls, blow me, Brokeback, anything else Cena said were all cleverly disguised to acceptable PG standards. Even Family Guy, which is TV-14 I believe, has to cleverly dance around the censors with their jokes and references. It makes language fun and entertaining. If you're saying everything directly and literally, it's documentary style informative with no style or flavor. That's why there are over a dozen slang words for every reproductive organ.

Rock was a 10 times more inappropriate than Cena. Even Fruity Pebbles could have been interpreted as a gay joke... Funny line either way.

And I even noticed a few fan signs that said ass on Raw... Seems like those should have been confiscated.
its not the rating wwe have a fair bit of freedom with the rating but have been setting there own restrictions over the past couple of years and thats due to the fact wwe have been aiming mostly at kids and they want there parents to let them watch it as ive said in other threads simpsons is pg and they get away with worse from time to time also wwe have been pg before the so called pg era and have sworn and made sexual references
But it was good TV
IT'S WRESTLING!!!!!!!!!! You cannot get fans to emotionally invest when you try and take out "real" insults. Nobody says "I'm going to kick your behind!" when people are mad they say IM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS etc etc, the PG tools need to realize the WWE will continue to lose their strongest demo (MEN 18-34) If they continue to spit in its face.

If Cena was ALWAYS like that, instead of the contrived, phony Hulk Hogan wannabe, he'd be universally supported
Madden pointed this out seconds after the Rock promo. Simply stated, Rock outclassed the entire company. Having back Rocky for just a limited time is like one pass at a 5 star all you can eat buffet. You enjoy it, but will be looking for more.
Recently we have seen The Rock return using his od catchphrases, multiple uses of the word ass and a son of a bitch. Last night on Raw John Cena does the same thing and we see The Undertaker with his old Attitude symbol (although it seemed a little bit more disco).

So Im thinking that the E are possibly testing the waters on a move away from the PG era.
IT'S FRICKIN WRESTLEMANIA TIME!!! It's time they let some things slide inorder to sell their biggest PPV, i thought it was brilliant and an appropriate way to respond. Maybe it's PG because Cena stud up to a character that while loved deerly, has always been portrayed as a bit of a bully. Maybe kids can pick up on that, but ultimately, it was cena's character's way of saying, "mess with the bull, you get the horns"
Brokeback, anything else Cena said were all cleverly disguised to acceptable PG standards. Even Family Guy, which is TV-14 I believe, has to cleverly dance around the censors with their jokes and references.
Right, blatant incest jokes, pedophilia jokes and sexually offensive jokes are disguised cleverly? The jokes that (horrible) show does are often blatant and not in context with the episode or anything, it's just...unnecessary. Rock and Cena had there insults in context: Rock was using a 9 year old catchphrase that anybody in their right mind would've known he would say.

Rock was a 10 times more inappropriate than Cena. Even Fruity Pebbles could have been interpreted as a gay joke... Funny line either way.

Not as much as any others. Fruity pebbles are a cereal in all basic colours. And every colour Cena has had are in the cereal:
Green, Purple, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Red. (Some of those were the shirt logo colours). I guess by saying "fruity" it could be, but then why haven't the cereal owners gotten in trouble?

And I even noticed a few fan signs that said ass on Raw... Seems like those should have been confiscated.

They worry more about Benoit, discriminatory, Cena-Hating and similar signs than "ass". Once it been used so much without censor, there's no point. It's like saying to a family member (that you abhor) your true feelings, there's no point trying to deny it or act as if it never happened. It's the same here, there's no point trying to act as if "ass" was never said since it's such a minor issue.

Benoit, on the other hand...
It seems that what occurred is right in the guidelines of what constitutes TV-PG. As long as the show isn't constant gay jokes, sexual innuendo, etc., what occurred tonight was just fine.

Yes but it's been reported on earlier "Corporal WWE" that they intend to aim at young children (not really the actual PG audience). So basically WWE are being "G" with their storylines but they HAVE to be PG+ because they promote violence and it's the main factor in the show.
There is a case to be made for the Rock's return showing the shortcomings of many main eventers and upper mid carders, but from another perspective it also gives them something to strive for and learn from. And this close to WM gives the audience something more to look forward to.

Cena's game had to step up after Rock verbally abused him (and it does seem to step a bit on the PG thing) and show skills he hadn't used in years. Miz was clever but not as good in responding but is in the same position where he's having to adapt to someone for whom the mic is completely second nature in the Rock. fortunate for the rest of the roster Rock didn't address anyone else directly except Vince.

Edge, CM Punk, Christian, Del Rio, Barrett, Miz and Ziggler all know how to work the mic and 2 of them were around when the Rock was still active. Are any of them as good? No, but the 1st 3 mentioned can help others in the same way Rock and Cena's promos can. If handled badly after WM yes this can blow up in the WWE's face and make it even harder for everyone to get over, but they seem invested enough in new starts to not undercut them. And this Raw showed they're not using Rock on a weekly basis which helps. Cena's promo was good, but against Rock every week? I don't think he's ready.

So far they're being smart. We'll see how it goes...
It's been PG for how long now? It's not going to hurt to slowly raise the bar to pg13 or something. All the young kids wouldn't know what they was talking about and all the "tweens" would of found it funny. haven't you heard some of the jokes that are said at school? I don't think it was out of line, It made it more of a family context by him not saying it obviously.
let me start with first time poster long time reader.. the only reason i signed up was for these 2 comments..

But what resemblance does Cena have to a pinwheel exactly? Take this into the consideration of the base of complaints, which is ultimately kids.

1) A kid might say to a teacher/parent "go ahead and blow me" and not have a pinwheel, and it leads back to Cena.
2) Oversensitive parents mightn't what kids to hear such a sexual term, like it or not, saying "blow me" will be sexual.

I haven't actually seen that movie but I'm guessing Brokeback Mountain is where the cowboys had sex, so he's saying that Rock isn't escaping from which mountain, but in fact 'living' on Brokeback mountain as a gay cowboy.

Maybe Rock, in his new movie, isn't actually a cleaner/janitor, then all Cena said is Rock is polishing his testicles. I don't know what movie Cena was referring to, but I searched "dwayne johnson bowling movie", it came up with faster.

That has nothing to do with bowling, so Cena just ultimately said Rock rubs his testicles.

Come on dude.. How old are you? 3? You're getting worked up over a brokeback mountain reference? tell me how many kids between the ages of 4-10 actually know what "brokeback mountain" is? As for the purple wheel.. really? that reference offended YOU? Grow up champ, most of us here seem to see the humour side of things except you...

If you've got a problem with it why don't you go and make a complaint about the homosexual references(lol).. me personally i'll sit back and just enjoy it for what it is.. well thought out humour ;)
Firstly I never completely agreed with the PG rating, but understood the reasoning for it. I think with a mostly younger roster that wasn't around for most of the preceding era the transition was fairly simple. But that never meant it was the right thing or something they needed to stick with.

The Rock is not likely to be back on the regular roster and who knows what capacity he will have once WM 27 is done. The only way Cena works against an uncensored Rock is doing what he did, he was clever and did it in his way.

Yes there was lots of innuendo about ball sucking and other stuff that hasn't been heard in WWE for some time, but is that a bad thing? Do most of the people posting actually remember what brought the WWE to prominence in the first place? They were appealing to an young adult demographic and they ate it up. It was part of WWE programming for a very long time and was only phased out a few years ago. And as mentioned earlier older Cena was far from safe on the mic (hell, his finishers were the FU and the STFU) and Edge was talking about doing live sex on TV in the original incarnation of the Rated R superstar.

The real question should be whether or not this is just a build for WM 27 or a taste of things to come? So far, only Rock and Cena appear to be pushing this envelope.

So going back to one of the initial questions, is it safe for PG TV? Maybe not, but how much does that matter? If Vince wants to push the envelope, then let him. If not then this will get things buzzing like they haven't in a long time (like this very forum) and when Vince thinks it's time to put it to rest, it'll be done and many will forget it ever happened.

I always thought they stressed the PG thing (changing the names of finishers for starters) too much anyway. We can have Vickie playing an attention starved widower looking for physical affection from anyone that will give it in exchange for title shots but cena can't insinuate rock to suck his balls after rock called him a turd? Hell Kane's dad Paul Bearer can be storyline killed but this is a problem? Where exactly are we drawing the line with PG TV?

It's all entertainment folks. did the promos Rock and Cena give entertain? Absolutely. Will Cena continue down this trail after this is done? Well, last night he said it was a one time thing, so at present it doesn't look like it. Which also indicates this may not last past Mania.

So my counter question is why does this seem to matter so much?
I think that was Cena being real smart.

I mean a 5-years old could watch all those thing while having no idea about these jokes being gay.Well Done.
to say that cena would humiliate orton and miz is totally untrue! they are all good on the mic in there own way which fits their gimic so no it is not bad

I don't know what episodes of RAW you've been watching but Orton is really not good on the mic at all. I agree with the person who's already quoted you in saying he probably is one of the worst main eventers on the mic in a long, long time.

I actually thought Cena's promo was better than the Rock's but as someone else said of course in the long run Rock would win the war of words because he is the best talker the business has ever seen.
As many others have said, innuendo does not violate anything.

If the kids ask about the jokes, just tell them it's "adult humor" that they will understand when they're older.

Also, if you have a problem with innuendo jokes, but not with grown men beating each other to a pulp you are, in the words of Jericho and CM Punk, a hypocrite. How about the PARENTS take some responsibility for explaining to their kids what they are watching, instead of blaming every fault they make on TV, ratings and society...



(In case the video doesn't load: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BjDmEhbPLY )
I have been reading these forums for about 2 years now and there were moments where I felt that I should register and state my opinion. But yesterday was something else in my eyes because when Cena had his rapper gimmick I was a huge fan of his, now...meh. I was laughing my ass off when he was rapping, and I am hoping that this is the start of a bit of some attitude for WWE. Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for the days of blood all over the ring, head shots, and unnecessary cursing. However, I would like to see the WWE allow wrestlers more freedom when it comes to their promos and matches. Last night was epic, and it reminded us just how good Cena can be on the mic. I also think that some people are unfair in their assessment when is comes to comparing talent and how good they are on the mic, because guys like The Rock and Austin were basically free to speak as they wished. These days promo's are HEAVILY scripted and on top of that aren't very believable. An angry John Cena is not going to say "I'm going to beat you up," it's just not believable coming from a grown man, but if he says "I'm gonna kick ure ass" then it adds that sense of reality because that's how a normal grown man would act when he is pissed off. As I said before I'm not trying to relive the Attitude Era because that will probably never be repeated, but let things be what they are and imo wrestling should not be PG.

I remember a few years back there was a show on CBS called Jericho, and after the first season the network decided to cancel the show. But some really die hard fans rallied together and decided to flood the network's mailbox with nuts. So the fans literally starting sending nuts to CBS, and they renewed the show for a second season. Something similar happened on another occasion and I forget what it was, but I mention this because I believe that if there are enough people tired of PG limiting our WWE experience, I believe something can be done about that if we united and did something about it. I don't hate PG I think in some ways it is good, but I also think that having the show go back to TV-14 while keeping the positive things the PG era bought could be useful.
For me the issue isn't regarding the PG rating and it's merits but more with what the calgary kid said:

'With the media raising awareness to anti-gay violence and bullying as a bad thing, it's kind of a conflict of interest to have supposed role models telling kids that "this guy is less of a man than I am and you should boo for him because he probably likes to have sex with guys".

I think using such homophobia, no matter how subtle or hidden behind innuendo, should be unacceptable no matter what age group the show is aimed at. It's not about not being able to take a joke; stating the rock is less of man because he may be gay is not too dissimilar from stating another wrestler is less of man because he is black. There's ways to be effective in a promo and I think in this day and age, using reasoning in the quote above, the WWE should know better
No, it wasn't out of line.

You ever hear of 'gradual change'? That may be what they're doing. I mean, did WWE go from cussing and raunchiness to kid friendly programming overnight? I didn't watch back then, but I'm sure it was gradual.

They're testing the waters if they are trying to do it gradually. If they are, then you'll see it little by little here and there.
Oh for the love of Christ. I am sick to death of hearing about "PC" bullshit. People need to get their heads out of their asses. Plus, this is about the rating. It did NOT go over the line of PG standards.

Why are all the Cena bashers not mentioning the numerous uses of "ass" and "son of a bitch" and everything the Rock said? I personally, while enjoying the Rock's promo (both promos actually), felt more sympathy towards the parents during his promo because of all the swearing he was doing.

Cena's bit was done well w/in the guidelines. Period. Think about PG movies and innuendo. That's basically how a PG movie can get a PG rating but still appeal to an older demographic. Good Lord, does anybody even think before they speak these days, or do they just sit and wait to find something, ANYTHING, to bitch about?

Cena's promo was fine. And to all the other PC idiots that have a burr up their ass and can't handle a couple of homosexual innuendo jokes while gay pride parades have guys prancing around 95% naked in the streets or wearing ass-less chaps in front of kids, for fuck's sake get your priorities straight. And blow me like a purple pinwheel too.
At RAW John Cena made a return to his rapping days.I actualy enjoied watching Cena and for a momment I thought about how great it will be to see The Thuganomics Cena.

The word batle betwen him and The Rock could great(altough The Rock is on his own level).Plus I don't see any other way for Cena to stay with The Great One in his current character.So what I want to know is:

Do you want Cena to return to his rapping character?

Do you want to see The Rock vs Rapping Cena in a mic batle?

Do you think a rapping Cena will bring back some of his male fans?
The wrapping delivery was hokey. I think Cena's message would have been better delivered just talking. Putting the rapping aside, John Cena is right. The Rock is absolutely back for the money. He really doesn't care about the fans. His movie roles must have dried up for now. I loved seeing The Rock. It was the greatest thing to happen in WWE in many years. The Rock is more entertaining that Cena by leaps and bounds. But Cena is here for the long haul. I think The Rock was so offended because he know that Cena is right. Why did it take seven years to come back? The rapping was pretty bad but the message was right on the money.
Now Im not a Cena fan. But I don't mind seeing him back to his old Thuganomic Days, but only as a heel. And a Rap Battle with the Rock? Although the Rock ain't no Rapper, he'll clown Cena anyway.....So what's the point? And I don't think his gimmick will increase the male audience, or more of a fan base that are male. Either you like him, or you don't.

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